31 August 2007
26 August 2007
25 August 2007
"PORTRAIT" MailArt Call
In keeping with this project, I'd like to exchange mailart/postcards with your interpretation of a portrait.
End date May 22 2008
Documentation on http://dberube-art.blogspot.com/
Exchange for all submissions
David Berube
462 West 52nd St Apt 3N
NY, NY 10019
23 August 2007
Vittore Baroni is looking for sounds...
The reason why I write you:
A friend of mine is filming a documentary on MAIL ART starting from my archive, I am trying to put together a "best of" of postal networking-related musical compositions that he can use for the soundtrack. I started with giving him some pieces from the VEC anthologies, Rod Summers, Keith Bates, Monty Cantsin/Istvan Kantor, my own Le Forbici di Manitù 1992 Congress anthem. I wonder if you have any appropriate idea of tracks I should include or material to suggest, possibly in digital Mp3 format (so it can be sent via-email, deadline is mid-September). If your contribution or proposal is used, you will be credited and I will send you a copy of the documentary (it's not for commercial release, my young friend is graduating from art academy and this is his final thesis work).
I hope to hear from you,
Merry Christmas
Comment: artist Jorge Restrepo (www.jorgerestrepo.com) will make an installation in the Spanish Cultural Center, Tegucigalpa, Honduras (Central America). The mail-artworks will show the reality of the world, the extreme differences in religion, social classes, justice, poverty, income, access to water, languages…of different countries….of the world. While some people are partying and celebrating, gambling…vacationing…in December, others are suffering. Jorge Restrepo will create an environment of Christmas celebration at the exhibit rooms of the Center…using the mail-artworks. The observer to the exhibit will feel the sensation of Christmas decoration. When attendants look in detail to the decoration (mail-artworks simulating Christmas cards and messages) the reality of the world will appear…dramatically…in from of their eyes…
Electronic documentation to all. Please send Email address, name and postal address.
Format and medium: free . All work be exposed. No returns.
Deadline: November 30, 2007
Curator: Carlos Lanza
Send to:
Jorge Restrepo
POBox 93
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Central America
18 August 2007
Project Andreas Hofer

This image I received by mail from Roland Halbritter. He is doing a special project where he askes you to intergrate this image in a piece of mail-art and then send it to him. For details see: http://andreas-hofer.blogspot.com/
17 August 2007
Mail art news
Go here: http://handcarvedstamps.blogspot.com
15 August 2007
14 August 2007
The Paris Correspondence School

"RIEN," an artist stamp based upon a collage, was featured in the Axis of Evil: The Secret History of Sin exhibition organized by Michael Hernadez de Luna in 2005. Working with my friend, the rubber stamp master, Robert Ruscoe, I produced a half dozen sheets of "RIEN" stamps. [Together, we now operate Lalade Digital Art Press in Paris]. The Axis of Evil show was dedicated to Chicago artist Ed Paschke and honored him by attracting wide attention, including that of the Secret Service. I've put this and others on The Paris Correspondence School page on my web site. I still like dropping these things in the post here in Paris. [Click to enlarge].
12 August 2007
RE: Mail Art Network
Any technique, any size, any theme. Ongoing. All art received will be posted here, as long as it is viewable by all ages. School children often are online so my blog only posts child friendly art. All other works will be replied to by email if you include it on the piece. I also have a separate blog to document the Doors of the World call. ***UPDATE: Doors project is now closed***.
Sharon Zimmer
10 August 2007
Mail Art Call
Free technique and size
No returns no fees
Answer to all
all works will be displayed on the
DDL: 06/07/08
Rua do Mulungú, s/n
46830-000 Andaraí BA.
Convocatória de arte postal
Técnica e tamanho livre
Documentação a todos
Todos trabalhos recebidos
serão postados no site:
Data final: 06/07/08
Rua do Mulungú, s/n
46830-000 Andaraí BA.
Little Things
Exhibition online at www.mail-art.net
Answer to everybody
No jury,
no returns
Deadline: 1 january 2008
Kwartelstraat 25 B,
3514 ET Utrecht,
The Netherlands
Darwin, as a young man, travelled the world in the Beagle, as a result of which he later wrote the first edition of "On The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life”This open-call for submissions to a mail-art exhibition at the Exeter Phoenix invites a creative and imaginative interpretation of letters and postcards home from the great evolutionist.
