29 September 2011
LifePuzzle project

Mail us about your life, on a 8cm x 8cm square.
Use any technique.
When we'll have an exhibition, we'll make a huge picture.
So it must be colorful.
Deadline: 29.02.2012.
Send your works (with LifePuzzle sign) to:
H-2113, Erdokertes
Bathori 1.
We'll put it up here:
25 September 2011
The Female Nude
24 September 2011
A Tribute To John Lennon
MAIL ART CALL :: 2011 A Tribute To John Lennon
An important event that, promoted by Sílvia Soares Art Gallery, invites all the around world artists to participate on this Tribute to John Lennon. Art Work can be painting, sculpture, drawing, photograph,stamps, poems or any other objects associated to the theme.
Exhibition from 3 December to 31 December. Opening in 3 December, 9 p.m.
Deadline : 30 NOVEMBER 2011
At the end of the exhibition, Sílvia Soares Art Gallery will send documentation to all ARTISTS.
Send to:
Galeria Arte Sílvia Soares
projecto John Lennon
Travessa Dona Maria Costa Basto, 116
4430-382 Vila Nova de Gaia
For info e-mail Sílvia Soares : artista_silviasoares@hotmail.com
19 September 2011
Info at not.terryreid@hotmail.com
은밀한 교환
You are invited to pARTicipate
by sending secrets by mail to the gallery project
The SECREt eXCHANGE is displayed at the Tell Me Tell Me survey exhibition
organized by the National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Australia
please send to
Tell Me Tell Me SECRETS
National Museum of Contemporary Art in Seoul, Korea
San 58-4, Makgye-dong
Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do
Seoul, Korea 427-701
your work accepted from now and throughout the exhibition
up to DEADLINE of 19 FEBRUARY 2012****
Please send Secrets in any medium.
(secrets, about secrets, your secrets, other’s secrets, secrets that please, secrets that release, secrets that make you free,)
Your ENVELOPES* containing secrets are for display in the exhibition. Gallery visitors may select from these envelopes on the condition that they themselves reveal secrets in exchange. Their secrets will be posted back to the corresponding artists selected; and this ongoing process of ‘selection’ will continuously alter the display throughout the period of the two exhibitions.
In addition to your secrets, please include an INFORMATION PAGE*** for our reference with each envelope (A4 or Legal Size). This page is for our records and will be removed from the envelope. The page should include the following:
1. Name, address, email contact, facebook address, etc.
2. Name of your work.
3. How did you hear about The SECREt eXCHANGE? (from which person(s) and by which means: email, facebook, IUoMA, blog, etc)
4. What are the areas of your ‘practise’ (in prioritized order)?
5. Other information, verbal or visual, of your choice, including back of the page.
A margin for book-binding of 4 cm (roughly 1 ¾”) should be left empty on the left-hand side of the page and the bottom 1/3 of the page should be left empty for our notation. The backs of sheets may also be used for any additions of your choice.
Exchanged secrets and documentation will be sent to you.
Please pass this invitation on by all means at your disposal (facebook, email, rumour).
......additional details...............................................................................................................................................
Re: ENVELOPE SIZE (*) Standard business envelope sizes are our preferred maximum; however, there is no restriction.
Re: FACEBOOK/THE SECRET EXCHANGE List your participation by Liking the SECREt eXCHANGE in FaceBook at ( http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/SECREt-eXCHANGE/204968246197476?sk=info);
establish a record of your work by scanning, photographing, copying relevant parts (tantalizing, intriguing) for your own pages and ours by Friending us in FaceBook
at (https://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/profile.php?id=100000748977585) ,
or send to not.terryreid@hotmail.com. We also suggest that you keep copies of work for your own exhibitions, publication, publicity, other and archival purposes. Your responses re: SECREt Exchange can also be lodged at http://IUoMA.org/.
Note: The SECRET EXCHANGE is an ongoing project, first publicly implemented in 1976, it will be continuing into the future in morphing form, guise, disguise.
(declarative voice)
Secrets are everywhere:
Social Science unmasks restraints,
Journalists blow the whistle,
Insiders leak to the press,
Secrets waver between
concealment and revelation, are
probed and shielded, yield equally to
moral concern and ethical goose-chases
or resist both with obedience,
blind or otherwise. Secrets are the
stuff of State and Mind, from A for
autobiography to Z for Zealot.
