Poster by Keith Buchholz. ABAD OMAHA, curated by Louise Millmann and Rob Gilmer. Exhibition at the RNG Gallery, Omaha, Nebraska. Click for all details.
Deadline July 20, 2010.
For all information on exhibitions, past, present and future, please see: A Book About Death Archive Site.
28 June 2010
27 June 2010
José Nogueira Nogueira hELLO, ARTIST FRIENDS,
C/ o
CEP : 01031-970
C/ o
CEP : 01031-970
Mail-Art Project,
26 June 2010
24 June 2010
Teach English or Die
TEFL International Second Annual Mail Art Call
Theme: “Teach English or Die!”
Size/Technique/Format: Postcard size only; technique & format free.
Exhibition: All artwork will be exhibited at TEFL International, Ban Phe, Thailand, Course Center. Documentation: Artwork will be documented at
Artwork will not be returned, and once received will be considered the property of TEFL International.
Information: or
Deadline: February 28, 2011. Please tell your colleagues about this mail art call!
Mail to:
Tim Torkildson. TEFL International.
38/53-55 Moo 1
Klaeng Muang
Rayong 21160 Thailand.
Theme: “Teach English or Die!”
Size/Technique/Format: Postcard size only; technique & format free.
Exhibition: All artwork will be exhibited at TEFL International, Ban Phe, Thailand, Course Center. Documentation: Artwork will be documented at
Artwork will not be returned, and once received will be considered the property of TEFL International.
Information: or
Deadline: February 28, 2011. Please tell your colleagues about this mail art call!
Mail to:
Tim Torkildson. TEFL International.
38/53-55 Moo 1
Klaeng Muang
Rayong 21160 Thailand.
23 June 2010
Spaceblog and NASA
FLUXMUSEUM spends est. $2.5 Billion in Taxpayer Money to Exhibit in Space.
To boldly go where no museum has gone before, the Fluxmuseum, on the whim of artist Gary Bibb, begins a global initiative to invite artists from around the world to participate in, what may well be, the most expensive exhibition ever mounted. The Exhibition: Fluxface in Space, using the last shuttles in the Nasa Space Shuttle Program will be launched into orbit this fall.
Using the Face In Space Program from NASA - we are organizing a "Fluxface in Space" exhibition to be launched into orbit on the last two Space Shuttles! Artists are to create one original postcard sized work of art in any media (preferably collage/ photo-montage) with the themes of Space Exploration & the Arts, the Shuttle Program, Outerspace, Rockets, Astronauts, Astronomy etc . This will be a commemorative project around the fact that the Space Shuttle program is coming to an end after these last two flights.
Of course the Fluxmuseum is not actually spending any taxpayer money. This money will be or has been spent by NASA without our help. We're just using a little digital space on the shuttle computers.
What to do:
Create a work of art 4x6 inches in size on paper about Space Exploration, Astronomy, the Universe etc. with the words - Fluxface in Space, for a Fluxmuseum exhibition. In addition, 1) jpg. photo of the art 2) one jpg. photo of you holding the art - same size as the art, 4x6. NOTE: see the helpful hints below for guidance.
Register and upload the photo of you holding (or with) the artwork to NASA:
ONCE REGISTERED include the NASA conformation number on back of the artwork and photograph along with the Space Shuttle mission number, artist name, country, website and/or email address.
Email jpg. (4" x 6" 180 dpi - max) images of the artwork and the photo along with your name, country and Shuttle mission # for the online exhibition to:
You also have the opportuniity to submit a statement related to space exploration and the arts - not required but appreciated. (250 word maximum). Please email with the images for the web exhibition.
DEADLINE TO UPLOAD PHOTO (of you with the art) TO NASA: AUGUST 1, 2010 -
NOTE: see the helpful hints below for guidance.
Deadlines will be enforced - so don't delay. The artwork must have embedded somewhere in the image, or on the front of the card, the words "Fluxface in Space". PLEASE NOTE - the Fluxmusem will only accept one entry per artist. Complinance to all the guidelines listed are required to be included in the Fluxface in Space exhibitions, publications and museum archive.
Helpful Hints:
The self portrait photo w/ art - try to position your artwork somewhat close to your face in the photo. That way your face and the art will be uploaded. NASA will have you crop the photo to about 3"x3" on the website using their program. It's easy.
Printing the conformation - once you have uploaded your photo, you will see a Shuttle lift-off, then a conformation page will pop-up. I suggest you write down the information from this page - the mission number and conformation number in case you have problems printing, that way you will have the info.
To print:
1) click on print this page
2) expand the new screen to see the print this page - click on prompt
3) the print window opens - the document is posted as Microsoft xps doc. writer in the printer type menu
4) sort thru the menu - select your printer type
5) click ok - it should print
6) NASA does have a helpful FAQ section on their site if you have problems.
