mail art call
thème : le singe (the
technique libre
format : ATC (6.4x8.9
cm) ou carte postale (10x15 cm)
date limite 31/08/2015
A Envoyer:
13 Bis rue Eugène Lozes
Apt 1 Bat A
31 October 2012
28 October 2012
Social Spirits - Luc Fierens - Belgium
print on postcard and return to Luc Fierens - Belgium.
details: http://
FR33 Festival - CHILE
Call for Mail Art Festival LIBR3 / FR33
Festival of Culture, sustainability and free technology
Festival of Culture, sustainability and free technology
Free Culture
Technique: Free
Maximum size: A4 (21 x 27,9 cm.)
Reception: to name cluch - Free Culture University of Chile
Mailing Address: Av Tupper 2140, Hall 8, Santiago, Chile. Postal Code: 8370482
Or email:
Deadline: November 15, 2012 (deadline for email november 20)
Technique: Free
Maximum size: A4 (21 x 27,9 cm.)
Reception: to name cluch - Free Culture University of Chile
Mailing Address: Av Tupper 2140, Hall 8, Santiago, Chile. Postal Code: 8370482
Or email:
Deadline: November 15, 2012 (deadline for email november 20)
The philosophy of mail art has come to society, we are organizing a festival that includes the premises of mail art, inclusiveness or not selection because it is for everyone, the idea of the importance of communication over art, because we building a network of networks, we unify the current network of free culture and create a large network to empower ourselves, we are free culture, free software, free seeds, free art.
We expect mail art networks support us in this mission, we will first Festival of culture and technology free, and we invite you to participate with a work of art free, A4 maximun size, the subject is free culture, and the delivery date is the November 15, 2012, to prepare an exhibition within the LIBR3 Festival, which will be on 23 and 24 November this year.
The Fr33 Festival will be held in the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Chile, the address is Beauchef 850, Santiago, Chile.
to CLUCH - Free Culture of the University of Chile
Mailing Address: Av. Tupper 2140, sala 8, Santiago, Chile. Postal Code: 8370482
Or email:
Mailing Address: Av. Tupper 2140, sala 8, Santiago, Chile. Postal Code: 8370482
Or email:
works will be exhibited in the halls of the university and will be posted on
the event's website and in an
article in the magazine of contemporary art and new trends “Escáner Cultural”
will be in charge of this exhibition. After the festival the whole of the works
will be touring the headquarters of the communities that organized the
festival. To finally be part of the heritage of culture and technology network
Deadline: November 15, 2012
Deadline: November 15, 2012
Each author will receive a thank you letter with a list of all participants and
all the works will be exhibited at the festival website.
more information write to Marcela Rosen
Art FR33 Festival commissioned.
Art FR33 Festival commissioned.
Marcela Rosen Murúa
usuaria linux #502942
25 October 2012
is the theme of my new mail-art project, for which I ask you to contribute in the form of a mail-art
(technique free, format free).
Your sending will appear on my blog —probably I will create a special blog "From PINK to YELLOW".
In reply, I will send you a mail-art (so, don’t forget to write your address).
(technique free, format free).
Your sending will appear on my blog —probably I will create a special blog "From PINK to YELLOW".
In reply, I will send you a mail-art (so, don’t forget to write your address).
"Dead"line: 31/12/2013
Send your mail-art to
Willemien Visser
15 rue Vergniaud
75013 Paris
24 October 2012
D is For Dogs
D Is For Dogs – Mail Art
Posted on June 2, 2012
To celebrate 20 years of making Cack music, art and performance Wevie Stonder will be opening a multidimensional portal to their World Of Wevie in Hamburg on Friday November the 30th 2012.
The event “Wevie Wonderland in 3D – eine Schnapsidee von Wevie Stonder” will feature a plethora of Vaudevillian attractions including lectures, historic re-enactments, Cack films and performances such as “Wolfboy”, “Small People”, “Chuck Spunk vs Mothman”, and to top it all off “Wevie Stonder Live in 3D!”.
A very important part of the celebrations will be an exhibition of Mail Art with the theme -
“D Is For Dogs”.
We would like to invite you to participate by sending us your mail art! Drawings; paintings; sculptures; whatever form this favoured Wevie subject inspires you to produce.
It’s up to you!
The only criteria is that you mail it to us at the following address: Wevie Stonder c/o Henry Sargeant, Schleswigerstrasse 6, 22761 Hamburg, Deutschland.
All participants will receive an invitation for free entry to the event and exhibition (this will be by e-mail so please include this with your mail art).
Deadline for submissions is Friday November 9th 2012.
Go on! You know you want to!
