30 November 2007
29 November 2007
A **Bookmarker** Show
You are invited to participate in an International Bookmarker Art show.
The Plainsboro Library of Plainsboro, New Jersey, USA, is sponsoring an arts festival called Cultural Crossroads.
We are asking mail artists from around the world to submit a decorated bookmarker (or two!) to help us celebrate the connection and community that mail artists create by sharing their work.
We expect many participants of all ages to come see this show, and to make their own bookmarkers as they are inspired by your amazing creative addition. Lots of children from our very diverse community will both see your work, and create their own at our festival. We are thrilled to be building bridges of connection from all over the world to our corner here in Central New Jersey.
Since this theme of Cultural Crossroads represents diversity, we are especially delighted to have an international representation in this bookmarker show.
Please decorate the enclosed bookmarker in any way you would like – drawing or painting, collage, words, or whatever moves you.
If you like, you can incorporate our theme of Cultural Crossroads.
Please mail back the bookmarks no later than June 15, 2008 to:
Cultural Crossroads Bookmarkers
c/o Emily Townsend
19 Sapphire Dr.
West Windsor, NJ 08550 USA
We must receive the bookmarkers before the end June, 2008, in order to be included in the show.
We will be selling all the bookmarkers to help us raise funds to build a new library.
Thank you so much for your creative participation – and if you cannot help, please feel free to pass this letter and bookmarkers along to someone who might want to!
27 November 2007
visit www.kiaralinda.com for project details. For my project please send me all postal objects that deal with any technique.
Deadline: 15.12.2007
Kiaralinda / 1206 3rd st. n. / safety harbor fl 34695 / usa /
25 November 2007
CALLS 2007
Chooses a call (or both) and send us your works.
Answer and exchange to all. Exhibition in our web-galleries.
Open theme. No deadline. To indicate the call.
Miguel Jimenez
El Taller de Zenón
C/ Santa María de Guía nº 1 - 4º C
ES - 41008 Sevilla España
El Taller de Zenón - www.eltallerdezenon.com
24 November 2007
No deadline.
All works will be published on this blog: http://fluxhound.blogspot.com/
Send to:
Haje Holmström
Norrfjärdsvägen 72
FIN-66550 Västerhankmo
Link to Plexus removed
22 November 2007
20 November 2007
Deadline: 08.08.2008
Erin Fae
po box 350
new york
NY 10013
19 November 2007

For my project please send me only postcards that deal with any technique.
Deadline: 31.12.2010
Andy Vita
via Gaggia 17
Milano 20139
Premiere possibilité: Votre envoi d'art postal sera sur le thème du recyclage.
Deuxième possibilité: Votre envoi d'art postal sera sur le thème de votre choix mais en utilisant uniquement des matériaux ayant déja été utilisés, afin de créer une oeuvre "recyclée".
Date limite: Le 15 juin 2008.
Format et technique: Libres.
Documentation "papier" aux participants.
Documentation en ligne avec mise à jour hebdomadaire sur PROJET D'ART POSTAL 2007/2008 - LE RECYCLAGE
Adresse: PROJET RECYCLAGE 2007/2008
Pas de date limite.
Format et technique libres.
Un mail art en retour pour chacun.
Les mailarts reçus seront exposés sur http://lesmains.over-blog.com
Laurence Bucourt
5 rue de Mandavit
33170 Gradignan
Sécurité routière et jeunes...
Nous sommes élèves d'un lycée de moyenne montagne.Nous organisons au printemps prochain (15 jours) dans le cadre de nos PPCP (Projet pluridisciplinaire à caractère professionnel) une campagne pour la sécuritéroutière, la route et les moins de 25 ans.... Afin de rendre cette action plus créatrice, plus vivante ( alors même que nous évoquonsdes drames et des morts violentes, des chagrins désespérés...) Nous avons décidé de recueillir (entre autres actions) un maximum de mail art sur ce sujet.
Je vous remercie d'avoir la gentillesse de bien vouloir diffuser notre appel notre "mail art call"
thème: Sécurité routière et jeunes....
adresse: PPCP sécurité routière
Lycée de la Matheysine
3 rue lesdiguieres
38350 LA MURE
18 November 2007
posted for Anna
Our site is www.claremontforum.org, and there are photos of our last Mailart exhibition.
I am looking for participants, places to post call for artists, and general exchnage of info with others who are doing mail art. I am directing a workshop and lecture for the next exhibit, which will be in June 2008, so am looking for info I can pass on in that.
Thank you for any infop or leads yo can send to me.
17 November 2007
Mixed media art group welcoming NEW members...
Thanks for looking!
15747 Caloosa Creek Cir.
Fort Myers, FL 33908

Call for Work - Calling all Artists.
