31 December 2010
mailart with your poemics
Poemics is the art between poetry and comics, it can also be defined as
the art of putting together elements of poetry and comics.
Please create your poemics and send them to:
Piotr Szreniawski
Chrobrego 7/8
20-611 Lublin
before January 15th, 2012.
technique/form: free
The works will be posted on the blog
http://poemicsandmailart.blogspot.com and published in an anthology (the
printed version will be sent to several libraries, and the pdf version will be available for free on the net, so that everyone can see it and even print it out).
all the best to you and please take part in the project!
29 December 2010
Goddess Mail art/ATC
All art will be posted and shown on the blog -- see below, and artist trading cards will be exchanged.
1. Please send us your Goddess mail art, AND/OR six original (6) ATCs— a set of 6, or 6 versions of your work.
All cards submitted will be displayed in the SPRING show, (venue to be decided.)
2. Please include with your 6 card ATC submission: a pre-stamped return envelope (SASE), your contact information, including e-mail (if possible) and 1 page maximum about you and the way you made your work-- tell us a little about yourself & discuss your techniques and tools, and your image content.
3. Do you live outside the USA?
Don’t worry about return postage, send us something fun-- ephemera from your country, or even an extra ATC. We’ll pay the return postage. it’s easier that way.
Display Closing: Mid-August 2011, after which you will receive 6 trades mailed back!
For More Information, please contact Emily Townsend/11750 Carmel Drive/Lakewood, Colorado, 80215, USA.
May we Honor the Goddess in all HER forms!
15 December 2010
Burnt Books - Update with deadline
Burnt Books
Burnt Books is an evocative theme conjuring all kinds of imagery of loss and ephemera, memory, and the sharing of stories at a time when we are on the eve of dramatic changes in how words themselves are passed on and stories told. Conflicting perceptions on the meaning of ”death of print,” losses within the publishing industry and yet a rise of interest in small press publishing and new digital, interactive storytelling forms. The book may be burning (literally made of light not paper, online, eBooks etc.. ) yet it is not consumed by the flame; it is transformed, reincarnated, rejuvenated. Kamenetz addresses the transformative and healing power of storytelling and books in whatever form. We look forward to seeing your interpretations of this theme.
Format: Mail Art, all media
Size: Standard post card, A4
Deadline: 1 January 2011
Exhibition & Documentation: Works will be scanned and published on this site. No fee, no jury, no return, online documentation.
Online exhibition will be promoted on the Nextbook Press and Tablet Magazine websites, Facebook, and Twitter. There will be an exhibition of works in New York City at a location to be announced.
Nextbook Press
ATTN: Margarita Korol
295 Lafayette Street, Suite 501
New York, New York 10012
7 December 2010
However, finally, the Fall/Winter issue of Node Pajomo has launched and is afloat.
Twenty four (24!) pages of High Contrast eye strain!
Mail art projects from all over the globe!
Tape traders and mail artists that wish to fill your box with goodies!
Pocket sized! Makes a Great Stocking Stuffer for the mail artist on your list!
$1 USA, $2 everywhere else. Unused US Stamps are as good as cash and 'foreign' currency accepted at current exchange rates.
Libraries and infoshops: If Node Pajomo sounds like something your readers would read and funds are short, get in touch.
Subscribers: Your issues are stamped and off to the Post Office tomorrow morning!
6 December 2010
This is an invitation to take part in my Mail Art project.
Theme: collecting
Thousands of people have special collections which vary from stamps, coins, wrappers of cigars to meaningful words and fond memories. Why do we collect? And how? Many contemporary artists use ‘the collecting’ to visualise their artistic concept. They also have the ability to put the principles of collecting into one postcard.
Size: 10 x 15 cm, postcard, maximum 2 postcards per artist.
Technique: free
No return, no fee, no selection by jury (pornographic images, violent, racist or insulting works will not be included in the show).
All works must be send by post
All participants will receive a message, please provide your name, surname, address and nationality
Exhibition: 20-02-2011 tot 11-03-2011 in the library of the Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven (NL). And all works will be posted on blog:
A modest catalogue will be published in limited edition
All documentation will be kept in the collection of the library of the Van Abbemuseum.
Info: mircard@hotmail.com
Deadline to be received: 31-01-2011
Send to
Miranda Vissers
Jo Goudkuillaan 2
NL-5626 GC Eindhoven
The Netherlands
5 December 2010
Industrie et Culture
Date limite : 20 mai 2012.
Format et techniques libres. Pas de jury, pas de retours.
Les oeuvres doivent être expédiées par la poste.
Exposition en 2012 à Charleroi.
Catalogue on line.
Envoyer à : Thierry Tillier
8 , rue du gouvernement
6000 Charleroi
2 December 2010
Lucky Rabbit ATC Call
Canadian Mail Art Memory Box
Posted from Blogium for iPhone
1 December 2010
Theme: I love Brazilian Culture
Theme: I love Brazilian Culture
Theme: I love Brazilian Culture
As part of the 3rd Biennale des Arts Brésiliens of Brussels, we are conducting a mail art project on the theme: I love Brazilian Culture.