23 October 2012
Theme: Trash Art
Format: Free
License: Creative Commons Share-Alike 3.0
Deadline: January 1, 2013
For this assignment, I want you to explore the dividing line between what is considered trash, and what is considered art by featuring in your work something you might normally just discard without a second thought.
you can also submit work by postal or e-mail:
Moan Lisa
1234 Sandusky Dr.
Iowa City, IA 52240
Trash Art Gallery:
Format: Free
License: Creative Commons Share-Alike 3.0
Deadline: January 1, 2013
For this assignment, I want you to explore the dividing line between what is considered trash, and what is considered art by featuring in your work something you might normally just discard without a second thought.
you can also submit work by postal or e-mail:
Moan Lisa
1234 Sandusky Dr.
Iowa City, IA 52240
Trash Art Gallery:
Aufruf und Einladung an alle Mitbürger und Interessierte zu einer
aus Anlass der 1100-Jahrfeier Kassels 2013
und der Präsentation Harleshausens im Frühjahr 2013
Allgemeine Information zu Postkunst im Internet:
1. Mail Art:
2. Reden zur Postkunst:
3. Eingeben und anklicken: Postkunst Bilder, oder Mail Art Calls, oder Nula Horo
Zu dieser Ausstellung:
- Original-Gedichte, -Prosa, -Sprüche, -Bilder, -Fotos, -Collagen usw.
- handsigniert (Name, Datum)
- Postkarte bis DIN A4
(alles offen, beide Seiten können genutzt werden)
- (nur) per Post (keine Emails)
- mit vollständigen Angaben zum Absender
- der Absendeort kann überall auf der Welt sein
- 30. November 2012 (Poststempel)
Keine Rückgabe der Werke. Keine Jury. Ausstellungsort wird noch bekannt gegeben.
Bitte senden an:
"Harleshausen - wo sonst?"
Wolfgang Günther (kih)
Wilhelmshöher Weg 11
34128 Kassel
Kontakt: 0561 - 921 982 02
Aufruf und Einladung an alle Mitbürger und Interessierte zu einer
aus Anlass der 1100-Jahrfeier Kassels 2013
und der Präsentation Harleshausens im Frühjahr 2013
Allgemeine Information zu Postkunst im Internet:
1. Mail Art:
2. Reden zur Postkunst:
3. Eingeben und anklicken: Postkunst Bilder, oder Mail Art Calls, oder Nula Horo
Zu dieser Ausstellung:
- Original-Gedichte, -Prosa, -Sprüche, -Bilder, -Fotos, -Collagen usw.
- handsigniert (Name, Datum)
- Postkarte bis DIN A4
(alles offen, beide Seiten können genutzt werden)
- (nur) per Post (keine Emails)
- mit vollständigen Angaben zum Absender
- der Absendeort kann überall auf der Welt sein
- 30. November 2012 (Poststempel)
Keine Rückgabe der Werke. Keine Jury. Ausstellungsort wird noch bekannt gegeben.
Bitte senden an:
"Harleshausen - wo sonst?"
Wolfgang Günther (kih)
Wilhelmshöher Weg 11
34128 Kassel
Kontakt: 0561 - 921 982 02
22 October 2012
Hide That Wall!
Mail Art Call
That Wall!
Theme: Room
Technique : Free
Size: Free
Deadline: January 23rd 2013
Deadline: January 23rd 2013
Ideal room, room of horrors, yesterday’s,
today’s and tomorrow’s room? What is your idea behind The room?
For more than 15 years, I have cut, glued,
hid, created and admired the images on the walls of my room. August 2012. I
literally tore off, one by one, what was on the walls (and sealing) of my late
teen’s room. Most of the images, synonym of hope and broken dreams, were saved.
They were carefully stored, because what’s not lost, seeks desperately
transformation. It was decided that this material would be used to create a
multitude of postal art projects taking the basic concept of The room. Hide That Wall!’s ultimate goal is the create exchanges. For every
card I receive, I will send one in return. I will document all the work (mine
and yours). For more info:
Many thanks!
Send your work with postal address:
Elaine Fafard-Marconi
540, rue Sainte-Thérèse
Joliette (Québec) J6E 4A8
Follow the exchanges! All the work will be
showcased on this website:
You can send more than one postal
« Of course you must be Elaine, Anne, » said Diana « I could
never have the courage to float down there. »
20 October 2012
17 October 2012
The Embassy of Utopia and "E"
need your help … We would like to reconstitute the totality of sheets
"brain cell" since N°1. For the archives of the embassy, thank you
for sending to us "brain cell" of Ryosuke Cohen. Original or good
scans with the list of the participants. The totality of sheets "brain
cell" listed will be posted on this blog:
need your help … We would like to reconstitute the totality of sheets
"brain cell" since N°1. For the archives of the embassy, thank you
for sending to us "brain cell" of Ryosuke Cohen. Original or good
scans with the list of the participants. The totality of sheets "brain
cell" listed will be posted on this blog:
Biennial of Small Format Artworks
This was posted on the facebook mail art group:
Artists / mail artists / anyone from
around the world are invited to send artwork for Guarulhos International
Biennial of Small Format Artworks
The works included in the modalities of
drawing, painting, sculpture, object, assemblage, installation, printmaking,
photography, electronic art and urban art: should have no more than 10 x 15 cm
(about 4 x 6 inches) for two-dimensional works, 15 x 15 x 15 cm
three-dimensional works; The vídeo works should have at least 15 seconds and up
to 1 minute in mpeg format.
