30 September 2007
29 September 2007
Torino Football Club Legend
Soccer, Passion and Myth: A Centenary Tale
Pierpaolo Pracca -
Via Casagrande 47 -
15011 Acqui Terme (AL) -
We are glad to inform you of the great success of this initiative and we will be able to publish a catalogue with all works received in occasion of Torino Football Club’s Centenary.
Technical informations:
Format: FREE
Technic: FREE
No Jury
No Return
Doc. To All
Deadline 29/01/2008
Send your works to the address below:
Pierpaolo Pracca
Via Casagrande 47
15011 Acqui Terme (AL)
With our best regards.
The Organization: Pierpaolo Pracca, Carlo Barberis
Tema: Macchina da scrivere
free size
qualsiasi dimensione
no return
le opere ricevute non saranno restituite
exhibition in Italy, doc. on line: www.guzzardi.it/arte/machine.html
mostra in Italy, doc. on line: www.guzzardi.it/arte/machine.html
deadline 30/07/2008
scadenza 30/07/2008
all works must be sent by post
tutti i lavori devono essere spediti per posta
dont’ forget your photo, some lines of biography, address and e-mail address
non dimenticarti una tua foto, una breve biografia, indirizzo postale ed e-mail
send to:
spedisci a:
Macchina da scrivere
By Claudio Grandinetti
Via Popilia, 208
87100 Cosenza
28 September 2007
23 September 2007
Museum of Temporary Art
The Museum of Temporary Art
You are invited to participate in The Museum of Temporary Art, our ongoing project. We are looking for small objects (size 3,5 x 3,5 x 7 cm) connected to a story, which makes the objects valuable and special.
Please see http://www.museum-of-temporary-art.com/participate.html for more details and for the exhibit sheet, which you should fill out and send together with your contribution, if you want to participate.
The newest 33 exhibts are in the real Museum of Temporary Art and can be seen on the website: http://www.museum-of-temporary-art.com/.
Replace the exhibits and keep the exhibition alive.
Robert Ruscoe: Rubber Madness

Salt and Pepper
spice in life ... spice of life
Postcard size.
Deadline 30 april 2008.
Colour catalogue to all participants.
possible exhibitions.
Send to address of your choice, or to both
Frantic Fan Mail
Dugort, Achill Island
County Mayo
Anticham (Kim Hye Mee)
Gangnamgu Gaepo 2 Dong
# 3 APT. 317-410
Seoul 135-800 / South Korea
Brain Cell - info
Please send me your stamp design, rubberstamp, or 150 artistamps,
stickers or seals. I will print or paste these materials onto the A3 size paper, creating 150 sheets. I will then send a sheet back with a list of addresses to each participant.
I will publish at intervals of 8 to 10 days at that time will include 60 people or so. Brain Cell is always seeking a change. Note: Don’t mail a lump of stuff for several issues. Please send them to me one issue at a time, Thank you!
Send to:
Brain Cell, Rysosuke Cohen,
3-76-1-A-613 Yagumokitacho,
Moriguchi City,
Osaka 570, Japan
braincell at k6.dion.ne.jp
Looking for artists to participate in the 6th annual Monster Mail Art Exhibit and Swap.
To participate in this years exhibition you can do section (1) or (2) or both.
If you have any questions please contact me at callforentry@gmail.com
(1) Please send me a photograph of a friend that has passed away and any details of what the person(or pet) was interested in, liked to eat, drink etc. favourite colours, activities etc. You can email it to me or send it by mail. By sending in the pictures and information you grant me permission to use it in the exhibition/display it as well as post online. Due date is the end of the second week of October 2007.
(2) Please make a 'spirit doll' that is a representation of a friend that has passed away. The doll will be displayed at the exhibition and online. You have the option to sell your doll, trade it with another artist, have it returned to you at the end of the exhibition or donate it to me. Dolls must be in to me by the end of the second week of October 2007. For trades/returns you need to include return postage or I could put return to sender on a resealable envelope.
Please email me if you have any questions or want mailing info.
Documentation to all.
Address for mailing is:
Spirit Doll,
87 Sparkhall Avenue,
Toronto, Ontario M4K 1G7,
Torino's Centenary
Technical informations:
Format: FREE
Technic: FREE
No Jury
No Return
Doc. To All
deadline 29/01/2008
Send your works to the address below:
Pierpaolo Pracca
via Casagrande 47 Acqui Terme (AL) 15011
With our best regards.
