24 July 2017


Call for art

The Hoyt Gallery at the USC Keck School of Medicine presents “PAIN2”, a mail in art/postcard show featuring images depicting physical and mental pain.   PAIN2 will run from September 1 – Oct 27, 2017

Our hope is that PAIN2 will give medical students a visual representation of what their future patients will be going though.  We want them to see their patients as people, not just symptoms.  We need you to draw your personal pains.

Deadline for submissions is August 30th, 2017. 
PAIN2 is open to all visual artists worldwide.

Artists retain rights to submitted works, but grant Hoyt Gallery the rights to digital reproduction of their submission(s) to include on the Hoyt Gallery webpage, and PAINARTSHOW Facebook page.   www.facebook.com/PainArtShow/

Artists may send their pieces by postal mail to this address:  

C/O Curriculum Office
Keck School of Medicine at USC
1975 Zonal Avenue, KAM 200
Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA

All work should include Artist name, email address, and info on type of pain depicted.  

Artwork will not be returned.

19 July 2017

New York

see: http://timsclownalley.blogspot.gr/2017/07/the-new-york-times-mail-art-project.html

The New York Times Mail Art Project

I know about a hundred reporters on the New York Times and other newspapers, and a few novelists, from emailing them limericks about their stories and then having them email me back -- usually to thank me and praise my nimble lyrics, but sometimes to tell me to stop bothering them. Either way, I have now launched a mail art project where I am mailing each one of them a unique piece of mail art. I'm doing it, among other reasons, to publicize the Provo Museum of Mail Art, of which I am the founder and current curator.

This will serve as documentation of my mail art project. I will also include any responses I receive back from reporters. But . . . don't hold your breath. After all, who replies to snail mail nowadays?

14 July 2017

Public - Canada

MAIL ART CALL from one ten park : a working space
110 Park St West + Windsor Ontario N9A 7A5 + Canada
Deadline 01 September 2017  + ALL exhibited @one ten park + more info+ onetenpark.com
+ No jury + No fees + No returns + No limits + DOC to ALL
The Theme = MAKE PUBLIC = is a theme of Public Engagement. Community. Connection. Urban Renewal.  Plurality.  Unframed.           The ART is in the Mailing!

Projet d’art postale de one ten park : a working space
110 Park St W + Windsor Ontario N9A 7A5 + Canada
Date limite 01 Septembre 2017  + tous ont été exposés @ one ten park + pas de jury + pas de frais + pas de retour + pas de limitations + DOCUMENTATION à tous!   Le théme = RENDRE  PUBLIQUE = concerne l’engagement, communauté, connexion, briser le cadre.                    
L’art est dans l’envoi postal!

11 July 2017

Mail-Art project - Provo Museum

Project title:  “The LDS Missionary Experience in Thailand and Elsewhere”
Work in all mediums accepted.
Deadline:  December 29, 2017
There is no entry fee
All submissions become the property of the Provo Museum of Mail Art
All submissions will be on display at the Provo Museum of Mail Art for
approximately eight weeks after being received. The Museum will tentatively reopen the first week in August. There is no admission charge.
Please send electronic submissions to torkythai911@gmail.com
Please mail submissions to:

The Provo Museum of Mail Art
℅ Tim Torkildson
650 West 100 North  #115
Provo Utah 84601  USA