Closing date for posted submissions is:- 29th October 2007.
Please address all submissions to:
-Howard Warnerford
EX4 3LS - England
Global Warming
Pieces should be no larger than 8” x 10” (inches)
Deadline: August 31, 2007
All work received will be exhibited from 8 to 30 September. A reception will be held on September 8 for Sacramento’s 2nd Saturday, during which many galleries hold concurrent art receptions.
Please mail your submissions to:
Asylum Gallery c/o Ann Tracy
170 Southgate Rd
Sacramento CA 95815 USA
Email entries will also be accepted.
Please, no bigger than 2 MB in a .PDF, or .jpg format.
Please email to: anntracy51@sbcglobal.net .
Asylum is a new gallery and part of a new multi-disciplinary arts space – HQ: Headquarters for the Arts in Sacramento, CA. Another member of HQ is the California Film Arts Alliance (CFAA) which uses the space for monthly meetings and other events.
Mail art pieces will be sold to benefit both Asylum Gallery and the Women’s Wisdom Project, a non profit organization. Women's Wisdom Project is an art program for adult women who want to broaden their creative lives.
You are so Sweet
Deadline 30.09.2007
Adress :
Hospice d'Havré
100 rue de Tournai
59200 Tourcoing (France)
All the participants works will be on-line in the virtual gallery of the mail art project website :
Your mail art will be gathered to be shown at the mail art festival in Hospice d'Havré (France)
from 17th october to 21th november 2007
Some Mail-Art Blogs.....
- The A1 Mail Art Archive
- Ed Giecek - USA
- Flobberlob
- NOBODY's Blog
- Exile on Mainstreet - Buz Blurr
- Kiyotei
- Hazel
- ex posto facto
- Honoria
- JC Synthetics
- Jonathan Stangroom
- Frips
- 5.000.000 Copies
- Digital Mail-Art
- Dadavark Photo Log
- qbdp BLOG (Geof Huth)
- Roger Stevens
- Obscure Reactions
- Syvia Sometimes
- The Poetry
Postcard Project
- Painted CD's by Ruud Janssen
- Jukka(-Pekka Kervinen)
- Bentspoon - Ross Priddle
- Pelican Dreaming
- Ed's Project 64 years
- Non Lineair Poetry
- Anabasis
- Crag Hills
Poetry Score
- Qpidoremix
- Mark Bloch - The
PanModern - BLOG by Pierpaollo - Italy
- R.F. Cote - Canada
- Nico van Hoorn - Mail Art
- Special BLOG for Joseph W. Huber (DDR)
- Mail-Art by Jassy Lupa
- The Sideshowpost BLOG
- Vanessa Holt
- New Art Blog
- Bern Porter International by Sheila Holz
- Geert de Decker - Sztuka Fabryka
- Pippoburro
- Cresent House BLOG
- The Post Secret BLOG
- Jennifer Barger - FROG and TOADS
- Elektronic Engel Project for Guillermo Deisler
- Jenny de Groot's BLOG
- Ray Johnson Blogspot
- Mail Boxes BLOG
- Crispin Webb Vlog - with audio and video
- Latuff's Blog
- Curios Things by Michael Leigh (UK)
- The Dream Project - by Pierpaolo (I)
- Alan Bowman Ramblings
- Chopped Livre
- Snail Mail-Art wanted by Troy
- Jim Leftwicht - TExt Image Text
- Visual Poetry Clippings by Geof Huth
- False Address Blog
- Fat red Ant
- Lara Barletta
- The Artists Books overview
- Toner Works by Reed Altemus
- Carla Cryptic
- Friour Magazine (Guido Vermeulen)
- Fluxlist BLOG!
