Dear Artist,as you surely know already, Quiliano’s SACS keeps organizing events, involving more and more Artists from all over the World. At the moment, we are working on "Artepace", a net-art project requiring Artists to express their own Art through a digital work, focusing on the peace/war theme. On the on-line magazine Peacereporter we are cooperating with, (www.peacereporter.net) you can find a lot of information and datas on the ongoing wars throughout the World. All the works will be published on line on the SACS website(www.sacsarte.net/page68/page68.php), as well as on www.peacereporter.net on the Hebdromedario weekend session.Therefore, here we are inviting you to take part to this event and send your own work of art to info@sacsarte.net, no later than April, 30th 2009. Please note that the subscription form to be sent together with the e-mail is mandatory thus having your work properly published.Thank you in advance for your participation!
The SACS Staff
The SACS Staff
Subscription form, to be e-mailed together with the work of art no later than April, 30th 2009.
Thanks for using capital letters.
Artist (name/surname/nickname):
Phone number/ -s (with international code pls):
E-mail address:
Work of art title:
Privacy respect policy of the above information in accordance with the Italian Law(D. Lgs. 196/2003).
Date Signature
Thanks for using capital letters.
Artist (name/surname/nickname):
Phone number/ -s (with international code pls):
E-mail address:
Work of art title:
Privacy respect policy of the above information in accordance with the Italian Law(D. Lgs. 196/2003).
Date Signature