25 February 2011
Make a Spectacle of Yourself!
Corpi che Amono Project

Maldoror Press invites you all to join Corpi che amano (Bodies in love): a collective, open project, inspired to mail art’s creative and sharing ways. Anyone is allowed to join in, with their own creative works.
What is Corpi che amano about?
It’s simple. Maldoror Press will publish a free Ebook (no copyright): the collective piece that will come out of all of your contributions on the given theme, that is: Corpi che amano.
Who can partecipate and how?
You only have to send maldoror.press@gmail.com
an email, within 15th March 2011, containing a graphic work, or a textual-graphic one in a digital size among the following: tiff, jpg, bmp e png; dimensions A4 or A5 and 300 dpi resolution.
Any visual technique will be accepted: drawing, collage, photography, scribble, visual poetry, artistic lettering et cetera. Anyone can participate, and no picture will be censored, but be aware that each author has both the freedom and the responsibility of the contents being spread by their work.
We wish to create a sort of catalogue that will be a collective stream of images, words, icons, vibrations, conveying your ideas about carnal love and its many, free manifestations.
This is not a competition, there are no judges. The goal is to build up a place of common shared joy and beauty.
P.S.: We ask you to follow suggested sizes. Thank you.
24 February 2011

THEME: All countries have bread and many bread varieties, probably bread is the most important food for the entire humanity. Bread, compared to other foods, is pretty simple, however, no other food is capable of evoking such emotions and charm as the fragrance and the smell of baked bread. If we also consider the real power of bread which is capable of satisfying so much people's hunger all over the world, for its simplicity and goodness it is usually considered as a “first-aid” food for all those people who, unfortunately, are living in conditions of hunger and desperate need. Bread is a precious food, and for the entire world it is important and precious as peace. BREAD and PEACE are the basic need of the World.
TECHNIQUE: Free technique and free support are accepted.
FORMAT: max size 13 x 18 cm. (5x7 inches)
TERMS: No jury, no selection, no prizes, no returns. Violent, racist or insulting works will not be accepted. O Participants agree to allow reprodion and public axhibitions of their artwork by the organizers of the event.
Please provide you name, surname, country, address + e-mail address and web site if one exists.
EXHIBITIONS: the works will become part of art exhibitions in national and international fairs with the “Consorzio di Tutela del Pane di Matera IGP” starting from April, 2011. The first art exhibition is dated for “SQUISITO 2011-SAN PATRIGNANO” fair.
All postcards will be part of a silent auction with other works of art; the donations will be send to “Basilicata-Mozambico O.N.L.U.S.” and Voluntary Association “Sem Fronterias”, in aid of Mozambican and Brasilian childrens.
All works will be published in a dedicated catalogue that will be presented during the Conclusive Art Exhibition that will that place on December 2011.
DOCUMENTATION: to all participants. All works will be published in the blog http://materamailart.blogspot.com and on Facebook.
Deadline to be received: October 31, 2011
All works must be sent by normal post with postage stamps to:
Viale N. Festa, 3
75100 – Matera - Italy
Info: materamailart@gmail.com
Tina Festa
19 February 2011
13 February 2011
Large parking area
Theme: Large parking area
Technic: free
Size: A4
Deadline: 30th of April 2011
Exhibition: July 2011 Hovinkartano International Arts and Cultural Centre,
Hameenlinna, Hauho, Finland
Conditions: free entry, no jury, no sale, no return
Remember: include your name and e-mail
Documentation: www.hovinkartano.net
Riitta Tarvainen
Hovinkartano, Sotjalantie 58
FI-14700 Hauho,
At the entrance to our Cultural Centre there is a large parking area. It is a very important service area which we cannot relocate. We hope that your ideas would help to transform it to a more interesting place in ways of environmental art.
You will find the place and a photo (Hovinkartano, Sotjalantie 58, Hauho, Finland) in www.maps.google.com
We eagerly await your ideas.
Please forward this invitation to your artist friends, too.
Thank you
Riitta Tarvainen
Exhibition in Germany

Vorankündigung Ausstellung Mail Art
Die Grafikerin Cindy Schmid (www.swinxgrafix.de) rief 2010 zu einer Mail Art Aktion auf. Zum Thema "Who I am" konnte sich jeder der wollte mit künstlerischen Beiträge beteiligen.
Das Ergebnis sind 76 postalisch künstlerische Arbeiten aus 26 Ländern.
Diese Fülle an künstlerischen Ideen möchte die Grafikerin nun der Öffentlichkeit vorstellen. Mit Unterstützung des Quartiersbüros Fleischervorstadt werden diese Arbeiten vom 2. bis 15. April im Falladahaus gezeigt.
Die Vernissage findet am 2.4. um 19 Uhr mit musikalischer Begleitung der Private Cash Group statt.
Herzliche Einladung an alle Interessierten.
Falladahaus, Steinstraße 59, 17489 Greifswald
02. -15. April
geöffnet montags, mittwochs, samstags 14:30 Uhr- 17:00 Uhr
10 February 2011

