31 December 2009
New board by Ryosuke Cohen - Japan
All the people have the right to discuss the beginning and the end of the space.
RYOSUKE COHEN 3-76-1-A-613 yagumokitacho moriguchi-city osaka 570 japan
e-mail: braincell@k6.dion.ne.jp
When we encounter well-designed cars and buildings, we are impressed by them, and do really admire the talent of their designers and architects. I sometimes devise logotypes and visual poetry, and when completed, I feel satisfied with it. However, now I would like to think of much more principle theme together with artists : space,atoms and others. This is the reason I opened a bulletin board. All the people have the right to discuss the beginning and the end of the space. Don't hesitate to put your idea on it about my bulletin board.
30 December 2009
Theme : EARTH
Format: Free
Deadline: 10.10.2010
No jury – documentations to all
Exhibition : Letras & Cia – bookstore and on line
Organization ; Nádia Poltosi
Contact: nadia@ufrgs.br
Also, sendo info about your profile ( name, andress and a-mail) so we can keep in touch..
Send your work to:
AV; Jeronimo de Ornelas, 188 ap. 1004
Porto Alegre – RS- BRASIL
Nádia Poltosi
28 December 2009
Heike Sackmann - Germany
see: http://bzw-plus-n.blogspot.com/
26 December 2009
Mail Art Congress 1986 + 6 =
Decentralized World Wide Networker Congress 1992 + 6 =
Incongruous Meetings 1998 + 6 =
Obscure Actions 2004 + 6 =
a year of artistic detoxification
do you feel oppressed by too many art invites and projects?
tired of being burdened and clogged by bad art toxins?
every time two or more artists meet in 2010 to discuss and/or promote a therapeutic ecology of art, you have a session of ART DETOX
1- think about all the art excesses that prevent you from having a pure and healthy creative life
2 - conceive and organize your own private or public ART DETOX session
3 - document it and share it with others on http://artdetox2010.ning.com
approved by
the N-tity
The League of Serious Mail Artists
14 Secret Masters of the World
BAU / Punto Esponenziale
coming soon (in the participants' mailbox):
ARTE POSTALE! 100 magazine & KLANG! catalogue
22 December 2009
20 December 2009
the IUOMA logo Project
In 1988 the idea of the IUOMA was born. In 2002 a Yahoo group was started. In November 2008 the IUOMA platform http://iuoma-network.ning.com/ became the home for the now over 800 members.
Some concepts and old logo’s are represented here below.
The steps to create a new logo are:
1. Members create concepts and logo’s that can be used (already a selection is added to the website). More can follow during the project.
2. A group of Media Design Students at Radius College in Breda, the Netherlands, will choose from these designs and come with suggestions of logo’s that are possible for the house style of the IUOMA. (they will make the concepts into usable logo's by using the right software tools to make correct versions of the logo)
3. There will be a formal voting by the IUOMA members on the Platform to choose the logo for their Union
4. The logo will be implemented on the websites, paperwork and other PR-materials that the Union is planning to issue.
Contact Details:
P.O. Box 1055
4801 BB Breda
e-mail: info@iuoma.org
URL: http://iuoma-network.ning.com/
18 December 2009
The Françoise Giroud Library of Castries (France) organizes from January 4th to January 31st 2011 a Mail art exhibition. We therefore send out a call for contributions on the following subject : Red.
Please send your work before November 1rst 2009 to the following address :
Art postal – Rouge
Médiathèque Françoise Giroud
15 avenue de la Cave coopérative
All works will be displayed during the exhibition at the end of the year, as well as on the Library's website at the following address :
in the "Action culturelle et pédagogique / Art postal" section.
No jury, no fee, no return. Postal delivery only.
17 December 2009
Ray Johnson's last answer...

More details: http://www.iuoma.org/interview.html
Body and Copy
CUBA /April
BRASIL / May-June
CHILE / December
See: www.hoteldada.com
Book-catalog for all the artists in December 2010...
13 December 2009
War is over

Join in in this project of Yoko Ono to celebrate 40 years!
12 December 2009
Piranha Betty
Deadline: June 30, 2010
Mail to:
Piranha Betty
c/o David Aronson
3330 Dogwood Dr.
Willow Grove, PA 19090
11 December 2009
No Commercial Potential
No Commercial Potential
The production of an art that fits exclusively one’s own creative needs without stooping to compromises to make it a consumer good
Formato: libero / Format: free
Technique free: 2 & 3 d, music, video, performance, poetry and small stories(on digital support)
Scadenza 10 dicembre 2010/ deadline: 2010, December 10th
nessuna restituzione, nessuna tassa, nessuna selezione,nessuna giuria / no return, no fee, no selection, no jury
(No pornography please)
I lavori vanno spediti al seguente indirizzo: / Works should be sent at the following address:
Maurizio Follin, Via M.te Cervino, 27
30173 Favaro V.to - Venezia - Italy
indicando nome, cognome, nazionalità ed indirizzo dell'artista + indirizzo e-mail (per l’invio della documentazione finale) ed eventuale sito web
please insert name, surname, country, address + e-mail address (for notification of final documentation) and web site if exist.
Tutti i lavori devono essere spediti per posta con affrancatura postale / All works must be send by post with postage stamps.