Send the artwork and a 4x6 copy of the photo of you with the artwork to:
Fluxface in Space
6955 Pinon Street
Fort Worth, TX 76116
The online exhibition will be featured at:
We are pleased to announce that Angela Ferrara, Curator of the ABAD exhibition at MUBE - Sao Paulo, Brazil, will be the primary image archivist for the online exhibit.
An exhibition (or multiple exhibitions) will be arranged and a catalog published using the art, photos and statements. The catalog will be available for purchase once the Fluxface in Space collection has been compiled.
The Fluxmuseum may request a copy of the space flight certificate for the archive. All participants will aquire the certificate from NASA after the Space Shuttle has returned from the mission. (See the website for details).
Thank you to all participants!
Gary A. Bibb, Cecil Touchon, Angela Ferrara
Additional contacts - cecil
The Small Print...
By submitting artwork to the Fluxmuseum for the Fluxface in Space exhibition, the artist acknowledges and agrees to the guidelines and the following terms.
The artist agrees to donate, by way of unrestricted gift, and therefore transfers and assigns absolutely all artworks submitted for the Fluxface in Space exhibition to the Ontological Museum for the Fluxmuseum to become part of its permanent collection.
Though the copyright is retained in full by the artist, the donor grants unlimited and unrestricted copyright usage of the work donated to the Fluxmuseum for the Museum's use for educational purposes, publications, publicity, fundraising, etc. as the museum deems appropriate.
NASA's policies you will have to conform to relating to images:
a. You may not use the Face in Space website for any activities such as hate speech or material that ridicules others on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, disability, national origin, age, or sexual orientation.
b. You may not post any material that is defamatory or libelous, or materials describing or depicting sexually explicit conduct, as defined by 18 U.S.C. § 2256, or other sexually oriented materials.
c. You may not post any materials related to illegal gambling, illegal weapons, terrorist activities, and any other illegal activities or activities otherwise prohibited.
d. You are responsible for ensuring that any documents, files, or other material you upload to the Face in Space website includes appropriate content with proper authority to upload and does not contain copyrighted material without proper permission, nor shall such content introduce viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots, corrupted files or any similar software or programs that may damage the operation of the Face in Space website or any NASA computer.
e. You may not post a photograph of any minor child unless you are the parent or legal guardian of such child and provide consent to such photograph being collected, use.
To boldly go where no museum has gone before, the Fluxmuseum, on the whim of artist Gary Bibb, begins a global initiative to invite artists from around the world to participate in, what may well be, the most expensive exhibition ever mounted. The Exhibition: Fluxface in Space, using the last shuttles in the Nasa Space Shuttle Program will be launched into orbit this fall.
Using the Face In Space Program from NASA - we are organizing a "Fluxface in Space" exhibition to be launched into orbit on the last two Space Shuttles! Artists are to create one original postcard sized work of art in any media (preferably collage/ photo-montage) with the themes of Space Exploration & the Arts, the Shuttle Program, Outerspace, Rockets, Astronauts, Astronomy etc . This will be a commemorative project around the fact that the Space Shuttle program is coming to an end after these last two flights.
Of course the Fluxmuseum is not actually spending any taxpayer money. This money will be or has been spent by NASA without our help. We're just using a little digital space on the shuttle computers.
What to do:
Create a work of art 4x6 inches in size on paper about Space Exploration, Astronomy, the Universe etc. with the words - Fluxface in Space, for a Fluxmuseum exhibition. In addition, 1) jpg. photo of the art 2) one jpg. photo of you holding the art - same size as the art, 4x6. NOTE: see the helpful hints below for guidance.
Register and upload the photo of you holding (or with) the artwork to NASA:
ONCE REGISTERED include the NASA conformation number on back of the artwork and photograph along with the Space Shuttle mission number, artist name, country, website and/or email address.
Email jpg. (4" x 6" 180 dpi - max) images of the artwork and the photo along with your name, country and Shuttle mission # for the online exhibition to:
You also have the opportuniity to submit a statement related to space exploration and the arts - not required but appreciated. (250 word maximum). Please email with the images for the web exhibition.
DEADLINE TO UPLOAD PHOTO (of you with the art) TO NASA: AUGUST 1, 2010 -
NOTE: see the helpful hints below for guidance.
Deadlines will be enforced - so don't delay. The artwork must have embedded somewhere in the image, or on the front of the card, the words "Fluxface in Space". PLEASE NOTE - the Fluxmusem will only accept one entry per artist. Complinance to all the guidelines listed are required to be included in the Fluxface in Space exhibitions, publications and museum archive.
Helpful Hints:
The self portrait photo w/ art - try to position your artwork somewhat close to your face in the photo. That way your face and the art will be uploaded. NASA will have you crop the photo to about 3"x3" on the website using their program. It's easy.
Printing the conformation - once you have uploaded your photo, you will see a Shuttle lift-off, then a conformation page will pop-up. I suggest you write down the information from this page - the mission number and conformation number in case you have problems printing, that way you will have the info.
