Commentaire: technique, format, libres
timbre et adresse sur l'oeuvre
coordonnées et site web au dos
réponse à chaque participant
technique and size free
stamp and adress on the work
your adress and website on the back
answer to each participant
Date limite: 31 décembre 2007
4, Avenue Wellington
1180 Bruxelles
30 October 2007
Résistance et déportation
Dans le cadre du concours de la Résistance et de la déportation
Les élèves du lycée Saint Marie de Nevers et
L’enseignante documentaliste Brigitte Mazières
Lancent un appel à projet d’art postal sur le thème :
« L’aide aux personnes pourchassées et persécutées pendant la seconde guerre mondiale : Une autre forme de résistance »
Exposition des œuvres reçues lors des portes ouvertes du lycée
Madame Mazières
Enseignante documentaliste
CDI du Lycée Sainte Marie de Nevers
10 rue du Périgord
Les élèves du lycée Saint Marie de Nevers et
L’enseignante documentaliste Brigitte Mazières
Lancent un appel à projet d’art postal sur le thème :
« L’aide aux personnes pourchassées et persécutées pendant la seconde guerre mondiale : Une autre forme de résistance »
Exposition des œuvres reçues lors des portes ouvertes du lycée
Madame Mazières
Enseignante documentaliste
CDI du Lycée Sainte Marie de Nevers
10 rue du Périgord
28 October 2007
Project by Pete Spence
Here i have a mail art project with very short deadline theme. Please react quickly and send your works for:
the modern horse
(for some this could mean the bycycle)
size. up to A4
deadline: 15 december 2007
send to:
the modern horse 1
exhibition through december and january and documentation after the exhibition thanks
hope you could also pass it on into the network
the modern horse
(for some this could mean the bycycle)
size. up to A4
deadline: 15 december 2007
send to:
the modern horse 1
exhibition through december and january and documentation after the exhibition thanks
hope you could also pass it on into the network
BZW.(+n) project

Today is the beginning of "bzw. (+n)"Please send me your mail-art to this adress:
click here:
BZW.(+n) project,
Heike Sackmann,
mail art call
27 October 2007
Cameraderie - Keith Bates
Email Cameraderie your self-portrait photo.
Current and former mailartists are invited to send their best photograph for the gallery -
email to Cameraderie
See photo-gallery on:
Current and former mailartists are invited to send their best photograph for the gallery -
email to Cameraderie
See photo-gallery on:
Tea Time!

Title & Theme: Tea garden to tea cup. All about tea.
Media: open
Size: 4" X 6" (10.5 cm X 15 cm)
No Jury
No returns
On-line documentation
Deadline: 31 Jan. 2008
The work will be exhibited at Carytown Teas during March 2008.
This shop is very delightful, with a lovely proprietor, where you can buy specially blended teas, and even have a traditional tea time.
Send your work to -
Carytown Teas
c/0 Patricia
24 S. Nansemond St.
Richmond, VA 23221
Include your name, address, and e-mail.
25 October 2007
Hommage a Master
Mail Art Project 2007
"Hommage à Master"
Debrecen, 12 August 2007.
Dear Artist,
The Faculty of Economics and the Department of International Relations and World Economics (University of Debrecen, Hungary) invites the artists to participate in the 4nd International Mail Art Exhibition, from 24 November to 20 December, 2007 in Aula Gallery of Faculty.
The theme is "Hommage à Master". The exhibition is sponsored by The Példa Képfõiskola, The SpanishFlu @rt webroom (, the Hungarian Electrographic Society, the Hungarian Pastel Society and the Marcelland International Art Collection.
Curator: Ms. Eszter Láng
The collection of the biennial will be also seen in Nagyvárad and Nagybánya (Romania), in 2008. Please, send your contributions.
„All of us learn from somebody. All of us has (had) a nice, favourite teacher, lecturer, whom we can admire, whose knowledge, values we can respect, from whom we can learn something, which can be learnt that way just from him and who opened the window to the world, let our wings to open, even encouraged us to fly. And whom, even after stepping forward, we always remember thankfully and with appreciation.” (Láng Eszter, 2006) .This exhibition revives the memory of the master. Or better of the MASTER, written like this, all with capital letters.
