31 December 2008
Mail Art Research Project
This is an update for the earlier Mail Art Researh Project-post.
I´m Miina Ruokonen and I´m making a bachelors research about Mail Art and Internet in Turku university in Finland. If you would like to help me you could participate by answering to a survey, which you can find from here Click Here to take survey. Answering will only take a few minutes. The survey will be open till January 16, 2009.
You can also participate by sending me mail art in the theme of "What mail art means to me?". All the mail art I receive will be in a web exhibition which comes out after the research. The size and technique is free. The deadline for the mail art is March 31, 2009.
You can send the mail art to this address:
Miina Ruokonen
Harjunpaankatu 3 h 118
28100 Pori
If you have any questions about the research you can contact me by e-mail: miina.ruokonen(at)utu.fi. Thank you for your help!
30 December 2008
New Book

Paperback book €19.99 Printed: 280 pages, 20.99 cm x 29.7 cm, perfect binding, white interior paper (55# weight), black and white interior ink, white exterior paper (90# weight), full-colour exterior ink
B&W Version of Statements Collection on Mail-Art by Ruud Janssen. Reprint of statements written in period 1993-2008 on the subject of mail-art. These statements were first published as pamphlets. Later on the Internet, and now as a collection in one book. Some statements and texts were also published on the Internet first and later as print-out sent into the network. The last part of this book contains visual statements made when the Millennium came about and most recent is an overview of the slides used at a lecture at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam explaining the concept of mail-art. In the past 28 years Ruud Janssen has intensively written about how E-mail and Internet would change mail-art, and it has.
A colour-version of the book is also available. See an overview of all publications at:
Enjoy reading this book!
29 December 2008
Piazza Strambi, 4
To the artist
November 10, 2008
CIF, like every year, wants to honour women with an important demonstration meant to awaken the citizens' interest and to leave a tangible sequel to the day.
The intent is to honour them in the Arts, both visual and gastronomic; CIF is aware of the increasing attention of so many people taking part in concrete experiments during which they can learn useful and pleasant things.
To such intent the Association wishes to organize a Mail Art exhibition and also practical cooking sessions to teach how to economize, how to use good quality ingredients (biological produce), how to create new recipes and to use old ones which gratify the people who devote themselves to the art of cooking with pleasure and love.
To complete the project CIF will also organize a meeting in order to explain the basic principles of Mail Art and also the importance of using biological produce.
The Artists - Mail Art - Women
CIF is a women's association working in the civil, social and cultural fields with the intent of building a shared democracy based on the respect of human rights and of a person's dignity according to Christian principles.
CIF is autonomous from political parties, a non-profit-making association.
The manifestation which CIF intend to organize is meant to honour women in all of their aspects, Artistic, Cultural, Entrepreneural, Managerial (within the family) on the day which has already for many years been devoted to them.
Women, human beings, not similar but equal to men, in any part of the world with equal duties and rights, therefore third millennium women who conquer dignity, equality, political power and even in some countries, the highest positions in the state.
The artists and their friends are invited to send a non returnable work of theirs within January 31 st. The work should be in paper, card or any other material chosen by the Artists, the maximum size A4, the subject: The Third Millennium Woman, to be sent to:
Associazione CIF, Piazza Strambi 4 – 62100 Macerata – E-mail cifmc@libero.it
CIF undertakes to organize an exhibition (details of which will be given later on) of the received works on the occasion of the coming Women's Day (March 8, 2009) and to realize a Cd with the catalogue of the above mentioned works.
Luciana Monachesi Craia
Macerata CIF President
Artistic advisors: Prof. Silvio Craia - Prof. Carlo Iacomucci
President Luciana Craia - Via Valerio 39 - 62100 Macerata - tel. 0733/240368
27 December 2008
Mail-Art in Malaysia
Dear friends;
We invite artists from all over the world to contribute their work in this exhibition called the 1st Mail Art Festival in Malaysia / MMAF 2009
Theme: open
Technique: open
Size: A3 & A4
Exhibition: Shah Alam Gallery, Yayasan Seni Selangor (Selangor Art Foundation), Shah Alam, Malaysia (APRIL 2009)
You can send up to 10 artworks, on paper or canvas (2D ONLY), sized A4 (21 x 30 cm) or A3 (31 x 42 cm). THERE IS NO PARTICIPATION FEE. ORIGINAL art works only, without frame.
Certificate will be send to all participants from MMAF to acknowledge your mail art/s is in our permanent collection. Artworks will not be returned and become the collection of MMAF (Malaysia Mail Art Festival).
Please label your artwork/s as a GIFT or SOUVENIR – NO COMMERCOAL VALUE –.
Please include:-
Full name, Address, Country, Title of work, Medium, Year, E-mail address, Web site & CV.
Each artwork will be exhibited. Documentation will be launched online at :-
Closing date:- 15 MARCH 2009
For further information please visit:
HOME / MMAF 2009:
E-mail: curator@mailartfestival.cjb.net or: dssuzan@yahoo.com.my
Please mail to:-
Shah Alam Gallery
Persiaran Tasik
40000 Shah Alam
26 December 2008
Tribute to Serge Gainsbourg - France
in tribute to Serge GAINSBOURG
Free technics, sizes and supports.
Deadline : 31 décembre 2009
Send your creations to :
2 allée de la Fraternité
Apt n° 39
Don't forget to mention your names, address, e.mail and websites or blogs.
A blog dedicated to this project :
Thank you Bruno Capatti, Christine Le Roy, Servane Morel for your lovely participation and Happy New Year !
24 December 2008
23 December 2008
Impossible Possibilities: 2009 Calendar (Free!)

