This is an update for the earlier Mail Art Researh Project-post.
I´m Miina Ruokonen and I´m making a bachelors research about Mail Art and Internet in Turku university in Finland. If you would like to help me you could participate by answering to a survey, which you can find from here Click Here to take survey. Answering will only take a few minutes. The survey will be open till January 16, 2009.
You can also participate by sending me mail art in the theme of "What mail art means to me?". All the mail art I receive will be in a web exhibition which comes out after the research. The size and technique is free. The deadline for the mail art is March 31, 2009.
You can send the mail art to this address:
Miina Ruokonen
Harjunpaankatu 3 h 118
28100 Pori
If you have any questions about the research you can contact me by e-mail: miina.ruokonen(at)utu.fi. Thank you for your help!
31 December 2008
30 December 2008
New Book

Paperback book €19.99 Printed: 280 pages, 20.99 cm x 29.7 cm, perfect binding, white interior paper (55# weight), black and white interior ink, white exterior paper (90# weight), full-colour exterior ink
B&W Version of Statements Collection on Mail-Art by Ruud Janssen. Reprint of statements written in period 1993-2008 on the subject of mail-art. These statements were first published as pamphlets. Later on the Internet, and now as a collection in one book. Some statements and texts were also published on the Internet first and later as print-out sent into the network. The last part of this book contains visual statements made when the Millennium came about and most recent is an overview of the slides used at a lecture at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam explaining the concept of mail-art. In the past 28 years Ruud Janssen has intensively written about how E-mail and Internet would change mail-art, and it has.
A colour-version of the book is also available. See an overview of all publications at:
Enjoy reading this book!
29 December 2008
Piazza Strambi, 4
To the artist
November 10, 2008
CIF, like every year, wants to honour women with an important demonstration meant to awaken the citizens' interest and to leave a tangible sequel to the day.
The intent is to honour them in the Arts, both visual and gastronomic; CIF is aware of the increasing attention of so many people taking part in concrete experiments during which they can learn useful and pleasant things.
To such intent the Association wishes to organize a Mail Art exhibition and also practical cooking sessions to teach how to economize, how to use good quality ingredients (biological produce), how to create new recipes and to use old ones which gratify the people who devote themselves to the art of cooking with pleasure and love.
To complete the project CIF will also organize a meeting in order to explain the basic principles of Mail Art and also the importance of using biological produce.
The Artists - Mail Art - Women
CIF is a women's association working in the civil, social and cultural fields with the intent of building a shared democracy based on the respect of human rights and of a person's dignity according to Christian principles.
CIF is autonomous from political parties, a non-profit-making association.
The manifestation which CIF intend to organize is meant to honour women in all of their aspects, Artistic, Cultural, Entrepreneural, Managerial (within the family) on the day which has already for many years been devoted to them.
Women, human beings, not similar but equal to men, in any part of the world with equal duties and rights, therefore third millennium women who conquer dignity, equality, political power and even in some countries, the highest positions in the state.
The artists and their friends are invited to send a non returnable work of theirs within January 31 st. The work should be in paper, card or any other material chosen by the Artists, the maximum size A4, the subject: The Third Millennium Woman, to be sent to:
Associazione CIF, Piazza Strambi 4 – 62100 Macerata – E-mail cifmc@libero.it
CIF undertakes to organize an exhibition (details of which will be given later on) of the received works on the occasion of the coming Women's Day (March 8, 2009) and to realize a Cd with the catalogue of the above mentioned works.
Luciana Monachesi Craia
Macerata CIF President
Artistic advisors: Prof. Silvio Craia - Prof. Carlo Iacomucci
President Luciana Craia - Via Valerio 39 - 62100 Macerata - tel. 0733/240368
Piazza Strambi, 4
To the artist
November 10, 2008
CIF, like every year, wants to honour women with an important demonstration meant to awaken the citizens' interest and to leave a tangible sequel to the day.
The intent is to honour them in the Arts, both visual and gastronomic; CIF is aware of the increasing attention of so many people taking part in concrete experiments during which they can learn useful and pleasant things.
To such intent the Association wishes to organize a Mail Art exhibition and also practical cooking sessions to teach how to economize, how to use good quality ingredients (biological produce), how to create new recipes and to use old ones which gratify the people who devote themselves to the art of cooking with pleasure and love.
To complete the project CIF will also organize a meeting in order to explain the basic principles of Mail Art and also the importance of using biological produce.