The exhibition is exclusively held for works of the theme concerned, created for this occasion and sent by conventional post. All the two-dimmensional art works will be displayed independently of its form, material, technique (drawings, graphics, photos, paintings, art stamps, seal prints, or other two-dimmensional works of art connected to the topic stated), if it arrives as a postcard or a letter: posted 'uncovered' and those put into an envelope whether they are. The works non will be returned to their creators, these will get into the Marcelland International Art Collection. Feel free to use the most postal elements or extra services possible (spectacular stamps, registered letter, special delivery) in order to decorate your mail art work.
Works must be received by mail .
Required format: max 20 x 30 cm.
Please include on the back of your work or in document attached
your name, full mailing address, short CV, title of artwork, medium and e-mail address, (website if you have one).
Documentation will be sent to all participants. (Besides this a CD-ROM catalogue is
probably availabe after the occasion and will cost 10 euro or 12 USD.)
Works must be received before November 20, 2007.
All art works to be mailed to:
Faculty of Economics
University of Debrecen
Kassai út 26.
H-4028 Debrecen
With best regards,
The Organisation Committee
"Hommage à Master"
Debrecen, 12 August 2007.
Dear Artist,
The Faculty of Economics and the Department of International Relations and World Economics (University of Debrecen, Hungary) invites the artists to participate in the 4nd International Mail Art Exhibition, from 24 November to 20 December, 2007 in Aula Gallery of Faculty.
The theme is "Hommage à Master". The exhibition is sponsored by The Példa Képfõiskola, The SpanishFlu @rt webroom (, the Hungarian Electrographic Society, the Hungarian Pastel Society and the Marcelland International Art Collection.
Curator: Ms. Eszter Láng
The collection of the biennial will be also seen in Nagyvárad and Nagybánya (Romania), in 2008. Please, send your contributions.
„All of us learn from somebody. All of us has (had) a nice, favourite teacher, lecturer, whom we can admire, whose knowledge, values we can respect, from whom we can learn something, which can be learnt that way just from him and who opened the window to the world, let our wings to open, even encouraged us to fly. And whom, even after stepping forward, we always remember thankfully and with appreciation.” (Láng Eszter, 2006) .This exhibition revives the memory of the master. Or better of the MASTER, written like this, all with capital letters.
The exhibition is exclusively held for works of the theme concerned, created for this occasion and sent by conventional post. All the two-dimmensional art works will be displayed independently of its form, material, technique (drawings, graphics, photos, paintings, art stamps, seal prints, or other two-dimmensional works of art connected to the topic stated), if it arrives as a postcard or a letter: posted 'uncovered' and those put into an envelope whether they are. The works non will be returned to their creators, these will get into the Marcelland International Art Collection. Feel free to use the most postal elements or extra services possible (spectacular stamps, registered letter, special delivery) in order to decorate your mail art work.
Works must be received by mail .
Required format: max 20 x 30 cm.
Please include on the back of your work or in document attached
your name, full mailing address, short CV, title of artwork, medium and e-mail address, (website if you have one).
Documentation will be sent to all participants. (Besides this a CD-ROM catalogue is
probably availabe after the occasion and will cost 10 euro or 12 USD.)
Works must be received before November 20, 2007.
All art works to be mailed to:
Faculty of Economics
University of Debrecen
Kassai út 26.
H-4028 Debrecen
With best regards,
The Organisation Committee
Ezter Lang,
mail art call,
24 October 2007
Selfportrait - Project
Send your self portrait made in any media u prefer, as long as it is sendable via normal post, and your work will be part of an exhibition of MAIL-ARTISTS SELF PORTRAITS!
Deadline> 31 December, 2008.
A catalogue and exhibition info will be sent to each participant!
No returns.
Send your works to:
Teodor Ajder,
ul.Bernardynska 21, m.45,
Waiting for your artifacts!
Look at collection:
Deadline> 31 December, 2008.
A catalogue and exhibition info will be sent to each participant!
No returns.
Send your works to:
Teodor Ajder,
ul.Bernardynska 21, m.45,
Waiting for your artifacts!
Look at collection:
23 October 2007
Small Art
“The First Biennale International of the Small Art - Venezuela”
Mail artists Annijames Rivero and Luis Valera Escarre invite all interested artists around the globe to participate in their international Mail - art Project:
Exhibition to all.