Documentation on line. No jury, No fee,
No return Postal/mail delivery only. Medium: Free.
Maximum 3 artworks from each artist and
each modality.
Deadline: send by Nov 20th
Send works to:
Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas
Avenida Emílio Ribas, 2115
Agência Gopoúva - P.O. BOX 1004
07051 970
Guarulhos– SP
Artists / mail artists / anyone from
around the world are invited to send artwork for Guarulhos International
Biennial of Small Format Artworks
The works included in the modalities of
drawing, painting, sculpture, object, assemblage, installation, printmaking,
photography, electronic art and urban art: should have no more than 10 x 15 cm
(about 4 x 6 inches) for two-dimensional works, 15 x 15 x 15 cm
three-dimensional works; The vídeo works should have at least 15 seconds and up
to 1 minute in mpeg format.
Documentation on line. No jury, No fee,
No return Postal/mail delivery only. Medium: Free.
Maximum 3 artworks from each artist and
each modality.
Deadline: send by Nov 20th
Send works to:
Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas
Avenida Emílio Ribas, 2115
Agência Gopoúva - P.O. BOX 1004
07051 970
Guarulhos– SP
12 October 2012
Jeremy Hammond
Jeremy Hammond was arrested on allegations of access device
fraud and hacking. He is being charged as the main person behind the December
document liberation on U.S. security company Stratfor. Sources say Hammond will
be charged in a separate indictment, and they described him as a member of
Anonymous. The 34-page indictment released by the U.S. attorney's office in
Chicago accuses Jeremy Hammond of helping to hack into several company sites,
including the Texas-based security consulting company, Stratfor.
send your own postcard to:
Jeremy Hammond 18729-424
Metropolitan Correctional Center
150 Park Row
New York, New York, 10007
Maximum Size: US Letter (8.5x11")
send your own postcard to:
Jeremy Hammond 18729-424
Metropolitan Correctional Center
150 Park Row
New York, New York, 10007
Maximum Size: US Letter (8.5x11")
11 October 2012
10 October 2012
Justice Now!
Mail Art Invitation
Peter Netmail recommends:
After Mailart in the Army (2008) , here we expand into new territory -
the first ever Mailart Show IN a Law Court(2012/2013)!
Together with my high school art students I organize this Mail art project.
-Send your contribution now!
-Get the catalog from Mail Art Mekka Minden!
- Come and join the opening at the Law Court!
Peter Netmail recommends:
After Mailart in the Army (2008) , here we expand into new territory -
the first ever Mailart Show IN a Law Court(2012/2013)!
Together with my high school art students I organize this Mail art project.
-Send your contribution now!
-Get the catalog from Mail Art Mekka Minden!
- Come and join the opening at the Law Court!
Postcard only (10x15cm),
not in an envelope please.
free, no e-mail-contributions please,
and no black&white copies.
Deadline: 31. October 2012 already!!!
at the Law Court Gallery
Verwaltungsgericht Minden.
Printed documentation to every participant.
postcard to:
Mail Art
Project Ratsgymnasium
D 32423
8 October 2012
6 October 2012
Theme: JANUS
Janus, the ancient Roman god of beginnings and
transitions, is usually depicted as a two-faced god looking both to the future
and to the past. He presides over both abstract and concrete beginnings and
transitions, thus he is concerned with gates, doors and doorways, bridges,
time, the beginning and ending of the year, the sun, the moon, light, and
open format, size, technique
no jury, no fees, no returns
documentation sent to participants
some online documentation at:
Deadline: December 30th, 2012
Exhibition in January!
Please send work on the theme of Janus to:
Janus/ South Store Cafe
24485 SW Scholls Fy. Rd.
Hillsboro, OR 97123 - U.S.A.
5 October 2012
One idea of SelfPortrait
- International Mail Art Project and Exhibition
- Projet International et Exposition d'Art Postal
Thème: “One idea of SelfPortrait”
"Une idée de l'Autoportrait"
Size: Postcard
Format: Carte Postale
all technics and médium
toutes techniques et moyens
no return, no jury, one only work by artist
pas de retour, pas de sélection, une œuvre originale par artiste est demandée
Deadline: 31 mai 2013.