The calendar comes with a cover and back page, and 12 months (in French) illustrated with the surreal art work from my SECRET HIDING PLACE. Simply download the file (it's only 6 mb), print out on your home printer, cut the pages using the crop mark guides, staple up on top and tack to the wall. Interested? Hey, it's free. And feel free to send it around.
CALL for Mail Art, Visual Poetry All Media--Cronaca Souversiva Feneon

Cronaca Souversiva Feneon, Faits Divers Galleani. Anarkeyology
Welcome !! and A Call to Participants
I started this blog as a site where poets, artists, Visual Poets, Mail Artists, researchers, essayists, reviewers, artist-ragers, zine makers, comix, graffiti makers may have a place to contribute and display works which express their visions of the historical and contemporary interelated lives of Anarchy & the Arts--
This site is for any persons who are actively interested in and working in these areas
Theoretical letters are welcome, stories, photos, anything which
investigates the everyday all around one with a questioning Anarkeyological spirit & energy. Insight and Incite!
If you are interested please contact me at
21 December 2008
Mail Art Research Project
I´m studying at Turku university in Finland and right now making my
bachelors research. My bachelors research is going to be about mail
art and internet.
I´m hoping that through this group I could reach mail artist/mail art
activists who would like to help me in my research. You can help me by
answering to a survey which is going to be on the internet in the
beginning of January. I will inform the surveys webpage later on this
year through this group.
You can also help me by sending me mail art. At the end of the
research there´s going to be a webexhibition. The theme for the mail
art is "What mail art means to me?". The size and technique is for you
to decide. The deadline for the mail art is 31.3.2009.
You can send the mail art to this address:
Miina Ruokonen
Harjunpaankatu 3 h 118
28100 Pori
I would really appreciate everybodys help! Thank you!
20 December 2008
Umbrella's for Judith A. Hoffberg - USA
Send your umbrella's to:
Judith Hoffberg
POB 3640
Santa Monica,
CA 90408 - USA
Judith is editor of the 31-years old magazine Umbrella's in which she always included a secton on mail-art. She has been diagnosed with cancer and is arranging things for her final journey. As a friend I start this call where you can send her some Umbrella's to join her in these last times....
Thank you.
Mail Art Calls from Canada
Maximum size 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches.
Same address
Mail Art Olympix,
4426 Island Highway South,
Courtenay, BC,
V9N 9T1 Canada.
Hosted by the Comox Valley Art Gallery and the Penticton Art Gallery.
Opening November 15, 2009. Both projects curated by Ed Varney.
Catalogue to all participants.
Submnitted by Ed Varney
15 December 2008
Gallery 7
> I am hosting a mail art show, something I haven't done in 15 years!
> It is an open themed, any size, documentation to all, kind of show.
> Each piece will be displayed in a beautiful 2000 sq. ft gallery.
> Events will include a Presentaion by John Held Jr, the showing of the
> film "How to Draw a Bunny" and the opening of the Mail Art Time
> Capsule donated by Kalynn Campbell.
> Would you consider sending something by February 12th, 2009? Thank you
> very much.
> Send all entries to:
# 7 West Ave. B
Hutchinson, Kansas, 67501 USA
> Sincerely, Jenny Soup
14 December 2008
How do you save our planet Earth?
Please send your drawings, photos, images, words, collages, postcards …
Max. A4 (21 x 29,7 cm)
Please send only works corresponding to our theme.
No jury, no return. No documentation (because of financial reasons)
All works corresponding to the theme will be published in this website: http://www.mailart-artmail.de/ . (with the mail-artists name and country)
Deadline: March, 31st 2009
Please send your contribution to:
Schröer + Schröer
Helenenstraße 32
D-38118 Braunschweig
10 December 2008
8 December 2008
Guido Vermeulen,
Thomas Vinçottestreet 81,
B-1030 Brussels,
before July 2009.
Free medium.
Maximum size: A4.
7 December 2008
Notizie sulla morte del tenente colonnello Specchi.
da una ricerca di Luigi Ferrando
Dal giornale: “L’armonia della religione colla civiltà” di mercoledì 27 giugno 1866, anno XIX, n° 149
Un telegramma particolare in data di Molfetta, 23, reca la notizia che il Tenente Colonnello Specchi, nel reggimento dei volontari di Garibaldi, si uccise la mattina con un colpo di pistola, lasciando scritto:
“Nessuno si occupi della mia morte; l’onorevole posto affidatomi è superiore alle mia forze. Prego il bravo maggiore Tasca inviare a mia sorella Adele tutto ciò che mi appartiene. Augurando vittoria agli Italiani, prego il mio amato Generale Garibaldi a non dimenticare il suo povero Specchi”.
Il colonnello era da più giorni assai preoccupato della gravità dei suoi uffici. Le parole degli amici non valsero ad infondergli coraggio.
Dalle carte del teologo Antonio Bosio,
Biblioteca Civica di Torino Centro, Mazzo 33
3 December 2008
Shopping Trolley News
The Last Show of the Shopping Trolley Gallery closed on November 31. There has been a great deal of artwork sent and I am very grateful to all of you for your support but please do not send any more from now on because I have to prepare for the Field Study Meeting to which you are all invited. We meet at 12 o’clock on the 3rd of January at the Tate Britain, Main Entrance, Millbank, London, SW1P 4RG, UK, where I intend to show the artwork and then we will go for a bite and a drink to a nearby pub.
If you miss the meeting don’t worry; sometime on the New Year I will send postal documentation to all participants. Meanwhile you can see the show on www.mailartmartha.org.uk Cheers and a Happy New Year to all!
2 December 2008
Theme: Temple - exploring internal or external space for meditation, reflection and spiritual realisation. It may be a built environment or sacred space internal. Or your own definition.
Media: Any - may include; photography, artists stamps, collage, mixed media, drawing, painting, artist book making etc.
Size: minimum postcard
Deadline: December 15th 2007
Exhibition: January 2008
Please make it Children Friendly as it is posted at a family restaurant for the exhibition.
No Returns.
Documentation on this site.
Taraka Tee
PO BOX 145
Indooroopilly, 4068
Qld Australia
1 December 2008
Arnolfini Mini[e]MailArt - New Call: Unique numbers

