Exhibition at the Van Abbe Museum in Eindhoven - Netherlands
30 January 2011
26 January 2011
Dearly Departed Memorial Mail Art Project
Open to Everyone
No Format Restrictions
All Techniques Accepted
-painting, drawing, mixed media, photography, poetry-
If you can make it we'll post it.
Submit as much Memorial Mail Art as you please.
When submitting artwork please include:
Your Name
Mailing Address
Title of Artwork
Email Address
All information you supply is optional.
You may also choose to remain anonymous.
Sending in stories to go along with your artwork is encouraged but not necessary.
All submissions will be posted on this blog: http://dearlydepartedmemorialmailart.blogspot.com/
If enough submissions are received we'll be organizing an Art Exhibition and Publication. Publication proceeds will be donated to the M.I.S.S. Foundation.
Send Submissions to:
Dearly Departed
89 McCall St.
Simcoe ON
N3Y 2C6
We can be contacted online at:
There currently is no deadline as we would like this project to be ongoing.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
We're looking forward to receiving submissions.
25 January 2011
In conjunction with the Kaunas Biennial, I have been asked to curate an exhibition relating to the history and current activities of FLUXUS artists and affiliates. As part of the exhibition, I am putting out a call for work to the mail art community. As the Biennial is Fiber / Textile oriented, keep this in mind when you are creating work to send … The concept for the show is as broad as you can make it. Postcards, Artist stamps, Visual Poetry, Zine Work, Stickers, Anything ……
The show’s title “GEORGE MACIUNAS AND BEYOND : FLUXUS NEVER STOPS” relates in part to an homage of George in his hometown, Kaunas, and a celebration of his “local hero” status, as well as an exposure of continuity in the FLUXUS community . Pease send works no larger than A4 paper size, and include your Name and contact info on back. Documentation to all .
c/o Keith A. Buchholz / curator
3449 Hartford
St. Louis, Mo. 63118
23 January 2011
The World Is A Town
found in 2000 (link here )
Examples from the found texts:
using your own interpretation.
You can either incorporate
text or not, you decide.
Do not feel you need to follow
the original text, create what
feels right for you.
Size: 5 x 7 inches (USA)
5 X 7 = 12.7 X 17.78 cm
(Thanks Guido)
Submissions must be original work created by you.
Your name, full mailing address.
Outlook is for late summer,
early fall, but may be earlier.
Will acknowledge here when I find out for sure.
will be shown here. At the end of the call, I will furnish
a printable and Free PDF document you can download and print
with everyones submitted art and address.
207 N Wayne Street
North Manchester, IN 46962
I'd appreciate your passing the
information along to any
people you know that would
be interested in submitting.
Thanks & Cheers!
21 January 2011
project call: head to toe

dear friends,
i found this worksheet in the scrap pile at my school. i realise more each day how fluxus'able elementary education can be. do: print this sheet and fill it out. send: back to me by post or email attachment (high-res scan)
before: early march 2011
you will receive: for the near present, PDF booklet of all contributions. this suggests itself as a first part of a larger idea re: identity, absurdism and other friendly buzzwords, upon the realisation of which (at indeterminate time this year), tangible matter will be distributed to all.
i am:
中国 (CHINA)
40号 1604室
2399 N. Guyang Road
Bldg 40, #1604
Songjiang District, Shanghai
PRC (China) 201620
My friend the Comandante Ramona" Prorrogated

Through this and through your site, I extend the invitation to this call fun, artistic and e-mail. Image attached to intervene.
Thank you for the broadcast.
Mariana Rivero
Call "My friend the Comandante Ramona" Prorrogated (2011)
▪ Theme: "My friend Comandante Ramona. " Use the name or image of Comandante Ramona Porretas.
▪ Formats ". Drawing, painting, digital art, poetry, photography, short stories you want!
▪ Published: all work "without exception" will be published in http://ramoamigos.blogspot.com/ (blog by friends and members SPRS).
▪ Front: send jobs to ramonaporretas@hotmail.com
Throughout 2011.
