31 March 2008
An Post C Both Sides - www.anpostcbothsides.ie
The postcard art initiative is a 12 month programme asking the public to create their own postcard. This will be followed by a country wide exhibition of selected entries during 2009, recording to the public a time in Ireland’s collective social history.
The An Post C Both Sides campaign celebrates postcard design and the skill of handwriting. Anyone can take part in the project to make a personal statement, depicting a favourite memory, a special place, someone important or even a secret.
While anyone can enter at any time during 2008, An Post C Both Sides focuses on particular communities each month:
April: Travellers; May: Older People; June: Business People/Unemployed People; July: Prisoners; August: Migrants; September: Politicians; October: Education and Learning; November: Farming Community; December: Artists/Individuals.
See http://www.anpostcbothsides.ie/ for details.
The project was initiated and curated by artists Teresa Doyle and Edel O’Reilly Flynn in association with Westmeath County Council. The initiative was an instant success with entries from children and adults expressing opinions on their locale, war, loved ones, childhood memories and more.
An Post now invites everyone to take part in the second phase of the project through 2008. A selection of the entries to the An Post C Both Sides postcard exhibition in 2008 will form a touring exhibition of Ireland during 2009.
How to Enter
Your postcard must be regular size: no larger than 140mm x 153mm (5.5" x 6").
Your postcard can be home-made or you can use a blank postcard.
You have complete artistic freedom in your self-expression, be it visual or literary.
Your card must be sent through the post, stamped and franked with date and origin, to the following address: An Post C Both Sides, PO Box 2009, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, Ireland.
You can send as many postcards as you wish - just remember each card must be stamped and individually posted.
You can include your name and address or leave your entry anonymous.
Closing date for entries is December 8 2008.
See http://www.anpostcbothsides.ie/ for details.
Your vote will count
We want you to help choose the top three postcards to be displayed on our C Both Sides home page from the entries received each month..
It’s so easy to vote; just choose your favourite postcard and hit the 'Vote for this card' button.
Your vote will be recorded and will count towards deciding which postcards go on display.
Don’t forget to sign up to our alerts, to find out if you voted for a winning postcard.
30 March 2008
Carfree Cities Mail Art Show
I am writing today to ask if you can post some information about our mail art project on your blog. The invitation to participate is included below or www.carfreeportland.org will link you directly to our web-site, which has all the information posted - as well as a simple graphic.
OK - Thanks if you can help get the word-out.
0__/ mail art !
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Invitation to Artists & Activists!
The Carfree Cities Mail Art Show
For display at Portland, Oregon City Hall, June 2008
As the center-piece of the International Carfree Cities' annual conference - previous events held in Prague, Berlin, Budapest, Bogota and Istanbul - this event will feature an installation of Mail Art from around the world. We invite artists and writers everywhere to send original mailable photos, paintings and collages, poetry and prose, celebrating freedom from car culture in any and every phase of life, to:
P.O. Box 6662
Portland, Oregon
USA 97228
The official theme of this conference is "Rediscovering Proximity" We share our earth with billions of people as well as the whole natural world's myriad creatures and flora and ecosystems. Our transportation and urban planning choices directly impact the health of the planet.
The fact that Portland city offialdom has thrown open the doors of City Hall to celebrate freedom from auto-obsessed culture and the interconnectedness between our local and global communities is an important and unusual gesture for an American city.
This art will become part of a traveling exhibit and make future visits to cities hosting Carfree events. We regret being unable to return the pieces to the artists, but credit to all artists will be scrupulously noted. All art must be received before June 1st, 2008 to be included in the show at City Hall in Portland.
Please Repost
0__/ Thanks !
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FUTURENERGIE mail art call
The Aldermanry of Culture of Quiliano Council, together with Bruno Cassaglia and Renato Cerisola, the artistic advisers of SACS (Experimental Contemporary Art Art-of-Estimation Space), is organizing a mail art and digital art project called FUTURENERGIE, regarding the ecological compatibility and sustainability.
The theme regards the renewable sources of energy and their fallout on Mankind’s health and behaviour. It can be expressed freely, in accordance with the following ‘key-concepts’:
- The need of promoting a new attitude, based on the non- exploitation both of Mankind and of the natural resources;
- From a technological and environmental point of view: the promotion of new forms of renewable energy, energy saving, care of the resources of our Planet and of the environmental pollution reduction.
- The enhancement of the Youth’s potential –our real energy for our future- for their commitment with the ecological and environmental issues.
You can take part to this event:
· By posting Your work of art to SACS , c/o Comune di Quiliano, Località Massapè 21 – 17047 Quiliano (SV) –
· By sending Your work of art via e-mail to info@sacsarte.net . Please note that the digital works ( jpg between i 300kb and 800kb) will be part of a video shown during the exhibition and will be also published on the SACS website www.sacsarte.net
You are free to take part to both the traditional Mail Art Project and the Digital Art one.