Dernier délai de réception des envois: 31 Mai 2013
Expédition at this adress:
Expédition à l'adresse suivante:
- Projet International et Exposition d'Art Postal
Thème: “One idea of SelfPortrait”
"Une idée de l'Autoportrait"
Size: Postcard
Format: Carte Postale
all technics and médium
toutes techniques et moyens
no return, no jury, one only work by artist
pas de retour, pas de sélection, une œuvre originale par artiste est demandée
Deadline: 31 mai 2013.
Dernier délai de réception des envois: 31 Mai 2013
Expédition at this adress:
Expédition à l'adresse suivante:
Christophe Massé
28 rue Bouquière
33000 Bordeaux
Exhibition 28 June 2013 at Sous La Tente
Exposition 28 juin 2013 Sous La tente à Bordeaux (France)
Documentation to all participants
Les participant(e)s recevront la documentation
Exhibition 28 June 2013 at Sous La Tente
Exposition 28 juin 2013 Sous La tente à Bordeaux (France)
Documentation to all participants
Les participant(e)s recevront la documentation
Biennial of Small Format Artworks
BIG - Guarulhos International Biennial of Small Format Artworks
Artists / mail artists / anyone from around the world are invited to send artwork for Guarulhos International Biennial of Small Format Artworks
The works included in the modalities of drawing, painting, sculpture, object, assemblage, installation, printmaking, photography, electronic art and urban art: should have no more than 10 x 15 cm for two-dimensional works, 15 x 15 x 15 cm three-dimensional works;The vídeo works should have at least 15 seconds and up to 1 minute in mpeg format.
Documentation on line . No jury, No fee, No return Postal/maildelivery only.Medium: Free.
Maximum 3 artworks from each artist and each modality.
deadline: November 20, 2012
Send works to:
AC Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas
Avenida Emílio Ribas, 2115
Agência Gopoúva - P.O. BOX 1004
07051 970
Guarulhos– SP
Artists / mail artists / anyone from around the world are invited to send artwork for Guarulhos International Biennial of Small Format Artworks
The works included in the modalities of drawing, painting, sculpture, object, assemblage, installation, printmaking, photography, electronic art and urban art: should have no more than 10 x 15 cm for two-dimensional works, 15 x 15 x 15 cm three-dimensional works;The vídeo works should have at least 15 seconds and up to 1 minute in mpeg format.
Documentation on line . No jury, No fee, No return Postal/maildelivery only.Medium: Free.
Maximum 3 artworks from each artist and each modality.
deadline: November 20, 2012
Send works to:
AC Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas
Avenida Emílio Ribas, 2115
Agência Gopoúva - P.O. BOX 1004
07051 970
Guarulhos– SP
3 October 2012
Jeremy Hammond
mail will be documented then forwarded to Jeremy.
send submissions to:
send submissions to:
1234 Sandusky Dr.
Iowa City, IA 52240
Deadline: December 31, 2012
Format: Free
Full Documentation
You can't arrest an idea
FREE Jeremy Hammond !
Hammond was arrested on allegations of access device fraud and hacking. He is being charged as the main person behind the December document liberation on U.S. security company Stratfor. Sources say Hammond will be charged in a separate indictment, and they described him as a member of Anonymous. The 34-page indictment released by the U.S. attorney's office in Chicago accuses Jeremy Hammond of helping to hack into several company sites, including the Texas-based security consulting company, Stratfor.
#AntiSec #LulzSec #FreeJeremyHammond #FawkesSecurity
IRC AnonOps channel #FreeAnons
Read more:
The Anonymous Solidarity Network provides support for those who are facing prosecution for alleged involvement in « Anonymous » activities. We believe that community acts of internet protest are not crimes nor conspiracies and should not be prosecuted as such. - private
The Anonymous Solidarity Network « Join FreeAnons » - private
YTCracker support « Jeremy Hammond » - private
Iowa City, IA 52240
Deadline: December 31, 2012
Format: Free
Full Documentation
You can't arrest an idea
FREE Jeremy Hammond !
Hammond was arrested on allegations of access device fraud and hacking. He is being charged as the main person behind the December document liberation on U.S. security company Stratfor. Sources say Hammond will be charged in a separate indictment, and they described him as a member of Anonymous. The 34-page indictment released by the U.S. attorney's office in Chicago accuses Jeremy Hammond of helping to hack into several company sites, including the Texas-based security consulting company, Stratfor.
#AntiSec #LulzSec #FreeJeremyHammond #FawkesSecurity
IRC AnonOps channel #FreeAnons
Read more:
The Anonymous Solidarity Network provides support for those who are facing prosecution for alleged involvement in « Anonymous » activities. We believe that community acts of internet protest are not crimes nor conspiracies and should not be prosecuted as such. - private
The Anonymous Solidarity Network « Join FreeAnons » - private
YTCracker support « Jeremy Hammond » - private
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