All artists, residents in Brazil and the world, Brazilian or not, are invited to send mail art on any aspect of the Brazilian culture for the exhibition at the Maison des Cultures de Saint Gilles in Brussels, Belgium. Partners: of the Biennial:, Culture of St Gilles, Brazilian Embassy, Brazilian Ministery of Forein Office, COCOF_ French Community Commision, Smart Asbl,
Send your work about all aspects of Brazilian culture : dance, cults, music, football, martial arts, food, tourism, native and afro brazilian culture, nature, popular art, cinema, people diversity, language, music, cities, forests, animals, carnival, landscapes, literature, cinema, danses like Maracatu, frevo, maculelê,capoeira,caboclinhos, jongo, coco de zambê, carnival, samba, bumba-meu-boi, tambor de crioula, tambor de mina, dance of the Kongo, Moçambique, candomblé, macumba, cacuriá, lundu, carimbó, frevo, coco de roda,ciranda,frevo, samba, , cachaça, legends, stories, myths, personages, heroes, quilombos, musical instruments, popular toys, ceramics, antropofágic movement, at last everything that can be illustrated and to represent our diversity and creativity. (see: google.br)
Size: Postcards 10 x 15 cm - maximum 3 postcards per artist
NO RETURN – NO SELECTION – NO JURY (erotic images, violent, racist or insulting works will not be included in the show)
Technique: collage, draw, painting…
Exhibition: at the Maison des Cultures de Saint Gilles, in Brussels, 29 Septembre to 23 octoer 2011, as part of the 3rd Biennial des Arts Brésiliens de Bruxelles. I also plan on having a mail art show around Brazil in 2014 (world cup of football) and 2106 (Olympics) - Date 29 septembre to 23 ocotbre 2011
Documentation: All works will be posted on the blog: blog:http://ilovebrazilianculture.blogspot.com
Site: www.bienalbrasileiradebruxelas.be/
all works must be sent by post
Please provide your name, surname, nationality and e-mail address.
Info: inezolude@yahoo.com.br
Deadline to be received for the 3th Biennial: September 15, 2011
Sponsors of the Biennial:, Culture of St Gilles, Brazilian Embassy, Brazilian Ministery of Forein Office, COCOF_ French Community Commision, Smart Asbl,
Adress to send works
Inêz da Silva
Rue Saint Bernard, 17- bte 54
1060 Brussels
25 November 2010
24 November 2010
"Eerie Sight"
Theme: You are invited to contribute one piece of original artwork, depicting or describing something you find to be an eerie sight. It should not be meant to be taken ironically or humorously.
Deadline: Nov. 10th, 2011
Format: Any format that will fit into an envelope.
Technique: Open. 2D only though.
Exhibition: Will be announced on website www.schibrowski.com and via email.
Please note: The contributed works of art will not be returned. They won`t be sold either. Please do provide your email adress.
Mail to:
Atelier Kostja Schibrowski
Postfach 46 02 12
04167 Leipzig
23 November 2010
December 2nd 2010
I will be away from home between 24 xi 2010 and 06 xii 2010, will not have easy access to a computer, and so I will not be replying to IUOMA messages on a regular basis.
I am leaving the relative warmth of the South of France and going to to Darlington in the North East of England.
Darlington is famous (well, fame is relative -- think Warohl and 15 minutes) for i) being the birthplace of the railways in 1825, ii) having the worst professional football (soccer) team in the English leagues last season (although we did beat Chelsea 4-1 in a 3rd Round FA Cup replay in 1956 -- these memories are so precious that we cherish them over 50 years later!), iii) being the birthplace of me. And that's about it, folks.
If you would like to send me a piece of Mail Art to arrive on or before Thursday 2 December (the first day of the Jewish holiday of Hannukah) I will send you something back -- probably a postcard, possibly an envelope.
My address for the next couple of weeks is:
VM Herman,
18 Mayfields,
Uplands Rd,
GB - Darlington DL3 7TU,
Thank you.
Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible;
Regards, Val
My everyday object
The exhibition will take place in Milan, on the occasion of Salone Internazionale del Mobile from April 12, 2011 through April 17, 2011. Further details about the exhibition will follow. Mail Art Call - My everyday object
one object, one postcard
No returns
No participation fee
No selection/No jury
Free Technique
Postcard size only (A6 / 10,5 x 15 cm / 4.25" x 6")
All works must be sent by snail mail
Each participant can send one or more postcards for each object chosen: one object, one postcard.
DeadLine: 31st of March 2011
Documentation online at www.polifemo.org (please include your email address for notification of documentation)
Send to:
La Fabbrica del Vapore
Via Procaccini 4
20154 Milano
Exhibition: from April 12, 2011 through April 17, 2011 at Polifemo, La Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan, Italy. La Fabbrica del Vapore, a center especially devoted to the youth's cultural production and belonging to the Milan City Council, is house to several associations promoting many activities aimed at young people. The 50° Salone Internazionale del Mobile involves the city of Milan, providing an opportunity to continue a reflection on design, on creativity and on culture. Polifemo, a cultural association working inside La Fabbrica del Vapore, wants to reflect on the usage of everyday objects by creating a great international mail-art-exhibition held inside its space on the occasion of the Salone Internazionale del Mobile. Join us!
Feel free to forward this Mail Art Call! Thank you.
22 November 2010
Open doors
---- MAIL ART ----
Subject: Open doors
Measures: 10x15cm. - Postal
Libre technique
Date Limit: 30-Sep-2011
Without Jury Without Selection. The works will not be given back Happening to comprise of the file of art mail of “EL BAJO”.
The received works will be exposed in 5th Edition of Open Doors November of 2011 And in http://grafismosdelbajo.blogspot.com
Sends your work by postal mail a
Primera Junta 902 – 2º
B1642DZF - San Isidro –
Prov. Bs. As. Argentina
EL BAJO: Sol Pedrosa/Samuel Montalvetti
20 November 2010
Thousands of people have special collections which vary from stamps, coins, wrappers of cigars to meaningful words and fond memories. Why do we collect? And how? Many contemporary artists use ‘the collecting’ to visualise their artistic concept. They also have the ability to put the principles of collecting into one postcard.