The making of mail as art, “mail art” has a history stretching back at least to the 1950s. Mail art has in the past rooted in a rejection of the commerce and exclusivity of the gallery show. The making of mail art, “mail-art” continues to be a common practice in an age dominated by electronic communication. This exhibition will continue to break down the division between the mailbox and the gallery. To that end, Niagara County Community College Art Gallery is seeking submissions for an upcoming exhibition, aiming to display the myriad manifestations of mail art. Artists working in all media are encouraged to participate. The topic and content of each piece is solely the choice of the artist. Artists are asked to produce one piece of mail art and send it to guest curator Becky Moda. Your work will be displayed in a cataloged group exhibition in the Spring. After the exhibition closes, each participating artist will receive via mail the work of another artist. “Senders receive,” as mail artists say. The mail art movement is uniquely populist and non-commercial, involving non-traditional distribution methods and the potential for global reach. Let's breathe new life into this fascinating movement, which predated and in some ways predicted the artist networking boom enabled by the internet. It is asked that the artists adhere to the following guidelines: 1. Please send one piece of mail art to: Mail Art, NCCC Gallery, Niagara County Community College, 3111 Saunders Settlement Road, Sanborn, New York 14132-9460 by February 14, 2008. 2. The mail art can take any shape, in two or three dimensions. Pieces can expand when opened, but must be easily re-mailed for less than five dollars. Email any questions to beckymoda@gmail.com
Anything Goes
I run an online art gallery at http://www.theemergenceproject.com so what I would like to do is collect as much mail art as possible and then show it on my website. I will send mail art back to everybody that participates. Thanks!
For my exhibition please send me any medium that deal with any technique.
Deadline: 31.03.2008
Sarah Condon / 1717 Alfred Drive / Luxemburg 54217 / USA / sarah@theemergenceproject.com

Dear friends!
This is a mail-art call from Hungary!.
Theme:"In memoriam Lacko".
Lacko Szilagyi was an expressive "art-brut" PUNK-painter who commited suicide in february this year.He was my husband....
More facts about him and the pictures, you shold use for this project you can find HERE:
Deadline: well...if there must be a deadline,it should be the 3.-th of february 2008....
16 November 2007
Psychic TV
OK, hands up who remembers the great 80s band Psychic TV ? Founded by the legendary Genesis P-Orridge it's fanclub TOPY (Temple Ov Psychick Youth) became a kind of modern day cult, exploring the boundaries of Chaos Magic and Thelema. The Psychic Cross symbol (trademark wholly owned by Genesis P-Orridge etc etc) intertwined with the synchronistic number 23 cropped up everywhere from album covers to tatoos to the necks of other musicians such as Sleep Chamber.
Ironically Genesis was involved in mailart himself (together with Monte Cazzazza) and suffered at the hands of the British postal service for the items they sent through the mail. Interestingly the primary medium Genesis employed was collage. This later developed further into the Sigils of TOPY which were more aligned to works of collage than the traditional sigils of hermetic and solomonic magic.
Send your art (closing date January 31st 2008) to PTV MAILART, Planet Dada, 11 Menin Road, Allestree, Derby DE22 2NL, UK.
Email submissions can be sent to planetdada@yahoo.co.uk with PTV MAILART in the subject. No jury, No returns, Online Documentation.
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All Horizons
I try to explain my project in english but it will be hard for me !
I work in Espace Senghor. It is a cultural center in Verson (Normandy - France). Espace Senghor organizes in December 2007 an exposure “mail Art” and chose to launch a call to contribution to all on the topic “All horizons” ( Verson was the residence of Léopold Sédar Senghor during more than 20 years. )
The city have an real attachment with most famous of its fellow-citizens : father of the francophonie, cantor of the Civilization of Universal… l'Espace Senghor is a place open on the world and it is this spirit which animates the exposure “Mail Art ”.
This project is opened for all : local, national, international artists of all horizons, without reference of age or origin. There will be no Jury, no price, nor reward, but we hope, thanks to you, to show that the human and artistic solidarity is always alive.
Your sending, that it is an envelope, an illustrated letter or a cutting, to the format which you will have chosen, will be exposed to Espace Senghor.
To take part, it is enough to send your production at
Espace Senghor
Rue of Hambühren
14790 VERSON
Until December 1st, 2007
while specifying with the back or inside your address so that we can give you the blog (documentation will only be on internet)
More information Espace Senghor - i.lamy.senghor@orange.fr
Sorry for my english !!!
And thank you for your participation
Theme: What makes you smile?
Can be interpreted very broadly: ANYTHING which makes you smile!