Deadline: February 28, 2009.
E-mail address: mma@arnolfini.hu
The works we get are going to be published continuously in the blog: http://arnolfini-mma.blogspot.com
Arnolfini Archives
29 November 2008
26 November 2008

25 November 2008
24 November 2008
22 November 2008
E-mail art call: 15

Topic (in free sense): 15
Format: digital (good-quality jpg)
Max. size: 1515x1515 pixels
Max. work-time from birthday: 15 days
Deadline: 7.12.2008
E-mail address (it will closed after deadline): 15@arnolfini.hu
21 November 2008
The first one will be held in Port-Daniel on August 7-8-9 and the theme will be"The Sea".
The second one will be held during the Rawdon Intercultural Festival on August 14-15-16 and the theme will be, of course, "The Festival."
The Festival will be travelling to The Sea and then The Sea will travel to the Festival.
All Sea entries must be sent to:
Wilma Duguay
11-102 Beaumont
Bonaventure (QC)
G0C 1E0
All Festival entries must be sent to:
5114 Dolores
Rawdon (QC)
J0K 1S0
all entries must be received no later than August 1st, 2009
Wilma Duguay et le Centre d'Artistes de Rawdon (CAR) présentera en août 2009 une double exposition d'art postal au Québec.
La première aura lieu à Port-Daniel les 7-8-9 août et le thème sera "La Mer".
La seconde aura lieu à Rawdon lors du Festival Interculturel de Rawdon les 14-15-16 août et le thème sera, évidemment, "Le Festival".
"Le Festival" voyagera vers "La Mer" et ensuite "La Mer" se déplacera vers "Le Festival".
Les oeuvres pour "La Mer" sont envoyées à:
Wilma Duguay
11-102 Beaumont
Bonaventure (QC)
G0C 1E0
Les oeuvres pour "Le Festival" sont envoyées à:
5114 Dolores
Rawdon (QC)
J0K 1S0
Date limite: 1er août 2009
For Mailart Call And For Mailartists
20 November 2008
19 November 2008
our Body - Project
Theme: Format et technique: free.
Deadline-date limite: le 15/05/2009
Documentation: catalog to all participants and online with weekly updates at
14 November 2008
Garage Science
Plaza de las Letras
C/ Alameda, 15
28014 Madrid (Spain)
+34 913 692 303
Interactivos?'09: Garage Science
Deadline for entries: December 14, 2008 12 midnight (GMT+1)
Call for collaborators: December 30, 2008 - January 25, 2009
Dates of the event: January 28 - February 14, 2009 at Medialab-Prado (Madrid, Spain)
Open call for the submission of projects to be collaboratively developed within the framework of the Interactivos?'09: Garage Science international workshop and seminar. The aim is to design and build experimental and critical prototypes such as mechanical, digital, and biological devices, using open software and open hardware tools, as well as low cost materials.
The medialab will then be transformed into a "domestic lab" where a maximum of 8 proposals will be developed with the aid of teachers, assistants and interested collaborators (call for collaborators: December 30). With the participation of the Critical Art Ensemble.
Keywords: Garage science, critical design, bioart, mechanical devices, automatons, robots, impossible machines, Rube Goldberg's machines, pataphysic, energy, physical computing, free hardware, fabbing, recycling, biocomputing, biology, biohacking, biopunk, “license to fail”.
Interactivos?'09 also includes a Seminar (January 28 and 29, 2009) with lectures by artists and experts where selected papers will be presented (see call for papers: www.medialab-prado.es/interactivos).
More information and access to the online submission form:
Contact: interactivos@medialab-prado.es
Organizer: Medialab-Prado
Entries' Deadline: November 30, 2008
Open call for collaborators: November 15, 2008
Open call for the submission of proposals to be collaboratively developed during two three-day workshops* (January and March, 2009). This call is part of the activities of the Light, Space and Perception work group, led by artists Daniel Canogar, Julian Oliver and Pablo Valbuena, and supported by Mediala-Prado in Madrid (Spain).
The goal is to work with local developers to create prototypes with the aid of these three instructors and the interested collaborators.
Core themes:
* Light and the city. Urbanism, media-façades, the fusion of physical and digital urban spaces.
* Augmented Reality, the use of projections on three-dimensional surfaces and physical objects, the use of light as a material.
* Set and stage design and the creation of atmospheres through the projection of light: perspective, optical illusions, etc.
* Investigation of the qualities of our visual perception and its limits.
* Development of new light technologies for artistic purposes.
More information and online submission form:
Contact: difusion@medialab-prado.es
* Medialab-Prado does not cover lodging and travel expenses for selected participants.
Nerea García Garmendia
Responsable de Comunicación
Área de Las Artes, Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Plaza de las Letras
Alameda, 15 28014 Madrid
Tfno. +34 914 202 754
13 November 2008
Send to-
Hazel Jones ( A1 Scrapmetal ) 33, Shipbrook Road, Rudheath, Cheshire, CW9 7EX U.K.