Size: 10 x 15 cm, postcard, maximum 2 postcards per artist.
Technique: free
No return, no fee, no selection by jury (erotic images, violent, racist or insulting works will not be included in the show).
All works must be send by post
All participants will receive a message, please provide your name, surname, address and nationality
Exhibition: 20-02-2011 tot 11-03-2011 in the library of the Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven (NL). And all works will be posted on blog: http://libraryblog.vanabbe.nl
A modest catalogue will be published in limited edition
All documentation will be kept in the collection of the library of the Van Abbemuseum.
Info: mircard@hotmail.com
Deadline to be received: 31-01-2011
Miranda Vissers
Jo Goudkuillaan 2
NL-5626 GC Eindhoven
The Netherlands
19 November 2010
This is (mail) Art

Display, document or interpret your language and culture, and mail in your contribution to This Is (mail) art. Celebrate your community, neighbourhood, city or country through the medium of mail art. Where is the boundary between culture and language? Is it possible for one to exist without the other, or are they inexorably intertwined?
A joint effort between www.thisisart.ca and Culture and Language Connections (CLC), the show will be held in Montreal in May of 2011. All art must be postdated prior to April 15th 2011 to be included in the show. There is no jury, no returns, and all submissions will be exhibited excluding offensive, racist, discriminatory or hateful images. All techniques are welcome however there is a maximum size of 20 cm x 20 cm. Please provide your full name, address and email. All work will be documented on www.thisisart.ca.
Mail all submissions to:
This is (mail) Art
Attn: Kiera Pannell
PO Box 42085
3861 St Laurent
Montreal, QC
H2W 1A0
Deadline: April 15th, 2010
14 November 2010
13 November 2010
Here informations:
deadline July 31,2011 but first you send first it will be shown!
No return
Technique free
Size maximum A4
All works must be sent by snail mail
Online documentation
If you don’t feel like the Giants of the Oil say your No!
You can find info about the fight against oil and about Abruzzo on :
and about the victorious campaign to stop MOG
Don’t forget your address,e-mail and website
Send to :
Maura Di Giulio
Via Sant’Antonio 22
66020 Pollutri (CH)
12 November 2010
Tea Time, All Over Again!
Theme: Tea garden to tea cup. All about tea.
Media: open
Size: 4" X 6" (10.5 cm X 15 cm)
No Jury
No returns
On-line documentation
Deadline: 31 Jan. 2011
The work will be exhibited at Carytown Teas in a very large and beautiful gold frame!
The resurrected shop will be as delightful as ever. In the meantime, they are temporarily house 2 doors down from the shop. The teas have been re-blended. A funny story, the teas smelled smoky after the fire, except for the one tea that was supposed to smell that way. It had NO smell at all. Okay folks, make it happen again for the tea shop. You can see them here.http://www.carytownteas.com
Send your work to -
Carytown Teas
c/o Patricia
24 S. Nansemond St.
Richmond, VA 23221
Include your name, address, and e-mail.
6 November 2010
IUOMA Poll-9
On http://iuoma.blip.tv/ the IUOMA TV experiment is being hosted. Currently advertisings are turned off.
2 November 2010
Dear Friends,
it's time! Please, send Your Clocks!
Best, Ervin Zsubori, Hungary
1 November 2010
The theme is free.
The work should be presented cardboard 10cm x15 cm.
The techniques can be drawing, painting, collage, photography, digital art. (Note: we only accept originals)
Each artist may participate in all classes, sending only one entry per category.
There will be no jury and all works will be exhibited, excluding images erotic / pornographic, violent, racist / xenophobic, violating any religion or offensive.
The work will not be returned.
Deadline for submission of works - April 20, 2011 (date of post)
Exhibition: in May 2011 at the Parish of San Francisco – Alcochete – Portugal (Date to be announced).
All papers will be published on the blog
Please provide your full name, nationality and email.
Submit your work to sf.mailart@gmail.com to facilitate publication in the blog.
But all entries must be mailed
Mailing Address:
Luís Fernando Graça
Rua Gomes Eanes de Azurara, 54 r/c Dt º
2870-419 Montijo
31 October 2010
29 October 2010
Calling all mail artists!
FORMAT: 8.5 x 11 inch paper or 21 x 27 cm
TECHNIQUE: Draw, paint, collage, stamp or digital art
RULES: Make a full size outline of your hand and fill it in using any of the techniques listed above.
Leave the background around your hand print white. Decorate the hand portion.
DEADLINE: January 30, 2011
Hands Across the Water,
16220 Via Solera Cir #106,
Fort Myers, FL 33908
Documentation will be here on sharonzimmer.com
Faire un aperçu en taille réelle de votre main et le remplir en utilisant l'une des techniques énumérées ci-dessus.
Laissez le fond autour de votre empreinte de la main blanche. Décorez la partie à la main.
Hacer un esquema del mismo tamaño de su mano y lo rellenamos en el uso de cualquiera de las técnicas mencionadas anteriormente.
Deja el fondo alrededor de su impresión de la mano blanca. Decora la porción de la mano.
Erstellen Sie eine vollständige Übersicht über Größe der Hand und füllen Sie es mit einer der oben genannten Techniken.
Lassen Sie den Hintergrund um die Hand drucken weiß. Dekorieren Sie den Handteil.