send us your zine till the 29th of February!!!
in return you’ll get a catalogue of the F A N Z I N E S H O W
Flowing in Omaha by Ken Friedman
We are going to organize the main show in Budapest, Hungary March 2011. where we introduce the zines sent by the participants. We are going to install a temporal fanzine archiv from which people could photocopy whatever they are interested in. NO PRIZE, NO COPYRIGHT, NO SHIT! Zines should arrive before 29th of February, 2011. If sending us material please write us your postal address and email, too. Check our blog for documentation of our earlier and running projects: http://plagium2000.wordpress.com
SIZE: Free, but postcard size suggested.
There will be no jury, no fees and no return of artwork.
Submissions must be original work created by you.
ON THE BACK OF YOUR WORK: Your name, full mailing address, title of artwork, medium and email address, (website if you have one).
EXHIBITION: I'm trying to work out venues for free public viewing, and the completed call may become a "traveling trunk" show for textile groups. If you know of a group (or a quilt club, other textile groups) that might be interested, let me know and I'll start planning an itinerary. The shows will be viewed by the general public which will include children.
DOCUMENTATION: I will respond to each piece and will provide documentation to all participants shortly after deadline. All received postcards will be published on the blog:
PLEASE! Leave comments for the artists, everyone loves to get feedback!
INFO: lisai@rocketmail.com
Textile Mail Art Project
Lisa Iversen/Skybridge Studios
207 N Wayne Street
N Manchester, IN 46962-1625
8 February 2011
Cards from Grocery packages

I love Cards made from empty grocery packages in your cupboard!! Love them!! Got one for me? I'll send you one from Holland :)
My Mail-Adress
Veronique van Emden
De Lijsterbes 55
6942 TM Didam
see: http://iuoma-network.ning.com/profile/VeroniquevanEmden
Who is Ann? Well for me she's a great gall and a good friend.
For you she's a mythical femail. Let's construct together the book of Ann. Tell me how you see Ann. What's her story? What's her life? How does she thinks? How does she feel? How does she act? Is she a rebel? Is she a mother? Is she the salt of the earth?
Free size and medium. Deadline is 31 December 2011. All your contributions will be united in a book presented to Ann on Valentine's Day or on her birthday (but that's my business and not for you to know). Documentation on a new blog:
Mail your contributions (text and poems are also more than welcome) to:
The book of Ann,
c/o Guido Vermeulen,
Thomas Vinçottestreet 81,
B-1030 Brussels,
Note that all unfriendly femail mail art will be banned! Please mail such rubbish to Sarah Palin, queen of the T party.
Il 12 aprile 1961 Jurij Alekseevič Gagarin è il primo uomo a volare nello Spazio, a bordo della navicella Vostok 1. E’ indetta una rassegna di arte postale per celebrare il 50° anniversario dell’avvenimento. No iscrizione, no giuria, no restituzione. Tecnica libera, formato 10×15 cm. Termine 31 marzo 2011. Mostra dal 9 al 17 aprile 2011 presso la Galleria “S.N.C. – Spazi Non Convenzionali”, via Fratelli Venturoli 5, Località Masciaga, 25081 Bedizzole (Brescia), Italia; catalogo su http://cadalab.wordpress.com
On 12 April 1961, Jurij Alekseevič Gagarin became the first man to travel into Space, launching to orbit aboard the Vostok 1. A mail-art call is launched to celebrate the 50th anniversary of this achievement. No fee, no jury, no return. Any tecniques, 10×15 cm size. Deadline on march 31st 2011. Exhibition from april 9th to 17th 2011 at Atelier “S.N.C. – Spazi Non Convenzionali”, via Fratelli Venturoli 5, Località Masciaga, 25081 Bedizzole (Brescia), Italia; catalog on http://cadalab.wordpress.com
Spedire le opere tramite Servizio Postale a / Please send your works by Postal Service to:
2 February 2011
1 February 2011
Industrie et Culture
THEME : Industrie et Culture.
Date limite : 20 mai 2011.
Format et techniques libres. Pas de jury, pas de retours.
Les oeuvres doivent être expédiées par la poste.
Exposition en 2011 à Charleroi.
Catalogue on line.
Envoyer à : Thierry Tillier
8 , rue du gouvernement
6000 Charleroi
THEME : Industry and Culture.
Deadline : May 20th, 2011.
Free technique and size. No fees. No jury.
No return. Exhibition in 2011 in Charleroi.
Catalog on line.
All works must be sent by post.
Send to : Thierry Tillier
8 , rue du gouvernement
6000 Charleroi