Technique: Any form of mail-art: including email
Deadline: end of July 2008
Send to: Karen Eliot Box 52 Portland ME 04112 USA or
Exhibition in August 2008
Documentation on: http://neoisms.blogspot.com
S. Eraclio is a small village near Foligno, just in the center of Umbria, Italy. Since 47 years now we a Carnival street parade is organized (http://www.ilcarnevale.net ).
You're kindly invited to send me your vision of the Carnival or the transformation of your face into a mask. All the artworks received will be exhibited in S. Eraclio, during the Carnival.
All the participants will receive documentation of the Carnival 2008 Edition Requested Size: Size-free
Deadline: 15th January 2008.
Reference Address: Gianluca Emili, Via Vienna 5, 06037 Foligno (PG) Italy
Many thanks for your attention,
best regards,
Gianluca Emili.
15 November 2007
14 November 2007
1000 Drawings
Night of 1,000 Drawings
deadline: Friday, December 7th
11 November 2007
Robots and Souls
Sharon Kirby / 1640 E Hayes St. / Pensacola 32503 / United States / srk4@students.uwf.edu
Exhibition at the School's "Espace rencontre avec l'Oeuvre d'Art" from dec.19th 2007 to feb 29th 2008. For my project please send me all postal objects that deal with any technique.
Julien Lemaire / 1803 rue de la gare / 59270 Merris / France
10 November 2007
Missing Pet Project
Requirements for entry to Mail art exhibition. All entries must contain a colour or black and white image of missing pet, accompanied with PETS personal details. ie Name of animal,age etc. Please send your creations to the above address as an e mail attachment.SUBJECT 'MISSING'
Closing date for entries 1/11/07. ALL entries will recieve documention.
Curator Gearoid Hayes hayesedaze@yahoo.ie
Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com
The opening ceremony for the three mail art exhibition in Greece - December 8

The final deadline for the three mail art calls:
-“Refugee Solidarity Chain”
-“The Argonauts”
is 25 November 2007 (post stamp).
We call the artists of the world to take part, sending their works.
We thank a lot the artists, who already sent their works.
The real exhibitions are programmed to be shown in December, 8 2007 in Larissa/Thessaly, in the Museum G. Katsigra – the art gallery of the Municipality.
Electronic documentations are already published in the pages:
Thomai Kontou
Painter, mail artist, curator of the projects.
La scadenza dei tre progetti di arte postale:
-Catena di solidarietà per i rifugiati
è il 25 novembre 2007 (data del timbro postale)
( http://all-three-greek-mailart.blogspot.com/)
Invitiamo gli artisti di tutto il mondo a partecipare, inviando i loro lavori.
Ringraziamo molto gli artisti che hanno già spedito i loro lavori.
Le mostre concrete sono in programma l’8 dicembre 2007 a Larissa/Thessalia, al Museum G. Katsigra - la galleria d’arte della Municipalità.
La documentazione elettronica è già pubblicata sulle pagine:
Thomai Kontou
Pittrice, mailartista, curatrice del progetto
Der letzte Termin für drei mail art – Aufrufe:
„Flüchtlings Solidaritäts-Kette“
„Die Argonauten“
ist der 25. November 2007 (Poststempel).
Wir fordern Künstler aus aller Welt auf, daran teilzunehmen und ihre Werke zu schicken.
Wir danken allen Künstlern, die schon ihre Werke geschickt haben.
Die Material-Ausstellung wird programmatisch ab dem 8. Dezember 2007 in Larissa/Thessalien im Museum G. Katsigra – der städtischen Pinakothek zu sehen sein.
Elektronische Dokumentationen sind schon in folgenden Seiten zu sehen:
Thomai Kontou
Malerin, mail art Künstlerin, Kuratorin der Projekte.
La date-limite finale pour les trois appels d'art de courrier :
Chaîne De Solidarité De -"Refugee"
argonautes de
-"The" l'ART INTERNATIONAL BIENNALE de COURRIER de -"1tst en GRÈCE" est 25 novembre 2007 (timbre de poteau). (http://all-three-greek-mailart.blogspot.com/)
nous appelons les artistes du monde pour participer, envoyant leurs travaux. Nous remercions beaucoup les artistes, qui ont déjà envoyé leurs travaux. Les vraies expositions sont programmées pour être montrées en décembre, 8 2007 dans Larissa/Thessaly, dans le musée G. Katsigra - la galerie d'art de la municipalité. Des documentations électroniques sont déjà éditées dans les pages : peintre de
Thomai Kontou, artiste de courrier, conservateur des projets.
El plazo final para las tres llamadas del arte del correo:
Cadena De la Solidaridad Del -"Refugee"
argonautas del –
es el 25 de noviembre 2007 (de estampilla del poste).