Fai una sagoma a grandezza della tua mano e compilarlo usando una delle tecniche sopra elencate.
Invia il tuo sfondo intorno stampa bianca mano. Decorare la parte a mano.
25 October 2010
23 October 2010

Description: What about trains? Fast, slow, old, new, fashionable, classics, lonely stations; all that strange people, their hurry, their stories, their journeys. Always a definite itinerary from A location to B location. Between this two points, remember yourself one special train journey. We will meet in a YELLOW TRAIN. Together will be writing it’s story.
Technique: anything goes
Size: postal card
Aleea I Primaverii, No: 51,
Craiova, Dolj,
Romania, 200103
Larger Questionaire on Mail-Art
A online Mail-Art research that will result in a publication next year. Please participate and answer the questions. Thank You!
IUOMA Poll-7
This is the 7th Poll. The results of all the polls will be published in 2011. The polls are published on several platforms. In the new communications times all the results of these Polls are added together and show significant results. Mostly over 150 people react to a poll and that gives some insight for sure.
17 October 2010
Significant Dream Project
I am inviting you to be a part of a mail art project I am conducting-
Please send me a post card size art work about a significant dream you've had. Create an image using any technique; collage, mixed media, painting, drawing, printmaking, photography... On the back briefly describe the dream or, the most memorable part of the dream, any insights, is it a reoccurring dream, how did you feel when you woke up, approx. when did you have this dream...
Send art work to -
Significant Dream Project
1480 Pickles Rd.
Denman Island B.C.
V0R 1T0 - Canada
Contributions to this mail art project will be included in a group show planned for Summer 2011 in the Comox Valley, B.C.
No returns, documentation to all participants. I will post project entries and, keep you updated about the upcoming show at http://collaborativespirit.blogspot.com/p/significant-dream-project.html
Hope to see you in dreams,
Cathy Stoyko
Art for Healing
Size/Technique: postcard-sized (4 inches by 6 inches) piece of original mail art. Postcards submitted must be an original drawing, painting, collage, mixed media piece, poetry, or short story created by you. The artwork on the postcard can be either horizontal or vertical. No jury, no fees and no returns. Please no nudity, overly religious artwork, racist or pornographic art. This show will be viewed by the general public which will include children. Please include your email and mailing addresses printed on the back of the mail art.
Exhibition: Mail Art Exhibit will run in conjunction with the Third Annual "Art Among Friends" Art Exhibit. All received mail art will be viewed by approximately 1,000 visitors during the 2011 Art Among Friends weekend of September 24 & 25, 2011.
Documentation: All mail art submitted will be displayed as they are received on the Art Among Friends website starting in the Spring of 2011. Participants who provide an email address will also receive digital documentation after the event.
For more information- Please email me at info@artamongfriends.ca
Deadline to be received: September 20, 2011
"Art for Healing" Mail Art Exhibit
c/o J. Brann
44 Albert Street
Elliot Lake, Ontario
Canada P5A 2Y8
11 October 2010
Burnt Books
11 Oct
Nextbook Press is proud to announce a call for Mail Art to celebrate the publication of Burnt Books: Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav and Franz Kafka, by Rodger Kamenetz.
Burnt Books is an evocative theme conjuring all kinds of imagery of loss and ephemera, memory, and the sharing of stories at a time when we are on the eve of dramatic changes in how words themselves are passed on and stories told. Conflicting perceptions on the meaning of ”death of print,” losses within the publishing industry and yet a rise of interest in small press publishing and new digital, interactive storytelling forms. The book may be burning (literally made of light not paper, online, eBooks etc.. ) yet it is not consumed by the flame; it is transformed, reincarnated, rejuvenated. Rodger Kamenetz’s book parallels the lives of two great storytellers: Rabbi Nachman the 18th century mystic and Franz Kafka, the modern era surrealist. Through this comparison, Kamenetz addresses the transformative and healing power of storytelling and books in whatever form. We look forward to seeing your interpretations of this theme.
Format: Mail Art, all media
Size: Standard post card, A4
Deadline: Rolling. First come, first exhibited.
Exhibition & Documentation: Works will be scanned and published on this site. No fee, no jury, no return, online documentation.
Online exhibition will be promoted on the Nextbook Press and Tablet Magazine websites, Facebook, and Twitter. Physical exhibition of works in New York, TBA.
To participate in the exhibition, mail art submissions should be sent by postal mail to:
Nextbook Press
ATTN: Margarita Korol
295 Lafayette Street, Suite 501
New York, New York 10012
10 October 2010
9 October 2010
4 Senses
The topic is "4 Senses".
Usually one have 5 base sensations: visual, auditory, tactile, gustatory and sense of smell. visual sensation is critical because it gives majority of infor+mation about environment.
There are colourful ads, shop windows, coloured walls, vivid buses and trams around us. There is a lot of visual information so we often pay a little attention to it. But the people with no visual sensation usually have only four base sensations. How does one lives without critical sensaton?
One who wish to participate are proposed to reflect his own vision of blind's world.
Size is not restricted.
Tecnique: not restricted to particular tecnique.
The works should be sent via post not in an envelope. No copies, no E-mail contribution please.
The works received will not be rated or returned to sender.
The end date of work's registration: 1st March 2011.
Exhibition: we are planning to make a mobile exhibition in organizations andpublic places of Togliatti city. Also we will make a negotiations about making an exhibition in other Russian cities.
Documents: if the project will be successful then the catalogue printing is planned. Everyone who participated will get a printed catalogue in 2011.
