Un libro de viaje
Un viaje en un libro
La lectura es un viaje con todos los sentidos, un libro es una forma de moverse.
La convocatoria pide que expresemos artísticamente sobre estos conceptos y el significado que prefiramos darle.
Utilizar preferentemente el correo postal para hacernos llegar vuestra obra.
La técnica y formato es libre.
Fecha límite para envío de obras: 30 mayo 2009
Enviar a:
San Domingos de Bonaval nº 5-A
ES-15703-Santiago de Compostela (Galiza-España)
No obstante expondremos cualquier obra recibida mientras dure la exposición (el plazo lo es a efectos de catálogo etc.)
Paralelamente realizaremos un taller de mail art para darlo a conocer en Galicia.
Las obras se expondrán en la Biblioteca Pública Anxel Casal de Santiago
Podéis ver enlaces a la realizada el pasado año en: ROTEIRO DE CREACIÓN
Un livre de voyage
Un voyage dans un livre...
La lecture est un voyage avec tous les sens, un livre est une forme de se mouvoir.
La convocation demande que nous exprimions artistiquement sur ces concepts et le signifié que nous preferons lui donner.
S’il-vous-plait, utilisez le courrier postal, de préférence, pour faire arriver votre oeuvre.
La technique et le format sont libres.
Date limite pour envoi d'oeuvres : 30 mai 2009
Envoyer à :
San Domingos de Bonaval nº 5-A
ES-15703-Santiago de Compostela (Galiza-España)
Cependant nous exposerons n'importe quelle oeuvre reçue pendant la duration de l'exposition (le délai est aux effets de catalogue etc..)
Nous réaliserons parallèlement un atelier de mail art pour permettre de le faire connaître en Galice. Les oeuvres s'exposeront dans la Bibliothèque Publique Anxel Casal de Santiago
Vous pouvez voir des liens de l’exposition de l'année passée dans : ROTEIRO de CRÉATION
A travel book
A travel in a book
The reading is a trip with all the senses, a book is a way of moving.
The summons ask to express artistically on these concepts and the meaning that we prefer to give him.
Please, use preferably the postal mail to make ourselves receive your work.
The skill and format is free.
Deadline for sending of works: on May 30, 2009
To send to:
San Domingos de Bonaval nº 5-A
ES-15703-Santiago de Compostela (Galiza-España)
Nevertheless we will expose any work received while there lasts the exhibition (the term it is to effects of catalogue etc.)
Parallel we will realize a workshop of mail art to announce it in Galicia. The works will expose in the Public Library Anxel Casal of Santiago
You can see links to the realized one last year in: ROTEIRO OF CREATION
Un libro de viaxe
Unha viaxe nun libro
A lectura é unha viaxe con tódolos sentidos. Un libro e un xeito de moverse.
A convocatoria pide nosa expresión artística destes conceptos e o siñificado que prefiramos darlle.
Facer uso preferentemente dos servizos postais para facernos chegar vosa obra.
Técnica e formato libre.
Data límite para envío: 20-maio-2009.
Enviar a:
San Domingos de Bonaval nº 5-A
ES-15703-Santiago de Compostela (Galiza-España)
Expoñeremos calqueira obra recibida mentras dure a exposición (o prazo o é ós efectos de catálogo etc.)
Paralelamente faremos un taller de mail art .
As obras expoñeranse na Biblioteca Pública Anxel Casal de Santiago
Enlaces a realizada o pasado ano en: ROTEIRO DE CREACIÓN
30 April 2009
mail-art call - what is mail art?

THEME: what is mail art?
Comment: For this project please send mail art of all sort. All art will be use to teach in a high school fine art class. If project works well, students will be ask to send you something back.
Info: For my project please send me only postcards that deal with any technique.
Deadline: June 30th, 2009
Artist: Emilie Richard / 3633 Principale / Dunham, QC J0E 1M0 / Canada /
20 April 2009
18 April 2009
Mail Art Call for Entries
Hello! I have received a sizeable grant for a public art display of the entries in Sept. of this year. I sincerely hope you will participate in my project! Documentation to all participants in the form of a catalogue
Diane Keys
Any Size, Any Medium. Send me a personal diary page--can be literal or figurative. I will return with a personal diary page of my own. This is my way of preserving the ancient ways. When was the last time you got a glimpse into someone else's psyche? Let's fight the erosion of personal communication. Virtual communication will never supply the intimacy that the handwritten words does. Deadline is July 1, 2009. Documentation provided to all. There will be a show at the Elgin Art Showcase. Send to: Dear Diary Mail Art Call 407 South Liberty St Elgin IL 60120 Email if questions, but you can't email an entry to me!!:)
Diane Keys
Any Size, Any Medium. Send me a personal diary page--can be literal or figurative. I will return with a personal diary page of my own. This is my way of preserving the ancient ways. When was the last time you got a glimpse into someone else's psyche? Let's fight the erosion of personal communication. Virtual communication will never supply the intimacy that the handwritten words does. Deadline is July 1, 2009. Documentation provided to all. There will be a show at the Elgin Art Showcase. Send to: Dear Diary Mail Art Call 407 South Liberty St Elgin IL 60120 Email if questions, but you can't email an entry to me!!:)
Dangerous Art - Argentina

Mail art call "Dangerous art"
Some art and craft materials contain toxic or harmful chemicals, yet artists often use these materials without adequate information about their composition and potencial risks. Artists usualy lack training in safety procedures, even though they are using chemicals. To help increase awareness on this theme we invite to participate in the mail art call “dangerous art”
Any technique may be used – collage, photography, drawing, painting, artist's stamps, sculpture, assemblage, etc. Size:free
Documentation will be provided online and all art received will be posted at:
A collective exhibition is to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, at the end of the call at the atelier/cultural space “Unidad Multiple”. Other exhibitions and future publication of material is possible depending upon opportunities and the response to this call.
