Mail Attack的成立正是基于此,遇到很多国外的邮件艺术家在问“我收到过美国的、荷兰的、比利时的、英国的、巴西的还有来自其他很多国家的邮件艺术,但是来自中国的邮件艺术在哪呢,中国有很好的艺术家、绘画者,但是邮件艺术家们藏身何处了呢” 我给的答案都很积极,中国绝对不缺邮件艺术家,也不缺邮件艺术作品,只是存在着相当多的限制因素,我们不能够像你们那么自由的在任意的纸张上贴上邮票寄出,但是说实话心里头还是有点灰灰的。
Mail Attack的意思是用邮件艺术来占满邮箱,你可以制作你的邮件艺术,也可以向任何人发送邮件艺术(当然,前提是你得知道地址),然后享受你的邮件之旅。 Mail Attack支持各种友好的、善意的、绿色的、和平的、关爱的东西,主旨是享受邮件艺术的乐趣(have fun)你可以把Mail Attack当做小邮差,让它来帮助你发布作品然后等待气味相投的人来领取你的作品。
今天是圣诞节,一大早msn就收到了在旧金山的朋友的留言,说是他已经收到了我的邮件艺术,还正好在他的平安夜,很喜欢、很兴奋。说实话,这也是我寄出的第一封邮件艺术,制作很简单,是我一个插画monster Hairy系列的第一张,也是Hairy的原型(从第二张开始,Hairy外形就开始有小小变化啦),当收到留言的时候我也几乎兴奋得要跳起来了,这几乎可以写入我的历史了,哈哈哈。
translation (babel Fish)
Took begins a stroke on the paper spreads the picture then to mail out looks like now is an a little obsolete idea, the people have as if been used to the quick like lightning email as well as other each kind of communication facilities, although this already became a fact, but still also has a kind of person, when will receive others' incoming letter time heartfelt sigh one “I to like receiving the mail”, or mailed out the time very warm blessing “hope that you could be happy”, said these time, you knew what I said was who. Inspects your mailbox, by the advertisement, the newspaper and the bill has seized, already did not have a corner to give the friend or was the strange mail artist. Therefore I am going to ask that a question “why couldn't receive believes”, the answer was very perhaps simple, but also was very simultaneously annoying “, because nobody has mailed a letter”. You want to receive the mail? Or mail art? Looks at a supposition first, if you are the human who in the world the last choice mails a letter, perhaps perhaps you have manufactured one finely are spell paste are the handpainted small work, you sent, but could not receive opposite party even to send anything to you are simple thanks firmly, could you think that was very depressed. Therefore, the mail art's gold principle is “mails out a mail, receives a mail”, mail art is interactive. The Mail Attack establishment is precisely based on this, runs into the overseas mail artist to ask that “I receive the US, Holland, Belgium, Britain, Brazil also to have from other many national mail art, but which from China's mail art, China has the very good artist, the drawing, but the mail artists hide the answer which where” I gave to be very positive, China did not lack the mail artist absolutely, also did not lack the mail art work, only has the quite many limiting factors, we could not look like you that freely to paste on the postage stamp on the random paper to mail out, but speaks the truth inside the heart a little the soot. The Mail Attack meaning is fully occupies the mailbox with the mail art, you may manufacture your mail art, may also to anybody transmission mail art (certainly, premise be you must know address), then enjoys your travel of mail. Mail Attack supports the thing which each kind friendly, the good intentions, the green, peace, show loving concern, the primary intention is enjoys the mail art the pleasure (have fun) you to be possible Mail Attack to treat as the young posman, lets it help you to issue work then waiting two human receives your work. Today is the Christmas day, msn has received very early in San Francisco's friend's message, said that was he had already received my mail art, but also happen to his Christmas Eve, very much liked, being very excited. Speaks the truth, this is also the first mail art which I mail out, the manufacture is very simple, is my illustration monster Hairy series first, is also the Hairy prototype (from the second start, the Hairy contour starts to have small microvariation), when receives the message time I nearly was also excited must jump, this might read in my history nearly, ha.
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