Catalogo on-line su sito: / On line catalogue on the website: http://itsonlymailartnocommercial.blogspot.com/
Catalogo in pdf scaricabile a cura di / pdf catalog by : Claudio Romeo
Esposizioni (in data da definire) presso / Exibition:
Galleria Terre Rare - Bologna
Garage N.3 Gallery - Venezia Mestre
Spazio espositivo "Barrique" - Scriò di Dolegna del Collio GO
Evento organizzato in collaborazione con / Event organized in collaboration with:
DodoDada Arte Postale - http://dododada.ning.com/
Terre Rare - http://http://www.terrerare.net/
Ambasciata di Venezia : http://www.artistampnews.com/dated_calls/html/italian_calls.html
Reantà Non Ordinaria - http://realtano.it/
10 December 2009
Size: A4 or A5.
Any medium.
Deadline: December 31st. 2009.
Any theme (See some suggestions)
Send to:
Miguel Jimenez - El Taller de Zenón C/ Santa Maria de Guia 1 - 4C ES-41008 Sevilla, España
Eroticism always had been one of the motors of human being ¿Is it still a motor at the present time? ¿Was it affected by the actual global crisis? Consider the option to work about eroticism as a theme in all the possible ways, the requiered size is suitable to develop it, and it will be interesting to prove how the actual crisis is affecting eroticism in connection with Postal Art.
Los sellos nacen reunidos en Hojas, Bloques o Planchas y se desprenden de ellos cuando cumplen la edad adulta…
Crea una o varias planchas de sellos de artista con cualquier tema y técnica.El Taller de Zenon te enviará algunos de sus bloques creados recientemente y los sellos de artista recibidos se exhibirán progresivamente en nuestro blog.
Tamaño A4 o A5.
Cualquier técnica.
Fecha límite 31 dic 2009.
Tema libre ( Ver sugerencias)
Enviar a :
Miguel Jimenez - El Taller de Zenón C/ Santa Maria de Guia 1 - 4C ES-41008 Sevilla, España
El erotismo siempre ha sido uno de los motores del ser humano. ¿Sigue siéndolo en estos tiempos, le ha afectado la actual crisis mundial? Considera la opción de trabajar sobre el tema del erotismo en todas sus variantes, el tamaño del sello se adapta perfectamente al tema y resultará interesante comprobar cómo está afectando la crisis actual al erotismo en el arte postal.
9 December 2009
“ E.ART “
Civitanova Marche
(MC) - Italy
We have reached a considerable number of envelopes to the participation expectations
MAIL ART “SPORT AND ART” The invitation is renewed in order to participate to the manifestation.
it is I turn over to 80 European and International countries.
> The artist does not have to pour no quotas participation
> (deadline: 31- decembre - 2009)
>It regards the realization of an envelope (or more envelopes)
-the dimensions cm. 23 x 18
-technique-free -paint- on the facade of the envelope.
(the surface to be painted on)
Finished the artistic job, one joins:
Sender : .................................................................
-Adressee-where it is sent: Cultural Association "E.ART"..........
-the stamp and the postal cancellation. / Thanks
>>> For example you see the site: www.eartcultura.org
>We kindly ask you to write us inside the envelope:
-your e-mail address, -your personal data,
-eventually your biography and artistic informations.
>The realized envelope (art of the mail: the sport and the art)
are sent with regular mail.
(the artists generally insert the realized envelope complete
of addresses, of the cancellation-postal stamp/within an other envelope
and she is sent for having the certainty that arrives to the destination.)
The realized envelopes will be conserved as patrimony of Association “E.ART”
and successively second the several manifestations in course will be exposed
in Galleries of Art and Museums, of Rome, Bologna, France etc.
In order to disseminate this type of artistic current and to introduce the authors.
We wish to Thank a lot everyone that will participate.
We wish to Thank a lot everyone that will participate.
Eufrasia Cordone
(President of Association "E.ART")
Cultural Association "E.ART"
Via Castelfidardo, 72
62012 - Civitanova Marche
(MC) - Italie
Telefone: +39 / 0733-817194
Cellular: +39 / 393-5134305
from the Wednesday to Sunday
from the 17,30 to the 20.30
Last chance to send M O N E Y
M O N E Y mail-art call
Money appears to be disappearing at an alarming rate, so I am challenging Mail-Artists everywhere to pick up the slack and make their own. Of course I'm not encouraging anyone to counterfeit cash, but to create bills that would exist in a more perfect world.
Mail to:
6l5 Foul Bay Road
Victoria BC, V8S4H2
Call documented here: http://mailartmoney.blogspot.com/
7 December 2009
GREEN SEEN Mail Art, Call for Submissions

The Wendell Free Library invites you to send a postcard size art work for our mail art exhibit, GREEN SEEN. Green – sustainability, conservation, freecycle, the color….. All techniques and media welcome. Participants’ mail art works will be displayed as soon as they are received at the library. Mail art will be documented at the library website and contributors will receive a printed documentation. Ongoing exhibit will end in June and works will become part of a permanent art collection at the Wendell Free Library.
Deadline for receiving works is March 21, 2010.
Maximum postcard size, 5 ½ x 8 ½ in. / 13.97 x 21.59 cm.