The Organization: Pierpaolo Pracca – Barberis CarloCogito ergo sum!Pierpaolo
Prosperity in the Rubbish Bin
Thinking of Mail Art, artists of Rixdorf are working on the topic “Prosperity in the Rubbish Bin”, trying to encourage people to participate. Therefore they are producing postcards or artistic items, postcard-sized. “Art Made From Waste” shall become a creative examination of the item which has been thrown away. It is not just about recycling, thus regaining resources from waste - according to the African idol- but about recovering and about the reinterpretation of materials.
“Prosperity In The Rubbish Bin”
Waste – is it a question for our society concerned with issues of living standards? We are disposing, we are recycling, we are sending away all the stuff we don’t need anymore – everything we think useless. The recipient is Africa, one of the poorest continents of the world. It is the main target area for our unwanted things. African artists take this matter on; in the 1990’s they treated the issue as a form of art on its own. They named it “Art de la Récuperation”, in short “Récup”. Récuperation is not just reusing materials; furthermore it is about questioning the matter and reinterpretation. What is more, it is about decryption its ethical and cultural meaning.
More than 160 nations are living in Neukölln, a district of Berlin, capital of Germany. There is no day without problems or inharmoniousness on the streets. That is why we would like to cause creative cultural exchanges, talk about matters that move us and more.
Please do not hesitate to contact us. Send us your piece of art in postcard size to:
Galerie Colognialwaren, Richardplatz 20, 12055 Berlin, Deutschland.
All work that has been handed in will be shown in an exhibition at the gallery Colognialwaren in Dec 2007. Furthermore you can watch it in the world wide web, surf the internet on www.kulturkiez.de, the official website of artist in Rixdorf!
22 September 2007
The More I Change
Take a look at http://themoreichange.blogspot.com
So many great artists and new art are posted there! Thanks to all who have
submitted work and I hope that if you haven't sent an entry you will do so soon.
The theme is: the more i change, the more i remain the same
medium or technique: all
deadline: November 1, 2007
The work is currently displayed at: http://themoreichange.blogspot.com
Mail work to:
stevens pat
6684 East Lake Road
Auburn, NY 13021
Seuss's Cat
in do send me an email. I did send all the previous requests for
leaflets out but if anyone has not received theres please let me know
and I will get another sent out ASAP
No I don't mean those people who can move themselves in some very
interesting positions but in fact my friends band – The
Contortionists. Having attended their gig on Saturday night they had
a number of left over flyers, which gave me the idea to start this
call. This is an altered image call – I will send you a copy of one
of their flyers and I want you to take aspects of the flyer and make
it into a piece of mail art.
The only rule is that you must use the bands name The Contortionists
in the piece. What else you use from it is up to you. If you want to
get a feel for the band www.contortionist-manifesto.com but it is
totally up to you.
So to sign up for this wonderful call
Size: No larger than A4
Media: Free
Deadline: October 15th 2007
Documentation to all.
Once you have received your flyer and looking to send your piece
back, send to:
Seuss's Cat
103 Rydal Drive
I look forward to seeing what wonderful things you all come up with
which you will be able to view at: Http://www.seussscat.blogspot.com
Inside and Out
This is a mail art exhibit and dialogue. Visitors to the exhibition
will be encouraged to make mail art in response to the mail art they
see on the walls and send it to the participating artists. The event
is sponsored by the Modesto Art Museum, modestoartmuseum.org.
Theme: architecture, world, future, fantasy, dynamic, traditional,
and symbolic architecture, city planning, architects, landscape
architecture, gothic, ancient, googie, art deco, mid-century modern,
post-modern, interior design, fabric, furniture, lighting,
designers, etc.
Format: Envelopes, post cards, stamps, collage, drawings, paintings,
models, computer generations, photographs, mixed media, etc. We
recommend use of the outside of your medium, incorporating the
postage stamp and address into your art.
Deadline for all entries: 13 February 2008
Exhibit: The exhibition will be in Modesto, California, March 15-29,
2008, at Picasso's Deli and Gallery.
Mail Art Dialogue: All participants over 18 years old will receive
one or more pieces of mail art from gallery visitors responding to
your mail art.
Return: none, unless accompanied by a self addressed envelope with
sufficient postage for return mail. International participants must
include multiple postal coupons for return.
Size: no limits
Documentation: All artists listed on the web site. See also Mail Art
Dialogue above.
Note: Please include your mailing address and email address on/in
your entry for acknowledgement and mail art dialogue.
