30 October 2011
Railroad Days
Here's a friendly reminder about the "Railroad Days" Call for Art. You can still join in the fun with images of trains, railroads, and Victorian-era America.
We're receiving wonderful art from around the world. Thank you to the artists who have already sent in collage, painted and hand drawn mail art and artistamps.
NEW! Each artist will be sent an original mail art piece and a certificate for participating.
Get creative and have fun with it.
THEME "Railroad Days"
DEADLINE November 1, 2011 (Exhibit November 12-13, 2011)
WEBSITES http://www.bordentownrailroaddays.org and http://www.bordentownheritage.org
Bordentown Heritage is an arts and history non-profit organization. We are seeking art for exhibition and web posting as part of "Bordentown Railroad Days" Commemorating the 180th Anniversary of the first public demonstration of the "John Bull" steam locomotive and first woman passenger on a train in America on November 12, 1831.
Please send original unpublished art, mail art, artistamps, ATCs, and railroad models/sculpture. Be creative. We are seeking a wide range of media and styles. Size, technique free.
Send art to:
Bordentown Heritage
7 Elizabeth Street
Bordentown, NJ 08505
Postage/shipping must be pre-paid.
Exhibition and web site is open to public and G-rated.
Each artist will be sent an original mail art piece and a certificate for participating.
Documentation: Downloadable exhibition catalog and on website.
No jury, no returns. Please no e-mail or electronic files.
All submissions become the property of BH. Thank you.
Please include title of art work, if any, a 50 word artist bio, artist name, address, e-mail, and website or indicate if you wish to be anonymous.
Please tell a friend, repost freely.
28 October 2011
Send us your artwork regarding our theme "TRACES" by regular mail.
Technique: free (no audio or video)
Size : max. 15 x 20 cm
Quantity : 1 artwork per artist
Deadline : June 15th, 2012.
No jury, no return, no fee, no sale.
All entries will be published on 5BLANKS.com immediately.
(additionally in a catalogue / option)
In July 2012 all artworks will be presented
in our ATELIER 5B in Schondorf am Ammersee.
Agreement is given by participation.
We are looking forward to your artwork.
Cristina Blank
Jürgen Blank
Send to:
c/o Cristina Blank
Im Grund 21
82237 Wörthsee
see: http://www.5blanks.com/mailart.php
24 October 2011
19 October 2011
Steal this BLOG now
16 October 2011
Send your SMILE to Poland!

Theme : Smiles
Size : unrestricted
Project Smile
Marek Wysoczynski
krzywoustego 22/14
80360 gdansk
(A recent blurb about Marek)
A firm believer in the power of a smile in changing outcomes amid the most unbearable situations, Marek Wysoczynski from Poland, the initiator of the idea of a roaming exhibition, has been collecting smiles for several years now. The exhibition was already on show in different countries like Mexico, Italy, Poland, Sri Lanka.
Ambassadors and representatives from different countries were present at the launching of the event . To name but a few: Polish Ambassador,Mr. Piotr Puchta and his spouse, , Austrian Ambassador, Dr. Thomas Nader, Canadian Ambassador Mr. Ferry de Kerckhove, , Mr. European Union Ambassador, and high-ranking diplomatic officials from Angola, Macedonia, and Turkey. Also present were Mr.Hussein Nassar, media Advisor to the Minister of Culture and Mr.Mohamad Shaalan, head of the Plastic Art Division at the cultural Ministry.
In her opening speech, Mrs. Ola Ghabour, Secertary general of the Children’s Cancer Hospital Foundation was keen to express to all present and in particular to the Polish Ambassador how grateful and appreciative hospital 57357’s community is for all the efforts exerted “to draw a smile on the faces of our beloved children at the time when the polish people are much grieved at their great recent tragic loss. We share with you the sadness for which we are reminded now and here by two of the drawings displayed today which were painted by the late, HE Maria Kaczynska, the wife of the late Polish President. The audience was informed by the Polish Ambassador how concerned the Late Mrs. Kaczynska was for the suffering and underprivileged children of the world and particularly in the Middle East Region.
Two days prior to the launching, Mr.Wysoczynski had shared himself precious moments with in-patient children and their families through which they were invited to produce their own smiles. Drawings of the children are displayed at the entrance hall of the hospital along with those by patients of the St. Anna Children’s Hospital in Vienna, Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak’s drawing and those of a host of other prominent personalities . Mr.Wysoczynski, who practices religiously what he believes in will not miss one chance to make people not just smile but laugh from all their hearts. Explaining to dozens of journalists and reporters who were covering the event his personal philosophy in life, you can watch his face light up while revealing how he draws his strength from working with the sick children. . Realizing that caring for the psychological well being of the children, will contribute to speed up their healing process and ultimately achieve our hopes for them, the CCHE encourages all efforts geared towards lifting up the spirits of the children. As such, the hospital is honored to have been chosen to host this special cultural event which offers a moment of distraction to the less privileged children who are fighting for their lives. More importantly, we are privileged to be the place where people from different parts of the world show their solidarity towards making this world a better place.
15 October 2011

Many works about life and death and death and life in the newest chapter of
A BOOK ABOUT DEATH, opening in Seattle, Washington on 11.11.11.
