30 January 2017
27 January 2017
This is the link https://mailasmile.org
but I also copy the text here:
We here at Mail
a smile love animals and think it’s time to dedicate a mail art call to
them. We believe it’s important to take care of our environment including
all living creatures. Since so many are already extinct, we’d like to raise
awareness of critically endangered animals to prevent further extinction.
challenge lasts from February 1st – December 31st, 2017.
Create a
postcard/letter or anything you wish to mail.
No entry fee, no returns, no size limit
Send your art
work to this address:
Mail a smile
1554 – Hungary
1554 – Hungary
The art-works will be displayed in an exhibition
in 2018 in Budapest.
Send us a photo of your work so we can add it to
our gallery and Facebook. (info [at] mailasmile [dot] org) or
we can take a photo once your art work is received.
Pick an endangered animal from the list below. Once an animal is
represented its name will be highlighted. We would be happy to receive more
than one entry for the same animal.
See the list in this link: https://mailasmile.org
Thank you and lots of love,
25 January 2017
2ª Convocatoria Electrónica de Arte Postal Revista-fanzine
La Revista-fanzine Procedimentum es una publicación digital de periodicidad anual, y está dirigida a especialistas, investigadores y profesionales del campo del arte, la creatividad y la música. Publica trabajos originales que supongan una contribución a la investigación en los campos señalados anteriormente.
1. Tema: sobre el vídeo titulado “W_Spaces of Otherness”. Música de Juan Antonio Nieto y vídeo-arte de Roland Quelven. Footage / Estanca 17” Isabel Pérez del Pulgar & Roland Quelven. Disponible en: https://vimeo.com/175204293
2. Formato: A5 o A4. Archivos sonoros en wav.
3. Soporte: digital en jpeg en alta resolución 400 ppp. Archivos sonoros en wav.
4. Procedimientos y técnicas: todos/as.
5. Número de obras: cada artista podrá presentar un máximo de dos obras que deberán tener entrada antes del 15 de diciembre de 2017. Nombre autor/a, título, lugar de residencia y web. La duración de los archivos sonoros, no será superior a 2 minutos.
6. Catálogo: se editará un catálogo multimedia en formato PDF como anexo al número 7 de la Revista-fanzine Procedimentum. El número 7 de la Revista-fanzine Procedimentum, saldrá publicado en enero de 2018. Edición digital de los archivos sonoros en el apartado Discografía Procedimentum, disponible en la página web:
7. Lugar de envío: pedropablogallardo1@gmail.com
8. Descarga de las bases: apartado Bases Arte Postal Procedimentum. Disponible en: http://www.revista-fanzineprocedimentum.com/
1. Topic: on the video entitled
" W_Spaces of Otherness ". Music by Juan Antonio Nieto and
VideoArt by Roland Quelven- Footage / Estanca 17” Isabel Pérez del Pulgar &
Roland Quelven. Available at: https://vimeo.com/175204293
2. Format: A5 or A4. Audio wav
3. Support: digital JPEG, in high
resolution 400 ppp. Audio wav. files.
4. Procedures and technologies: all.
5. Number of works: every artist
will be allowed to present a maximum of two works that will have to have entry
record before December 15, 2017. Author's name, title, place of residence and
web. The duration of the sonorous filest will not be longer than 2 minutes.
6. Catalogue: a multimedia catalogue
in format PDF will be edited as annexe to the 7th issue of the Fanzine
Procedimentum. This 7th issue will be published in January, 2018. Digital
edition of the sonorous files in the web page: http: // www.revista fanzineprocedimentum.com/
7. Sending to: pedropablogallardo1@gmail.com
8. Rules available at: http: // www.revista-fanzineprocedimentum.com/
Aphasia - USA
Mail Art Call
NeuroService Alliance at California State University, Sacramento is inviting
postal entries for our first Aphasia Mail Art Exhibition to be held May 2017.
Theme: Art by or about persons with
Size: Maximum 24 inches/61 centimeters
wide by 24 inches/61 centimeters tall
Deadline: Entries must be received by May 1,
State University, Sacramento
6000 J
Street MS 6071
CA 95819 - USA
works will be exhibited (Location and Date to be posted in April 2017) and
posted online at https://www.facebook.com/NeuroServiceAlliance
No Jury
works must be original.
Alliance reserves the right to omit works.
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