To print:
1) click on print this page
2) expand the new screen to see the print this page - click on prompt
3) the print window opens - the document is posted as Microsoft xps doc. writer in the printer type menu
4) sort thru the menu - select your printer type
5) click ok - it should print
6) NASA does have a helpful FAQ section on their site if you have problems.
Send the artwork and a 4x6 copy of the photo of you with the artwork to:
Fluxface in Space
6955 Pinon Street
Fort Worth, TX 76116
The online exhibition will be featured at:
We are pleased to announce that Angela Ferrara, Curator of the ABAD exhibition at MUBE - Sao Paulo, Brazil, will be the primary image archivist for the online exhibit.
An exhibition (or multiple exhibitions) will be arranged and a catalog published using the art, photos and statements. The catalog will be available for purchase once the Fluxface in Space collection has been compiled.
The Fluxmuseum may request a copy of the space flight certificate for the archive. All participants will aquire the certificate from NASA after the Space Shuttle has returned from the mission. (See the website for details).
Thank you to all participants!
Gary A. Bibb, Cecil Touchon, Angela Ferrara
Additional contacts - cecil
The Small Print...
By submitting artwork to the Fluxmuseum for the Fluxface in Space exhibition, the artist acknowledges and agrees to the guidelines and the following terms.
The artist agrees to donate, by way of unrestricted gift, and therefore transfers and assigns absolutely all artworks submitted for the Fluxface in Space exhibition to the Ontological Museum for the Fluxmuseum to become part of its permanent collection.
Though the copyright is retained in full by the artist, the donor grants unlimited and unrestricted copyright usage of the work donated to the Fluxmuseum for the Museum's use for educational purposes, publications, publicity, fundraising, etc. as the museum deems appropriate.
NASA's policies you will have to conform to relating to images:
a. You may not use the Face in Space website for any activities such as hate speech or material that ridicules others on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, disability, national origin, age, or sexual orientation.
b. You may not post any material that is defamatory or libelous, or materials describing or depicting sexually explicit conduct, as defined by 18 U.S.C. § 2256, or other sexually oriented materials.
c. You may not post any materials related to illegal gambling, illegal weapons, terrorist activities, and any other illegal activities or activities otherwise prohibited.
d. You are responsible for ensuring that any documents, files, or other material you upload to the Face in Space website includes appropriate content with proper authority to upload and does not contain copyrighted material without proper permission, nor shall such content introduce viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots, corrupted files or any similar software or programs that may damage the operation of the Face in Space website or any NASA computer.
e. You may not post a photograph of any minor child unless you are the parent or legal guardian of such child and provide consent to such photograph being collected, use.
A book about Death - next step
An Open Call to Artists to Contribute to RAY JOHNSON & A BOOK ABOUT DEATH
“RAY JOHNSON AND A BOOK ABOUT DEATH” is a new exhibition that will, for the first time, feature a copy of the original 1955 ABAD project by American artist Ray Johnson–the inspiration for this entire series of exhibitions. It will set the stage for all 480 cards from the original Emily Harvey Gallery exhibit together with new submissions created especially for this show. Curated by Joan Harrison, LuAnn Palazzo and Constance Wolf, the new ABAD show will open in the SAL Art Gallery at the CW Post Campus of Long Island University in Brookville, NY, and run October 31 to November 4, 2010.
Submit one 4"x 6" artwork in any media on the theme of death/life. Please include the words “A BOOK ABOUT DEATH” on the front and your name and your e-mail address/website URL on the back. The work may be sent in an envelope for protection or mailed as a postcard. All submitted work will become part of a permanent Ray Johnson ABAD Archive. It will not be returned.
You must submit both a physical work and a virtual one to be part of the project. Every submitted piece will be posted to the exhibition blog at
Submission Deadline: October 15, 2010
Mail 4" x 6" artwork/card to:
Prof. Joan Harrison
Art Department
C.W. Post Campus, LIU
720 Northern Boulevard
Brookville, NY 11548
Submit a 4x6 jpg of the image with your name and e-mail and or web URL to LuAnn Palazzo at:
LUANN T. PALAZZO — The Design Diva, NY
”Art is what you can get away with.” — Andy Warhol
“RAY JOHNSON AND A BOOK ABOUT DEATH” is a new exhibition that will, for the first time, feature a copy of the original 1955 ABAD project by American artist Ray Johnson–the inspiration for this entire series of exhibitions. It will set the stage for all 480 cards from the original Emily Harvey Gallery exhibit together with new submissions created especially for this show. Curated by Joan Harrison, LuAnn Palazzo and Constance Wolf, the new ABAD show will open in the SAL Art Gallery at the CW Post Campus of Long Island University in Brookville, NY, and run October 31 to November 4, 2010.
Submit one 4"x 6" artwork in any media on the theme of death/life. Please include the words “A BOOK ABOUT DEATH” on the front and your name and your e-mail address/website URL on the back. The work may be sent in an envelope for protection or mailed as a postcard. All submitted work will become part of a permanent Ray Johnson ABAD Archive. It will not be returned.