Select artists’ secrets, i.e.: is a
secret, acts as or is like a secret,
refers to secrets or requests them,
masquerades as or masks a secret.
secrets of money, love, etc
grigori antonin
18 September 2011
photobooth performance
If you want to participate in the next photobooth book, mail in four photobooth style photos with dialogue bubbles documenting a photobooth performance by November 30thm 2011
PhotoBooth Book,
PO Box 1424,
Jupiter, FL 33468
For quality control, no electronic submissions please - original photobooth or photobooth like photos only - no copies! No returns. Future exhibitions to be announced to participants. Be sure to use the prescribed format - 4 photobooth style image size and include dialog bubbles.
Steps for submission:
1. Take/make 4 photos of your photobooth performance.
2. Put this in an envelop - do not email
3. On a piece of paper draw dialogue bubbles for talk, think and/or holler (or you can collage from the ones provided at http://ginnylloyd.blogspot.com)
Make sure you indicate which bubble goes with each photo.
4. Clearly print your text in the bubble(s).
5. Add the paper to the envelop.
6. Mail envelop to PO Box 1424, Jupiter, Florida 33468 USA
17 September 2011

Please send me your mail artwork on the subject:
Berlín, 37°C: En cada esquina un gabinete de depilación; en el metro carteles publicitan el ideal de un cuerpo tratado por láser; en las revistas los anuncios prometen axilas libres de vello durante más tiempo como sine qua non; en los foros de Internet aconsejan aliviar el dolor al depilarse las cejas aplicando hielo, y en la tele: ni una sola pierna, ni una sola axila con vello. ¿Más bella con cera?
Con el proyecto mail-art BEINFREIHEIT (LIBERTAD PARA LAS PIERNAS) quiero comunicar cuestiones relativas al tema del vello corporal: Les invito a plasmar sus ideas, asociaciones y preguntas relativas a este tema en una postal, sea en forma de texto, collage, dibujo o pintura.
Berlin, 37°C: an jeder Straßenecke eine Epilationspraxis, in der U-Bahn Plakate, die das Ideal gelaserter Körper bewerben, Anzeigen in Zeitschriften, die länger glatte Achseln als absolutes must have versprechen, Schmerzen beim Augenbrauenzupfen werden - so raten Internetforen - mit Eis gekühlt, im Fernsehen: nicht ein behaartes Bein, nicht eine behaarte Achsel (mehr). Wax dich schön?
Das Mail- Art Projekt BEINFREIHEIT möchte Fragen zum Thema Körperhaar kommunizieren: auf Postkarten können Sie eigene Gedanken, Assoziationen sowie Fragen formulieren, sei es als Text, Collage, Zeichnung, Malerei. Die Postkarten werden in der virtuellen Postkarten - Collection im Internet gezeigt.
Berlin, 37° C, na każdym rogu ulicy gabinet depilacji, w metrze plakaty, ktore reklamują ideał lazerowanego ciała, ogłoszenia i czasopisma, ktore obiecują długie gładkie pachy jako absolutne „Must Have”; bόl przy wyrywaniu brwi nalezy – tak radzą strony internetowe – schłodzić lodem, w telewizji: żadnej owłosionej nogi, żadnej owłosionej pachy: Wywoskuj się na bόstwo?
Mail-Art projekt „Beinfreiheit” („Wolność Nogi”) chce zaprosić do dyskusji na temat „Owłosienie”. Na pocztόwkach do 02.02.2022 państwo mogą formułować przemyślenie, skojarzenie lub pytania w formie tekstu, collage`u, rysunku, malarstwa. Pocztόwki będą wyeksponwane w ramach wystawy „Beinfreiheit” w „Ewa Frauenzentrum” w Berlinie. Poza tym będą eksponowane w wirtualnej kolekcji pocztόwek (Postkarten Collection) w internecie.
Golden Rabbit Call - Carla Cryptic - USA

see: http://tinyurl.com/3k4ne6k
I was born in the year of the golden rabbit and this year is only the second time that particular combination has come around in my lifetime. To celebrate, I am hosting a yearlong Year of the Golden Rabbit Mail Art Call.