- Nobody, Litsa and the Men
- Jean-Noel-Potte (France)
- Maxi Boyd Blog
- LezBag Blog
- Mail Art Gallery by Carmen
- Blog of Fluxus Heidelberg Center
- Blog by Lois Klassen
- TAM Rubberstamp Archive
- Sidney Tome - Brasil
- Thierry Tillier - Belgium
- Po Brutus - Belgium
- The postman always rings Twice - Renee Wagemans
- Serendipityart Blog
- David Baptiste Chirot Blog
- Ashley Walker Mail-Art Blog
- Sanarena-Arenasand
- Mail-Mania 2
- Benoit Piret (Ben Tripe)
- TAM was here project (1983-1986)
- The MARS Project
- The Monster Mail-Art Swap
- Confess Your Sins Project
- The blog of Dan Waber - USA
- Hans Braumueller - Germany
- Alyonka - Russian Mail-Art
- Stamp Collecting Round Up
- Increadible Green Cat
- Rico di Parigi
- What About Croxhapox
- Jean Noel Potte - De Spookrijder
- Share your Wisdom
- Valeria Zunzun
- Bolletino Mondo Mail-Art
- Albatroz Blog 4 Ever
- Poste Resistante - Finland
- Alyonka Mail-Art Project
- Mr. Potani's Blog
- Wimplet Blog
- My Land Snake
- Art Sanatorium
- Goddessy-Art LiveJournal
- The Sorting Office
- We Are One Human Family
- Teachers for Mail-Art
- William A. - Brasil
- Bad Words and Wacky Stuff
- Goddelijke Gladiolen (NL)
- ATC Room.
- Tricia Burr - Russia
- Magenta Raves
- Andreas Hofer Project
- Handy Postcards (A1)
- Let your Postcards do the walking (A1)
- Socks Blog Germany
- Guerrilla Art Blog
Renewing the Goddess
After the incredible success of the first wave of the themed mail art show
“Renewing the Goddess” (shown October 14 at the Unitarian Congregation
of Princeton in Central New Jersey, USA)
I will have the second wave of Goddess related art at next year’s gathering - see more here at the blog:
and send your work - any size, any medium
artist trading cards will be traded if a self-addressed stamped envelope is included.
No deadline - work not returned unless envelope with proper postage is included.
Send to:
Emily Townsend
19 Sapphire Drive
West Windsor, NJ 08550
9 August 2007
Fraenz's big project !
Here you may learn more about that (IMHO useful) project !
I'm trying to create
with the aim to make it easier to contact a lot of mail artists in no time, if something
important, interesting or useful ( about mail art, such activities, its actors, etc.)
has to be published in a quick way.
Important to know that it's NOT a newsgroup !!!
It's a simple mailing list that can be used by every LISTED owner of a google
Future listed "real" mail artists has to be known at least by me, or by one of our
mail art colleagues ! - Anonymous guys aren't accepted !
The list is moderated to avoid spam and/or other stupid postings.
Ongoing or not ongoing ...
... that depends on your interest !!!
Please, click
absent till September 1, 007
The Post Office
United Kingdom
Deadline: November 30, 2007
The post office, what does it mean to you, free techniques, and media, exhibition at the sorting office, documentation to all.
information at:
Tanya from Oregon invites
These are my TWO very first projects :
Theme A :
Details can be found at : http://mlkmailart.blogspot.com/
Media :
- postcard size
- technique : free
Deadline : December 15 , 2007
Misc :
- No jury, no entry fee , no returns.
- Documentation to all who provide email address.
- Please include : your name , return address, age, and nationality.
Please, send to :
P.O. Box 1018
ASHLAND , OR 97520
Theme B :
Details can be found at : http://teachersformailart.blogspot.com/
Media : open
Deadline : September 1 , 2007
Misc :
- No jury, no entry fee , no returns.
- Documentation to all who provide email address.
- Please include : your name , return address, age, and nationality.
Please, send to :
P.O. Box 1018
ASHLAND , OR 97520
8 August 2007
Mail Art Project France
"You are so sweets"
- send us your stories about sweets -
Hospice d'Havré
100 rue de Tournai
59200 Tourcoing (France)
All the participants works will be on-line in the virtual gallery of the mail art project website : http://www.jevousaiapportedesbonbons.com
Your mail art will be gathered to be exposed at the mail art festival in Hospice d'Havré (France)
from 17th october to 21th november 2007.
Mail Art Project Brasil
put my link in your blog.and my Mail Art Call
Mail Art Call
Free technique and size
No returns no fees
Answer to all
all works will be displayed on thehttp:
DDL: 06/07/08
William A.