No jury, no fee, no returns.
Please include your name and address.
Deadline to be received: September 30, 2009.
Silvia Bocca
Marcelo Fitte 1755 piso 15 D
(1428) Capital Federal
Ciudad de Buenos Aires
17 April 2009
Paper Planes & Birds - Reminder

The Wheelie Bin Gallery project will be finishing soon and have been thinking about a new mail art project to start in March.
Since the only spare space I have is on my workroom ceiling I have decided to cover it with sky, paper planes and birds. Please help by sending a patch of blue sky and a paper plane , bird or other flying thing to hang from it by a short thread.
Sky no larger than A4 and plane/bird no wingspan larger than 8 inches.
Deadline - March 2010.
Mail constantly updated daily at - Paper Planes & Birds.
Social City
we like to invite you taking part on our mail:art project » soziale stadt • socially integrative city • ville sociale «
*** all contributions corresponding to the theme will be shown at an exhibition held in stuttgart, germany, 2oo9 october; as well as been published - updated weekly - on our website ( | mailart project | virtuelle galerie ) or go straight to
*** any medium that deal with any technique
*** no jury, no return
*** deadline 30.09.2009
*** a printed catalogue is in our mind, the budget is low, depends on finding sponsors
many thanks in advance for all your artistic effords
» mail:art soziale stadt • socially integrative city • ville sociale « ... ein ergebnis - offenes - mitmach - projekt .....
eine initiative des
büchershop [@] | soziale stadt fasanenhof
*** all contributions corresponding to the theme will be shown at an exhibition held in stuttgart, germany, 2oo9 october; as well as been published - updated weekly - on our website ( | mailart project | virtuelle galerie ) or go straight to
*** any medium that deal with any technique
*** no jury, no return
*** deadline 30.09.2009
*** a printed catalogue is in our mind, the budget is low, depends on finding sponsors
many thanks in advance for all your artistic effords
» mail:art soziale stadt • socially integrative city • ville sociale « ... ein ergebnis - offenes - mitmach - projekt .....
eine initiative des
büchershop [@] | soziale stadt fasanenhof
16 April 2009
Frankenstein ATC
I am attempting to amass a large collection of portraits of Frankenstein's Monster in as many different styles and in as many different media as possible as an ongoing mail art project. The only stipulation is that the size is 2.5 inches by 3.5 inches (standard artist trading card size) and that each card has name, date, title and anything else you care to add on the back.
I welcome cards from both amateur and professional artists.
I will be leaving blank cards with instructions and mailing address in galleries, colleges, art shops, on buses, handing them out in the street and wherever else I can think of.
If you think you can spare the time to produce a little something, please send a portrait to:
A Patchwork Of Flesh
45 Silversea Drive
Westcliff on Sea
United Kingdom
Each card I receive will be uploaded at to produce an on-line gallery, I then hope to put on an exhibition of these cards in a gallery.
No Returns.
I am new to this, please tell me if I need to submit any more information please.
Thanks a lot,
Paul Cooper
I welcome cards from both amateur and professional artists.
I will be leaving blank cards with instructions and mailing address in galleries, colleges, art shops, on buses, handing them out in the street and wherever else I can think of.
If you think you can spare the time to produce a little something, please send a portrait to:
A Patchwork Of Flesh
45 Silversea Drive
Westcliff on Sea
United Kingdom
Each card I receive will be uploaded at to produce an on-line gallery, I then hope to put on an exhibition of these cards in a gallery.
No Returns.
I am new to this, please tell me if I need to submit any more information please.
Thanks a lot,
Paul Cooper
15 April 2009
Strength Through Change

Say something about growth and change in yourself or someone you know, or how you respond to these words. Share on a standard postcard (4" x 6" or 10 cm x 15 cm,) using only the front for the image and mail to:
Lessons PP
710 4th Ave. #5
Venice, CA 90291
Sorry that the deadline is so short, I just got the information about this.
Deadline: April 27, 2009
The work will be displayed at the Art in the Afternoon event on May 3. It celebrates the 18th anniversary of A Window Between Worlds, a not-for-profit organization that works with survivors of domestic abuse. Please participate if you can. No returns, no jury, documentation on the AWBW web site:
12 April 2009
11 April 2009
4 April 2009
ZOA - Mail Art Zine
ZOA is a small 5” x 7” (12.7 x 17.78 cm) mail art zine. It is not published on a set schedule; it is published every 20 pieces.