The event will take place on September 2008 at
All Your works will not be sent back, but they will be part of Quiliano Council artistic heritage.
Thank you very much in advance!
Technique: free
Maximim size: 29cm x 20cm
The works of art to be forwarded to: SACS – Comune di Quiliano
opera di M.Nomized FRANCIA
Please, feel free to divulge this invitation to anyone you like!29 March 2008
Global Warming
All work received will be exhibited from May 24th to June 22nd. A reception will be held on June 14th for Sacramento’s 2nd Saturday festivities, during which many galleries hold concurrent art receptions.
Please mail your submissions to:
Asylum Gallery c/o Ann Tracy
170 Southgate Rd
Sacramento CA 95815 USA
Email entries will also be accepted. Please, no bigger than 2 MB in a .PDF, or .jpg format. Please email to: anntracy51@sbcglobal.net .
Asylum Gallery is an artist-run space that is dedicated to showing the best of contemporary art by regional artists and to giving back to the community.
The gallery will donate 30% of sales proceeds to the Women’s Wisdom Project, a nonprofit program of the Sacramento Food Bank and Family Services. All contributing artists will receive electronic documentation for this show.
Women's Wisdom Project is an art program for adult women who want to broaden their creative lives. Women's Wisdom is a free, drop-in program that includes art classes taught by professional artists. Women's Wisdom Project provides a free, hot lunch, a supportive staff, counseling, referrals and a unique opportunity for socialization. WWP accepts women from all backgrounds and walks of life.
The women use the healing power of art to recover and create stable, productive lives for themselves and their children. The women range in age from their 20's to their 70's, and the average age of a Wisdom artist is in her 40's. No art background is required to participate in the program. By using the creative process in a warm, supportive environment, WWP teaches women that they have the potential to shape their own lives. Expressing themselves in paintings, sketches, sculpture, writing and poetry rekindles their spirit and sense of self-worth. The goal of Women's Wisdom Project is to allow women to express themselves through art and regain the emotional strength to re-enter society, rejoin their families, go back to school, or join the working world.
*Not sure what mail art is? Check out this link:
Ann Tracy
Asylum Gallery - www.AsylumGallery.net
Beyond The Proscenium - www.Beyond-Pro.org
Atlas Project
major project?
`Tis nothing too complex, I'm basically destroying/altering books
and I have a few atlases. The idea is you tell me where in the world
you come from and I'll either email you a scan of the page or send
you the actual page depending on which inspires you the most, you
then doodle, scribble, alter and generally create a POSTCARD sized
masterpiece which is then posted back to me and attached to what's
left of the original atlas.
The subject matter is up to you, it can be about you or the area you
live in.
Non-arty people also welcome to participate, it doesn't matter if
you can't draw/paint/college, written word (poems, stories,
thoughts) are also just as `artistic'.
(What's really important here is that it's actually being posted
from the country on the map page)
Please email me if you want to take part:
lonesomeaesthetic@btinternet.com and I'll send you scans and give
you my details for posting.
Thank You
25 March 2008
17 March 2008
Artists in their studios.
Christine Tarantino
P. O. Box 121
Wendell MA 01379 USA
15 March 2008
Poetry and Stamp Art
Theme: Send your poetry by original language with stamp art. Also you can give your personal original understanding of this theme.
Size/technique: Free
No returns.
The works will be displayed at http://m-a-group.blogspot.com .
Documentation to all participants.
Deadline to be received: October 20, 2008.
M-A Group
A/C 9875
Sadivnycha 19/1
79038, Lviv, UKRAINE
Best regards!
M-A Group
11 March 2008

This non-profit organization uses art to end domestic violence.
Theme: Embracing Growth - What have you learned that made you stronger, makes you laugh, keeps you going? What helps you keep your balance every day? What lesson do you live by?
Any medium
Size: 4" x 6", 10 cm x 15 cm
Deadline: April 23, 2008
Mail to:
Lessons PP
710 4th Ave. #5
Venice, CA 90291
No fees, no jury, no returns
Work will be mounted for display at Art in the Afternoon, May 4th, 2008.
On-line documentation to follow.

E_mail : (para cualquier consulta) mabace@wanadoo.es
URL: http://www.roteirocreacion.com/ (Roteiro 2.007)
DIRECCIÓN POSTAL: MANOEL BONABAL BARREIRO calle San Domingos de Bonaval nº 5- A 15703-Santiago de Compostela (España)
Fecha límite: 15 MAYO 2.008
El pasado año ROTEIRO DE CREACIÓN CONTEMPORÁNEA organizó un recorrido por talleres de los artistas de Santiago de Compostela, quienes han abierto sus puertas y mostrado un mundo que normalmente permanece interiorizado.
También se ha celebrado en esas fechas un taller de MAIL ART con el objetivo de animar a la participación e incorporación de mail artistas gallegos.
