Display, document or interpret your language and culture, and mail in your contribution to This Is (mail) art. Celebrate your community, neighbourhood, city or country through the medium of mail art. Where is the boundary between culture and language? Is it possible for one to exist without the other, or are they inexorably intertwined?
A joint effort between www.thisisart.ca and Culture and Language Connections (CLC), the show will be held in Montreal in May of 2011. All art must be postdated prior to April 15th 2011 to be included in the show. There is no jury, no returns, and all submissions will be exhibited excluding offensive, racist, discriminatory or hateful images. All techniques are welcome however there is a maximum size of 20 cm x 20 cm. Please provide your full name, address and email. All work will be documented on www.thisisart.ca.
Mail all submissions to:
This is (mail) Art
Attn: Kiera Pannell
PO Box 42085
3861 St Laurent
Montreal, QC
H2W 1A0
Deadline: April 15th, 2010
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