Send works to:
Wendell Free Library
P. O. Box 236
Wendell, MA 01379 USA
Co-Curators: Christine Tarantino & Richard Baldwin, artists and Wendell residents
6 December 2009
3 December 2009
30 November 2009
The Landscape
Subject: the landscape
It sends by postal mail the landscape of his preference: urban, marine, aerial, poetic, photographic, imaginary, abstract, surrealistic,etc. Small format: (10 x 15 cms.)
Technique: free (if he is digital to send copy printed by postal mail)
Deadline: February, 28 of 2011
The sent works (without return) will be published in:
Eliso Arte Correo: http://osile.blogspot.com
El Mundo Del Paisaje: http://elisomundopaisaje.blogspot.com
By each sent work another one will be sent (my work)
Eliso Ignacio Silva
Apartado 67011
Caracas 1061 -
29 November 2009
Robert Rehfeldt Article
here is the English translation of my article on Robert Rehfeldt that I wrote for SpiegelOnline. You can find the pictures in the article at:
We furthermore opened the Mail Art exhibition "20 years since the Fall of the Wall - Mail Art was underground but what about today?" at Prenzlauer Berg-Museum in Berlin. More information at:
Lutz Wohlrab
25 November 2009
Mailmania 4
Media/Technique/Size: Post Cards, ATCs, Artist stamps, envelopes, or whatever will make it through the postal system.
Exhibition: Studio J, Victoria, BC, September 16-30, 2010 and Slide Room Gallery, Vancouver Island School of Art, Victoria, BC, CANADA, October 8th - November 8th, 2010 - 2549 Quadra Street, Victoria, BC, CANADA
Documentation: Online at http://mailmania4.blogspot.com/
Info: kenndal@gmail.com
Please include name, address and email
Deadline to be received: September 4, 2010
Dale Roberts
Studio J
1324 Broad Street
Victoria, BC
Otto von Bismarck
Technique/Size: free
Exhibition: In 2011, there will be a Mail Art Exhibition in Bad Kissingen, Museum Obere Saline - Bismarck Museum (Germany).
Documentation: A Press release of the event will follow the show.
Info: Roland.Halbritter@web.de
Deadline to be received: December 31, 2010.
Roland Halbritter
Muehlweg 15
97720 Nuedlingen
It’s Only Mail Art

It’s Only Mail Art invites you to partecipate in the new project 2010
No Commercial Potential
Il produrre arte che risponda esclusivamente alle proprie esigenze creative senza scendere a compromessi per renderla bene di consumo
The production of an art that fits exclusively one’s own creative needs without stooping to compromises to make it a consumer good
Formato: libero / Format: free
Tecnica libera : 2 & 3 d, musica,video, performance, poesia e brevi racconti (su supporto digitale)
Technique free: 2 & 3 d, music, video, performance, poetry and small stories(on digital support)
Scadenza 10 dicembre 2010/ deadline: 2010, December 10th
nessuna restituzione, nessuna tassa, nessuna selezione,nessuna giuria / no return, no fee, no selection, no jury
(No pornography please)
I lavori vanno spediti al seguente indirizzo: / Works should be sent at the following address:
Maurizio Follin,
Via M.te Cervino, 27
30173 Favaro V.to -
Venezia - Italy
indicando nome, cognome, nazionalità ed indirizzo dell'artista + indirizzo e-mail (per l’invio della documentazione finale) ed eventuale sito web please insert name, surname, country, address + e-mail address (for notification of final documentation) and web site if exist.
Tutti i lavori devono essere spediti per posta con affrancatura postale / All works must be send by post with postage stamps.
Catalogo on-line su sito: / On line catalogue on the website: http://itsonlymailartnocommercial.blogspot.com/
Catalogo in pdf scaricabile a cura di / pdf catalog by : Claudio Romeo
Esposizioni (in data da definire) presso / Exibition:
Galleria Terre Rare - Bologna
Garage N.3 Gallery - Venezia Mestre
Spazio espositivo "Barrique" - Scriò di Dolegna del Collio GO
Evento organizzato in collaborazione con / Event organized in collaboration with:
DodoDada Arte Postale - http://dododada.ning.com/
Terre Rare - http://http//www.terrerare.net/
Ambasciata di Venezia : http://www.artistampnews.com/dated_calls/html/italian_calls.html
Reantà Non Ordinaria - http://realtano.it/
Testi critici : Giancarlo Da Lio
22 November 2009
Dancing Through Life
Theme: Dancing Through Life
Deadline: March 6, 2010
Submit to: Jeff Ringer, P. O. Box 1031, St. Cloud, MN 56302-1031
The theme, "Dancing Through Life," can be interpreted literally or figuratively. All submitted work will be exhibited. Documentation will be mailed to all who submit. No work will be returned. All submissions will become property of StudioJeff. All mail art submitted will be exhibited in my ballroom dance studio for six weeks around March 20th which is the local art crawl. Nearly 300 people pass through my studio on that evening when my studio becomes an art gallery so submitted art will have a significant viewing. Submissions may be exhibited at other dance studios in Minnesota or elsewhere.