So far, I've received rabbit mail (via post and in a group dedicated to the call at IUOMA) from 105 people, 211 pieces in all. They are from:
Argentina , Australia , Belgium , Brazil , Canada , France , Germany , Greece , Italy , Japan , Mexico , People's Republic of China (ShangHai & Hong Kong) , Portugal , South Africa , Spain , The Netherlands , Ukraine , United Kingdom , United States (several states and Puerto Rico).
These are works from the show.
I will add to this set as well as make print documentation (and possibly a webpage) for all who participate by the end of January 2012.
If you'd like to join us, send your rabbit-related art to:
Carla Cryptic,
PO Box 1274,
Berkeley CA 94701,
16 September 2011
IUOMA logo's

I collect all logo's that were made for IUOMA (see http://www.iuoma.org). They are published on a blog (see:http://iuomalogos.blogspot.com/ , but I intend to use them also in a book that is being prepared. If you have any logo's (and add the name of the creator), I am most happy to receive them at info@iuoma.org or you can also send prints and designs to:
P.O. Box 1055
4801 BB Breda
The IUOMA started in 1988 and has it's own Social Network at: http://iuoma-network.ning.com/ where almost 2000 members arrange their activities from that place. We expect two celebrations soon: The 2000th member, and also in November the 3 year on NING.
Thanks for your sendings!
Ruud Janssen
Credits logo beside this text: Wackystuff (Canada) made this in 2010.
stop making cents
Save the Mail
1304 N. Beeline Hwy #29
Payson AZ 85541
This will provide a platform to show support for the post office, and I'm sure the postal workers will enjoy seeing mail art of this nature. More info about the post office here: http://www.savethepostoffice.com/
I am asking women to define the word WOMAN, not based on what a dictionary says, but on the woman’s personal experiences. I will incorporate these definition submissions into an editioned hand-bound artist dictionary. I hope to receive submissions from women on every continent. Through this project I will engage with other women around the world and across cultures and create a contemporary definition of who we as women
Please fill out the attached form if you wish to participate and return the form to me by email. You can also contact me for more information
Sherri Blase
Sblase1 at gmail.com
Definition Submission Form
Please provide your own definition for the word WOMAN:
What color do you associate with the word WOMAN?
Your full name (as you want it to appear) for acknowledgement in the book:
In what country do you reside?
By submitting this completed Definition Submission Form to Sherri Blase, you are
agreeing that Sherri Blase may reproduce and edit your words and submission, in any
format, in an artist book. I reserve the right to create digital copies of the artist book at a
later date.
Please pass this along to any women you think would be interested in contributing to the project.
12 September 2011
Book of Ann
Who is Ann? For me she is a real person.
For you she's a mythical femail.
Let's construct together the book of Ann!
How does she feel?
How does she thinks?
How does she act?
Is she a rebel?
Is she a mother?
Is she the salt of the earth?
Free size and medium. Text and poems are also welcome. Deadline for contributions is 31 December 2011.
All the contributions will be united in a time capsule.
Documentation on this blog: http://thebookofann.blogspot.com/
Unfriendly femail mail art will be banned.
Mail address: The book of Ann, c/o Guido Vermeulen, Thomas Vinçottestreet 81, B-1030 Brussels, Belgium
Email: signsstones@yahoo.com
Face of Jesus Exhibition
Send your work to :
The Face of Jesus
P.O. Box 1212,
Haverhill, MA, 01831
Please be creative, but respectful of the subject matter. No shock art, Jesus humor, or art that promotes hate aimed at any group or individual.
Thank you to every mailartist/artist who has sent in work to make this Show an Event that everyone is talking about and enjoying. Invite other artists to participate and help me to bring a Mailart Exhibition that is open to everyone and ultimately is meant to bring hope, brotherhood, and love to all.
10 September 2011
The Diary of a Young Girl
Theme: a Mailart exhibition dedicated to Anna Frank and to International Holocaust Remembrance Day. January 27th, 1945: death camp Auschwitz was liberated
Size and technique free
No jury, no returns, no fees
Exhibition in 2012 in Giulianova, Italy
Documentation online gallery and catalogue to all participant if it will possibile (because of sponsor)
All works via post, no email please.
