CALL | the bed head project
i am looking for people to participate in my photographic project.
it's all about bed head. all i need is a photo of your best bed head
emailed to me at:
please include your first name.
i have created a blog at:
that i will be using to showcase all the photos i am sent. my hope is that
you will not be shy + send me your head shot.
29 September 2009
(e)mail project call ....
27 September 2009
15 September 2009
WORLD FAST - post flux proust

Il mondo è veloce. Facciamo posta nel flusso con Proust. Inseriamo la nostra poesia visiva lenta nel flusso veloce che percorre il mondo. Proust con gli occhiali scuri che riflettono e filtrano l'esterno. Diamoci spazio interiore per riflettere e creare con lentezza. Marcel con i baffi di fine ottocento, con le sue pose studiate per diventare mito, icona, statua... Il volto di oggi è come una maschera per i sentimenti di ieri: facciamo posto alla posta che fluisce dopo il pasto, quando entriamo in pista, dopo un piatto di pasta...
The world is fast. We enter in the fluxus with Proust. We insert our visual poetry slow in the fast flux travelling the world. Proust with dark glasses that reflect and filter out. Let's interior space reflect and build slowly. Marcel with a mustache of the late nineteenth century, with its poses to become a myth, icon, statue ... The face of today is like a mask for feelings of yesterday: we place the mail flowing after the meal, when we get on track, after a plate of pasta ...
Le monde va vite. Nous entrons dans le flux avec Proust. Nous glissons notre poésie visuelle lente dans le flux rapide qui voyage à travers le monde. Proust avec des lunettes noires qui reflètent et filtrent l’extérieur. Créons un espace intérieur pour réfléchir et construire lentement. Marcel avec une moustache fin du XIXe siècle, avec sa pose étudiée pour devenir un mythe, une icône, une statue ... Le visage d'aujourd'hui est comme un masque pour les sentiments d'hier: faisons place au courrier qui coule à flot après le repas, quand nous entrons en piste, après une assiette de pâtes ...
Bruno Chiarlone. e-mail:
Box 163 - 17014 Cairomont ITALIA
13 September 2009
Create the postcard on an existing 4"x6" post card or a 5” X 9” post card or start from scratch on a blank 4" x 6" or 5” X 9” piece of card stock. The art does not have to be done on an "official" post card, just something of similar weight and size. Please include on the back of your postcard - Your name, full mailing address, title of artwork, medium and email address, (website if you have one) .The artwork on the postcard can be either horizontal or vertical. All artwork can be mailed as a postcard or sent inside an envelope.
Materials will vary, depending on the technique you choose. You may create the art with any technique, and all media are acceptable, including collage, markers, crayons, pen and ink, colored pencils, rubber stamps, tempera, acrylic, watercolor and printmaking. The only consideration is that the artwork cannot have a raised surface. Please no nudity, racist, or pornographic art.
All work will be on display at Elder Street Gallery, in October. A reception will be held on Saturday, October 16, 5:00 to 10:00. This reception is free and open to the public.
Mail postcards to Elder Street Gallery, 1101 Elder Street, Suite 109, Houston, Tx 77007.
Postcards must be postmarked by Oct 3, 2009. Questions and/or a copy of prospectus call Terrence at 281-250-4889 or e-mail
Postcards become property of Elder Street Gallery and will be for sale, with the proceeds benefiting the English Speaking Union Houston Branch - Shakespeare Competition.
The English Speaking Union Houston Branch is a non profit organization dedicated to international relations between the UK and the other countries of the world and the celebration of all things British.
Terrence Boggs
Elder Street Gallery
1101 elder street Suite 109
Houston, TX 77007 - USA
10 September 2009

I walk in the street, in the metro station, in the mall and the majority of the faces are almost anonimous, just for a while I feel lonely in this crowded society and in my mind I ' d like to add colors on some sad faces, and somebody want to paint the mine sometimes. I back home and I start to draw lots of faces those sorround me with my homemade eucaliptus ink, and I immagine peoples taking my drawings and interact them with the colors. I will expose my original drawings in a simple installation, and approaching the viewers for invite them to be the performance. I let them choose a potrait, I let them sit and relax and using the material for design on a desk they will interact the drawing however they wants. Like in a psichiatric session, they will draw what they have inside their mids. The partecipants will be documented by videos and photographies. All the centre of the action will be painting the heads establishing a fluxus between the drawing and the participant.
The fluxus is the intervention on the drawing and rappresent a kind of reflection on the subject with a bit of introspection. I paint this subject like this because my immagination see this person in this colors. Colors means, acts, sensations,lifes, attitudes, madness why not? and with the faces they will resume an ipotetical life.The persons whom participate last event amuse very much. This operation it wants to enjoy and to make reflection on the modalities to make art, being left free field whoever interact and write a fundamental part of the history of the work; breaking absolutely the rules fixed artist- public.
The artist in this operation wants to play with the identities, sharing the portraits space with all the world and accepting all the contributed expressions in the works. Whom take part must sign the back of the work. The example that a more "democratic art" exists but, approached by everybody and outside the art market rules.
My project looks like a kinda psycanalisis, you just choose a drawing and you will start to remember when you was young, what colors, what shapes, what lines do you like. You do remember the last draw you did, or a potrait you did to somebody, or remind you pleasant moments. Some peoples color my drawings following a tidy order, others make the opposite, others dont like to draw or color but they do it as well. where the project runs online as well and absolutely free.
Luca Squarcialupi.

Please bookmark the page. We'll be starting around 6 pm NYC Time.
If you are planning to come to the opening, come around 6 PM, bring a bag for the pages of the book (some are large).
See the most recent works on the blog:
And artist Caterina Verde's "wall" web site of the show here:
More photos coming... if you will be at the opening feel free to video tape the performance.
Thanks to all who made this happen.
9 September 2009
7 September 2009
4 September 2009
1 September 2009
Project by neRRaDa - Australia
Within a box, envelope or other container place and item or items that you wish to include in your personal time capsule. This may come in the form of a letter, drawing, photo or object. You may wish to include something that is significant or symbolic of who you are at this time, or the way you perceive the world around you. What you place in your time capsule is completely up to you (please do not include any organic material as customs may confiscate them).
• Seal your vessel
• Label the outside of your container with the project tittle, your name (or alias), and the date it was sealed
• Send to
PO Box 15
4054 Australia
Each capsule will remain sealed until the project concludes on September 1st 2019. On the day the Grand Opening will occur (location and times to be decided at a later date). At the grand opening visitors will be invited to open the capsules, the contents will be documented and exhibited (locally and on-line). All participants will receive an official certificate of participation, project ticker and post card once your capsule has been received. Please feel free to design and decorate your capsule as you please, upon being received they will be photographed and documented progressively at
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