No jury.
Catalogue to all.
No return.
Size: Maximum postcard size (10 .5 x 15 cm.)
Technique: Free
Deadline: December 31, 2007
Send your Work to:
Luis Valera
Escarre y Annijames Rivero,
“I Bienal del Pequeño, Formato - Venezuela”,
Apartado Postal 54,
Zona Postal 2101 -
A, Maracay -
“The First Biennale International of the Small Art - Venezuela”
Mail artists Annijames Rivero and Luis Valera Escarre invite all interested artists around the globe to participate in their international Mail - art Project:
Exhibition to all.
No jury.
Catalogue to all.
No return.
Size: Maximum postcard size (10 .5 x 15 cm.)
Technique: Free
Deadline: December 31, 2007
Send your Work to:
Luis Valera
Escarre y Annijames Rivero,
“I Bienal del Pequeño, Formato - Venezuela”,
Apartado Postal 54,
Zona Postal 2101 -
A, Maracay -
21 October 2007
Merry Christmas
THEME: “Merry Christmas”
Artist Jorge Restrepo ( ) will make an installation in the Spanish Cultural Center , Tegucigalpa , Honduras ( Central America ).
Theme: The mail-artworks will show the reality of the world, the extreme differences in religion, social classes, justice, poverty, income, access to water, languages…of different countries….of the world.
While some people are partying and celebrating, gambling…vacationing…in December, others are suffering. Jorge Restrepo will create an environment of Christmas celebration at the exhibit rooms of the Center…using the mail-artworks. The observer to the exhibit will feel the sensation of Christmas decoration. When the visitors look in detail to the decoration (mail-artworks simulating Christmas cards and messages) the reality of the world will appear…dramatically…in front of their eyes…
Electronic documentation to all. Please send Email address, name and postal address. Format and medium: free . All work will be shown. No returns.
Deadline: November 30, 2007
Carlos Lanza,
Send to: Jorge Restrepo,
POBox 93,
Central America
Artist Jorge Restrepo ( ) will make an installation in the Spanish Cultural Center , Tegucigalpa , Honduras ( Central America ).
Theme: The mail-artworks will show the reality of the world, the extreme differences in religion, social classes, justice, poverty, income, access to water, languages…of different countries….of the world.
While some people are partying and celebrating, gambling…vacationing…in December, others are suffering. Jorge Restrepo will create an environment of Christmas celebration at the exhibit rooms of the Center…using the mail-artworks. The observer to the exhibit will feel the sensation of Christmas decoration. When the visitors look in detail to the decoration (mail-artworks simulating Christmas cards and messages) the reality of the world will appear…dramatically…in front of their eyes…
Electronic documentation to all. Please send Email address, name and postal address. Format and medium: free . All work will be shown. No returns.
Deadline: November 30, 2007
Carlos Lanza,
Send to: Jorge Restrepo,
POBox 93,
Central America
Central America,
mail art call,
Merry Christmas
“Postcards from Darwin”
Call for Mail Art submissions to an open exhibition at the Exeter Phoenix Arts Centre. To be held between 5th November and the 21st November 2007. Darwin, as a young man, travelled the world in the Beagle, as a result of which he later wrote the first edition of "On The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life”This open-call for submissions to a mail-art exhibition at the Exeter Phoenix invites a creative and imaginative interpretation of letters and postcards home from the great evolutionist.
Closing date for posted submissions is:- 29th October 2007.
Please address all submissions to:-
Howard Warnerford
Call for Mail Art submissions to an open exhibition at the Exeter Phoenix Arts Centre. To be held between 5th November and the 21st November 2007. Darwin, as a young man, travelled the world in the Beagle, as a result of which he later wrote the first edition of "On The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life”This open-call for submissions to a mail-art exhibition at the Exeter Phoenix invites a creative and imaginative interpretation of letters and postcards home from the great evolutionist.
Closing date for posted submissions is:- 29th October 2007.
Please address all submissions to:-
Howard Warnerford
HAIRSTYLE : Send amazing/creative/beautiful photos,paintings or drawings.