(http://all-three-greek-mailart.blogspot.com/) llamamos a artistas del mundo para participar, enviando sus trabajos. Agradecemos mucho a artistas, que enviaron ya sus trabajos. Las exposiciones verdaderas se programan para ser demostradas en diciembre, 8 2007 en Larissa/Thessaly, en el museo G. Katsigra - la galería de arte del municipio. Las documentaciones electrónicas se publican ya en las páginas: pintor de
Thomai Kontou, artista del correo, curator de los proyectos.
9 November 2007
one word poems
anything for SAXOPHONES
especially short melodies (photo-copies)
and ORIGINAL music
Barry Edgar Pilcher
Raven's Cottage
Inishfree Upper,
Burton Port
Nr. Letterkenny,
County Donegal
8 November 2007
Mail Art Call Balu Dart Club
The Modern Horse
theme. the modern horse
(some could think this means the bycycle)
size. up to A4
deadline. 15 december 2007
send to.
the modern horse
p.o.box 1
2483 n.s.w.
exhibition through december and january
documentation after the show
thanks pete spence
4 November 2007
Human Rights
"For Lebanon, For Palestine"
Human Rights--Peace--Liberty
Size: Max A4 (postal)
Deadline/Fecha Limite: Ongoing/Sins Limite
Documentation: at http://davidbaptistechirot.blogspot.com
all are welcome to send as many pieces as you would like to
and also to send as many times as you want to
David-Baptiste Chirot
740 N 29 #108
Milwaukee, WI 53208
My PET Project
I'm looking here for complete randomness and complete surprise and to touch base again with the roots of mail art.
Want to join in?
Hope to see you there!
Pony Express
Submissions should be sent to:
Pony Express Zine
PO Box 3482
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Mailartists will receive a free copy of the zine their art appears in.
If you have questions or are interested in purchasing a copy of the latest issue of PEZ, please post here or send me an email.
Philosophy Day
1st International A4-A5 Mail Art Thessaloniki
Please send any mediumm any technique.
Size: from A5 to A4.
One work per Artist.
Exhibition will open on November 21, 2007
info: goteetotum@yahoo.gr
Ioanninon 44
Thessaloniki 54639
Three Themes
4″x6″ postards of chairs, stools or any form of single seating. For display in Paper and Postage, Moat Gallery, Library Square, Vancouver, Apr 16-29, 2008
Include snail mail and/or email address for documentation.
THEME: Stairs
4″x6″ postcards of stairs,steps,ladders or any way to get up or down from here to there. For display in Paper and Postage, Moat Gallery, Library Square, Vancouver, Apr 16-29,2008.
Include snail mail and/or email address for documentation
THEME: Clocks
Clocks,watches,timepieces,anything to mark the passage of time. 4″x6″ postcards for display in Paper and Postage, Moat Gallery,Library Square,Vancouver, Apr 16-29,2008.
For documentation include snail mail and/or email address.
All submissions posted on
Lorraine Kwan
#202, 3580 West 41st Ave
Vancouver BC V6N 3E6
2 November 2007
Sunday At Jim Haynes Paris

My mailed homage sent to long-time Paris ex-pat, author, artist, maestro Jim Haynes who has been entertaining at his home/atelier at 83 rue de la Tombe Issoire 75013 Paris for more than 20 years. Every Sunday. An institution that attracts about 100 people from all over the world. Click here for more homework from The Paris Correspondence School.
1 November 2007
The Emergence Project
I have planned an online exhibition of all the Mail Art I receive. I am setting the cutoff date for submissions for December 31st, 2007. I will be responding to every submission by sending back my personal Mail Art. There are no fees to enter and there will be no judging process. I run an art gallery called The Emergence Project.
There is no theme, no rules, no guidelines at all. Everything will be accepted and exhibited. The Mail Art will not be returned.
The artist will be credited for their work and their address will be listed with the show. Viewers will be encouraged to participate. I will post the show on my gallery website at www.theemergenceproject.com in early January 2008. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me at sarah@theemergenceproject.com .
Please send your submissions to:
Sarah Elizabeth Condon
1717 Alfred Drive
WI 54217
The Rape of Nanking was an infamous war crime committed by the Japanese military in and around the then capital of China, after it fell to the Imperial Japanese Army on December 13, 1937.The extent of the atrocities is debated between China and Japan. A number of Japanese researchers consider 100,000 – 200,000 to be an approximate value. Other nations usually believe the death toll to be between 150,000 – 300,000. The International Military Tribunal for the Far East stated that 20,000 (and perhaps up to 80,000) women were raped.(more informations at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanking_Massacre )
free technique no returns documentation to all
deadline to be received: end of january 2008
send to:
Horst Baur
80538 Munich