The Artists - Mail Art - Women
CIF is a women's association working in the civil, social and cultural fields with the intent of building a shared democracy based on the respect of human rights and of a person's dignity according to Christian principles.
CIF is autonomous from political parties, a non-profit-making association.
The manifestation which CIF intend to organize is meant to honour women in all of their aspects, Artistic, Cultural, Entrepreneural, Managerial (within the family) on the day which has already for many years been devoted to them.
Women, human beings, not similar but equal to men, in any part of the world with equal duties and rights, therefore third millennium women who conquer dignity, equality, political power and even in some countries, the highest positions in the state.
The artists and their friends are invited to send a non returnable work of theirs within January 31 st. The work should be in paper, card or any other material chosen by the Artists, the maximum size A4, the subject: The Third Millennium Woman, to be sent to:
Associazione CIF, Piazza Strambi 4 – 62100 Macerata – E-mail cifmc@libero.it
CIF undertakes to organize an exhibition (details of which will be given later on) of the received works on the occasion of the coming Women's Day (March 8, 2009) and to realize a Cd with the catalogue of the above mentioned works.
Luciana Monachesi Craia
Macerata CIF President
Artistic advisors: Prof. Silvio Craia - Prof. Carlo Iacomucci
President Luciana Craia - Via Valerio 39 - 62100 Macerata - tel. 0733/240368
27 December 2008
Mail-Art in Malaysia
C A L L F O R E X H I B I T I O N 2 0 0 9
Dear friends;
We invite artists from all over the world to contribute their work in this exhibition called the 1st Mail Art Festival in Malaysia / MMAF 2009
Theme: open
Technique: open
Size: A3 & A4
Exhibition: Shah Alam Gallery, Yayasan Seni Selangor (Selangor Art Foundation), Shah Alam, Malaysia (APRIL 2009)
You can send up to 10 artworks, on paper or canvas (2D ONLY), sized A4 (21 x 30 cm) or A3 (31 x 42 cm). THERE IS NO PARTICIPATION FEE. ORIGINAL art works only, without frame.
Certificate will be send to all participants from MMAF to acknowledge your mail art/s is in our permanent collection. Artworks will not be returned and become the collection of MMAF (Malaysia Mail Art Festival).
Please label your artwork/s as a GIFT or SOUVENIR – NO COMMERCOAL VALUE –.
Please include:-
Full name, Address, Country, Title of work, Medium, Year, E-mail address, Web site & CV.
Each artwork will be exhibited. Documentation will be launched online at :-
Closing date:- 15 MARCH 2009
For further information please visit:
HOME / MMAF 2009:
E-mail: curator@mailartfestival.cjb.net or: dssuzan@yahoo.com.my
Please mail to:-
Shah Alam Gallery
Persiaran Tasik
40000 Shah Alam
Dear friends;
We invite artists from all over the world to contribute their work in this exhibition called the 1st Mail Art Festival in Malaysia / MMAF 2009
Theme: open
Technique: open
Size: A3 & A4
Exhibition: Shah Alam Gallery, Yayasan Seni Selangor (Selangor Art Foundation), Shah Alam, Malaysia (APRIL 2009)
You can send up to 10 artworks, on paper or canvas (2D ONLY), sized A4 (21 x 30 cm) or A3 (31 x 42 cm). THERE IS NO PARTICIPATION FEE. ORIGINAL art works only, without frame.
Certificate will be send to all participants from MMAF to acknowledge your mail art/s is in our permanent collection. Artworks will not be returned and become the collection of MMAF (Malaysia Mail Art Festival).
Please label your artwork/s as a GIFT or SOUVENIR – NO COMMERCOAL VALUE –.
Please include:-
Full name, Address, Country, Title of work, Medium, Year, E-mail address, Web site & CV.
Each artwork will be exhibited. Documentation will be launched online at :-
Closing date:- 15 MARCH 2009
For further information please visit:
HOME / MMAF 2009:
E-mail: curator@mailartfestival.cjb.net or: dssuzan@yahoo.com.my
Please mail to:-
Shah Alam Gallery
Persiaran Tasik
40000 Shah Alam
26 December 2008
Tribute to Serge Gainsbourg - France
A new project
in tribute to Serge GAINSBOURG
Free technics, sizes and supports.
Deadline : 31 décembre 2009
Send your creations to :
2 allée de la Fraternité
Apt n° 39
Don't forget to mention your names, address, e.mail and websites or blogs.