You must submit both a physical work and a virtual one to be part of the project. Every submitted piece will be posted to the exhibition blog at
Submission Deadline: October 15, 2010
Mail 4" x 6" artwork/card to:
Prof. Joan Harrison
Art Department
C.W. Post Campus, LIU
720 Northern Boulevard
Brookville, NY 11548
Submit a 4x6 jpg of the image with your name and e-mail and or web URL to LuAnn Palazzo at:
LUANN T. PALAZZO — The Design Diva, NY
”Art is what you can get away with.” — Andy Warhol
Luann T. Palazzo,
Ray Johnson,
21 June 2010
Cut-Click - Scotland
We're very pleased to announce that The Spider and The Fly in Edinburgh will be hosting the cut-click mail art exhibition from 24th July - 7th August.
The exhibition consists of mail-themed work including postcards, painted jiffy bags, fold out zines and illustrated envelopes. It's previously been shown at the East Coast School Of Art & Design in N.E Lincolnshire and The Dundee Jamboree.
If you want to contribute a piece of mail themed art to the exhibition and help grow Cut Clicks collection which will tour to future venues email magpiemarket(at)gmail(dot)com for details of how to submit.
Many Thanks
We're very pleased to announce that The Spider and The Fly in Edinburgh will be hosting the cut-click mail art exhibition from 24th July - 7th August.
The exhibition consists of mail-themed work including postcards, painted jiffy bags, fold out zines and illustrated envelopes. It's previously been shown at the East Coast School Of Art & Design in N.E Lincolnshire and The Dundee Jamboree.
If you want to contribute a piece of mail themed art to the exhibition and help grow Cut Clicks collection which will tour to future venues email magpiemarket(at)gmail(dot)com for details of how to submit.
Many Thanks
Mail-Art Project,
The Dundee Jamboree
18 June 2010
"who I am"
mail art call:
theme: "who I am"
format: max. A 4, technique: free
deadline: 31.12.2010
no fee, no jury, no returns
works should be send by post at the following address:
Cindy Schmid,
Gützkower Str. 70,
17489 Greifswald
please insert name, surname, country, address + e-mail address [for notification of final documentation].
exhibition: may 2011 in Greifswald, Germany and on my web-site:
…and now show me, who you are…
theme: "who I am"
format: max. A 4, technique: free
deadline: 31.12.2010
no fee, no jury, no returns
works should be send by post at the following address:
Cindy Schmid,
Gützkower Str. 70,
17489 Greifswald
please insert name, surname, country, address + e-mail address [for notification of final documentation].
exhibition: may 2011 in Greifswald, Germany and on my web-site:
…and now show me, who you are…
17 June 2010
New Webshop

A sample of one of the intems form the shop : the IUOMA shop with PR materials has opened. The small profit goes into the funds to keep the IUOMA platform online for free for all mail-artists.
16 June 2010
John Cage - Mail Art project
John Cage mail art… supposing.
for the first hundredth anniversary of his birth … every process suffers partial or total interferences to work of case… C.G.
John Milton Cage (Los Angeles, 5th September 1912 - New York, 12th August 1992), is an American musician, among few of those that deeply succeeded to influence European music. His participations in Europe, among '54, '57 and ‘58, has aroused in fact the immediate interest of the musical vanguards that immediately perceive what is new, disturbing and stimulating in the music of the American composer.
He studies before with Adolph Weiss, disciple of Schönberg, and then with Schönberg himself. From the beginning his compositions have a clearly experimental character. In the thirties he begins a tie both sentimental that artistic with Merce Cunningham, choreographer precursor of the post-modern dance, that goes on for all the life. Not meaning here to circumscribe the complex artistic and musical vicissitude of Cage. This initiative wants instead to place the accent on the concept of chance - alea - that from the fifties onwards breaks into his artistic evolution.
Influenced from Zen Buddhism and from the philosopher Daisetz Teitaro, Cage supports the principle of the intentionality in the artistic composition and he tries to free the sounds from every expressiveness, introducing both in the composition that in the execution the concept of vagueness. He tries therefore to put together the sounds in a quite random way and, in order to make it, he uses different procedures.
As an example, in the 4 books of Music of Changes (1951), all that is written is fruit of the launch of the 3 I Ching coins, or book of changes. And we know that in the I Ching is worried exclusively of the accidental aspect of the events. The nexus cause-effect, so glad to the Occidentals, passes unnoticed. In the I Ching we have the synchronism that is the opposite of the causality.
That means, while for the western thought the importance is placed on the sequence of the events, here we find ourselves in front of a thought that first of all places the accent on the coincidence of the events in a given time and a determined space. The events happen just at that time, because they are interdependent among them as they are interdependent from who observes them. The vagueness of Cage is never absolute and his poetics becomes part in that cultural trend that crack the principles of the western thought and reveals its failure.