A permanent exhibition in a local hair salon isplanned.Online documentation to participants at
No Return
Deadline: December 31, 2007
Sidney Tome and Beatriz Tome
R. Pedro de Godoi, 269
Gardenia 123
São Paulo
Brasil0 3138-010
A permanent exhibition in a local hair salon isplanned.Online documentation to participants at
No Return
Deadline: December 31, 2007
Sidney Tome and Beatriz Tome
R. Pedro de Godoi, 269
Gardenia 123
São Paulo
Brasil0 3138-010
17 October 2007
American Gun Goddess

Here's the latest take on America and guns from mail art badboy Michael Hernandez de Luna. The Chicago, Illinois-based artist collages his works digitally in creating sardonic fake postage stamps that stick a stick in the most sensitive places, and he does it all with style and panache. Once printed, all hell breaks loose. Like Michael Thompson, Michel Hosszù, MHdL is one of the stamp champs. MHdL is also the curator of the extraordinary 2005 stamp art show, Axis of Evil: The Secret History of Sin. (I was happily included!)
Click on the image to enlarge.
I invite you to participate in my first and small mail-art projet, which is focused on a theme that I like very much, a theme about which I am, at the same time, keen on and worried about: the sea.A clean sea, a green sea, a blue sea, a sea without overfishing, a sea for its dwellers, a sea for everybody, a sea to enjoy. No pollution. No exploitation. No globalization.
Deadline: End of November, 2007
Technique: FreeSize: DIN A4 (maximum)
No return. Answer and interchange to everybody.
Send your Works to:
Carlos Botana
Avda. Gral. Sanjurjo, 62-2º
15006 A Coruña
Galicia (Spain)
I invite you to participate in my first and small mail-art projet, which is focused on a theme that I like very much, a theme about which I am, at the same time, keen on and worried about: the sea.A clean sea, a green sea, a blue sea, a sea without overfishing, a sea for its dwellers, a sea for everybody, a sea to enjoy. No pollution. No exploitation. No globalization.
Deadline: End of November, 2007
Technique: FreeSize: DIN A4 (maximum)
No return. Answer and interchange to everybody.
Send your Works to:
Carlos Botana
Avda. Gral. Sanjurjo, 62-2º
15006 A Coruña
Galicia (Spain)
16 October 2007
Object Object
Object:Object Project is looking for submissions!
Object:Object is a project that hopes to examine the process of translating verbal communication to visual communication while connecting all of the participants involved through personal and heartfelt narrative.
Please help!
Write a detailed description of an object that you own or have owned which has particular sentimental value for you. Please describe the objects structure with as much detail as possible - be specific about it's size, shape, colour and other necessary aesthetic elements. If you like, include a short written narrative about how you came to own the object or a short story of why this object is of special value to you. Please do not submit photographs or other visuals of the item.
The written descriptions collected will be remade in sculptural form by an artist participant. Artists will use only the written description, with no visual reference, to recreate these objects. The first showing of completed pieces will be installed in an upcoming collateral event for the Open Engagement Conference in Regina, Saskatchewan this October, 2007.
Submissions are being accepted now.
more info:
Object:Object is a project that hopes to examine the process of translating verbal communication to visual communication while connecting all of the participants involved through personal and heartfelt narrative.
Please help!
Write a detailed description of an object that you own or have owned which has particular sentimental value for you. Please describe the objects structure with as much detail as possible - be specific about it's size, shape, colour and other necessary aesthetic elements. If you like, include a short written narrative about how you came to own the object or a short story of why this object is of special value to you. Please do not submit photographs or other visuals of the item.
The written descriptions collected will be remade in sculptural form by an artist participant. Artists will use only the written description, with no visual reference, to recreate these objects. The first showing of completed pieces will be installed in an upcoming collateral event for the Open Engagement Conference in Regina, Saskatchewan this October, 2007.
Submissions are being accepted now.
more info:
Mail Art Calls"Rain on the pavement" "Roofs of our cities, our villages""Vegetables and fruits" Dead line 2007, december the 31st. Free technique, any supports, any sizes.
Stamp and adress on the work with your adress and website on the back
These works will be exposed as one goes along on this web site "Art Postal/courrier reçu". Answer to each participant
Adress :
Aliette Couette,
3 rue de Vélizy,
92190 Meudon.
Stamp and adress on the work with your adress and website on the back
These works will be exposed as one goes along on this web site "Art Postal/courrier reçu". Answer to each participant
Adress :
Aliette Couette,
3 rue de Vélizy,
92190 Meudon.
14 October 2007
TAM Rubberstamp Archive

Because of the upcoming 25 years celebration I have just ordered this rubberstamp which you will be seeing soon on my outgoing mail. Just first signals of the special events planned in the next year....