Rua do Mulungú, s/n4
6830-000 Andaraí
5 August 2007
4 August 2007
Two projects
Theme: “Beuys will be Beuys” This exhibit pays homage to the creator of theFree International University and the ideas of social sculpture. So let yourart reflect and express “how we mould and shape the world in which we live.”“the total artwork of the future social order”, and “free democraticsocialism”. Joseph BeuysThe gallery one will be on view in the The Mabee-Simpson Library on thecampus of Lyon College and gallery two will be on view at Morning StarCoffee House both in Batesville, Arkansas, USA, There will be a weeklyrotation of 4 to 5 artists per gallery over the course of one year. Thisexhitition period will be extended depending on the response from theInternation Mail Art Network.Size is limited to 4”X6 or 10.16 cm X 15.24 cm for postcards and 8” or 20.32cm overall for 3D pieces. Email submissions accepted.Please include your name, address and email address. You are welcome to sendmore than one piece.Exhibition documentation will include a website and catalogue to everyparticipant + CDDeadline to be received November 30, 2007. Show will be installed the firstweek of January and the concurrent website will be up that week.
Thank you for your support with this project.
John Chiaromonte250 Lilly St.Batesville, Arkansas, 72501 USA
Email: Celticzazen@...
Webpage: http://www.lyon.edu/webdata/users/jchiaromonte/FIU%20Batesville.htm
Ozark Micro Sculpture Gardens
Theme: Contents: Objects, Piles and Boxes
The artist are free to create whatever comes to mind. Work must be 3D and beable to withstand climate changes as the Ozark Micro Sculpture Garden willbe installed outside in the The Mabee-Simpson Library Garden on the campusof Lyon College. The Garden will be installed for one year and will have aweekly rotation of 5 artist exhibited.Size is limited to 8” or 20.32 cm overall.Please include your name, address and email address. You are welcome to sendmore than one piece.Exhibition documentation will include a website and catalogue to everyparticipant + CD
Deadline to be received November 30, 2007.
Show will be installed the firstweek of January and the concurrent website will be up that week.
Thank you for your support with this project.
John Chiaromonte250 Lilly St.Batesville, Arkansas, 72501 USA
Email: Celticzazen@...
Webpage: http://www.lyon.edu/webdata/users/jchiaromonte/FIU%20Batesville.htm
Project: Bad Words
%^#*! Bad Words !@%$#
Deadline: December 31, 2007
Explore the humor in defying good taste by creating art using taboo words and phrases.
* Technique: Free
* Maximum size: 8.5” x 11”
* No return.
* Response to everyone with a legible return address.
* Send mail art, stamp art, postcards, envelopes, ATCs, etc. to:
615 Foul Bay Road
Victoria BC V8S 4H2
All artwork received will be shown and archived at
- 1 : a literary or dramatic work that seeks to ridicule by means of grotesque exaggeration or comic imitation
- 2 : mockery usually by caricature
- 3 : theatrical entertainment of a broadly humorous often earthy character consisting of short turns, comic skits, and sometimes striptease acts
Burlesque is a direct descendant of the Commedia dell'arte where principal characters would carry a "burle"—a stick with a padded end— with which they would slap the other players for comic effect (the origin of "slapstick" comedy).
Burlesque performers often create elaborate sets with lush, colorful costumes, mood-appropriate music, and dramatic lighting.
Burlesque is a style of entertainment that encompasses pastiche, parody, and wit.
Send some Burlesque mailart...
Kat van Trollebol
Tafelbergstraat 18
5025 HM Tilburg
Deadline : July 2008
All entries will be shown and archived on Goddelijke Gladiolen
No fees, no returns
Answer and interchange to everybody
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at : kat@goddelijkegladiolen.com
3 August 2007
This call is for artist trading cards of any theme. The only regulation is the size - 2 1/2" X 3 1/2" (64mm x 89mm).
The art side of the card can be any subject and any medium. The back of the card is optional, but I would like to see the title along with your name and date. I am asking that only 1 or 2 cards be sent at a time. I will send the same amount of my creations back to the person.There is currently no deadline for this call. After you receive ATCs back from me, feel free to create another ATC or two and send them to me.