Please package nails with care ( I don' t want any scratched postmen!)
Please add details of where you found it. How long have you had it. What was it's original use etc.
Nail will become part of Special Collections at MMU Manchester, U.K.
11 November 2008
Nothing Material
Nothing Material: A Networking Art Project
Jan. 21 - Feb. 4, 2009
Common Ground Gallery, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
a correspondance art project
a correspondense art project
(a mailart show!)
open theme
open size
open technique
no jury
documentation to all!
send to:
ross priddle
c/o Common Ground
MacKenzie Hall, 1st Floor
3277 Sandwich St. W.
Windsor, Ontario
N9C 1A9
electronic contributions to:
please disseminate!
Blue String Drawing
There will be three sets of 10 small envelopes. Each set of 10 is the same. So we will have the same thing three times. Each set of ten will be bound by a blue string, forming a single unit.
They will be MAILED: three packages going to three different places at the same time.
The people who receive the packages only have to take a picture of the Blue String Drawing in some particular location that is easily accessible to them. These will be Reference Points, which we will plot on a map. When they have taken the picture like they are supposed to do, then they email the picture to us and MAIL the package to the next person who is going to receive it. Once we have the picture we give them the address to where they are supposed to send the package next. Once the package arrives there the process is repeated until finally...
Each package will in the end arrive and be photographed at each of the Cleopatra's Needles (Paris, London and New York City) on Dec 12, 2012 at 3:35 pm.
We will document this journey at each stage.
We are looking for people all over the world who will receive the packages, photograph them, and forward them to the next person. The express interest and learn more please reply to:
8 November 2008
Bizarre Cities tom VII: Spring 2009
Dear friends and mail artists,
I like to announce the new theme for next year's edition of Bizarre Cities: This time I like to explore the theme of "surveillance". All the global conspiracy theorists, CCTV collectors, state security lovers and street art activists among you are cordially invited to contribute.
The rules are the same as always: please submit 25 copies of a visual artwork in the format A4 (21x29,7cm or 8,27"x11,69" or something close to this). Please try to remain creative and avoid the "I want to be in" b/w photocopy, please. Bizarre Cities always contains a good number of "traditional" art techniques, like etchings, woodcuts or drawings. Texts are most welcome and could be submitted electronically.
For this theme I could also imagine receiving some short videos which would be burned on a CD and published together with the magazine.
I would suggest that your contribution should arrive not later than 31 December 2008.
As usual the copyleft and right remains with the authors and each contributor receives a copy of the assembling.
In case you are interested, please contact me. This makes it easier for resource planning and will avoid surprises at the censorship offices.
Regards, Mailworks@Bruxelles
2 November 2008
ARTISTAMP for MEMORY - Roberto De Cicco
Make artistamp in MEMORY
of Roberto De Cicco -
italian patriot
dead at 29th november 1944
and send to:
Mail-Art in Indonesia
Mail Art & art Exhibition of West Java, Indonesia
Theme : From the
world with love
An Open call inviting people from all over the world to share your love in a creative visual pieces for an important exhibition at the end of the year held by SRK (SENI RUPA KORAN ) will be exhibited in SOS Gallery, Babakan Siliwangi ( BASIL ) Area as part of a movement to grow and to preserve awareness for Human and Natural Green Area. To Understand Global warming. To let the birds keep singing and our kids to enjoy the beauty of Nature. It will be curated by Bandung artist, Deden Sambas W.A.F
At the end of the Project, all works received will be make as a Multimedia documentary.
Size / Technique : Free, photograph,poem anything that can be mail.
Documentation : Online , http://www.savesos.blogspot.com/
Deadline : 20 Dec 2008
Exhibition : Dec 2008 – Jan 2009
No return, No Jury, no fee.
Please don't forget to include your name and email, if possible with your picture
Please sent to :
Deden Sambas W.A.F
Jl.Gegerkalong Hilir
No.18/ 173 B
Bandung, West Java
Theme: LOVE
Format: anything that will fit in a mail box
Technique: no limitations, just feel free to express yourself
Deadline: 1 November 2009
No return. Documentation to all after exhibition. Please insert full address!
Works will also be displayed at this address: http://floraraducan.blogspot.com/
Send by post to:
Flora Raducan
the LOVE mail art project
Splaiul Corneliu Coposu Nr. 6 Ap. 4
305500 Lugoj
Please spread this convocation notice widely!
31 October 2008
30 October 2008
Museum of Temporary Art - Last Chance