Questions to: jeff@studiojeff.com Info about Studiojeff at www.studiojeff.com . Videos at: www.youtube.com/studiojeffmn and www.youtube.com/scsuballroomdance
R. Jeffrey Ringer
701 St. Germain St. W. Suite 201
St. Cloud, MN
320 266-4137
20 November 2009
or any others wonders of the medieval or modern world : Mont Saint Michel, Taj Mahal, Leaning tower of Pisa, Channel Tunnel, Empire State building, Millau Viaduct etc...
Free technique - No jury - No return
Date limit : december 31th, 2010
All creations will be published on http://merveillesdumondemailart.blogspot.com/
Adresse :
Servane Morel -
Avenue Wellington, 4 -
1180 Bruxelles -
Belgium -
18 November 2009
Mini[e[MailArt No.8
the Arnolfini Mini[e]MailArt No8.: Irregular twins will close in 30 November.
If You like, please participate our e-mail art projekt. We are waiting for Your work!
Ervin Zsubori, Hungary
17 November 2009
Cranberry Days
Deadline for postal mark of April 15, 2010.
Documentation online at http://cranberrydays.blogspot.com
In the meantime send your mailart to...
Cranberry Days
PO Box 573
Dyersburg, TN 38025
Any theme is welcome except erotica art or violent art or hate mail will not be shown. Please include your email address so a link with your art on this blog can be sent to you. Brick and mortar show to be announced for late spring 2010
15 November 2009
Monster Mail
Mail Art in Puerto Rico 2010
Title: 1rst International Art Mail Exhibition of Puerto Rico 2010
Theme: Stop Child Abuse Now
Size :Postcard only A4 - 5”x 6” (105 x 148 MM) maximum.
Limitations: Two artwork by artists
Technique: free
Deadline: January 30, 2010
Exhibition: This is a traveling exhibition around universities and cultural centers of Puerto Rico with conference and Art Mail workshop
Documentation: Artworks will be visible on the blog dedicated for this call in http://1rstintlartmailpuertorico.blogspot.com/
Conditions: All artworks will be exhibited and no returns. Will be archived in the Collection of Caribbean Center of Art Mail and Visual Poetry
Information: http://caribeartecorreo.blogspot.com/
Edwin Velázquez / Coordinator / Member IOUMA
Caribbean Center of Art Mail and Visual Poetry
PO Box 8252
San Juan, PR 00910 (Puerto Rico)
14 November 2009
A Book About Death : The Video
for the exhibition A Book About Death.
Angela, a contributor to A Book About Death – see her piece for the project here – worked tirelessly
to not only learn new software applications but to curate the original show into themes and sync it all
to the music of Garry Schyman – Praan.
Bhulbona ar shohojete
Shei praan e mon uthbe mete
Mrittu majhe dhaka ache
je ontohin praan
Bojre tomar baje bashi
She ki shohoj gaan
Shei shurete jagbo ami
(Repeat 3X)
Shei jhor jeno shoi anonde
Chittobinar taare
Shotto-shundu dosh digonto
Nachao je jhonkare!
Bojre tomar baje bashi
She ki shohoj gaan
Shei shurete jagbo am
Praan (English Translation)
The same stream of life
that runs through my veins night and day
runs through the world
and dances in rhythmic measures.
It is the same life
that shoots in joy through the dust of the earth
in numberless blades of grass
and breaks into tumultuous waves of leaves and flowers.
It is the same life
that is rocked in the ocean-cradle
of birth and of death,
in ebb and in flow.
I feel my limbs are made glorious
by the touch of this world of life.
And my pride is from the life-throb of ages
dancing in my blood this moment.
Use of Garry Schyman's music for Praan – originally written for Where The Hell Is Matt? – has been generously granted by the composer.
Lyrics adapted from the poem "Stream Of Life" from Gitanjali by Rabindranath Tagore.
Music Credits: Music By Garry Schyman. Drums and Engineering Dan Blessinger. Vocals Palbasha Siddique. Guitars and bass Kevin Dukes. Concertmaster Belinda Broughton. Orchestral contractor Ross DeRoche (DeRoche Music Inc.). Vocal Contractor Melissa Nixon.
9 November 2009
8 November 2009

Howdie fellow Mail Art fans!
I'm an Australian artist working on this artwork which is a bit like an inversion of Mail Art, as it is ME who sends postcards to the willing participants.
The work attempts to join people all over the place in an 'invisible network', or an exhibition, only each person receives one artwork in their mail box.
It is also an attempt to connect in a non-electronic fashion.
Because snail mail RULZ!
Anyway, if anyone wants to participate, and get an arty postcard from Down Under, please email me your address to: aska.doll@gmail.com
There is also a Facebook group you can join, called: Mail Art Project
Thanks for your help
7 November 2009
Mail-Art to Africa
send to:
Tunde Dike,
sw7/180a,Bola Ave.Surulere,
Oke Bola,Ibadan,Oyo state,
Nigeria,West Africa.
4 November 2009
Buy Art. Not Underwear
Buy Art. Not Underwear.
The artists at Ice Cube Gallery, a brand new artists cooperative in Denver, Colorado invite you to comment on the commercial aspect of art-making.