Then, it’s impossible do not think to Tristan Tzara and to the movement dada for the absolute preference conceded to the game and the accidental combination of words and objects, or - just to put a name - do not remember the dripping, the color left to drip on the picture, of Jackson Pollock.
Angela Caporaso
Nb: nothing than written can be reproduced without authorization.
Technique: free
Format: free, max a4
dead: 7/30/2011
Participation: free; the sent works will not be given back.
Important: only works on envelope or postcard; every other support will not be accepted.
All the works will be published to the following address:
The accidental misfortunes of the shipping, the chance encounters of unknown distances at last determine the peculiarity of the work became part of the plan.
Send the works to
Angela Caporaso -
via Roma 117-
81100 Caserta -
for the first hundredth anniversary of his birth … every process suffers partial or total interferences to work of case… C.G.
John Milton Cage (Los Angeles, 5th September 1912 - New York, 12th August 1992), is an American musician, among few of those that deeply succeeded to influence European music. His participations in Europe, among '54, '57 and ‘58, has aroused in fact the immediate interest of the musical vanguards that immediately perceive what is new, disturbing and stimulating in the music of the American composer.
He studies before with Adolph Weiss, disciple of Schönberg, and then with Schönberg himself. From the beginning his compositions have a clearly experimental character. In the thirties he begins a tie both sentimental that artistic with Merce Cunningham, choreographer precursor of the post-modern dance, that goes on for all the life. Not meaning here to circumscribe the complex artistic and musical vicissitude of Cage. This initiative wants instead to place the accent on the concept of chance - alea - that from the fifties onwards breaks into his artistic evolution.
Influenced from Zen Buddhism and from the philosopher Daisetz Teitaro, Cage supports the principle of the intentionality in the artistic composition and he tries to free the sounds from every expressiveness, introducing both in the composition that in the execution the concept of vagueness. He tries therefore to put together the sounds in a quite random way and, in order to make it, he uses different procedures.
As an example, in the 4 books of Music of Changes (1951), all that is written is fruit of the launch of the 3 I Ching coins, or book of changes. And we know that in the I Ching is worried exclusively of the accidental aspect of the events. The nexus cause-effect, so glad to the Occidentals, passes unnoticed. In the I Ching we have the synchronism that is the opposite of the causality.
That means, while for the western thought the importance is placed on the sequence of the events, here we find ourselves in front of a thought that first of all places the accent on the coincidence of the events in a given time and a determined space. The events happen just at that time, because they are interdependent among them as they are interdependent from who observes them. The vagueness of Cage is never absolute and his poetics becomes part in that cultural trend that crack the principles of the western thought and reveals its failure.
Then, it’s impossible do not think to Tristan Tzara and to the movement dada for the absolute preference conceded to the game and the accidental combination of words and objects, or - just to put a name - do not remember the dripping, the color left to drip on the picture, of Jackson Pollock.
Angela Caporaso
Nb: nothing than written can be reproduced without authorization.
Technique: free
Format: free, max a4
dead: 7/30/2011
Participation: free; the sent works will not be given back.
Important: only works on envelope or postcard; every other support will not be accepted.
All the works will be published to the following address:
The accidental misfortunes of the shipping, the chance encounters of unknown distances at last determine the peculiarity of the work became part of the plan.
Send the works to
Angela Caporaso -
via Roma 117-
81100 Caserta -
Angela Caporaso,
John Cage,
Research for Thesis - Spain
Dear mail artist,
Expecting your contribution, I am sending you a questionnaire that is part of my doctoral investigation about mail art.
Please see:
By answering the questions you will be contributing to building a mail art database.
For further information:
Please, forward this mail to your network.
Your contributions will be very useful, and I will be very grateful.
Yours, sincerely,
Fabiane Pianowski
PhD. Student
Art History, Theory and Critics program
History of Art Department
University of Barcelona
Expecting your contribution, I am sending you a questionnaire that is part of my doctoral investigation about mail art.
Please see:
By answering the questions you will be contributing to building a mail art database.
For further information:
Please, forward this mail to your network.
Your contributions will be very useful, and I will be very grateful.
Yours, sincerely,
Fabiane Pianowski
PhD. Student
Art History, Theory and Critics program
History of Art Department
University of Barcelona
14 June 2010
“No Story Too Small to Trade”
“No Story Too Small to Trade”
The Regina ATC Collective invites you to explore ways to tell stories in “No Story Too Small to Trade”, an exhibition of Artist Trading Cards presented by the Dunlop Art Gallery in collaboration with the MacKenzie Art Gallery at the Regina Public Library, Sherwood Village branch, this October 2 – November 28th, 2010 in Regina, Saskatchewan.
How will you tell your story? An edition of ATC-sized books? A tiny quilt? A multi-card story, mini puppets with a play or an itsy-bitsy stocking filled with your dreams? A painting of your cat? A ‘zine or mini-comic? Stories may be fictional or true, words or pictures.