A blog dedicated to this project :
Thank you Bruno Capatti, Christine Le Roy, Servane Morel for your lovely participation and Happy New Year !
in tribute to Serge GAINSBOURG
Free technics, sizes and supports.
Deadline : 31 décembre 2009
Send your creations to :
2 allée de la Fraternité
Apt n° 39
Don't forget to mention your names, address, e.mail and websites or blogs.
A blog dedicated to this project :
Thank you Bruno Capatti, Christine Le Roy, Servane Morel for your lovely participation and Happy New Year !
mail art call,
Roswitha Guillemin,
Serge Gainsbourg
24 December 2008
23 December 2008
Impossible Possibilities: 2009 Calendar (Free!)
I thought I'd offer you a digital gift : Impossible Possibilities, a free, downloadable A5-sized calendar you can print out at home – wherever that may be in the world.

The calendar comes with a cover and back page, and 12 months (in French) illustrated with the surreal art work from my SECRET HIDING PLACE. Simply download the file (it's only 6 mb), print out on your home printer, cut the pages using the crop mark guides, staple up on top and tack to the wall. Interested? Hey, it's free. And feel free to send it around.

The calendar comes with a cover and back page, and 12 months (in French) illustrated with the surreal art work from my SECRET HIDING PLACE. Simply download the file (it's only 6 mb), print out on your home printer, cut the pages using the crop mark guides, staple up on top and tack to the wall. Interested? Hey, it's free. And feel free to send it around.
CALL for Mail Art, Visual Poetry All Media--Cronaca Souversiva Feneon

Cronaca Souversiva Feneon, Faits Divers Galleani. Anarkeyology
Welcome !! and A Call to Participants
I started this blog as a site where poets, artists, Visual Poets, Mail Artists, researchers, essayists, reviewers, artist-ragers, zine makers, comix, graffiti makers may have a place to contribute and display works which express their visions of the historical and contemporary interelated lives of Anarchy & the Arts--
This site is for any persons who are actively interested in and working in these areas
Theoretical letters are welcome, stories, photos, anything which
investigates the everyday all around one with a questioning Anarkeyological spirit & energy. Insight and Incite!
If you are interested please contact me at
21 December 2008
Mail Art Research Project
I´m Miina Ruokonen and I´m new in this group.
I´m studying at Turku university in Finland and right now making my
bachelors research. My bachelors research is going to be about mail
art and internet.
I´m hoping that through this group I could reach mail artist/mail art
activists who would like to help me in my research. You can help me by
answering to a survey which is going to be on the internet in the
beginning of January. I will inform the surveys webpage later on this
year through this group.
You can also help me by sending me mail art. At the end of the
research there´s going to be a webexhibition. The theme for the mail
art is "What mail art means to me?". The size and technique is for you
to decide. The deadline for the mail art is 31.3.2009.
You can send the mail art to this address:
Miina Ruokonen
Harjunpaankatu 3 h 118
28100 Pori
I would really appreciate everybodys help! Thank you!
I´m studying at Turku university in Finland and right now making my
bachelors research. My bachelors research is going to be about mail
art and internet.
I´m hoping that through this group I could reach mail artist/mail art
activists who would like to help me in my research. You can help me by
answering to a survey which is going to be on the internet in the
beginning of January. I will inform the surveys webpage later on this
year through this group.
You can also help me by sending me mail art. At the end of the
research there´s going to be a webexhibition. The theme for the mail
art is "What mail art means to me?". The size and technique is for you
to decide. The deadline for the mail art is 31.3.2009.
You can send the mail art to this address:
Miina Ruokonen
Harjunpaankatu 3 h 118
28100 Pori
I would really appreciate everybodys help! Thank you!
mail art call,
Miina Ruokonen,
20 December 2008
Umbrella's for Judith A. Hoffberg - USA
Judith has stopped doing email but she still enjoys getting snail mail with images of umbrellas.
Send your umbrella's to:
Judith Hoffberg
POB 3640
Santa Monica,
CA 90408 - USA
Judith is editor of the 31-years old magazine Umbrella's in which she always included a secton on mail-art. She has been diagnosed with cancer and is arranging things for her final journey. As a friend I start this call where you can send her some Umbrella's to join her in these last times....
Thank you.