What are the things that bind us together as artists? We disagree on everything. Aesthetics, color, line, value. What is art? What isn’t art? What is good bad ugly? One thing that united this group of artists as we started this cooperative, Ice Cube Gallery, was our desire to make it financially feasible to have this place to create, push, put out installations that get us out of our normal comfort zones.
Oscar Wilde said that when bankers get together for dinner, they discuss art. When artists get together for dinner, they discuss money. Perhaps this may be true for the fact that most artists are always thinking about how to make the money to pay for the space and materials to make the art.
Andy Warhol said that:
Making money is art
and working is art
and good business
is the best art.
I am not really sure that this is true but, he definitely reflected modern and contemporary reality. It seems as though the only way to make art that gets noticed is to play by the rules of the market.
As we were gearing up for our first group show we noticed this little tidbit in the New York Times that says- According to some economists, rising underwear sales are an indicator of easing recession.
A few of us working on getting the cooperative off the ground started to imagine ourselves in a new piece of art instead of new underwear. Some people want to Photoshop their head onto someone else’s body while holding up their art. Kathy Knaus and I started to think about creating art with our body parts that might wear underwear.
Send us a small drawing, Polaroid, or photograph of how you might interpret Buy Art. Not Underwear. -and we will start posting them in the gallery. No Deadline. We will keep posting them in the gallery as they come in.
Okay- Mail art tries to circumvent the whole commercial aspect but, as usual mail art is now part of the gallery experiece.
Ice Cube Gallery
3320 Walnut St.
Denver, CO 80205 - USA
c/ o Theresa A Anderson
2 November 2009
Sandra Valdujo
58310-000- INTERMARES
UGLY Mail Art Call
Size: no bigger than 8 in x 11 in.
Media: Free For All
Deadline: March 1, 2010
A selection will be published for viewing.
Post To:
Alison Noble
550 Lagunitas Rd. SW
Albuquerque, NM 87105
ENJOY and thanks in advance for your participation!!
1 November 2009
31 October 2009
Cafes Around the World Project

•Where is it?
•What is it like?
•Is it famous?
•What do you do there?
Your image can be a drawing, a photograph, a painting, a collage or an actual postcard of your town, city or street
The image must be approximately postcard size and can be sent with or without an envelope
Deadline: 1 April 2010
Please post your contribution to the address below, thanks!
Gandha Key
Cafes Around the World Project
6 Grenville Road
London N19 4EH
United Kingdom
e-mail: gandhakey@yahoo.com
URL: http://www.zyarts.com/cafesaroundtheworld/
30 October 2009
view from the window
Mailart-call „Blick aus dem Fenster/view from the window“
Wir möchten dokumentieren, wie Künstler heute dieses klassische Thema in Mailart umsetzen/
We want to show how artists translate this classical topic into mailart.
Technik/ technique: frei/free
Maße/size: 10 x 15 cm bis/up to 21 x 29 cm
Anzahl/quantity: max. 2 Arbeiten/max. 2 works per participant
Einsendeschluß/deadline: 31. 03. 2010
Keine Jury, kein Rückversand, keine Gebühren/ No jury, no return, no fee
Organisation: Kunstforum Weilheim/ Thorsten Fuhrmann
Ausstellung/Exhibition: Stadtmuseum Weilheim
08.05. – 30.05.2010
82362 Weilheim
Versand an/send to: Blick aus dem Fenster
c/o H.E.W galerie wielenbach
Peter-Kaufinger-Str. 18
82407 Wielenbach
Theme: A tribute for the city of Portogruaro through a project involving art through mail. The keywords chosen as the theme are the motif of its foundation, joined in a common flow.
Limit - border between earth and water, the river harbor and the trade routes, the channels and the gardens of the palaces, a constant reference to a change in system, material and color.
Exchange - not only of goods but also of colours and scents, artistic and architectural influences, mutual knowledge, therefore culture.
Sign - a condition of consent expressed in gesture, the conclusion of an agreement, a trace superimposed on many others: whose meaning is beyond the sum of the parts.
Project by Rizoo Group, Tiziana Baracchi and Pro Loco di Portogruaro
Format and dimension of work: Artwork must be square. Maximum size 21 X 21 cm
No e-mail
No returns, no jury, no fee, no sales
Exhibition in Portogruaro, 2010
Online documentation: http://www.rizoo.altervista.org
info: daliobaracchi@hotmail.com – aurogentile@tiscali.it
Deadline to be received March 31, 2010
Proloco di Portogruaro
via Cavour 33
30026 Portogruaro (VE)
28 October 2009
Two calls from Carla Cryptic - USA
My sister-in-law Jessica is a woman in her prime, a park ranger, who loves animals and has saved several dogs,birds, and horses from unkind fates over the years. Because of having had cancer several times as a child, she was unable to pursue her vocation of veterinary medicine due to exposure to x-rays in that practice but she found other ways to care for animals on her own. Now the cancer is back in force and I am gearing up to help her fight the battle to put it in its place again.
I wrote a song for and everyone who is fighting cancer or any life-threatening illness - please come have a listen! It's like Valkyries coming from the heavens to fight on your side. LOL http://www.icompositions.com/music/song.php?sid=125475
When I posted that song, and some other info about Jessica's situation on my Facebook page, I found out that my godfather Peter is also dealing with cancer but, in his case, at age 84 and in the end stages of lung cancer, he is looking for ways to let go gracefully. He doesn't want to go through invasive procedures or chemo at this point.
