27 June 2018

Classic Horror Films - USA

Classic Horror Films
Deadline October 1st,  2018
Evans City is where the classic horror film Night of the Living Dead was filmed. In October a Living Dead Weekend (festival) is held in this small town located in western Pennsylvania, U.S.A.  This year the local library is hosting a mail art show honoring movies that keep us awake at night!

The library is also hosting a second mail art show in September.                                                                                   What I saw at the library!      Deadline September 1st  2018        
Artwork  size 5X7 inches. Artwork will not be returned.
Artwork will be viewed by all ages please be family friendly.
Evans City Public Library
205 South Jackson Street
Evans City, PA 16033   U.S.A
For more info : jill_eudaly@yahoo.com

25 June 2018

Homeless - Net Art Project

Call for artists
Theme: Homeless
Collective exhibition dedicated to the anxiety of living homeless,
without country, without a place or conditions that permit a dignified life
Submission: free  
Open to all types of art: painting, sculpture, video, music, poetry…
Number of submissions: max 3
Deadline:  September 15, 2018
Selected works will be permanently documented online
on the art web gallery Lys d’Or
Send 3 JPEG of your artworks, artworks title, technique, artist name, country, email, website

22 June 2018

The New York Boyler Foundation - Sep 2018


An important event that, promoted by The New York Boyer Foundation, invites all around the world artists to participate on this international art exhibition.
Exhibition from November 1-30, on the New York Public Library Hudson Park Branch.

DIMENSIONS :: FREE (maximum size 8,5Ă—11 inches or 22 x 28cm) Deadline : 30 September 2018

No sales, no jury, no returns.
All work will be permanently archived at The New York Boyer Foundation.
At the end of the exhibition, The New York Boyer Foundation will send documentation to all artists.
The work of art will have to be presented individually identified, with a label in the back of the same with artist’s name, title, media, size and year. Please provide also e-mail and website if the artist has one.

Send to:
The New York Boyer Foundation
New York Big Apple IV Project
161 Prince St., Apt. 2
New York NY 10012-5338