If you want to have some stampsheets to participate, just send an e-mail with your snail-mail address.......
Ruud Janssen -
Ruud Janssen,
TAM Rubberstamp Archive
13 October 2007
MAIL ART STIGMA- last call for the book
Hi, video about mail art stigma, the new version and maybe thedefinitive one is on going on some artistic expo in Italy. You can see it on tekenmedia or exibart, italian on line art info journal.
On december it will be stamped the book, and so for this if some of you want to participate please send until the end of this mounth. It will be nice to add some little words about your perception of the mail art and-or your feeling about.
Info abut the call :
Luistar, Luigi Starace
Hi, video about mail art stigma, the new version and maybe thedefinitive one is on going on some artistic expo in Italy. You can see it on tekenmedia or exibart, italian on line art info journal.
On december it will be stamped the book, and so for this if some of you want to participate please send until the end of this mounth. It will be nice to add some little words about your perception of the mail art and-or your feeling about.
Info abut the call :
Luistar, Luigi Starace
12 October 2007
Brazilian call
9 October 2007
calls 07
The mailbox from all that it comes for this way.
El Taller de Zenon tries to classify it, but not always it coincides with the author.
The border between the different artistic fields every day is mas diffuse and the theoretical ones do not put in agreement in the limits of every field.
After years of study to discover the differences, we have decided that only the author is authorized to decide where to fit his work.
CALLS 2007
Chooses a call (or both) and send us your works.
Answer and exchange to all. Exhibition in our web-galleries.
Open theme. No deadline.
To indicate the call ( please).
Miguel Jimenez
El Taller de Zenón
C/ Santa María de Guía nº 1 - 4º C
ES - 41008 Sevilla España
El Taller de Zenon tries to classify it, but not always it coincides with the author.
The border between the different artistic fields every day is mas diffuse and the theoretical ones do not put in agreement in the limits of every field.
After years of study to discover the differences, we have decided that only the author is authorized to decide where to fit his work.
CALLS 2007
Chooses a call (or both) and send us your works.
Answer and exchange to all. Exhibition in our web-galleries.
Open theme. No deadline.
To indicate the call ( please).
Miguel Jimenez
El Taller de Zenón
C/ Santa María de Guía nº 1 - 4º C
ES - 41008 Sevilla España
World in an Envelope
THEME: The Whole World in an Envelope
Commentaire: The Russian magazine, "Vvedenskaya Storona", announced the mail-art project called "The Whole World in an Envelope".The deadline is November 20, 2007.All works will be shown in an exhibit in 2008, in the city of Veliki Novgorod, Russia.
Also the works will be published on this blog:
Deadline: November 20, 2007
Новгородская область (Novgorodskaya oblast)
Г. Старая Русса (Staraya Russa)
Советская Набережная, 18-61 (Sovietskaya Naberezhnaya, 18-61)
"Введенская Сторона" ("Vedenskaya Storona")
175206 Russia
Commentaire: The Russian magazine, "Vvedenskaya Storona", announced the mail-art project called "The Whole World in an Envelope".The deadline is November 20, 2007.All works will be shown in an exhibit in 2008, in the city of Veliki Novgorod, Russia.
Also the works will be published on this blog:
Deadline: November 20, 2007
Новгородская область (Novgorodskaya oblast)
Г. Старая Русса (Staraya Russa)
Советская Набережная, 18-61 (Sovietskaya Naberezhnaya, 18-61)
"Введенская Сторона" ("Vedenskaya Storona")
175206 Russia
El Taller - Spain
The mailbox from all that it comes for this way. El Taller de Zenon tries to classify it, but not always it coincides with the author. The border between the different artistic fields every day is mas diffuse and the theoretical ones do not put in agreement in the limits of every field. After years of study to discover the differences, we have decided that only the author is authorized to decide where to fit his work.
Chooses a call (or both) and send us your works. Answer and exchange to all.