Send Entries to:
Inside and Out Mail Art
Modesto Art Museum
404 Patrick Lane
Modesto, CA 95350 USA
20 September 2007

"You are so sweets"
- send us your stories about sweets -
Hospice d'Havré
100 rue de Tournai
59200 Tourcoing (France)
All the participants works will be on-line in the virtual gallery of the mail art project
website : http://www.jevousaiapportedesbonbons.com
Your mail art will be gathered to be exposed at the mail art festival in Hospice d'Havré (France)
from 17th october to 21th november 2007.
Inside and Out: Architecture and Interior Design
This is a mail art event and dialogue. Visitors to the exhibition will be encouraged to make mail art in response to the mail art they see on the walls and send it to the participating artists.
Theme: architecture, world, future, fantasy, dynamic, traditional, and symbolic architecture, city planning, architects, landscape architecture, googie, art deco, mid-century modern, post-modern, interior design, fabric, furniture, lighting, designers, etc.
Format: Envelopes, post cards, stamps, collage, drawings, paintings, models, computer generations, photographs, mixed media, etc. We recommend use of the outside of your medium, incorporating the postage stamp and address into your art.
Deadline for all entries: 13 February 2008
Exhibit: The exhibition will be in Modesto, California, March 15-29, 2008, at Picasso's Deli and Gallery.
Mail Art Dialogue: All participants over 18 years old will receive one or more pieces of mail art from gallery visitors responding to your mail art.
Return: none, unless accompanied by a self addressed envelope with sufficient postage for return mail. International participants must include multiple postal coupons for return.
Size: no limits
Documentation: All artists listed on the web site. See also Mail Art Dialogue above.
Note: Please include your mailing address and email address on/in your entry for acknowledgement and mail art dialogue.
Send Entries to:
Inside and Out Mail Art
Modesto Art Museum
404 Patrick Lane
Modesto, CA 95350 USA
18 September 2007
Mail Art Call: Merry Christmas
Comment: artist Jorge Restrepo (www.jorgerestrepo.com) will make an installation in the Spanish Cultural Center, Tegucigalpa, Honduras (Central America). The mail-artworks will show the reality of the world, the extreme differences in religion, social classes, justice, poverty, income, access to water, languages…of different countries….of the world. While some people are partying and celebrating, gambling…vacationing…in December, others are suffering. Jorge Restrepo will create an environment of Christmas celebration at the exhibit rooms of the Center…using the mail-artworks. The observer to the exhibit will feel the sensation of Christmas decoration. When attendants look in detail to the decoration (mail-artworks simulating Christmas cards and messages) the reality of the world will appear…dramatically…in from of their eyes…
Electronic documentation to all. Please send Email address, name and postal address.
Format and medium: free . All work be exposed. No returns.
Deadline: November 30, 2007
Curator: Carlos Lanza
Send to:
Jorge Restrepo
POBox 93
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Central America
17 September 2007
l'Afrique / Africa
Dans le cadre de l'association "les écoliers oubliés...en route pour l'école", envoyez votre mail art sur les thèmes suivants:
- l'Afrique noire
- l'école: le maître, le tableau noir, les cahiers, les écoliers
- la pauvreté en Afrique
et tout ce que se rapporte à l'Afrique
- le SIDA
- la musique, djembé et balafon, danse
- la joie de vivre des enfants africains
- la case (maison) africaine
l'association aide les enfants des rues de Ouagadougou au Burkina Faso, à aller à l'école
l'exposition aura lieu fin d'année 2007 ou début d'année 2008 au CCF (centre culturel français) de OUAGADOUGOU au BURKINA FASO, et peut-être en France avant, à Sallanches
merci de nous aider en contribuant à notre projet de mail Art
envoyez vos oeuvres avant le 30 novembre 2007 à:
ADRESSE: vlalafeeclochette en Afrique
63 clos biaillere
74700 Sallanches
indiquez votre adresse e-mail si possible
documentation à tous les participants
Within the framework of l association "les schoolboys forgotten... on the way for l'école", send your mall art on the following topics:
- Black Africa
- School: the Master, the blackboard, books, schoolboys
- poverty in Africa
and all that reports to Africa
- music, djembé and balaphon, dance
- joy in life African children
- the African house
association helps the children of the streets of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso, to going school exhition will have place enf of 2007 or beginning 2008 with the CCF (French arts centre) of OUAGADOUGOU in BURKINA FASO, and perhaps in front France, at Sallanches
thank you to help us while contributing to our project of mail Art send your works before November 30, 2007 to:
ADDRESS: vlalafeeclochette in Africa
63 clos biaillere
74700 Sallanches
indicate your e-mall address if possible
documentation to all the participants
16 September 2007
No Meat Today!!!
do you eat meat/why/or don't you
do you think about the animals being killed for you
do you believe you can live without meat at all
let me know your honest opinion/thanks
For my project please send me all postal objects that deal with any technique.
info: frips@pandora.be
deadline to be received: January 1, 2008
Halvemaanstraat 113
9040 Gent
Exhibition: Send your personal Mail-Art pieces to our Mail-Art project for the "Amaze / a Maze" event. At the event visitors will open your mail and will be able to glue your pieces on a large paper construction we are going to build for the event.