So, I am now hosting two calls - Mail Art for Jessica and Mail Art for Peter. Both are:
Carla Cryptic,
PO Box 1274,
CA 94701, USA
I will respond to everyone who participates with mail art from me and a particiipant list will be kept and shared with everyone here on my page.
Peace and art, Music and healing, Love in all its forms,
27 October 2009
25 October 2009
Artists in Schools - Postcards
Please send your postcards to:
Janet de Wagt
Macandrew Intermediate School
213 Macandrew Road
23 October 2009
Subject: Octopus...
Send 18 works of size 14.8 X 21 cm (A5 vertical), numbered and signed,
for making up a series of volumes with different artists in each. Each
volume will contain a minimum of 14 artworks, one per artist. Modify
each copy in order to make them unique originals. All techniques:
printings, drawings, paintings, photographs, collages...
Each participant will receive a volume.
Deadline: october, 2010.
Send your art works to:
Carlos Botana
General Sanjurjo, 62 - 2º
15006 A Coruña
Galicia - Spain
If you want to participate simply send me a postcard depicting a phobia you have in any medium. Thank you!
Deadline: March 30, 2010
Buffy Dismorr
Dingley Hill
Stanford Dingley
Reading, RG7 6JR
wackystuff sent this card because his phobia is overpopulation:
The Art of the Post Card
Help the Cornelius Post Office celebrate the joy of small works of art and personal communication.
Exhibition January 11, 2010 at the Cornelius Post Office.
Theme: The Postcard and all of it’s variations and permutations. Greetings from your home town, your missed your dental appointment, your trip to the zoo, your choice. Tell a story, make a point, make art. We would also love to see postcards that use English and Spanish.
Technique: Any
Media: All
Size: Any
No returns.
At the end of the exhibit visitors will be encouraged to take home a piece to brighten their environment.
Documentation: To All. Make sure there is a return address so that you can receive one of our postcards in return.
Send your Postcard to:
1639 Baseline St.
Cornelius, OR 97113
Poem Exchange - Reed Altemus

MAIL Art in THE World" 2010."
MAIL Art in THE World" 2010."
formed cm. 13x18 postcard. Free theme but not offensive.
expiration March 30 th 2010
All the works will be inserted on the blog to the address http://mailartfossiant.blogspot.com
Documentation to the participants.
They begs the participants to also divulge the present e-mail to other artists.
The works must be sent to the address:
Stefano Sini Fossiànt
Via del Lentischio, 50
09048 Sinnai (Ca)
16 October 2009
Collage exchange - Canada
Collage Museum 15th Collage Exchange
Collage Museum
Oct 2009
Just a quick announcement to mention that you might want to participate in the Collage Museum's 15th Baker's Dozen International Collage Exchange.
Cecil Touchon, Director
Participate in The Collage Museum's 15th International Collage Exchange
The Collage Museum's 15th Baker's Dozen International Collage Exchange deadline Oct 21 2009
Artists each make UP TO 13 collages, size 11"x14" (inches), and send them to Fort Worth, Texas, to arrive by October 21.
(you may also send as few as one)
Packages that arrive too late for the exchange will be held for the next exchange.
THEME: open
One collage is retained to be part of the permanent collection of the IMCAC, while remaining permanently on exhibition on the Museum's Internet site and possibly exhibited in future exhibitions held by the Museum.
The other 12 are distributed into parcels which are sent back to each contributing artist. So you send 13 of yours, get back 12 of others.
Certain works from the various exchanges will be selected for representing the Museum's flagship collection to be used for traveling exhibitions and as such will be framed in matching museum frames as funds are available. This prestigious flagship collection will be chosen by the director as being among the finest works in the collection and promoted as important examples of 21st century collage art.
Upcoming project - New York - Book about Death
I am putting up a selection of the artists' postcards created especially for A Book About Death collaborative project up at the Queens Museum of Art as one of a trio of exhibitions celebrating the Day of the Dead. The exhibition opens on November 1st and runs through November 15. A reception will be held on November1st from 3 to 6pm.
Selections from "A Book About Death" is an artists' collaborative project conceived by collage artist Matthew Rose (an American living and working in Paris) for the Emily Harvey Foundation in New York City where the original exhibition took place from September 10 - 22, 2009. Over 500 artists contributed 500 postcards each created from artworks made especially to create an unbound book about death in homage to Ray Johnson (father of mail art), a celebration of Emily Harvey, and a global exploration of how we celebrate memory and death. The only requirement was to include the words "a book about death" somewhere on the card. Since then, the exhibition has traveled to the Otis College of Art and Design in LA, and to the Mobius Gallery in Boston, MA, as well as becoming part of the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art and the LA County Museum of Art Research Library. The Queens Museum is presenting a selection of cards from the exhibition and are also asking the community, in an artist-led workshop, to create their own postcard about death and add it to the exhibition.
To be included in this exhibition, make a postcard and send it to: L. Weinberg, Queens Museum of Art, New York City Building, Flushing Meadows Corona Park, Queens, NY 11368.
Thanks and looking forward to seeing some great work.