Exhibition in our web-galleries. Open theme. No deadline. To indicate the call. Miguel Jimenez
El Taller de Zenón
C/ Santa María de Guía nº 1 - 4º C
ES - 41008 Sevilla España
:- #)) Saludos de Zenón Visita El Taller de Zenón en :
Chooses a call (or both) and send us your works. Answer and exchange to all.
Exhibition in our web-galleries. Open theme. No deadline. To indicate the call. Miguel Jimenez
El Taller de Zenón
C/ Santa María de Guía nº 1 - 4º C
ES - 41008 Sevilla España
:- #)) Saludos de Zenón Visita El Taller de Zenón en :
7 October 2007
6 October 2007
Sending a work with subject "DRÁCULA". Will not have to exceed the A4 size.Free technique and in any jury and works not be returned.
Documentation for all participants Exposition online.
Info: For my project please send me any medium that deal with any technique.
Deadline: 10.10.2008
Artist: CÍNTIA / Rua Fruta de Caiapó, 306 / 08050-100 / BRAZIL /
Posted: 07.09.2007
Sending a work with subject "DRÁCULA". Will not have to exceed the A4 size.Free technique and in any jury and works not be returned.
Documentation for all participants Exposition online.
Info: For my project please send me any medium that deal with any technique.
Deadline: 10.10.2008
Artist: CÍNTIA / Rua Fruta de Caiapó, 306 / 08050-100 / BRAZIL /
Posted: 07.09.2007
Goddess Mail Call - Ongoing
Renewing the Goddess
After the incredible success of the first wave of the themed mail art show
“Renewing the Goddess” (shown October 14 at the Unitarian Congregation
of Princeton in Central New Jersey, USA)
I will have the second wave of Goddess related art - see more here at the blog:
and send your work - any size, any medium
artist trading cards will be traded if a self-addressed stamped envelope is included.
No deadline - work not returned unless envelope with proper postage is included.
Send to:
Emily Townsend
19 Sapphire Drive
West Windsor, NJ 08550
After the incredible success of the first wave of the themed mail art show
“Renewing the Goddess” (shown October 14 at the Unitarian Congregation
of Princeton in Central New Jersey, USA)
I will have the second wave of Goddess related art - see more here at the blog:
and send your work - any size, any medium
artist trading cards will be traded if a self-addressed stamped envelope is included.
No deadline - work not returned unless envelope with proper postage is included.
Send to:
Emily Townsend
19 Sapphire Drive
West Windsor, NJ 08550
5 October 2007
True Red

This was a postcard I made while thinking about hurricane Katrina and seeing "red" at the failure of the American government to help it's own citizens in a time of need. The insensitivity of the White House during the time roiled me, but it was also a nearly predictable response. Over the past few years, I've had the "opportunity" to collect images from some medical procedures I've had. I haven't fully worked these things into as many situation as I can. "The Biggest Pain Wasn't In My Neck" came from the fact that it was my heart that hurt. Another surprising thing in the wake of Katerina were the "hate inspired" emails I saw circulating that continued to bash the plight of the citizens of New Orleans based on the incidentals of race, income, and politically inspired insensitivity.
4 October 2007
My 40th Project
Documentation of art project for the celebration of my 40th birthday. Yes, way back in 1967 I came into the world and I've been talking ever since. Send a .jpeg file of something that represents 40. Forty candles? Forty trees? Forty MPH? Whatever you think of that represents 40 clearly! Send in your submissions to for documentation for documentation
Mail from Vittore Baroni - Italy
Real Correspondence
a mail art bulletin of the ethereal open network
october 2007 – thirtieth anniversary edition
Whew, this is a rather busy “mail art year” for me! I have just finished mailing out three issues of my Arte Postale! magazine (# 90, 93 and 93, while # 91 was delivered at the end of June to coincide with one year after the loss of my friend Piermario Ciani), for a total of over two hundred envelopes. And to round off my thirtieth year in the mail art network, a sixth and final project is in the wings (see ULTIMATUM! invite below). It was indeed a rather extravagant investment of time and money even for my own intense correspondence standards, but I really wanted to test the state of health of the “ethereal” postal network and my own limits within the medium.