Send your umbrella's to:
Judith Hoffberg
POB 3640
Santa Monica,
CA 90408 - USA
Judith is editor of the 31-years old magazine Umbrella's in which she always included a secton on mail-art. She has been diagnosed with cancer and is arranging things for her final journey. As a friend I start this call where you can send her some Umbrella's to join her in these last times....
Thank you.
Mail Art Calls from Canada
Node,I have two mail art calls to share with you. First is Mayworks 2009. Send a work 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches or smaller with some reference to "Work - evolution, revolution, devolution" or anything else pertaining to "work" to Mayworks, 4426 Island Highway South, Courtenay, BC, V9N 9T1 Canada by April 15th, 2009. Hosted by the Oceanside Art Gallery in Parksville, British Columbia. Opening May 1st, 2009.The second is the Mail Art Olympix which is coming soon at the same time as the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics. The deadline is October 15th, 2009. There are three "events." The first is self portraits. The second is artist stamps and artistamps. The third is manifestos.
Maximum size 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches.
Same address
Mail Art Olympix,
4426 Island Highway South,
Courtenay, BC,
V9N 9T1 Canada.
Hosted by the Comox Valley Art Gallery and the Penticton Art Gallery.
Opening November 15, 2009. Both projects curated by Ed Varney.
Catalogue to all participants.
Submnitted by Ed Varney
Maximum size 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches.
Same address
Mail Art Olympix,
4426 Island Highway South,
Courtenay, BC,
V9N 9T1 Canada.
Hosted by the Comox Valley Art Gallery and the Penticton Art Gallery.
Opening November 15, 2009. Both projects curated by Ed Varney.
Catalogue to all participants.
Submnitted by Ed Varney
15 December 2008
Gallery 7
> Date: Monday, December 15, 2008, 2:25 PM Greetings from Jenny Soup.
> I am hosting a mail art show, something I haven't done in 15 years!
> It is an open themed, any size, documentation to all, kind of show.
> Each piece will be displayed in a beautiful 2000 sq. ft gallery.
> Events will include a Presentaion by John Held Jr, the showing of the
> film "How to Draw a Bunny" and the opening of the Mail Art Time
> Capsule donated by Kalynn Campbell.
> Would you consider sending something by February 12th, 2009? Thank you
> very much.
> Send all entries to:
# 7 West Ave. B
Hutchinson, Kansas, 67501 USA
> Sincerely, Jenny Soup
> I am hosting a mail art show, something I haven't done in 15 years!
> It is an open themed, any size, documentation to all, kind of show.
> Each piece will be displayed in a beautiful 2000 sq. ft gallery.
> Events will include a Presentaion by John Held Jr, the showing of the
> film "How to Draw a Bunny" and the opening of the Mail Art Time
> Capsule donated by Kalynn Campbell.
> Would you consider sending something by February 12th, 2009? Thank you
> very much.
> Send all entries to:
# 7 West Ave. B
Hutchinson, Kansas, 67501 USA
> Sincerely, Jenny Soup
14 December 2008
How do you save our planet Earth?
Tell us your strategy…
Please send your drawings, photos, images, words, collages, postcards …
Max. A4 (21 x 29,7 cm)
Please send only works corresponding to our theme.
No jury, no return. No documentation (because of financial reasons)
All works corresponding to the theme will be published in this website: http://www.mailart-artmail.de/ . (with the mail-artists name and country)
Deadline: March, 31st 2009
Please send your contribution to:
Schröer + Schröer
Helenenstraße 32
D-38118 Braunschweig
Please send your drawings, photos, images, words, collages, postcards …
Max. A4 (21 x 29,7 cm)
Please send only works corresponding to our theme.
No jury, no return. No documentation (because of financial reasons)
All works corresponding to the theme will be published in this website: http://www.mailart-artmail.de/ . (with the mail-artists name and country)
Deadline: March, 31st 2009
Please send your contribution to:
Schröer + Schröer
Helenenstraße 32
D-38118 Braunschweig
10 December 2008
8 December 2008
Friour Magazine (mail art and poetry on peace related issues) is celebrating its 10th issue next year.Send your contributions on the theme
Guido Vermeulen,
Thomas Vinçottestreet 81,
B-1030 Brussels,
before July 2009.
Free medium.
Maximum size: A4.
Guido Vermeulen,
Thomas Vinçottestreet 81,
B-1030 Brussels,
before July 2009.
Free medium.
Maximum size: A4.