Louise Weinberg
Small Talk - project
Samantha Manchester,
7 Edgeclift Road,
MD 21286
& I'll send you something genuine." I send out mail art in many different forms to participants that reveal things about myself which cannot be revealed immediately in person-to-person contact due to social barriers. I seek to destroy those barriers with this project. ;)
Anyway, I'd love more participants.
You can see a couple examples of stuff I send out at http://screwsmalltalk.blogspot.com
11 October 2009
Bed Time Stories
Theme: Childhood?
Format: write, illustrate or send an image of an original bed time story you create. Stories may also be sent via email, New media and digital art also accepted via email to: maruapestegui@gmail.com
Technique: no limitations, feel free to express yourself?
No returns. ?Documentation to all after exhibition. Please insert full address!?
Exhibition in my apartment gallery space on Dic. 19, 2009. Since this is part of a series of exhibitions for my MFA curatorial thesis project, works will also be shown in Berlin in Aug.2010. (date and location tentative upon graduation).?
Works will also be displayed at this address: http://web.me.com/mriapinto/Site
Info: maruapestegui@gmail.com
Deadline to be received: December 1, 2009??
Maru Apestegui
Collective Memory Project
P.O. Box 4458-1000
San Jose, Costa Rica
Central America
10 October 2009
Pony Express Mail Art Invitation
Modesto Art Museum
You are invited be part of the historic 150th anniversary celebrations by creating a piece of Pony Express mail art and sending it to the Modesto Art Museum for the international exhibition in April 2010. Follow the directions below.
Mail Art Theme: the Pony Express, mail delivery by horse, creative variations on the theme are encouraged
Format: Envelopes, post cards, and art stamps. We will display only the side with postage and address. We will not open envelopes or packages. Mail art must be on the outside of the envelope or postcard.
Deadline for all entries: 5 March 2010
Exhibition: Modesto, California, watch museum web site for details. Also, online exhibit on the museum Flickr site. Viewers and artists will be able to comment online about the art.
Documentation of Participation: on museum web site
Return: mail art will NOT be returned, it will become part of the museum's collection
Note: Include your mailing address on your entry for acknowledgment
Send Entries to:
Pony Express
Modesto Art Museum
404 Patrick Lane
Modesto, CA 95350 USA
More information at the museum web site, http://modestoartmuseum.org
Questions: modestoartmuseum@yahoo.com
9 October 2009
Collective Memory Project
Theme: Childhood?
Format: anything that will fit in a mail box?that reminds you of your childhood. New media and digital art also accepted via email to: maruapestegui@gmail.com
Technique: no limitations, feel free to express yourself?
No returns. ?Documentation to all after exhibition. Please insert full address!?
Exhibition in my apartment gallery space on Nov. 19, 2009. Since this is part of a series of exhibitions for my MFA thesis project, works will also be shown in Berlin in Aug.2010. (date and location tentative upon graduation).?
Works will also be displayed at this address: http://web.me.com/mriapinto/Site
Info: maruapestegui@gmail.com
Deadline to be received: November 1
, 2009??
Maru Apestegui
Collective Memory Project
P.O. Box 4458-1000
San Jose, Costa Rica
Central America
4 October 2009
Mail-Art Projects Archive
Main reason for this blog is off course to share the newest mail-art projects. The number of visitors here is quite high. Over 60 visitors each day.....
Thank you all for posting,
Ruud Janssen
3 October 2009
SAVE GAC CAVELLINI in your memory
Guidelines: postcards with the name "TEFL International" worked into the design. No other restrictions.
Deadline: May 25th, 2010.
No Returns. Documentation by email only. Open & Free to all.
All entries will be on free public display at the Siam School of English, in Ban Phe, Thailand.
For more information: www.tefllife.com or tim@tefllife.com
Mail all entries to:
Tim Torkildson. 38/53-55 Moo 1
Klaeng Muang
Rayong 21160
2 October 2009
and new blog is http://bsloveproduction.wordpress.com/
Interpret the subject any way that you like and also include a recipe of some sort.
Technique: open
Size limit: 12x12 inches
No fee
Include email address on entry
Works should be on the package, card or envelope, not inside. What is mailed is the entry.
Work will be displayed at our gallery. On line documentation at anartaffair.com and our blog, http://bsloveproduction.wordpress.com/
Hosted by An Art Affair Gallery and Art Space
Deadline: 29 July 2010
Send to:
You Are What You Eat
c/o An Art Affair
7606 North 83rd Ave
Glendale, AZ 85303
29 September 2009
(e)mail project call ....
CALL | the bed head project
i am looking for people to participate in my photographic project.
it's all about bed head. all i need is a photo of your best bed head
emailed to me at:
please include your first name.
i have created a blog at:
that i will be using to showcase all the photos i am sent. my hope is that
you will not be shy + send me your head shot.
27 September 2009
15 September 2009
WORLD FAST - post flux proust

Il mondo è veloce. Facciamo posta nel flusso con Proust. Inseriamo la nostra poesia visiva lenta nel flusso veloce che percorre il mondo. Proust con gli occhiali scuri che riflettono e filtrano l'esterno. Diamoci spazio interiore per riflettere e creare con lentezza. Marcel con i baffi di fine ottocento, con le sue pose studiate per diventare mito, icona, statua... Il volto di oggi è come una maschera per i sentimenti di ieri: facciamo posto alla posta che fluisce dopo il pasto, quando entriamo in pista, dopo un piatto di pasta...