All works received will be published in project's blog:
Works should be sent to:
4 Senses
445040, Togliatti, Samara obl.,
P.O. box 5154,
8 October 2010
Please create a mini flux box. I would like to see your utopia and/or dystopia in a box or tin. It can be like a diorama or a flux-kit--however you like to work... or find your own style and way to express an idea. Nothing bigger than a cigar box please.
Show will be summer of 2011.
Send to :
c/o Jennifer Kosharek
665 Jasmine Way South
St. Petersburg, FL 33705
All work will be included in the show. Work deadline is June 1, 2011.
7 October 2010
6 October 2010
St. Francis Mail Art Project
The project is open to any type of print media of any size (no video or audio, please), and each artist's interpretation. Postcards, photographs, textiles, sculpture, mail art, artistamps, calligraphy...so many options.
Artists may send their work to:
The St. Francis Mail Art Project
14363 Oren Road North
Scandia, MN 55073
Items will be scanned and/or photographed and uploaded to this website. Artists will receive written acknowledgment on the website. No financial compensation is offered for being showcased on the website. Artwork will not be returned.
4 October 2010
Human Colours, Music - Mail Art exhibition in Greece
2 October 2010
Land Art on Mail Art
International Mail Art - Call for Submissions
“Land Art on Mail Art”
Make a Land Art project on Mail Art.
Please send your work to:
Javier F. Granda
Ctra. Gral. N-634 #7
33868 SALAS – Asturias –
Size and Technique: Free.
Closing date: December 31, 2010.
All works will be published at http://landartonmailart.blogspot.com/
Handed in work will not be returned.
A digital catalogue will be made at the end of the project, including accompanying texts, all received works and artist details.
All submissions must include postal and email address
1 October 2010
29 September 2010
Performance Texts
SIZE: Free
TERMS: No jury, no returns
EXHIBITION: March 3 - 8, 2011, during the Roanoke Marginal Arts Festival. Also a good hance of some of the scores being performed during the festival. Partial exhibits likely at Collab Fests in the weeks and months following the festival.
DOCUMENTATION: Photographic documentation online, in the textimagepoetry flickr sets and on the blogzine, textimagepoem. Some video also likely.
DEADLINE: February 28, 2011
Send To:
Jim Leftwich
525 10th St. S.W.
Roanoke, VA 24016 USA
an excerpt from: Composition in Retrospect by John Cage
The Big Red Post Box
More details at Big Red Post Box
28 September 2010
In conjunction with the Kaunas Biennial, I have been asked to curate an exhibition relating to the history and current activities of FLUXUS artists and affiliates. As part of the exhibition, I am putting out a call for work to the mail art community. As the Biennial is Fiber / Textile oriented, keep this in mind when you are creating work to send … The concept for the show is as broad as you can make it. Postcards, Artist stamps, Visual Poetry, Zine Work, Stickers, Anything ……
The show’s title “GEORGE MACIUNAS AND BEYOND : FLUXUS NEVER STOPS” relates in part to an homage of George in his hometown, Kaunas, and a celebration of his “local hero” status, as well as an exposure of continuity in the FLUXUS community . Pease send works no larger than A4 paper size, and include your Name and contact info on back. Documentation to all .
c/o Keith A. Buchholz / curator
3449 Hartford
St. Louis, Mo. 63118
27 September 2010
This is a CAT call ... meeeeeeeee-OW ... for your fabulous cat art ... mail art!
No size limit and presently, no deadline.
Technique free.
Your art will not be returned.
I am a collector of all that is 'cat' and would like to set up an exhibit with our local library ... who knows what from there! But I can't do anything until I have response. So, please contribute to creating a clowder !
Please create your art in good spirit and keep in mind the possibility of childrens' viewing. This may not only promote your art, but will promote the art of ... mail art!
Please send your works to:
Nikki Soppelsa
36 4th Avenue
Berea, OH 44017
Include "For the Love of Cats" on the envelope.
Your art will be posted here and also on Facebook (when I have enough art to set it up).
So for the love of mail art and for the love of cats (in art) ... have fun!
Thank you!
26 September 2010
International Disability Awareness Day
3rd December 2010 is International Disability Awareness Day
The Museum Street Centre (Papworth Trust: www.papworth.org.uk ) will be celebrating this event. To join us in celebrating and have your image form the basis of an international Mail Art collaborative exhibition, please send your original postcard sized images about disability before December 3rd to:
The Papworth Trust
40-42 Museum Street
IP1 1JQ - UK
Alternatively email your original jpeg images 10x6 inches to Philip.vaughan-williams@papworth.org.uk
All images received will be used by people accessing the Museum Street Centre to form the basis of collaborative works about disability and will be displayed in the centre forming the backdrop to the celebrations.
Many Thanks in advance of receiving your works
Phill (JCSynthetics) :-)
25 September 2010
I love Brazilian Culture
Theme: I love Brazilian Culture
As part of the 3rd Biennale des Arts Brésiliens of Brussels, we are conducting a mail art project on the theme: I love Brazilian Culture.
All artists, residents in Brazil and the world, Brazilian or not, are invited to send mail art on any aspect of the Brazilian culture for the exhibition at the Maison des Cultures de Saint Gilles in Brussels, Belgium.