▪ The works are not subject to any trade. The call is not competitive, no jury.
▪ Participation in the summons means full acceptance of these rules.
If you do not know your blog is Porretas Ramona http://ramonaporretas.blogspot.com
Mediante la presente y a través de su sitio, hago extensiva la invitación a esta convocatoria lúdica, artística y por e-mail. Adjunto imagen para intervenir.
Muchísimas gracias por la difusión.
Mariana Rivero
Convocatoria "Mi amiga la comandanta Ramona" Prorrogada (2011)
▪ Tema: “Mi amiga la comandanta Ramona”. Debe utilizarse el nombre o la imagen de la comandanta Ramona Porretas.
▪ Formatos todos. Dibujo, pintura, arte digital, poesía, fotografía, cuento ¡lo que quieras!
▪ Publicación: todos los trabajos “sin excepción” serán publicados en http://ramoamigos.blogspot.com/ (blog hecho por amigos y miembros E.R.R.P).
▪ Recepción: enviar los trabajos a ramonaporretas@hotmail.com
Durante todo el 2011.
▪ Las obras no serán objeto de ninguna transacción comercial. La convocatoria no es competitiva, no hay jurado.
▪ La participación en la convocatoria supone la plena aceptación de estas bases.
16 January 2011
Unity in diversity
“Unity in diversity”
We are students of the 1st Junior High school of Elassona.We want to make Art part of our lives. We also want our classes to be a perpetual exhibition. That’s why we address to mail artists all over the world. Please send us your paintings and help us to achieve our goal. With your contribution and participation you will help us to expand our knowledge regarding art and expression. We will contact artists from all over the world and we will learn about their culture.
Title: “Unity in diversity”
Technique: free.
Format: painting, drawing, print, collage, Envelopes, Artistamps, (without frame or glass)
Size, only: post card (10x15 cm), A4 (19x29,7cm).
Deadline: 15th March 2011
All works must be sending by post with postage stamps. Works will not be returned, they will all be exhibited. Online catalogue on the website:
The exhibition will be held in 1stJunior High school of Elassona, after the deadline and will be permanent.
Artistic coordination - curator: Theodora Mylona – teacher of English.
Assistant curators: Maria Sdrenia - teacher of English,
Basiliki Tsiboli - teacher of Religion and a team of students.
-Under the artistic auspices of mail artists:
Thomai Kontou, Ioanna Papachristou, Vasiliki Tzanou.
Works can be sent to:
Theodora Mylona
Riga Feraiou 8
40200 Elassona
E-mail: themylona@gmail.com
Please do not forget to note your e-mail.
15 January 2011
Arbeitswelten / working worlds
Arbeitswelten / working worlds
Das schwarze Gold
Hommage an / to Harry Martinson
Fuhrmann meets Bergmann:
Thorsten Fuhrmann, Huglfing, Germany, and Ottmar Bergmann, Gylsboda Art-Center, Sweden, invite you to take part in the Mailartproject „working worlds“ / laden dich zur Teilnahme am Mailartprojekt „Arbeitswelten“ ein.
Einsendeschluss/deadline: 15.07.2011
Format: max. 21 x 30 cm
Technik frei/technique free
Ausstellung/exhibition: Gylsboda Art-Center 01.- 21.08.2011 und / and September 2011 Bahnhof / railwaystation Huglfing
Keine Rückgabe, keine Jury, keine Gebühren / no return, no jury, no fee
Dokumentation an alle Teilnehmer / doc to all
Please send your works to / Versand an:
Gylsboda Art-Center
„working worlds“
PB 2432
28070 Lönsboda
„Männer mit Schlapphüten wuchsen aus dem Boden. Wohin wir Kinder auch gehen mochten, um zu spielen, überall öffneten sich abgrundtiefe Steinbrüche, schwarzwimmelnd von Männern mit Dynamit in den Händen, deren Münder voll von Flüchen, Gesang und gewaltigen Drohungen waren. Um das Leben dieser Männer dröhnte es. Sie bewegten sich dort unten in den Steinklüften wie die Räuber...