29 October 2008

Theme: Fundamentalism
Deadline: March 30, 2009
Media: Photographs, emails, cartoons, collages, poems, visual poems, paintings, prints,digital images...
Size: Postcard size
Your work will be displayed on my website
No jury,no fee,no return.
Send to:
Ferikoy Mah. Sehit Erdem Canbas Sok.
Merkaya Apt. No: 26
5 Kurtulus -
Artistamps in the Mailstream
artistamp mini-show that asks mail artists and artistamp collectors to
review their archives and select archival examples of mail art. Mail art
with artistamps are preferred, but any traveled cover is permitted.
Feel free to create new work that may get postmarked as it travels to the
show. Also encouraged are mail art examples with personal postmarks and
artistamps cancelled by your own private cancellation device.
Exhibition: The show will be mounted at Mess Hall in Chicago as part of the
Collections and Archives as Creative Practice show at the University of
Illinois at Chicago. Artistamps in the Mailstream is curated by Andrew
Oleksiuk .
Please also include a short artist's statement concerning the provenance of
any mail art or artistamps you are submitting, explaining why you selected
your particular items.
Space for up to three entries from each participant is available.
If you want your archival material returned to you, please include the
statement "please return" clearly in the mailing.
Documentation: will be made available to all entrants; a return address is
Deadline to be received: November 26, 2008
Artistamps in the Mailstream
5336 W. Belle Plaine
Chicago, IL 60641
28 October 2008
27 October 2008
on www.jenniferzoe.blogspot.com and will be shown at the Globe Coffee
Lounge in downtown St. Peterburg, FL, USA. (Sometime next fall) Feel
free to repost and tell your friends!
Due: August 1, 2009
Theme: Chromatophore and "open!"
Mail to:
Jennifer Zoellner
665 Jasmine Way South
Saint Petersburg, FL 33705
No returns. Work will be documented and incorporated into a zine.
Free to those who come to the show's opening. Small fee for those who
buy on etsy to cover copying and postage.
Mail-Art Responses to TRENCH ART
Next year the Roanoke Marginal Arts Festival will include an exhibit of Trench Art.
Trench art is commonly defined as any decorative item made by soldiers, prisoners of war or civilians, where the manufacture is directly linked to armed conflict or its consequences.
Common articles that this includes are decorated shell and bullet casings and items carved from wood and bone.
To the uninitiated, all trench art, by definition, was made by a soldier sitting in a trench in France during the First World War, in the midst of a bombardment. To the cynics, it was all made in the 1920s by enterprising French and Belgian citizens. The reality is, naturally, a mix of these extremes, and everything in between, and spans conflicts from the Napoleonic Wars to the present day. (from the Wikipedia entry)
We will have an exhibit space in the building next to the gallery hosting the Trench Art exhibit.
Deadline: February 1, 2009
Exhibit dates: February 20 - 24
Size/Medium/Technique: Free
No jury, no fees, no returns
Documentation: on Flickr and a blog
(please include your email address for notification of documentation)
Jim Leftwich
Mail Art Responses To Trench Art
525 10th St. S.W.
Roanoke, VA 24016
24 October 2008
HOTEL DaDa : Body and Copy