Create a 5” x 7” (12.7 x 17.78 cm) piece of mail art (any theme), and send it to me. Once I have 20 pieces of mail art, I will publish a new issue, and send a copy to everyone who contributed. When I receive 20 more pieces of mail art, I will do it again, and so on. The addresses of each mail artist will be printed on the inside front and back covers to help promote mail art exchanges.
Send your mail art to:
c/o Pamdelion
716 Princeton Blvd. #21
Lowell, MA 01851
Create a 5” x 7” (12.7 x 17.78 cm) piece of mail art (any theme), and send it to me. Once I have 20 pieces of mail art, I will publish a new issue, and send a copy to everyone who contributed. When I receive 20 more pieces of mail art, I will do it again, and so on. The addresses of each mail artist will be printed on the inside front and back covers to help promote mail art exchanges.
Send your mail art to:
c/o Pamdelion
716 Princeton Blvd. #21
Lowell, MA 01851
3 April 2009
Small format (10 x 15 cms)
Technique: free (if he is digital to send printed copy)
Deadline: february 2010
the sent works (without return) will be published in:
by each sent work another one will be sent
Address:Eliso Ignacio Silva
Apartado 67011
Caracas 1061 - Venezuela
Eliso Ignacio Silva,
mail art call,
The first issue of NODE PAJOMO is done and waiting to visit your mailbox!
This issue is quarter sized and has 20 pages and most of it is Mail Art Projects seeking your contributions, but also includes mailart exchanges, tape traders and a little more!
To get yours, send one dollar (currency or unused US stamps) to
POB 2632,
Bellingham WA,
98227-2632, USA.
Deadline for next issue's listings is July 15. Next issue is $2 outside the US.
See you in the mail!
This issue is quarter sized and has 20 pages and most of it is Mail Art Projects seeking your contributions, but also includes mailart exchanges, tape traders and a little more!
To get yours, send one dollar (currency or unused US stamps) to
POB 2632,
Bellingham WA,
98227-2632, USA.
Deadline for next issue's listings is July 15. Next issue is $2 outside the US.
See you in the mail!
Many sorrows and dismal throes,
Many forms of fish, bird and beast,
Brought forth an infant form
Where was a worm before.
-- from "The Book of Urizen" (Chapter VI)
by William BlakeLife is suffering.
This is what Buddha tells us. To be born is to suffer. However, to be born is also to celebrate. Each year of being alive is a brave, grand thing.This year, I want to celebrate my birthday.Send me a birthday card or postcard. Include your birthday and return address to get a birthday card or postcard in return.Please send by April 30, 2009.Size: Not much larger than 13 x 18 cm (5 x 7 inches)Postal cards and art envelopes only, please. There will be no jury and no returns. All cards will be exhibited online at with your name and a link to your website, if you so choose.
Send your post/cards to:
Carrie Carm
48041 RPO Bernard
Montreal, QC
H2V 4S8
Thank you.
Many forms of fish, bird and beast,
Brought forth an infant form
Where was a worm before.
-- from "The Book of Urizen" (Chapter VI)
by William BlakeLife is suffering.
This is what Buddha tells us. To be born is to suffer. However, to be born is also to celebrate. Each year of being alive is a brave, grand thing.This year, I want to celebrate my birthday.Send me a birthday card or postcard. Include your birthday and return address to get a birthday card or postcard in return.Please send by April 30, 2009.Size: Not much larger than 13 x 18 cm (5 x 7 inches)Postal cards and art envelopes only, please. There will be no jury and no returns. All cards will be exhibited online at with your name and a link to your website, if you so choose.
Send your post/cards to:
Carrie Carm
48041 RPO Bernard
Montreal, QC
H2V 4S8
Thank you.
Dear Artist,
as you surely know already, Quiliano’s SACS keeps organizing events, involving more and more Artists from all over the World. At the moment, we are working on "Artepace", a net-art project requiring Artists to express their own Art through a digital work, focusing on the peace/war theme. On the on-line magazine Peacereporter we are cooperating with, ( you can find a lot of information and datas on the ongoing wars throughout the World. All the works will be published on line on the SACS website ( ), as well as on on the Hebdromedario weekend session.Therefore, here we are inviting you to take part to this event and send your own work of art to, no later than April, 30th 2009. Please note that the subscription form to be sent together with the e-mail is mandatory thus having your work properly published.Thank you in advance for your participation!
The SACS Staff
as you surely know already, Quiliano’s SACS keeps organizing events, involving more and more Artists from all over the World. At the moment, we are working on "Artepace", a net-art project requiring Artists to express their own Art through a digital work, focusing on the peace/war theme. On the on-line magazine Peacereporter we are cooperating with, ( you can find a lot of information and datas on the ongoing wars throughout the World. All the works will be published on line on the SACS website ( ), as well as on on the Hebdromedario weekend session.Therefore, here we are inviting you to take part to this event and send your own work of art to, no later than April, 30th 2009. Please note that the subscription form to be sent together with the e-mail is mandatory thus having your work properly published.Thank you in advance for your participation!
The SACS Staff
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