The results have been very encouraging, with a large participation and successful public presentations of the “art hats” and Ciao, Paolina! projects, plus the children workshop at the MACHmit! Museum in Berlin was very well received by organizers and audience alike. Mail Art may be an “old horse”, but for me this form of expression still represents an enlightening anticipation of a wider “paradigm shift” in culture, that social commentators are just starting to acknowledge (see for example the essay Convergence Culture by MIT Professor Henry Jenkins, New York University Press, 2006): a collective participation in the production and fruition of “transmedial” works, the merging and sublimation of individual visions in a open networking perspective (giving life to what William S. Burroughs and Brion Gysin called a “third mind”). Thanks if you participated in any of the projects, and do keep in touch, much more is yet to happen!
Vittore Baroni @ E.O.N.
ARTE POSTALE! (1979- ...)
The magazine AP! is mailed out free to all contributors and also to selected archives and libraries, trades with similar publications are always welcomed. Few copies of each issue are also made available for sale, to recover at least in part the costs of printing and distribution.
Issues currently available:
AP! 88 - Stickin Glue... , special sticker art, over 50 international stickers, 32 pp. - Euro 25.00 - $ 30.00
AP! 89 - 30th Anniversary edition, 30 international networkers, 40 pp. & inserts - Euro 25.00 - $ 30.00
AP! 90 - Hats off to George Maciunas, BAU/Fluxus mail hat art project catalogue - Euro 12.00 - $ 14.00
AP! 91 - Piermario Ciani, one year later, unpublished works and tributes, with cd-r - Euro 25.00 - $ 30.00
AP! 92 - Ciao, Paolina! - international mail art project dedicated to Paolina Bonaparte, all the works in a cd-r plus colour booklet - Euro 12,00 - $ 14,00
AP! 93 - POSTmit! - documentation of a mail art workshop at the MACHmit! Museum for children in Berlin, part of the HACKmit! exhibition, with the participation of 30 international networkers - Euro 12,00 - $ 14,00
AP! 94 - Ultimatum! will appear in December 2007 or January 2008. Stay tuned for more issues in 2008, with the first installments of the monographic series The League of Serious Mail Artists...
Other mail art related publications also available:
Sentieri Interrotti / Vanished Paths (2000) - 388 pages large size catalogue, sections on mail art, Fluxus, Lettrism, Visual Poetry, etc. - Euro 40.00 - $ 60.00
Phosgenia collection (2004) - all 4 issues of the “Bulletin of Obscure Actions” (OA04) in plastic portfolio + original relics, collected edition of 15 copies only - Euro 60.00 - $ 70.00
Whatever Happened to Luther Blissett? (2005) - collective DVD on the multiple name mystery, limited edition version in 100 copies with 30 pages booklet, stickers set and relics - Euro 25.00 - $ 30.00
Europe: apply prices in Euro. Outside Europe: apply prices in U.S. dollars. All the prices listed include packing and postage (sent by air mail outside of Europe). Previous lists and prices are no more effective. Send payment as International Postal Money Order or cash hidden in registered envelope (if you send a cheque add Euro 10,00 / $ 10,00 for bank costs) to:
Vittore Baroni
Via C. Battisti 339
55049 Viareggio
…but wait, my 30th Anniversary in mail art (1977-2007) is not over yet! There is still time for one final project, fittingly titled:
Wars, terrorism, climate changes, pollution, over-population, epidemics... With the complicity of the mass media, we are kept in a constant state of alarm, living every day of our life under the sword of Damocles of a never-ending series of ultimatums.
What I request is simply the design for a rubberstamp in black and white inspired by the theme “Ultimatum!”. I need an original or good print on paper, any size, no half-tones or grey areas, no computer files only and please stick to the theme. The deadline is Halloween, November 2nd 2007. All the participants will receive a free catalogue (Arte Postale! 94).
Mail to my usual address: Vittore Baroni, Via C. Battisti 339, 55049 Viareggio, Italy
a mail art bulletin of the ethereal open network
october 2007 – thirtieth anniversary edition
Whew, this is a rather busy “mail art year” for me! I have just finished mailing out three issues of my Arte Postale! magazine (# 90, 93 and 93, while # 91 was delivered at the end of June to coincide with one year after the loss of my friend Piermario Ciani), for a total of over two hundred envelopes. And to round off my thirtieth year in the mail art network, a sixth and final project is in the wings (see ULTIMATUM! invite below). It was indeed a rather extravagant investment of time and money even for my own intense correspondence standards, but I really wanted to test the state of health of the “ethereal” postal network and my own limits within the medium.