Submit by June 30, 2010 to:
No Story Too Small to Trade (ATC’s @ the Dunlop Art Gallery)
attention: Regina ATC Collective, Curators.
c/o, Sharon Eisbrenner, 239 Radisson Bay, Regina, Sask Canada S4Y 1C8
1. Please send us six original (6) ATCs (6cm X 8.5 cm)— a set of 6, or 6 versions of your work related to the theme. One of your ATCs will be kept for the ATC display at the Dunlop Art gallery with the intent to tour; your 5 other ATCs will be traded as part of this ATC event, and returned to you, in your self addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) at the close of the gallery exhibition. Also in return for your submission, you will receive a copy of the publication documenting this event.
2. Please include with your 6 card ATC submission: a return envelope (SASE), your contact information, including e-mail (if possible) and 1 page maximum about you and the way you made your work. Please indicate if you do not want your work on posted on the web.
By submitting your work to this ATC exhibition and swap, you are agreeing to any reproduction of photographs of your work by the Dunlop Art Gallery on the Internet or in print form, for the purpose of documenting and promoting the exhibit.
The Exhibition will be at the Dunlop Art Gallery Sherwood Village Branch from Oct 2-Nov28, and will include a Panel discussion with Cat Schick at the MacKenzie Art Gallery - October 30, 2010.
For More Information, please contact the Regina ATC-C at or Phone: Nicolle at 306.584.4291
Artist Trading Cards are miniature works of art no larger than 2.5 x 3.5 inches (6cmX8.5cm) you can make and trade with others. They can be drawings, photographs, collage, books or anything else!
13 June 2010
IUOMA TV-Channel
Yes, it is there. IUOMA's own TV-Channel, available at:
For you to see some of the videos that were made.
For you to see some of the videos that were made.
10 June 2010
Me Pinocchio and my memoirs
New Mailart call, for one month show 3 October 14 November 2010.
Sends from 1 to 4 Mailarts .Support free, technique free, measures maximum A4 deadline September 20 - 2010 I don't return. documentation to all Artist web .
Is a very interessant show.
Title:" Me Pinocchio and my memoirs". The wood puppet of our infancy.Always actual with her adventures
Send to: Virginia Milici
Via Verdi 18/A
cap 31038 Paese ( TV) - ITALY
Sends from 1 to 4 Mailarts .Support free, technique free, measures maximum A4 deadline September 20 - 2010 I don't return. documentation to all Artist web .
Is a very interessant show.
Title:" Me Pinocchio and my memoirs". The wood puppet of our infancy.Always actual with her adventures
Send to: Virginia Milici
Via Verdi 18/A
cap 31038 Paese ( TV) - ITALY
6 June 2010
The Myth of Power

The Myth of Power
Deadline: September 15, 2010
Open call for artists to submit non-returnable artwork that responds to the theme of POWER. All submissions will be exhibited in the The Myth of Power art Exhibition from October 16 – November 12, 2010 at 1310 Gallery, Sailboat Bend Artist Lofts, Ft Lauderdale, FL. Names of all participants and images of exceptional artworks will be featured in a catalogue. All media will be accepted including mixed media, Collage, Digital art, Painting, Printmaking,
and Photography. Collage and/or the use of imagery are encouraged. Artwork may
be up to any size up to 11” x 17” inches.
Prospective artists may explore and interpret individual conceptions of “power,” whether used for harm or for good; in regards to social doctrine, hierarchy, gender or racial inequity, or other forces of power, influence, or domination. Artists are
encouraged to demonstrate or explore imagery of physical strength, heroism,
idols, sovereigns, icons, etc.
Creations should be mailed to Lisa Rockford, 1310 SW 2nd Ct., Apt 301, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33312, United States of America. Entries must be received by September 15, 2010. International entries should be mailed by September 1, 2010 to be received by the deadline.
Questions can be sent to Lisa Rockford,
The Opening night of The Myth of Power exhibition on October 16, 2010, will be part of the First Annual ART FALLOUT art tour. ART FALLOUT is facilitated Girls Club Art Collection. Multiple venues in downtown will host their own new art exhibitions and events on the same night, and all participating venues downtown Fort Lauderdale will be cross-promoted on a printed map and flyer, and publicized in local newspapers.
1310 Gallery offers over 2400 square feet of exhibition space split into 3 levels, and housed within ArtSpace’s Sailboat Bend Artist Lofts, in downtown Ft Lauderdale. 1310 Gallery is an artist run collective that rotates art exhibitions monthly.
Lisa Rockford, Juror, and Administrator of The Myth of Power, received her MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Lisa is a resident artist at Sailboat Bend artist Lofts and founding member 1310 Gallery. Lisa began curating Contemporary art exhibitions in her position as Art Services Director of the Dittmar Gallery at Northwestern University in 2000. Lisa has participated in mail art calls both nationally and internationally.