deadline: November, 30, 2008 (postmark)
Fecha límite: November, 30, 2008
(fecha del matasellos)
23 October 2008
if you want to participate with "La Casita Xomolli",
please send me at least two little paints on canvas, photography or board with any media
i will swap and will send you a miniature of other artist on 2009
THEME: free
SIZE: 10x7 cms
front signed!
with your name and e-mail on back
add curriculum vitae
Deadline until 15 january 2009
No Jury, no returns, no fee.
catalogue for all on 2009
exhibition on december 13 2008 - Cagliari
and january 22 2009 - Olbia, Sardinian, Italy
send to:
NuriaMetzli Montoya
Atelier La casita Xomolli
07026 OLBIA (OT)
Thank you in advance!
21 October 2008
The Body - Great Project
-- best, dawn stechschulte
20 October 2008
March 19, 2009, is the 90th anniversary of Litterature, the journal published by Andre Breton, Philippe Soupault, and Louis Aragon, and it is from that event that we mark the beginning of Surrealism.
To celebrate the event, the Modesto Art Museum is hosting the International Surrealism Festival, Surrealism: The Cutting Edge of Art. Please participate by sending mail art to the museum for the festival exhibition.
Theme: Surrealism, Surrealismo, pop surrealism, historic, contemporary, and future surrealism, Dada, neo-Dada, surreal artists, etc.
Format: Envelopes, post cards, stamps, and packages using collage, drawing, paint, construction, sculpture, computer generations, photography, mixed media, etc. No size limit.
Deadline for all entries: 13 February 2009
Exhibition: 2-28 March 2009, Mistlin Gallery, Modesto, California. Reception: 19 March 2009
Documentation: to all adult participants plus listing on museum web site.
Return: none
Note: Include your mailing address on/in your entry for acknowledgment.
Send Entries to:
Modesto Art Museum
404 Patrick Lane
Modesto, CA 95350 USA
Questions: modestoartmuseum@yahoo.com
More details on the museum web site: http://modestoartmuseum.org

1ª Edição de Gravura Postal
Aberto a todos os artistas gravadores
Tema: Auto -Retrato
Dimensão: Postal Standard – 10 x 15 cm
Técnica: Todos os tipos de gravura menos Impressão digital
Data limite: 31 de Março 2009
Enviar unicamente 1 só postal sem envelope
Não se devolve a obra, não se paga taxas, não há júri
Exposição: on-line em http://www.matriz-gravura.com/ e
Esteta Galeria em Abril 2009
Enviar para: Matriz -1ª Edição de Gravura Postal
Rua Sousa Viterbo nº 28, 1ºA
4050-593 – Porto
Com nome, morada e endereço de e-mail.
Documentação enviada aos participantes por e-mail.
Informações em: matriz.gravura@gmail.com
Matriz – Asociación de Grabado de Oporto crea la siguiente convocatoria:
1ª Edición de Grabado Postal
Abierto a todos los artistas grabadores
Tema: Auto - Retrato
Dimensión: Postal Standard – 10 x 15 cm.
Técnica: Todos los tipos de grabado menos Impresión digital
Fecha limite: 31 de Marzo 2009
Enviar una sola obra postal sin sobre
No se devuelve la obra ni si paga tajas
Exposición: on-line en http://www.matriz-gravura.com/ y
Esteta Galeria en Abril 2009
Enviar para: Matriz -1ºEdição de Gravura Postal
Rua Sousa Viterbo nº 28, 1ºA
4050-593 – Porto
Con Nombre, dirección y coreo electrónico.
Documentación a los participantes enviada por coreo electrónico.
Informaciones: matriz-gravura@gmail.com
Matriz – Printmaking Association of Porto calls for:
1st Edition of postal print
Open to all print artists
Theme: Self-Portrait
Dimension: Standard postcard size– 10 x 15cm
Technique: all kind of prints except digital one
Deadline: 31st March 2009
Send only one postal print without envelope
No return, no fees, no jury
Exhibitions: on-line in http://www.matriz-gravura.com/ and
Esteta Gallery on April 2009
Send to: Matriz -1ªEdição de Gravura Postal
Rua Sousa Viterbo nº 28, 1ºA
4050-593 – Porto
With name, address and e-mail.
Documentation sent to all by e-mail.
Information in: matriz.gravura@gmail.com
11 October 2008
* Why Lisbona? Luigi Baccino's secret papers - A R T - P R O J E C T - FLU X US * LUIGI BACCINO - PERCHE' LISBONA?
6 October 2008
TeeToTum - Project
Thank you Georgia Grigoriadou
TeeToTuM, Business & Inovation Center and Technological Education Institute of Serres, Greece organize the 2nd international Mini Art Exhibition International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 25th November 2008
Mail Art Call
THEME: Elimination of Violence against Women– 25th November
Comment: 2nd International Mini Art Serres, Greece.
Size: min: 20cm (8 inches) max: 30cm (11 inches)
Deadline: 31.10.2008
Info: For this exhibition please send more than one work in any medium that deal with any technique at:
Ioanninon 44
Thessaloniki 54639
No fee
No return
Exhibition Opening: November 2008
For more information please contact Georgia at:
or mailto:geosaga@yahoo.com
Invitation and catalogue will be published and sent for all participants.
Information about this theme:
2 October 2008
French Mail-Art
Voici l'adresse de mon nouveau blog avec un nouveau projet sans limitation de date ! Amusez-vous bien !!
Dans l'attente de votre premier livre (de poche) personnalisé, mailarté, commenté et tutti quanti,
Bien à vous,
78, rue de la Fontaine aux Bretons
44210 PORNIC
The Prism
Size: A4 (cm 21 x 29,5)
Technique: free
Deadline: 31/10/2008
No fees, no selection, no return
Exhibition: Circolo Arcimontorio Verna
On line catalogue on the website:
All works must be sent by post
For more information: inpuntadipenna2007@libero.it
Blog: http://inpuntadipenna2007.blogspot.com
Send to:
Donne in punta di penna
Via dei Peschi 6/A
1 October 2008
Poetry and Stamp Art
I invite you to take part in mail-art project:
Theme: Send your poetry in your native language with stamp art. You may also give your personal original understanding of this theme.
Size/technique: Free
No returns.
The works will be displayed at http://m-a-group.blogspot.com
Documentation to all participants.
Deadline to be received: October 20, 2008.
M-A Group
A/C 9875
Sadivnycha 19/1
79038, Lviv, UKRAINE
Thank you,
Best regards!
Lubomyr Tymkiv.
28 September 2008
Mail Art Festival Malaysia
Theme: open; Technique: open; Size: A3 & A4
Exhibition:Shah Alam Gallery, Yayasan Seni Selangor (Selangor Art Foundation), Shah Alam, Malaysia (March 2009)
Artists will receive a certificate of appreciation from MMAF (Malaysia Mail Art Festival) to acknowledge your mail art is in our permanent collection.
All received works will be exhibited.
All works received will also be posted online at:http://www.mailartfestival.cjb.net/
Deadline to be received: January 30, 2009
For more information please visit
Please send your mail arts to:
Shah Alam Gallery
Persiaran Tasik
40000 Shah Alam
Info: curator@mailartfestival.cjb.net
26 September 2008
24 September 2008
Arnolfini Mini[e]MailArt - New Call