The results have been very encouraging, with a large participation and successful public presentations of the “art hats” and Ciao, Paolina! projects, plus the children workshop at the MACHmit! Museum in Berlin was very well received by organizers and audience alike. Mail Art may be an “old horse”, but for me this form of expression still represents an enlightening anticipation of a wider “paradigm shift” in culture, that social commentators are just starting to acknowledge (see for example the essay Convergence Culture by MIT Professor Henry Jenkins, New York University Press, 2006): a collective participation in the production and fruition of “transmedial” works, the merging and sublimation of individual visions in a open networking perspective (giving life to what William S. Burroughs and Brion Gysin called a “third mind”). Thanks if you participated in any of the projects, and do keep in touch, much more is yet to happen!
Vittore Baroni @ E.O.N.
ARTE POSTALE! (1979- ...)
The magazine AP! is mailed out free to all contributors and also to selected archives and libraries, trades with similar publications are always welcomed. Few copies of each issue are also made available for sale, to recover at least in part the costs of printing and distribution.
Issues currently available:
AP! 88 - Stickin Glue... , special sticker art, over 50 international stickers, 32 pp. - Euro 25.00 - $ 30.00
AP! 89 - 30th Anniversary edition, 30 international networkers, 40 pp. & inserts - Euro 25.00 - $ 30.00
AP! 90 - Hats off to George Maciunas, BAU/Fluxus mail hat art project catalogue - Euro 12.00 - $ 14.00
AP! 91 - Piermario Ciani, one year later, unpublished works and tributes, with cd-r - Euro 25.00 - $ 30.00
AP! 92 - Ciao, Paolina! - international mail art project dedicated to Paolina Bonaparte, all the works in a cd-r plus colour booklet - Euro 12,00 - $ 14,00
AP! 93 - POSTmit! - documentation of a mail art workshop at the MACHmit! Museum for children in Berlin, part of the HACKmit! exhibition, with the participation of 30 international networkers - Euro 12,00 - $ 14,00
AP! 94 - Ultimatum! will appear in December 2007 or January 2008. Stay tuned for more issues in 2008, with the first installments of the monographic series The League of Serious Mail Artists...
Other mail art related publications also available:
Sentieri Interrotti / Vanished Paths (2000) - 388 pages large size catalogue, sections on mail art, Fluxus, Lettrism, Visual Poetry, etc. - Euro 40.00 - $ 60.00
Phosgenia collection (2004) - all 4 issues of the “Bulletin of Obscure Actions” (OA04) in plastic portfolio + original relics, collected edition of 15 copies only - Euro 60.00 - $ 70.00
Whatever Happened to Luther Blissett? (2005) - collective DVD on the multiple name mystery, limited edition version in 100 copies with 30 pages booklet, stickers set and relics - Euro 25.00 - $ 30.00
Europe: apply prices in Euro. Outside Europe: apply prices in U.S. dollars. All the prices listed include packing and postage (sent by air mail outside of Europe). Previous lists and prices are no more effective. Send payment as International Postal Money Order or cash hidden in registered envelope (if you send a cheque add Euro 10,00 / $ 10,00 for bank costs) to:
Vittore Baroni
Via C. Battisti 339
55049 Viareggio
…but wait, my 30th Anniversary in mail art (1977-2007) is not over yet! There is still time for one final project, fittingly titled:
Wars, terrorism, climate changes, pollution, over-population, epidemics... With the complicity of the mass media, we are kept in a constant state of alarm, living every day of our life under the sword of Damocles of a never-ending series of ultimatums.
What I request is simply the design for a rubberstamp in black and white inspired by the theme “Ultimatum!”. I need an original or good print on paper, any size, no half-tones or grey areas, no computer files only and please stick to the theme. The deadline is Halloween, November 2nd 2007. All the participants will receive a free catalogue (Arte Postale! 94).
Mail to my usual address: Vittore Baroni, Via C. Battisti 339, 55049 Viareggio, Italy
Real Correspondence,
Ruud Janssen,
Vittore Baroni
1 October 2007
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