IUOMA Network,
Mail Art,
The Myth of Power
Favorite Word
You can send your favorite word to:
Mariska van den heuvel
Morsweg 3
7274 AE Geesteren
Thank you for joining this project!
Mariska van den heuvel
Morsweg 3
7274 AE Geesteren
Thank you for joining this project!
Favorite Word,
Mail Art,
Mariska van den Heuvel,
5 June 2010
is ongoing online documentation for this CALL FOR MAILART VISUAL POETRY.
The original call was posted in April on this blog, but here it is again:
DEADLINE: August 1st, 2010
Mail Art received will be exhibited at SKYLAB in downtown Columbus OH USA during August 2010 during the Avant Writing Symposium at The Ohio State University. The symposium is being organized by my spouse, John M Bennett, curator of the Avant Writing Collection-part of OSU library's Rare Books & MSS Library. As a tribute to John, who will retire from OSU sometime around the end of this year, SKYLAB will concurrently exhibit a retrospective of JMB's visual poetry. Our son, John Also Bennett, the main curator for SKYLAB, will install JMB's vispo show, and I'll install the mail art show & do the documentation. A collaboration table set up by Jim Leftwich and other performances will happen at SKYLAB Saturday night (time TBA) August 21st and some participants from the OSU Avant Writing Symposium will be there and see the mail art show...and hopefully they also participate. I'll have lists of addresses available as handouts to anyone who might want to start or carry on m.a. correspondences with participants in the m.a. show. Feel free to include blog or website addresses you'd like to share, along with your mailing address or email address to be shared.
Mail Art Vispo contribution(s) (No returns; All will eventually become part of the Avant Writing Collection at OSU) to:
C Mehrl Bennett
137 Leland Ave
Columbus OH 43214 USA
AND/OR send jpeg attachment under 2 megabytes to
DEADLINE: August 1st, 2010
is ongoing online documentation for this CALL FOR MAILART VISUAL POETRY.
The original call was posted in April on this blog, but here it is again:
DEADLINE: August 1st, 2010
Mail Art received will be exhibited at SKYLAB in downtown Columbus OH USA during August 2010 during the Avant Writing Symposium at The Ohio State University. The symposium is being organized by my spouse, John M Bennett, curator of the Avant Writing Collection-part of OSU library's Rare Books & MSS Library. As a tribute to John, who will retire from OSU sometime around the end of this year, SKYLAB will concurrently exhibit a retrospective of JMB's visual poetry. Our son, John Also Bennett, the main curator for SKYLAB, will install JMB's vispo show, and I'll install the mail art show & do the documentation. A collaboration table set up by Jim Leftwich and other performances will happen at SKYLAB Saturday night (time TBA) August 21st and some participants from the OSU Avant Writing Symposium will be there and see the mail art show...and hopefully they also participate. I'll have lists of addresses available as handouts to anyone who might want to start or carry on m.a. correspondences with participants in the m.a. show. Feel free to include blog or website addresses you'd like to share, along with your mailing address or email address to be shared.
Mail Art Vispo contribution(s) (No returns; All will eventually become part of the Avant Writing Collection at OSU) to:
C Mehrl Bennett
137 Leland Ave
Columbus OH 43214 USA
AND/OR send jpeg attachment under 2 megabytes to
DEADLINE: August 1st, 2010
4 June 2010
IUOMA Rubber Stamp

Mail Artists, Rubber Stampers & Friends,
The Sticker Dude of Ragged Edge Press, New York City (me) has made another edition of the rubber stamps pictured above, size 1.25" X 1.5" (approximately 3cm X 4cm).
For as limited time only, I will mail them anywhere in the Mail Art Universe (U.S.A. or Overseas) at my cost!
$8.00 for a Mounter/Indexed Version on a wood handle
$3.00 for an Unmounted Rubber Die
Payment in advance only, in well concealed U.S. cash, or U.S. Postal money order (no checks, no credit cards, no pay pal, nothin' else)' and a little extra for postage and handling would be appreciated, if you can afford it. Include a self-addressed label (any type) for your return package. Feel free to forward this offer to others.
Send your mail order to:
Ragged Edge Press
The Sticker Dude/IOUMA
121 Varick St. 12th Floor
New York City, NY 10013
Note - The Sticker Dude will be on vacation from the end of June to mid July, 2010, any orders received then will have to wait for processing.
Please make sure you send Return Email to:

Mail - Art. Project.
Tamaño-Size : Libre-free
Técnica-Technique: Libre-free
No copias. Not copies please
Firmado en la parte frontal
Signed on the front
Exhibición: UCA & Atelier Felipe Lamadrid.
Color Documentation to every participant
Deadline: 30 June 2010
Enviar - Send to:
Atelier & Galería Felipe lamadrid
Litoral, 25
11500 Puerto de Santa María.
Cádiz. SPAIN.