Info: daliobaracchi@hotmail.com or image000@libero.it
Deadline to be received January 2nd, 2012
Isabella Branella
via Giardino 12
I- 64021 Giulianova Lido
Open Call for MailArtists and MicroPoets (Artists, Designers, Photographers and Poets)
to participate in a MailArt Collaboration Project entitled MEDIZEN
at AIRY Gallery in Kofu-City, Japan during Autumn 2011.
MEDIZEN is a play on the idea of Zen Meditation as a form of medicine,
presented as a Synodic Moon (Mood) Calendar
thirty paintings representing the Moon's 29.5 day journey from new to full, and back again.
Click here to a look at the MEDIZEN Paintings
Imagine yourself sitting in the chair you find in the painting you choose.
Find yourself transported to that world, Alice-in-Wonderland-style!
Express your sensory experience on a postcard :-
In the form of
MailArt and/or MicroPoetry
inspired by your Medizen experience.
Click here to find out more about MAILART and click here to find our more about MICROPOETRY.
You might also find inspiration looking at these MEDIZEN Composites pages.
Competition runs from 5th September to 2nd October but the earlier you get your postcards in,
the more votes they could get at the Festival, which begins 23rd September, so get designing!
Entries will be on display in the AIRY Gallery during the build up to the festival
and will be exhibited online on the julieajoules website (here)
Entries will be exhibited at the Kofu International Art Festival from 23rd September to 2nd October 2011.
The MailArt section will be adjudicated by the panel of artists that form the board of AIR-Y,
co-ordinated by artist Izumi Sakomoto, from a selection of finalists
selected by visitors to the Kofu International Arts Festival.
The MicroPoetry section will be adjudicated by founder of the VEC,
Peformance Poet Rod Summers.
Winners will be announced on the 10th October. There will be one overall winner in each category.
Both winners will receive a stationery set of both the winning works in the form of:
a set of postcards (5 of each), 2 matching notepads (one of each)
and 2 photofinish notebooks, one blank (MailArt winner cover) and one lined (MicroPoetry winner cover).
Entrance is free.
You may enter as many times as you wish, in either or both categories.
Nasty stuff will be ignored or suitably disposed of.
Poetry postcards should be submitted in English;
although all language submissions will be considered,
they will be adjudicated on the basis of form only if no translation is provided.
The Judges’ decisions are final. Judging is blind, based on the front of the postcard only.
Please do not include signatures or other identifying marks on the front of your postcard!
On the back of your postcard, remember to include:
The number of the Medizen painting that inspired your design or poem (e.g. MOON01).
Your postal address, if you would like a postcard in return.
Your email address, if you would like your work to be included in the gallery and e-shop of the julieajoules website.
2-37-2 Marunouchi,
Kofu-city, Yamanashi 400-0031
The visual poet julieajoules will be in residence at AIRY in Japan during Autumn 2011.
A photolog diary will be updated on a Wednesday and Sunday starting 7th September until 30th October, see that photolog here.
During the residency, self-directed work includes:
working with Medizen through thirty consecutive days (poems and photography),
practising spoken Japanese and refitting the e-shop.
Walking, bus and train travel : observing Koyo (Autumn colours).
Gallery-based work includes:
an artist talk on 24 September and a workshop on 1st October,
as well as participation in the Art Festival.
9 September 2011
Honoring the Shadow
Honor your shadow by giving it visual form.
All mediums are welcome.
Deadline: December 31 2011.
Artworks will be permanently displayed on my website.
Send to:
Honoring the Shadow
c/o David Aronson
3330 Dogwood Dr.
Willow Grove, PA 19090
Call for Mail Art
Size, Technique Free
No Jury, No Returns
Deadline 20 November 2011
Documentation to all
To be exhibited during the
“Insert Coin – Retrogaming 2011″ Exhibition ( info at http://insertcoin.verdebinario.org )
Post artwork to:
Insert Coin
Galleria Nazionale c/o Palazzo Arnone
Via Gian Vincenzo Gravina
87100 Cosenza
- - -
Videogame is going to be the next medium to be considered an art form per se. “Insert Coin” features at the same time technological artefacts, modern, and more “traditional” works (paintings, installations and performances) and an exposition of Postal Art. The immaterial sculpture of software meets the physics of Mail Art in the concept of playable network. :)