Well, it's not exactly mail art, but it does encourage "exchange," and a kind of add-on, pass-along concept, albeit for our Art Press here in Paris. La Carte de Rencontre has been distributed all over Paris in the baskets of the ever-multiplying Paris City Bicycles, the "Vélib'" and it's causing a bit of a stir. We've decided to create the cards using various artists and limit the "edition" to only 1000 cards. This one features my "Immaculate Perception" and to keep with the "wheel" theme, a 1957 cover of Glamour Magazine. Take a look at the site: Lalande Digital Art Press Paris. Yes, something new from The Paris Correspondence School! Always open for interesting ideas!
Hi Matthew, I did not quite understand it, do I have to pass the one cart (or half of it?) you sent to me or what? Are you looking for further motifs for it or what?
Sorry for my stupid brain.
Hi Roland, no, this is a promotion for our printing business here in Paris. We have dropped these cards into the baskets of the bicycles all over the city (Vélib' they call them). People use them as quick business cards to meet other people, usually there waiting to get their bicycles. So, we've developed a series of artist-made/designed cards in editions of 1000. I physically distribute them all over the city. It's funny and useful at the same time. They are ONLY in PARIS. Hope that helps...
Hi Matthew, thanks for the further info - may I have some more of these cards, maybe a bit modified from you ? This card here will perfectly fit to my socks-mail art.
Two more Roses are in progress, hope you liked the first two.
We're working a great rubber stamp card by Robert Ruscoe (my partner). I will post it here when we're satisfied with the design. He's a little concerned it might be viewed as "obscene" !!!
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