Este año el ROTEIRO quiere dar un paso más: CREAR UNA CONVOCATORIA que será presentada en el NUEVO TALLER DE MAIL ART a realizar en junio 2.008.
PEDIMOS A TODOS LOS MAIL ARTISTAS QUE NOS ENVÍEN UNA O MÁS IMAGENES DE SU TALLER: no importa la técnica ni el tamaño elegido (libre), simplemente que refleje, aunque sea simbólicamente, lo que es para cada uno de nosotros el espacio físico dónde crea su obra.
Expondremos todas las obras recibidas en alguna sala-galería de nuestra ciudad y servirá como muestra didáctica en el taller.
Os agradecemos vuestro apoyo.
Desde el propio taller responderemos a todos los participantes informando de la exposición y catálogo.
E_mail : (pour consultations) mabace@wanadoo.es
URL: http://www.roteirocreacion.com/ (Roteiro 2.007)
San Domingos de Bonaval nº 5- A
CP 15703-Santiago de Compostela (Espagne)
Date limite: 15 MAYO 2.008
L’année passée le ROTEIRO DE CREACION CONTEMPORANEA a organisé, pour la première fois, un parcours d’artistes à Saint-Jacques de Compostelle. Les artistes ont eu l’occasion de montrer leur atelier et donc un monde qui normalement est intériorisé.
Un atelier de MAIL ART a eu lieu, à ces dates, pour faire connaître et pour encourager les artistes galliciensà pratiquer cet aspect de l’Art.
Cette année le ROTEIRO veut faire un pas de plus: CREER UNE CONVOCATION qui sera présentée à l’occasion d’UN NOUVEL ATELIER DE MAIL ART qui aura lieu en juin 2008.
NOUS DEMANDONS A TOUS LES MAIL ARTISTES QU’ILS NOUS ENVOIENT UNE OU PLUSIEURS IMAGES DE LEUR ATELIER: la technique et la grandeur est sans importance (libre), nous voudrions simplement que l’espace physique où chacun de nous crée son oeuvre soit refleté, même symboliquement.
Nous exposerons toutes les oeuvres reçues dans une salle-gallerie de la ville et cela servira comme exposition didactique pour l’atelier.
Nous vous remercions d’avance pour votre appui et répondrons depuis l’atelier à tous les participants en leur informant de l’exposition et du catalogue.
E_mail : (for consultations) mabace@wanadoo.es
URL: http://www.roteirocreacion.com/ (Roteiro 2.007)
San Domingos de Bonaval nº 5- A
CP 15703-Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Deadline: 15 MAYO 2.008
Last year ROTEIRO DE CREACION CONTEMPORANEA organized a series of Workshops with artists from Santiago de Compostela, who opened their doors and revealed their hidden working worlds to the public.
This also included a MAIL ART workshop with the participation of Galician mail artists.
This year ROTEIRO would like to take a step further: CALLING FOR PROPOSALS with which to present the NEW MAIL ART WORKSHOP to take place in June 2008.
WE ASK FOR ALL MAIL ARTISTS WHO WAN TO SEND ONE OR MORE IMAGES TO THIS WORKSHOP: the technique and design is not restricted but should reflect, symbolically of otherwise, the space in which you create your works.
All the works we receive will be exhibited in a gallery or viewing space in our city and will serve as a directive in the workshop.
We thank you for your support.
From the first workshop we will contact all participants informing them of exhibitions and cataloging.
10 March 2008
ArtClash Collective - USA
12 states and 3 countries!
Submission Deadline: March 14. To participate, please send your name and address via snail mail to 4535 Larchwood Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19143, USA and we will send you the names and addresses of 4 other participants.
9 March 2008
8 March 2008
no deadline
all postal object sent by snailmail - texts welcome
reply to all
5/3 rue Hurard
Automatic Drawing
Please send it to address:
Martyna Mikita /Poland /Gdynia 81540/ Al. Zwyciestwa 236/1
Deadline: may 2008
Then will be an exhibition in Poland, Poznañ (city)
You will be able to check it on-line: http://mailartproject.blogspot.com/
I’m looking for mail art around the theme of communication, communicating emotions in the mail. A happy or sad story could be included, as a letter.
No deadline, format of your choice
Please send to: Figtree Pocket, 293 Kenmore Rd, Brisbane, Australia
7 March 2008
Dear Sir or Madam,
The Françoise Giroud Library of Castries (France) organizes from December 5th 2008 to January 10th 2009 a Mail art exhibition.
We therefore send out a call for contributions on the following subject :
The Ocean.
Please send your work before November 15th 2008 to the following address :
Art postal
Médiathèque Françoise Giroud
15 avenue de la Cave coopérative
All works will be displayed during the exhibition at the end of the year, as well as on the Library’s website at the following address :
in the ’’Action culturelle et pédagogique – Art postal’’ section.
Thank you for forwarding this mail to anyone who could be interested.