Send your work about all aspects of Brazilian culture : dance, cults, music, football, martial art, food, tourism, native and afro brazilian culture, nature, literature, popular art, cinema, people diversity, language, food, music, cities, forests, animals, carnival, landscapes, literature, cinema, danses like Maracatu, frevo, caboclinhos, jongo, coco de zambê, carnival, samba, bumba-meu-boi, tambor de crioula, tambor de mina, dance of the Kongo, Moçambique, candomblé, macumba, cacuriá, lundu, carimbó, frevo, coco de roda,ciranda,frevo, samba, , cachaça, legends, stories, myths, landscapes, cities, personages, , capoeira, maculelê, history, heroes, quilombos, musical instruments, popular toys, ceramics, antropofágic movement, at last everything that can be illustrated and to represent our diversity and creativity. ( google.br)
Size: Postcards 10 x 15 cm - maximum 3 postcards per artist
NO RETURN – NO SELECTION – NO JURY (erotic images, violent, racist or insulting works will not be included in the show)
Technique: collage, draw, painting…
Exhibition: at the Maison des Cultures de Saint Gilles, in Brussels, Septembre 2011, as part of the 3rd Biennial des Arts Brésiliens de Bruxelles. I also plan on having a mail art show around Brazil in 2014 (world cup of football) and 2016 (Olympics) - Date to be announced.
Documentation: All works will be posted on the blog
all works must be sent by post
Please provide your name, surname, nationality and e-mail address.
Deadline to be received for the 3th Biennial: September 15, 2011
Inêz da Silva
Rue Saint Bernard, 17- bte 54
1060 Brussels
Human Colours, Music
24 September 2010
Area, region, stall, area, place of belonging, residence, may be given endless definitions of where one chooses to be, by place of birth, which spends much of life, gestate emotions, situations, feelings, making we like being there.
...It is possible that we move for various reasons, which makes us to stop taking it in another physical space and its place in the World.
Or that our place in the world a small space like a room, house or a landscape.
One and only one set and choose where to belong. Where he expresses his wishes, his family or weapon projects.
So we always have "our place in the World, by choice or fate or whoever that knows things, we were up there. Wherever we say "this is my place in the world"
How, why and what's yours? Compartámoslo.
Technique: Free
Format: Mail Art - Maximum A4
Deadline: October 31, 2010.
Send to:
Claudia Ligorria / Mail Art
Constitution 1742 PB "A"
(CP 1646) San Fernando
Provincia de Buenos Aires
Are discussed in this Blog.
Sharing my place in the world with all participants, will be an exhibition of all work in my beloved San Fernando in "plural" - San Fernando.
There will be a 2 nd exhibition of works in a room located in the City of Buenos Aires on a date to be determined.
And which are invited.
Documentation will be sent to all participants.
From already thank you very much for participating, I hope your shipments.
A hug from my place in the world, San Fernando, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA.
Claudia Ligorria
21 September 2010
Bastarded xerox
Info: Send your works of art, in the making of which a Xerox was used one way or the other. Any themes and formats are acceptable.
Comment: All correspondence will be posted at http://www.bastardedxerox.blogspot.com/
Deadline: no
Vitaly Maklakov /
P.O. Box 38 /
Sverdlovsk area /
c.Kamensk-Uralsky /
623430 / Russia /
from Russia with love & dada regards
19 September 2010
FORMAT: 8.5 x 11 in paper
TECHNIQUES: Draw, paint, collage, stamp or digital art
RULES: Make a full size outline of your hand and fill it in using any of the techniques above & leave the background white.
Sharon Zimmer
16220 Via Solera Cir. #106,
Fort Myers,
FL 33908 USA
DOCUMENTATION: Online at www.sharonzimmer.com
15 September 2010
55 project

Mail-Art call:
THEME: Born in 1955 and now I’m 55 years old. Surprise me with anything related to the number 55
TECHNIQUE: Free. Drawing, painting, collage, calligraphy, photography, rubberstamps .... it’s up to you!
SIZE: Free.
Formats and materials in compliance with current postal regulations.
TERMS: No jury, no prizes, no returns
DOCUMENTATION: all works will be published at this blog.
DEADLINE to be received: July 8, 2011
Adress : See Photo!
6 September 2010
Date limite : 25 mai 2012.
Format et techniques libres. Pas de jury, pas de retours.
Les oeuvres doivent être expédiées par la poste.
Exposition en 2012 à La Paz, Bolivia.
Envoyer à : Philippe Pissier,
5 rue Clemenceau,
46170 Castelnau-Montratier,
Limite de fecha : 25 de mayo 2012.
Formato y técnica libres. Sin jurado ni reenvio.
Exposición en 2012, La Paz, Bolivia.
Envios a : Philippe Pissier,
5 rue Clemenceau,
46170 Castelnau-Montratier,
Deadline : May 25th, 2012.
Free technique and size. No fees. No jury.
No return.Exhibition in 2012 in La Paz, Bolivia.
All works must be sent by post.
Send to : Philippe Pissier,
5 rue Clemenceau,
46170 Castelnau-Montratier,
Data limite : 25 maggio 2012.
Formato e tecniche libere. Senza giuria,senza rinvio.
Mostre per 2012, La Paz, Bolivia.
Spedire a: Philippe Pissier,
5 rue Clemenceau,
46170 Castelnau-Montratier,
5 September 2010
I would be happy to receive your contribution.