I would like to swap a lot of ATCs, but I don't want to get overloaded, so that is why I am setting the limit at two.All ATCs received and sent out for this call will be posted at http://atcroom.blogspot.com.
In order for me to send ATCs back to you, please include your mailing address on a seperate piece of paper inside the envelope the first time you send the ATCs. If you would like to decorate the envelope or send other forms of mail art also, I will post that those pieces at my other blog - http://snailmailart.blogspot.com.
My mailing address:
Mail Art, 2323 Del Prado Blvd #7PMB 313 Cape Coral, FL 33990-4611 USA
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at:
This from the first French-Speaking Calligraphy Board.
It is because of the kinship amongst calligraphers from different countries that "Mail Art across the World" project was conceived.
It is a forum of exchange and resources for all kind of writing.
the dutch calligrapher Gerda Heikoop,the belgian association "Plumes et Calames" (Silences, les Dunes ASBL)the french association "Atelier-Calligraphie",the english calligrapher Paul Antoniohave decided to build a bridge between calligraphy lovers all over the world in order to show to everybody that incredible art called Calligraphy.
NEDERLAND Grafikal Vormgeving
BELGIUM Plumes et Calames
FRANCE Atelier-Calligraphie
UNITED-KINGDOM Paul Antonio Scribe
1 August 2007
Collaborative Journal Project Update
I have been onthe road for almost a month, but I have returned and my mail box wasfull, full, full! I had seven books waiting for me and several morephotographed pages sitting in my digital camera. I have uploaded allthe pictures, but I have not gotten the names on the files yet…gotake a look anyway. Here's a list of the books that I have uploadedphotos of 4, 7, 11, 13, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32 and 34.As I've mentioned before…I have several books that have beenlost/kept by artists unwilling to send them back. Here's the list ofthe books I will be listing as MISSING…if you have worked in one ofthese books before the last person swiped them and want to work inanother one, please send me an email: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mailart/post?postID=EA01GoLaielH7FKc52OJLJnZH8iszkWncxj7AsekuV4suzI4ip23kVPeOZ9jtaRFxRe8HHM6MgxkG39R8VZ8abZBxA.
If you know any of the folks that have kept a book, PLEASE send thema note asking them to return the journal.Journal Number Two: Paula Bogan, Springfield, VirginiaJournal Number Five: Lost in the Mail from Pomona, CaliforniaJournal Number Six: neRRaDa, Queensland, AustraliaJournal Number Eight: Laurie Jean Crowe, Pinckney, MichiganJournal Number Nine: Santala, Mikkeli, FinlandJournal Number Ten: D. Ferris, Davidson, North CarolinaJournal Number Fourteen: Megan Ware, Seattle, WashingtonJournal Number Fifteen: Sharon Busuttil, NSW, AustraliaJournal Number Sixteen: Sylvia Sanchez, Lake Charles, LousianaJournal Number Seventeen: Elgin Carver, Paint Rock, AlabamaJournal Number Nineteen: Susanna Sharp, Valdez, AlaskaJournal Number Twenty: Jennafer Johnk, Molalla, OregonJournal Number Twenty-One: David Baptiste Chirot, Milwaukee,WisconsinJournal Number Twenty-Two: ArtBat Megan Miller, Crawford, TexasJournal Number Twenty-Three: Melissa Shatto, Bel Air, MarylandJournal Number Twenty-Seven: Sarah Ellis, Red Oak, TexasJournal Number Twenty-Eight: Melissa Fortenberry, Tuckerman, Arkansas
As you can see, almost half of the books are missing…and only ONE hasbeen confirmed to be lost "in the mail". I have tried sending emailsand post cards asking for the journals back…but have little luck.I'm sure I'll get hate mail for posting this list…but I'm trying toput together a exhibit of the books for the end of the year and Ihave way too many missing books right now.Now…I am a glutton for punishment…so I'm sending out more books asquickly as people sign up to work in them…but I'd really like torecover some of the "missing" books as well. If you'd like to workin a brand new book, please send me an email with your name andaddress. You have 15 days to work in the journal and send it back.You can see pictures of all the journals (missing and otherwise) onmy art blog: http://serendipityart.squarespace.com/10-day-journal-project/