7 December 2008
Amico di Cesare Abba e Giuseppe Garibaldi
Notizie sulla morte del tenente colonnello Specchi.
da una ricerca di Luigi Ferrando
Dal giornale: “L’armonia della religione colla civiltà” di mercoledì 27 giugno 1866, anno XIX, n° 149
Un telegramma particolare in data di Molfetta, 23, reca la notizia che il Tenente Colonnello Specchi, nel reggimento dei volontari di Garibaldi, si uccise la mattina con un colpo di pistola, lasciando scritto:
“Nessuno si occupi della mia morte; l’onorevole posto affidatomi è superiore alle mia forze. Prego il bravo maggiore Tasca inviare a mia sorella Adele tutto ciò che mi appartiene. Augurando vittoria agli Italiani, prego il mio amato Generale Garibaldi a non dimenticare il suo povero Specchi”.
Il colonnello era da più giorni assai preoccupato della gravità dei suoi uffici. Le parole degli amici non valsero ad infondergli coraggio.
Dalle carte del teologo Antonio Bosio,
Biblioteca Civica di Torino Centro, Mazzo 33
Mail art project - send to:
Bruno Chiarlone
p.o. box 163
17014 Cairo Montenotte
3 December 2008
Shopping Trolley News
Dear friends in Mail Art
The Last Show of the Shopping Trolley Gallery closed on November 31. There has been a great deal of artwork sent and I am very grateful to all of you for your support but please do not send any more from now on because I have to prepare for the Field Study Meeting to which you are all invited. We meet at 12 o’clock on the 3rd of January at the Tate Britain, Main Entrance, Millbank, London, SW1P 4RG, UK, where I intend to show the artwork and then we will go for a bite and a drink to a nearby pub.
If you miss the meeting don’t worry; sometime on the New Year I will send postal documentation to all participants. Meanwhile you can see the show on www.mailartmartha.org.uk Cheers and a Happy New Year to all!
The Last Show of the Shopping Trolley Gallery closed on November 31. There has been a great deal of artwork sent and I am very grateful to all of you for your support but please do not send any more from now on because I have to prepare for the Field Study Meeting to which you are all invited. We meet at 12 o’clock on the 3rd of January at the Tate Britain, Main Entrance, Millbank, London, SW1P 4RG, UK, where I intend to show the artwork and then we will go for a bite and a drink to a nearby pub.
If you miss the meeting don’t worry; sometime on the New Year I will send postal documentation to all participants. Meanwhile you can see the show on www.mailartmartha.org.uk Cheers and a Happy New Year to all!
2 December 2008
New mail art call:
Theme: Temple - exploring internal or external space for meditation, reflection and spiritual realisation. It may be a built environment or sacred space internal. Or your own definition.
Media: Any - may include; photography, artists stamps, collage, mixed media, drawing, painting, artist book making etc.
Size: minimum postcard
Deadline: December 15th 2007
Exhibition: January 2008
Please make it Children Friendly as it is posted at a family restaurant for the exhibition.
No Returns.
Documentation on this site.
Taraka Tee
PO BOX 145
Indooroopilly, 4068
Qld Australia
Theme: Temple - exploring internal or external space for meditation, reflection and spiritual realisation. It may be a built environment or sacred space internal. Or your own definition.
Media: Any - may include; photography, artists stamps, collage, mixed media, drawing, painting, artist book making etc.
Size: minimum postcard
Deadline: December 15th 2007
Exhibition: January 2008
Please make it Children Friendly as it is posted at a family restaurant for the exhibition.
No Returns.
Documentation on this site.
Taraka Tee
PO BOX 145
Indooroopilly, 4068
Qld Australia
1 December 2008
Arnolfini Mini[e]MailArt - New Call: Unique numbers
The Mini[e]MailArt is an international e-mail art project of the Hungarian family art team called Arnolfini Archives (since 1993) that was launced in 2004. As it is indicated in inviting applications a pictural gestures according to topic are asked to be placed on the downloadable empty surface, then the completed work is asked to be e-mailed.
The current topic is: Unique numbers
Deadline: February 28, 2009.
E-mail address: mma@arnolfini.hu
The works we get are going to be published continuously in the blog: http://arnolfini-mma.blogspot.com
Arnolfini Archives

Deadline: February 28, 2009.
E-mail address: mma@arnolfini.hu
The works we get are going to be published continuously in the blog: http://arnolfini-mma.blogspot.com
Arnolfini Archives
e-mail art,
mail art call,
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