10 June 2009

Mail Art Research Project

The web exhibition in the theme of "What mail art means to me?" is now complete.
You can find it from here: http://mailartmeans.blogspot.com/.

I received lots of mail art and I´m very grateful for that. Altogether I
received 66 artworks from 11 different countries.

My recearch for my bachelors degree is also now finished. The subject for my
research was "How internet has effected to mail art and what meaning mail art
has to the mail artists." Unfortunately it´s in finnish. I was planning to write
a short article in english to the website but it has to wate for now, because
I´m going to travel the next two months. I will inform again when I have
completed the article.

Thank you for everybody who participated by answering to the survey or by
sending me mail art, it was very helpful for my research!

Yours Miina Ruokonen

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