Sie bohrten Eisenstöcke in den Berg, trieben sie mit Vorschlagshämmern hinein und dann schossen sie. "Feuer im Berg!" schrien sie und kauerten sich im Pass zusammen. Darauf toste es in der Tiefe , und die ganze Ortschaft um die Eisenbahnstation herum erbebte. So ging es jeden Tag, den ganzen Tag. Überall war der Zutritt verboten. Die Landschaft war aufgerissen und ausgehöhlt. Die Steinbrüche gähnten in den Wäldern Es roch nach Kohlengrus und Öl, und der Dampf der Kräne stand in Wolken um ihr Gehäuse.“ (Harry Martinson, Die Nesseln blühen)
"Men in slouch-hats grew up out of the ground. Wherever we children went to play, stony precipices opened out before them, dark and crawling with men carrying dynamite in their hands. Their mouths were full of oaths and songs and tremendous affirmations.There was a thundering about the lives of these men. They moved about downthere in those stony ravines like the brigands of the Rockies. They bored with iron rods into the rock, drove them down with the sledge-hammers, and then fired. "Blasting"!" the yelled, and clung together on the ledge. Then there was a roar below, and all the buildings of the settlement trembled. It was like this very day all day. Everywhere was forbidden ground.Everywhere the landscape was split up. hollowed out. Stone-pits yawned in the woods. There was a smell of coal-dust and oil, and steam from the winches hung in a cloud round the winch-sheds.!"(Harry Martinson)
The Female Nude
Topic: The Female Nude
Technique: Photography
Maximum size of the work: 10.5 x 15 cm
Amount of pieces: A maximum of 3 (three) pieces per author.
Pieces should be sent to Francisco Acuña at the following address: Zip 1060, PO Box 61381, Caracas, Venezuela.
The deadline for receipt of the works is the 30th of july, 2011.
The pieces will be scanned and published in http://mailartcolectivonude.blogspot.com/
Global Photo Collective will seek and provide spaces for the exhibition of the photos in Venezuela. Work will be selected by country for a special publication.
Terms and conditions
1. The pictures must be the intellectual property of the sender. Global Photo Collective is not responsible for plagiarism or unauthorized copying. Plagiarised photograph or photo montages will not be published.
2. Pieces containing offensive, violent, racist, discriminatory, religious, political, minors or explicit sexual content will not be published.
3. Participants authorize the reproduction of their work unrestricted of systems, media or countries with any subscription rights. Participants are responsible for ensuring there are no third party rights or royalties payable. Taking part in this project means full acceptance of these rules.
4. Data from participants will not be used for any commercial purpose.
5. Winning photos from previous competitions will not be accepted.
6. Every photo must contain on the reverse the photographer’s full name, nationality, email, and signature with the following statement,
"I testify that the work presented here is my original work and I have the authorization of the person photographed to present this work.”
9 January 2011
Send your large works, size 70cm x 100cm = 28 inch x 40 inch
Free Technique.
Theme: „ENERGY 2011“
Deadline: 31 May 2011
Color report in Art Magazine OSWALD, free copy to every particpant with complete participants list.
Please send to:
Kulturzentrum BüZ
Peter Küstermann
Seidenbeutel 1
D 32423 Minden
7 January 2011
Recipe Cards
Decorate/add recipe/hand made please - both sides of card ok and encouraged
Asking for vegetarian recipes....or recipes for dogs (dog recipes ok to have meat ingredients)
Documentation to all
Mail to:
87 Sparkhall Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
M4K 1G7
Mail Art Cookbook 2011 - Holiday Edition
This time the theme is Holidays. Send any or all responses / recipes to;
Museum of Ornamental Post
Mail Art Cookbook
457 Craven Road
Toronto ON
Canada M4L 2Z5
Email recipes will also be accepted this year at museumofornamentalpost@hotmail.com
Happy creating,
Hannah Hoch Fan Club
Hannah Hoch Fan Club
technique: original collage only
size: free
no jury, no return, no exhibition
deadline: December 31,2011
documentation on:
each participant will receive an official
Hannah Hoch Fan Club rubber stamp
send to:
Reed Altemus
P.O.Box 52
04112 USA
5 January 2011
Book Mark mail art trade
Hand make a book mark....2 inch minimum wide and at least 5 inches long...any medium...no photocopies please. Send two bookmarks minimum...I will keep one for handling the trade. I will make the trades and send you back one. If you want to send more I will trade same number. Thank you!