The current topic is: Violet spots.
Deadline: November 30, 2008.
E-mail address: mma@arnolfini.hu
The works we get are going to be published continuously in the blog: http://arnolfini-mma.blogspot.com
Ervin Zsubori, Arnolfini Archives
23 September 2008
Artistamp 2008
Mail your submissions to:
615 Foul Bay Road,
Victoria BC,
* Technique: Free* Send loose stamps or attached to envelopes.* Please Send via Postal System/ No emails* Response mailed to everyone with a legible return address.* Submissions will not be returned.* All artistamps received will be archived here:
ARTISTAMP 2008 mail-art call
Postmark Deadline: December 31, 2008
22 September 2008
Shopping Trolley Gallery - News
I have decided to give up the shopping trolley because I am so busy that my husband John has taken over the shopping and the gallery doesn’t get around as much as it should. So it is retiring but I am not, I shall find other ways to display mail art. With thanks to the many great artists that have participated in my STG shows I invite you all to:
THE LAST SHOW - on the occasion of the retirement of THE SHOPPING TROLLEY GALLERY - and as an homage to the many artists whose work has been shown on it since 1996, during its many trips to local shops carrying the household shopping
THEME: Free MEDIA: flat artwork on paper postcard size or smaller.
DEADLINE: end November 2008
SEND TO: LAST SHOW Box 108 Beckenham BR3 1GY (UK)Your artwork will be exhibited at the Tate Britain, at least we will try, somehow and by stealth, during the next
-which will be held on JANUARY 3, 2009 at 12 NOON at the TATE BRITAIN - MAIN ENTRANCE,MILLBANK, LONDON, SW1P 4RG, UK.Please join us.The show will also be displayed, starting now, on www.mailartmartha.org.uk and postal documentation will be sent to all participants
Martha Aitchison nottwo.ma@yahoo.co.uk www.mailartmartha.org.uk
Postal address:
box 108,
BR3 1GY,
Go Crazy
Theme: Open Mail Art Call.
Technique: Go Crazy.
Show: Pancake Clubhouse Historic Township and Activity Destination for the Living Arts
Also: All Mail Art that fits in a scanner will be posted at http://portland-mail-art.blogspot.com/
No Returns
No Sales
Deadline:March 21st 2009
Please Send All Art To:
Super Portland Fun Mail Art Time
2205 Se Salmon St.
Portland OR, 97214
Where visitors come from
19 September 2008
Declare an URM (Urban Ready Made -- a street, a building, a view, an object or an event in an urban- or industrial environment, where a conjunction of circumstances cause beauty and art and is so declared by the observer) in your own surroundings.
No fee.
Marcello’s Art Factory, Den Haag, THE NETHERLANDS. (+31) 70 3634047
CALL FOR PARTICIPATION - Falco subbuteo subbuteo (The Hobby)
This is mail art in that it uses mail, but it's different from most of the calls for mail art that I've seen, as follows:
a) it's for an existing artwork rather than a mail art show per se
b) it's directed and therefore compromised
But this still involves postal mail, rather than e-mail, because a made mark on a piece of paper is de facto required. I suppose you could do this digitally by altering/wrecking the pdf if the fancy so takes you, but... Here goes - I would positively welcome mail response to add to an ongoing artwork called Falco subbuteo subbuteo (The Hobby). It's about birdwatching (and art). And football.
If you are really up for it, by all means make a number of marks on the paper, at no cost to you beyond your time and inclination. Or make just one (mark). Or whatever. And if you're really worried about identity, just make up a name and address. But I need people to enter some sort of details there or the work begins to disappear.
For those of you interested, this work will feature in a large group show called The Animal Gaze that I've also curated (full now, I'm afraid), alongside a university symposium on the subject. Mail art or not, I'm always interested in looking at new ideas/work from artists whose subject is animals. So if you know of anyone like this, contact me from The Animal Gaze website...
For those of you with the time, here's a non-academic, non-art-theory text about figuration and animals. It's published on the back of some of the completed mail-pieces currently sitting in a pile on a table beneath the image in my studio.
Taken from an appendix to the wildlife guide Birds & Mammals of Crete by George Sfikas (1989), under the heading ‘Problems of Illustration’.Mr Sfikas sums it up - as good a guide as any, I think.
The greatest problem that I had to face in order to complete this book was the illustration. Unfortunately, I had in my hands only a small part of the necessary photographic material mine or borrowed by my friend Triantaphillos Adamokopoulos. To collect photos for covering the needs of such a book would demand plenty of means (telephocus etc.) as well as some years of work in the country. But the necessity of issueing a book for the birds of Crete the soonest possible, made impossible, at least for the present moment, the following of this method.
The case of buying some slides from Greek or foreigner ornithologists to take photographs of birds since many years was excluded from the very beginning as the cost of the book should be increased too much and its issue should not be profitable.
Naturally as a painter I could find refuge in the solution of the painting illustration. Although, it would demand work of at least three years, which should be paid, increasing again the cost of the entire issue.
In front of this impasse, I took refuge in the only realizable solution, under these conditions, that means the solution of photomontaz. I cut very carefully pictures of birds and mammals from different books and putting it on a suitable background photograph, looking like their natural environment I photographed it again with slides. I achieved in this way an enough satisfactory result. The most important is that this result cannot be considered to be “robbery” as there is a reformation and a creation of a new photograph.
The 90% of the pictures in this book are result of photomontaz system. The rest of the pictures are real photographs of alive or embalmed mammals or birds. The name of the owner is referred under the photographs that are not mine.
And if you do complete the pdf and send it to me, well - thank you for your time and generosity.
Rosemarie McGoldrick (Shacklewell)
17 September 2008
Cracking World's Walls & Codes--Mail Art/Visual Poetry Call