The exhibition is curated by artist Kathleen McHugh.
Above: TALK TO GOD, by Matthew Rose.
12 October 2011
Railroad Days - USA
THEME "Railroad Days"
DEADLINE November 1, 2011
WEBSITE http://www.bordentownrailroaddays.org
Bordentown Heritage an arts and history non-profit organization. We are seeking art for exhibition and web posting as part of "Bordentown Railroad Days" Commemorating the 180th Anniversary of "John Bull" locomotive and first woman passenger on a train in America on November 12, 1831.
Please send original unpublished art, mail art, artistamps, ATCs, and railroad models/sculpture. Be creative. Seeking a wide range of media and styles. Size, technique free.
Send art to:
Bordentown Heritage
7 Elizabeth Street
Bordentown, NJ 08505
Postage/shipping must be pre-paid. Exhibition and web site is open to public and G-rated.
Documentation on website, no jury, no returns, no e-mail or electronic files. All submissions become the property of BH.
Please include 50 word artist bio, name, address, e-mail, and website or indicate if you wish to be anonymous.
11 October 2011
Mail art call
The Françoise Giroud Library of Castries ( France ) organizes from January 4th to January 31st 2012 a Mail art exhibition.
We therefore send out a call for contributions on the following subject: Shoes.
Please send your work before November 31rst 2011 to the following address :
Art postal – Chaussure
Médiathèque Françoise Giroud
15 avenue de la Cave coopérative
All works will be displayed during the exhibition at the end of the year, as well as on the Library's website at the following address :
in the "Action culturelle et pédagogique / Art postal" section.
No jury, no fee, no return. Postal delivery only.
La médiathèque Françoise Giroud de Castries (34) organise
du 4 au 31 janvier 2012
une exposition d’art postal.
Nous lançons à cette occasion un appel à participation sur le thème Chaussure.
Laissez libre cours à votre imagination, osez l’originalité, l’humour et la poésie, afin de créer un œuvre postale insolite et originale autour du thème proposé. Organisé pour tous, cet appel vous est donc ouvert, que vous soyez jeune/moins jeune, expérimenté/amateur, seul/en groupe… C’est la diversité des œuvres qui fera la richesse de l’exposition.
Contraintes :
§ L’œuvre doit être visible par le facteur : c’est à dire qu’elle ne doit pas être contenue dans une enveloppe ou un colis.
Envoyez vos créations avant le 31 novembre 2011, le cachet de la poste faisant foi, à l’adresse suivante :
Art postal – Chaussure
Médiathèque Françoise Giroud
15 avenue de la Cave coopérative
Toutes les oeuvres postales reçues seront exposées lors de l’événement en fin d’année, ainsi que sur le site des médiathèques :
Rubrique ’’Action culturelle et pédagogique’’.
9 October 2011
Save the USPS
Call to action/Call for entries
As the USPS teeters on bankruptcy, a call to action has been instituted. Please send your mail art to:
Save the USPS
c/o artlikeart
PO Box 2655
Sarasota, FL 34230
All art received will be posted on savetheusps.tumblr.com. All work received will also in turn receive a reply by postal mail. Artist addresses and contact information will not be posted online. Current deadline is February 15th, 2012. At the end of the project, a pdf e-book will be distributed to all participants by postal mail. If enough interest and art is received, a gallery proposal will be written for an exhibition. This will be announced on savetheusps.tumblr.com.
Please, no larger than letter or A4 size. No offensive or denigrating images. No toxic or noxious materials. Please make sure you affix proper postage to your mail.
Any questions can be directed by email to: artlikeart@gmail.com.
2 October 2011
Manifestos and Radical Actions
ReSite- Manual of Scores, Manifestos and Radical Actions
Call for submissions for ReSite no.3 Vol 2 & all issues beyond!
ReSite is an assembling publication where pages have an element of audience participation or interaction. ReSite is part of the tradition of Fluxus editions where anyone can perform a Fluxus action or score. In addition to this performance-based approach, ReSite taps into the rich tradition of the avant-garde with contributions of manifestos and documentation of art actions.
ReSite encourages participation by writers and musicians to produce visual scores and manifestos as well as continuing the call for contributions by conceptual artists.
Send 40 copies size 21cm x14.8cm (A5). Please leave 2cms on the left hand side for binding. Works can be double sided and can be more than one page. Copies should be flat and landscape format. Pages will be wire-bound. ReSite is an on going project. Each issue holds 20 contributions. Copy sent to all.
Send to: Field Study, P0 Box 1838 Geelong, VIC 3220 Australia
Here is a random list of influences that might inspire you:
Cornelius Cardew’s Scratch Music, Surrealist Manifesto by Andre Breton, Art-Language, An Anthology edited by La Monte Young and Jackson Mac Low, Fluxus Kits, Notations by John Cage, Grapefruit by Yoko Ono, Neoist Manifestos, Whole Earth Catalogue, Little Red School Book, Potlatch, Situationist Times, Pataphysics, Oulipo, Auto- Destructive Art Manifesto by Gustav Metzger, S.C.U.M. Manifesto by Valerie Solanas, Class War, The Book Of The Law by Aleister Crowley, Anathema of Zos by Austin Osman Spare, writings of Antonin Artaud