Il produrre arte che risponda esclusivamente alle proprie esigenze creative senza scendere a compromessi per renderla bene di consumo
The production of an art that fits exclusively one’s own creative needs without stooping to compromises to make it a consumer good
Formato: libero / Format: free
Tecnica libera : opere in 2 & 3 dimensioni; ma anche musica,video, performance, poesia e brevi racconti (su supporto digitale)
Technique free: works in 2 & 3 dimension; , as well as music, video, performance, poetry and small stories(on digital support)
Scadenza 10 dicembre 2010/ deadline: 2010, December 10th
nessuna restituzione, nessuna tassa, nessuna selezione,nessuna giuria / no return, no fee, no selection, no jury
(No pornography please)
I lavori vanno spediti al seguente indirizzo: / Works should be sent at the following address:
Maurizio Follin, Via M.te Cervino, 27
30173 Favaro V.to - Venezia - Italy
indicando nome, cognome, nazionalità ed indirizzo dell'artista + indirizzo e-mail (per l’invio della documentazione finale) ed eventuale sito web
please insert name, surname, country, address + e-mail address (for notification of final documentation) and web site if exist.
Tutti i lavori devono essere spediti per posta con affrancatura postale / All works must be send by post with postage stamps.
Catalogo on-line su sito: / On line catalogue on the website: http://itsonlymailartnocommercial.blogspot.com/
Catalogo in pdf scaricabile a cura di / pdf catalog by : Claudio Romeo
Esposizioni (in data da definire) presso / Exibition:
Galleria Terre Rare - Bologna
Garage N.3 Gallery - Venezia Mestre
Spazio espositivo "Barrique" - Scriò di Dolegna del Collio GO
Evento organizzato in collaborazione con:
DodoDada Arte Postale - http://dododada.ning.com/
Terre Rare - http://www.terrerare.net/
Ambasciata di Venezia : http://www.artistampnews.com/dated_calls/html/italian_calls.html
Reantà Non Ordinaria - http://realtano.it/
Testi critici : Giancarlo Da Lio
mi scuso se avete già ricevuto questo invito e/o avete già partecipato
I apologize if you have received this invitation or you have been involved
3 September 2010
2 September 2010
Mini[e]MailArt No11
the project of Arnolfini Archives called Mini[e]MailArt No11. (Tickets) has closed with 55 participants. And now, we ask You to participate in the No12. autumn series: Clocks.
Details here:
We are waiting for Your work!
Have a creative Autumn,
best, Ervin Zsubori, Hungary
25 August 2010
Steal this blog now
Ow, this is a Mail-Art project that only works digitally. We will see how this develops. I will make an advertising on the blog now....
24 August 2010
an International Mail Art Project 2011 dedicated for Peace to the world, west java, Bandung, Indonesia.
Peace for everyone, who ever you are, where ever you are, what ever you are
lets imagine PEACE to encircle the world. inspiring and spreading more !
Thank you for giving PEACE a chance...
Love and Peace ! Evie Satijadi & Toni Antonius
Deadline : 30 May 2011.
Free technique and size. No fees. No jury.
No return.Anything that can be sent
Exhibitions in 2011, SOS Sanggar Olah Seni ( www.savesos.blogspot.com )
information : seniman_s@yahoo.com.sg
Send to :
Evie.S & Toni
Kotakpos 6622
BDCO 40116A
Bandung - West Java
23 August 2010
Ray Johnson

1962-2012 - 50 years of mail art in homage to Ray Johnson from the New York School of CorresponDance
Theme: Please send a sign of renewed adherence, love and gratitude to this "School", to celebrate this important anniversary together.medium/technique: free
No return - No jury - no selection.Exhibition.Documentation to... participants.
Deadline: March 31, 2012
Mailartmeeting Archives
Via G. Tanari 1445/B
40024 Castel San Pietro Terme-BO
22 August 2010
Take care of your planet daily!
Free style with the inclusion of the text: "Everyday Ecology"
Size 10 x 15cm or 15 x 15cm
Works will be showed starting November 19th, 2010 at MAC (Canadenses Artists Museum) until November 21, celebrating the International Day of Pure Air.
The Mail Art will be retained as part of the permanent collection of the MAC. This is the first mail art project in the city of Canada de Gomez, Argentina.
Deadline: November 5th, 2010
Send to:
Rosa Gravino
Chacabuco 833
2500 Canada de Gómez
e invito a participar de mi proyecto “Cómo cuido mi planeta diariamente?”.
Técnica Libre con la inclusión del texto "Ecología Cotidiana"
Medidas 10x15 cm / 15x15 cm
Exhibición desde el 19 hasta el 21 de noviembre en celebración del Día Internacional del Aire Puro.
Todas las obras recibidas formaran parte de la colección permanente del MAC (Museo de Artistas Cañadenses). Es el primer proyecto de Arte Correo en la ciudad de Cañada de Gómez
Plazo hasta el 5 de noviembre de 2010
Enviar a:
Rosa Gravino
Chacabuco 833
2500 Canada de Gómez
Ti invito a partecipare al mio progetto "Come prendersi cura del pianeta quotidianamente?"
Tecnica libera ma includi Ecologia di ognigiorno.
Misure: 10 x 15 cm / 15 x15 cm
Mostra dal 19 al 21 novembre per celebrare la giornata internazionale dell’aria pura.
Tutte le opere faranno parte della collezione del Museo degli Artisti Canadiesi. E’ il primo progetto di mail art nella città di Cañada de Gómez.SCADENZA 5 novembre 2010
Enviare a:
Rosa Gravino
Chacabuco 833
2500 Canada de Gómez
18 August 2010
13 August 2010
Spaltenstein Project - Germany
This is the title of the mail art project of the Gotthilf-Vöhringer School (Department of nursing) in Friedrichshafen and the "International Artist Initiative SPALTENSTEIN-PROJEKT”, which is issued worldwide.