The world is fast. We enter in the fluxus with Proust. We insert our visual poetry slow in the fast flux travelling the world. Proust with dark glasses that reflect and filter out. Let's interior space reflect and build slowly. Marcel with a mustache of the late nineteenth century, with its poses to become a myth, icon, statue ... The face of today is like a mask for feelings of yesterday: we place the mail flowing after the meal, when we get on track, after a plate of pasta ...
Le monde va vite. Nous entrons dans le flux avec Proust. Nous glissons notre poésie visuelle lente dans le flux rapide qui voyage à travers le monde. Proust avec des lunettes noires qui reflètent et filtrent l’extérieur. Créons un espace intérieur pour réfléchir et construire lentement. Marcel avec une moustache fin du XIXe siècle, avec sa pose étudiée pour devenir un mythe, une icône, une statue ... Le visage d'aujourd'hui est comme un masque pour les sentiments d'hier: faisons place au courrier qui coule à flot après le repas, quand nous entrons en piste, après une assiette de pâtes ...
Bruno Chiarlone. e-mail: bchiarl@tin.it
Box 163 - 17014 Cairomont ITALIA
13 September 2009
Create the postcard on an existing 4"x6" post card or a 5” X 9” post card or start from scratch on a blank 4" x 6" or 5” X 9” piece of card stock. The art does not have to be done on an "official" post card, just something of similar weight and size. Please include on the back of your postcard - Your name, full mailing address, title of artwork, medium and email address, (website if you have one) .The artwork on the postcard can be either horizontal or vertical. All artwork can be mailed as a postcard or sent inside an envelope.
Materials will vary, depending on the technique you choose. You may create the art with any technique, and all media are acceptable, including collage, markers, crayons, pen and ink, colored pencils, rubber stamps, tempera, acrylic, watercolor and printmaking. The only consideration is that the artwork cannot have a raised surface. Please no nudity, racist, or pornographic art.
All work will be on display at Elder Street Gallery, in October. A reception will be held on Saturday, October 16, 5:00 to 10:00. This reception is free and open to the public.
Mail postcards to Elder Street Gallery, 1101 Elder Street, Suite 109, Houston, Tx 77007.
Postcards must be postmarked by Oct 3, 2009. Questions and/or a copy of prospectus call Terrence at 281-250-4889 or e-mail elderstreetgallery@gmail.com
Postcards become property of Elder Street Gallery and will be for sale, with the proceeds benefiting the English Speaking Union Houston Branch - Shakespeare Competition.
The English Speaking Union Houston Branch is a non profit organization dedicated to international relations between the UK and the other countries of the world and the celebration of all things British.
Terrence Boggs
Elder Street Gallery
1101 elder street Suite 109
Houston, TX 77007 - USA
10 September 2009

I walk in the street, in the metro station, in the mall and the majority of the faces are almost anonimous, just for a while I feel lonely in this crowded society and in my mind I ' d like to add colors on some sad faces, and somebody want to paint the mine sometimes. I back home and I start to draw lots of faces those sorround me with my homemade eucaliptus ink, and I immagine peoples taking my drawings and interact them with the colors. I will expose my original drawings in a simple installation, and approaching the viewers for invite them to be the performance. I let them choose a potrait, I let them sit and relax and using the material for design on a desk they will interact the drawing however they wants. Like in a psichiatric session, they will draw what they have inside their mids. The partecipants will be documented by videos and photographies. All the centre of the action will be painting the heads establishing a fluxus between the drawing and the participant.
The fluxus is the intervention on the drawing and rappresent a kind of reflection on the subject with a bit of introspection. I paint this subject like this because my immagination see this person in this colors. Colors means, acts, sensations,lifes, attitudes, madness why not? and with the faces they will resume an ipotetical life.The persons whom participate last event amuse very much. This operation it wants to enjoy and to make reflection on the modalities to make art, being left free field whoever interact and write a fundamental part of the history of the work; breaking absolutely the rules fixed artist- public.
The artist in this operation wants to play with the identities, sharing the portraits space with all the world and accepting all the contributed expressions in the works. Whom take part must sign the back of the work. The example that a more "democratic art" exists but, approached by everybody and outside the art market rules.
My project looks like a kinda psycanalisis, you just choose a drawing and you will start to remember when you was young, what colors, what shapes, what lines do you like. You do remember the last draw you did, or a potrait you did to somebody, or remind you pleasant moments. Some peoples color my drawings following a tidy order, others make the opposite, others dont like to draw or color but they do it as well.
http://www.rostrosanonimos.co.cc/ where the project runs online as well and absolutely free.
Luca Squarcialupi.

Please bookmark the page. We'll be starting around 6 pm NYC Time.
If you are planning to come to the opening, come around 6 PM, bring a bag for the pages of the book (some are large).
See the most recent works on the blog: http://abookaboutdeath.blogspot.com/
And artist Caterina Verde's "wall" web site of the show here:
More photos coming... if you will be at the opening feel free to video tape the performance.
Thanks to all who made this happen.