Florence Cassez Support Comite
Our Florence Cassez Support Comite in Wervik organizes a mail art project in support for this woman who is unfairly jailed in Mexico. Would you be so kind as to relay our call for entries. You'll find informations on our website in French, English and Dutch.
Thanks in Advance
Project "Florence is onschuldig" in support of Florence Cassez.
• Theme : Justice, Freedom - Postcards should bear the mention : « Florence is onschuldig » (Florence is innocent)
• Our Goal : To raise awareness and support for Florence Cassez in the region of Wervik, and around the world. To engage participants in a reflexion over the importance of freedom and the need of an honest justice.
• Size : Postcard, maximum size 10,5 x 21 cm or US half letter.
• Technic : Free : Drawing, collage, calligraphy, stamp, painting, etc, etc
• Participation : Open to all.
• Deadline : December 31 2010
• Rules : No Jury, No price, No return
• Exhibition :
- Postcards will be showed on this website
!!! We will publish only your name and country of residence, unless you allow us to give more informations (street, city).
-Postcards will be showed at the window of the Florence Cassez Steuncomitee
- An exhibition will take place in Februari 2011 in Wervik, Belgium, at the
Sint-Janskapel, Steenakker 30, 8940 Wervik.
- Postcards will later be showed at various other events in support of Florence Cassez.
• Adress :
Florence Cassez Steuncomitee – Wervik
Magdalenastraat 67
8940 Wervik
• You'll find more informations on our website :
Our Florence Cassez Support Comite in Wervik organizes a mail art project in support for this woman who is unfairly jailed in Mexico. Would you be so kind as to relay our call for entries. You'll find informations on our website in French, English and Dutch.
Thanks in Advance
Project "Florence is onschuldig" in support of Florence Cassez.
• Theme : Justice, Freedom - Postcards should bear the mention : « Florence is onschuldig » (Florence is innocent)
• Our Goal : To raise awareness and support for Florence Cassez in the region of Wervik, and around the world. To engage participants in a reflexion over the importance of freedom and the need of an honest justice.
• Size : Postcard, maximum size 10,5 x 21 cm or US half letter.
• Technic : Free : Drawing, collage, calligraphy, stamp, painting, etc, etc
• Participation : Open to all.
• Deadline : December 31 2010
• Rules : No Jury, No price, No return
• Exhibition :
- Postcards will be showed on this website
!!! We will publish only your name and country of residence, unless you allow us to give more informations (street, city).
-Postcards will be showed at the window of the Florence Cassez Steuncomitee
- An exhibition will take place in Februari 2011 in Wervik, Belgium, at the
Sint-Janskapel, Steenakker 30, 8940 Wervik.
- Postcards will later be showed at various other events in support of Florence Cassez.
• Adress :
Florence Cassez Steuncomitee – Wervik
Magdalenastraat 67
8940 Wervik
• You'll find more informations on our website :
2 June 2010
Memorable Movie Moments
What is your favorite quote from a movie? Share it with the rest of us and illustrate it :)
If you can't decide on an actual quote, you can also share a particular scene or even make an 'alternative' poster for your favorite movie. You can also add a short explanation about why this particular quote/scene/movie is important to you.
Deadline: JUNE 30
Size and technique free, no fee, no jury, no returns.
Works will be documented on the blog and exhibited in a venue in Sarajevo in July, during the Sarajevo Film Festival when the entire town lives for the movies. If you provide your e-mail address, we will e-mail you the photos from the exhibition. Mail-art is hardly known in Bosnia, so please contributel and help us make a big mail-art show :)
Mail your works to:
Nataša Stanišić
Asima Ferhatovića 1
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
If you can't decide on an actual quote, you can also share a particular scene or even make an 'alternative' poster for your favorite movie. You can also add a short explanation about why this particular quote/scene/movie is important to you.
Deadline: JUNE 30
Size and technique free, no fee, no jury, no returns.
Works will be documented on the blog and exhibited in a venue in Sarajevo in July, during the Sarajevo Film Festival when the entire town lives for the movies. If you provide your e-mail address, we will e-mail you the photos from the exhibition. Mail-art is hardly known in Bosnia, so please contributel and help us make a big mail-art show :)
Mail your works to:
Nataša Stanišić
Asima Ferhatovića 1
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
1 June 2010
Mini[e]MailArt No 11
Dear Friend,
the project of Arnolfini Archives called Mini[e]MailArt No10.
(Silhouettes) has closed with 70 participants.
And now, we ask You to participate in the No11. summer series: Tickets.
Details here:
We are waiting for Your work!
Have a creative Summer,
best, Ervin Zsubori, Hungary
the project of Arnolfini Archives called Mini[e]MailArt No10.
(Silhouettes) has closed with 70 participants.
And now, we ask You to participate in the No11. summer series: Tickets.
Details here:
We are waiting for Your work!
Have a creative Summer,
best, Ervin Zsubori, Hungary
Ervin Zsubori,
mail art call,
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