Walling off Palestinains from each other & the world

Palestinian children-riding in cart

American tanks entering through American Seperation Wall-- Sadr City, Baghdad

Guantanamo--Detainee being returned to cell following "enhanced interrogation"
Cracking World's Walls & Codes--Mail Art/Visual Poetry Call
Cracking World's Walls & Codes Concrete & Virtual
No Sieges, Tortures, Starvation & Surveillance
Deadline/Fecha Limite: SinsLimite/ongoing
Size: No limit/Sin Limite
No Limit on Number of Works sent
No Limit on Number of Times New Works Are Sent
Documentation: on my blog
Addresses: david.chirot@gmail.com
David Baptiste Chirot
740 N 29 #108
Milwaukee, WI 53208
Cinema of Catharsis
SendVisual Poetry, Mail Art, Photos, Mixed Media, articles, essays todocument and protest the Walls & Codes of the New Prisons,Panopticons, on the ground and on line.

When the Berlin Wall came down, Freedom and Joy and the "end of history" were proclaimed.
However,it soon became clear that to protect Freedom and Joy, there is agreater horror than ever of Security, Walls, Prisons, Surveillance,Torture, that to protect Freedom and Joy, there is a greater horror than ever of Security, Walls, Prisons, Surveillance, Torture

NO!!!There are not enough Prisons and Panopticons to stop Human Rights and Liberty—
When Humans work —in Solidarity Among
Peoples—for the Rights of Every Person—

NO! To Prison Planet! No to Walls! No to Panopticons! No to being a Living Dead! No to being a Prisoner!
Alterationsof online encyclopedias, maps, the disappearance and interruption ofweb sites, news feeds, documents, photos, videos on line, replaced byfaked substitutions, create a Virtual Cleansing of Reality, a newmethod of Disappearing peoples, ideas, histories, so that thesurveilled and controlled users online will find a Prison of an everincreasing Conformity of self-confirming censored and fakeddisinformations, ideas, images and examples.
NO! To Prison Planet! No to Walls! No to Panopticons! No to being a Living Dead!
Walls Cannot Stop Freedom