Negative headlines often shape the reports on older/old people in the media. The staff at the elderly and disabled homes often suffer from this image, although they do highly professional work in their institutions. It is therefore the objective of this Mail art campaign and exhibitions, to provide the public with a different picture of the often strange world of elderly people in an artisanal way. The main focus of the campaign will therefore be the participants’ point of view on all facets of age/aging.
What is mail art?
Mail art implies that anyone who is interested in participating sends his/her self-created works of art to the initiator by mail (for free). It is important to know that the work of art remains with the initiator and will not be returned. The initiator is obliged to publish these works and can not obtain a personal profit from it. In addition, the initiator is committed to document the exhibition of the work and accord each participant a brochure/ catalog for free. In opposition to widespread customs in art competitions this campaign/exhibition takes place without evaluation or rating of individual work by others. Therefore all participants are treated equally, from amateur to professional artists. By employing this concept the Gotthilf-Vöhringer-School (Department of nursing) and the "Spaltenstein Projekt" follow the tradition of Ray Johnson (founder of the New York Correspondence School in 1962, died 1995), who first embarked on this path with the idea of international Mail Art.
Desirable is now the participation of artists, such as young and old people, patients, relatives, nurses, doctors and therapists: everyone is most welcome to participate. The entry deadline for the works, which can not be sent by e-mail, is the 31st of October 2010, the format is limited to postcard size (maximum 14x21 cm). We ask the participants to provide us with their e-mail address in addition to their postal address so we can confirm the arrival of their entry as soon as possible.
Two-mail art exhibition venues are already fixed: the “Gotthilf-Vöhringer School” and Gallery “PLATFORM 3/3” in Friedrichshafen. Several institutions in Baden-Wuerttemberg have already signalled their cities’ / town’s interest in a cooperation- either providing independent Mail-art exhibitions or subsequent projects.
For the start-up we have been generously provided with some funds by the Johannes-Ziegler-Stiftung Wilhelmsdorf and we hope to be able to secure additional funding as soon as possible to not only create a leaflet on the exhibition but a professional catalog.
By participating, the artists transfer the picture rights of their submitted works for the documentation and the publication of the exhibitions in print and Internet media to the “International Artist Initiative Spaltenstein-Projekt”.
As usual with mail art, the slogan is: "No profit, no jury, no return.", but instead you get the documentation!
Contact and shipping address:
"International Artist Initiative SPALTENSTEIN PROJECT"
Matthias Brugger,
Unterer Lettenweg 2
88677 Markdorf
12 August 2010
Mail Art Show at BMC by John Held Jr.

Photo: Hazel Larsen Archer, Untitled (Ray in Josef Albers' Class), ca. 1945-1948. Estate of Hazel Larsen Archer and BMC Museum + Arts Center
MC to DiY:
The Continuing Influence of Black Mountain College Artists
(Josef & Anni Albers, Ruth Asawa, Carolyn Brown, Remy Charlip, John Cage, Merce Cunningham, Willem de Kooning, Buckminster Fuller, Ray Johnson, Karen Karnes, Albert Lanier, M. C. Richards, Robert Rauschenberg, Kenneth Snelson, Norman Solomon [Mr. Postcards], Marie Tavroges Stilkind, David Tudor, Cy Twombly, Peter Voulkos, et al.)
Mail Art Show Curated with Lecture by
John Held, Jr.
Re-Viewing Black Mountain College 2
A Conference Co-hosted by
The Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center and
The University of North Carolina at Asheville
October 8-10, 2010
Keynote Speaker: Kenneth Snelson
Send Mail Art to:
BMC to DiY
Black Mountain College Museum
56 Broadway
Asheville, NC 28801
Works to remain in BMC Museum archive.
7 August 2010
4 August 2010
Article in Broken Pencil - USA/Canada
27 July 2010
Collecting - Project Call
Theme: collecting
Thousands of people have special collections which vary from stamps, coins, wrappers of cigars to meaningful words and fond memories. Why do we collect? And how? Many contemporary artists use ‘the collecting’ to visualise their artistic concept. They also have the ability to put the principles of collecting into one postcard.
Size: 10 x 15 cm, postcard, maximum 2 postcards per artist.
Technique: free
No return, no fee, no selection by jury (erotic images, violent, racist or insulting works will not be included in the show).
All works works must be send by post
All participants will receive a message, please provide your name, surname, address and nationality
Exhibition: 20-02-2011 tot 11-03-2011 in the library of the Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven (NL). And all works will be posted on blog: http://vanabbebibliotheek.blogspot.com
A modest catalogue will be published in limited edition
All documentation will be kept in the collection of the library of the Van Abbemuseum.
Info: mircard@hotmail.com
Deadline to be received: 31-01-2011
Miranda Vissers
Jo Goudkuillaan 2
5626 GC Eindhoven
The Netherlands
26 July 2010
Space Art Mail
International Mail Art Project
Space Art Mail
Size: 35x25cm, cardboard
Techniques: painting, collage, drawing
Not in an envelope please, no e-mail contribution, no copies
No return
Dead line: 15.10. 2010
Exhibition: 16.12.2010-15.02.2011
In The A.S. Popov Central Museum of Communications, St.Petersburg, Russia
Forward to:
The A.S. Popov Central Museum of Communications
7 Pochtamtskaya str.
190000, St. Petersburg
23 July 2010
Mail art call/centrum Kultury "ZAMEK"
Stick a stamp and mail us your work:
If you don’t like going out, send us your work by e-mail:

Thank you.
Barbara Manda Centrum Kultury "ZAMEK", pl. Świętojański 1 tel (0-71) 349 35 36