We will not open your mail in front. Therefore write your address at the back of the envelope. Write underneath your address also "Netland participation" so that we know that it is your participation to our Mail-Art project "Netland".
Documentation to all participants.
Deadline to be received: January 1, 2008
Sztuka Fabryka
c/o De Decker Geert
Kerkstraat 290
9140 Tielrode
Size: Postcard (10 x 15 cm)
Technique: Free
Exhibition in Mail Art Mekka Minden Catalog to every participant
Deadline to be received: January 31, 2008
P.O.Box 2644
D 32383 Minden
Documentation to participants.
Arranging to display works in Dundas Art Gallery (Dundas, ONT) some time next year. Mail Art is not widely known in this area.
Deadline to be received: February 15, 2008
204 - 1928 Main St. W.
Hamilton, ON L8S 1J4
15 September 2007
Postal Mail
Ongoing mail art call GO POSTAL! Send art on the subject of Postal Services. Postcard size or smaller (or flexible enough to fit into a post box)Who sends, who receives, who collects and sorts, who delivers? What journey did that item take from point A to point B? Less and less people use the postal system in favour of electronic communication and post offices close for business all around the world. What's it all about, how does it make you feel? let me know through art.I will send you something in return if you remember to put your address.
Bridie Knight
P O Box 2002
11 September 2007
TAM Rubberstamp Archive
More info at:
On this last link you can also find a link to a file that documents the latest exhibition in L-Gallery, Moscow, Russia.
10 September 2007
La Carte de Rencontre

Well, it's not exactly mail art, but it does encourage "exchange," and a kind of add-on, pass-along concept, albeit for our Art Press here in Paris. La Carte de Rencontre has been distributed all over Paris in the baskets of the ever-multiplying Paris City Bicycles, the "Vélib'" and it's causing a bit of a stir. We've decided to create the cards using various artists and limit the "edition" to only 1000 cards. This one features my "Immaculate Perception" and to keep with the "wheel" theme, a 1957 cover of Glamour Magazine. Take a look at the site: Lalande Digital Art Press Paris. Yes, something new from The Paris Correspondence School! Always open for interesting ideas!
9 September 2007
7 September 2007
Art Junction
6 September 2007
Sustaining Our Environment
Thanks so much!
Priscilla Otani
Deadline: January 15 2008
Theme: Sustaining Our Environment Postcard Exhibition
Sustain our environment! The Women’s Caucus for Art (WCA), a national women’s artists’ association and an NGO of the United Nations, invite mail artists and artists of all media to support the UN’s Millenium Goal, “Sustaining Our Environment.” The Millenium Goal’s objectives are:
· Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programs; reverse loss of environmental resources
· Reduce by half the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water
· Achieve significant improvement in lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers, by 2020
Submit 4”x6” or Size 6 postcards made from recycled materials and reflecting the theme of “Sustaining Our Environment” by January 15, 2008 . On the back of the postcard, provide your name, address and the materials used to make the card. Submissions will be exhibited during the February, 2008 WCA and College Art Association (CAA) annual conferences at Ft. Worth-Dallas, Texas. At the exhibition, works will be auctioned to benefit the United Nations.
Documentation on http://wcaartwavesinternational.blogspot.com/ . No jury, no fee, no return. Postal delivery only.
Mail postcards to P. Otani, Curator, Sustaining Our Environment, 263 Laidley Street, San Francisco, CA 94131 USA
2 September 2007
Call from Venezuela
Mail artists Annijames Rivero and Luis Valera Escarre invite all interested artists around the globe to participate in their international Mail - art Project:
“The First Biennale International of the Small Art - Venezuela”
Exhibition to all.
No jury.
Catalogue to all.
No return.
Size: Maximum postcard size (10 .5 x 15 cm.)
Technique: Free
Deadline: December 31, 2007.
Send your Work to:
Luis Valera Escarre y
Annijames Rivero,
“I Bienal del Pequeño
Formato - Venezuela”
Apartado Postal 54,
Zona Postal 2101 - A
Maracay - VENEZUELA.
1 September 2007
The first Brain Cell

Yes, the very first one. Part of my archive with much more. The project Brain Cell is still in progress. Actually any search-engine will get started with this project....