Mail to:
Book Mark
87 Sparkhall Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
M4K 1G7
Due date: March 1st, 2011
4 January 2011
Published on a Chinese Website

Mail Attack的成立正是基于此,遇到很多国外的邮件艺术家在问“我收到过美国的、荷兰的、比利时的、英国的、巴西的还有来自其他很多国家的邮件艺术,但是来自中国的邮件艺术在哪呢,中国有很好的艺术家、绘画者,但是邮件艺术家们藏身何处了呢” 我给的答案都很积极,中国绝对不缺邮件艺术家,也不缺邮件艺术作品,只是存在着相当多的限制因素,我们不能够像你们那么自由的在任意的纸张上贴上邮票寄出,但是说实话心里头还是有点灰灰的。
Mail Attack的意思是用邮件艺术来占满邮箱,你可以制作你的邮件艺术,也可以向任何人发送邮件艺术(当然,前提是你得知道地址),然后享受你的邮件之旅。 Mail Attack支持各种友好的、善意的、绿色的、和平的、关爱的东西,主旨是享受邮件艺术的乐趣(have fun)你可以把Mail Attack当做小邮差,让它来帮助你发布作品然后等待气味相投的人来领取你的作品。
今天是圣诞节,一大早msn就收到了在旧金山的朋友的留言,说是他已经收到了我的邮件艺术,还正好在他的平安夜,很喜欢、很兴奋。说实话,这也是我寄出的第一封邮件艺术,制作很简单,是我一个插画monster Hairy系列的第一张,也是Hairy的原型(从第二张开始,Hairy外形就开始有小小变化啦),当收到留言的时候我也几乎兴奋得要跳起来了,这几乎可以写入我的历史了,哈哈哈。
translation (babel Fish)
Took begins a stroke on the paper spreads the picture then to mail out looks like now is an a little obsolete idea, the people have as if been used to the quick like lightning email as well as other each kind of communication facilities, although this already became a fact, but still also has a kind of person, when will receive others' incoming letter time heartfelt sigh one “I to like receiving the mail”, or mailed out the time very warm blessing “hope that you could be happy”, said these time, you knew what I said was who. Inspects your mailbox, by the advertisement, the newspaper and the bill has seized, already did not have a corner to give the friend or was the strange mail artist. Therefore I am going to ask that a question “why couldn't receive believes”, the answer was very perhaps simple, but also was very simultaneously annoying “, because nobody has mailed a letter”. You want to receive the mail? Or mail art? Looks at a supposition first, if you are the human who in the world the last choice mails a letter, perhaps perhaps you have manufactured one finely are spell paste are the handpainted small work, you sent, but could not receive opposite party even to send anything to you are simple thanks firmly, could you think that was very depressed. Therefore, the mail art's gold principle is “mails out a mail, receives a mail”, mail art is interactive. The Mail Attack establishment is precisely based on this, runs into the overseas mail artist to ask that “I receive the US, Holland, Belgium, Britain, Brazil also to have from other many national mail art, but which from China's mail art, China has the very good artist, the drawing, but the mail artists hide the answer which where” I gave to be very positive, China did not lack the mail artist absolutely, also did not lack the mail art work, only has the quite many limiting factors, we could not look like you that freely to paste on the postage stamp on the random paper to mail out, but speaks the truth inside the heart a little the soot. The Mail Attack meaning is fully occupies the mailbox with the mail art, you may manufacture your mail art, may also to anybody transmission mail art (certainly, premise be you must know address), then enjoys your travel of mail. Mail Attack supports the thing which each kind friendly, the good intentions, the green, peace, show loving concern, the primary intention is enjoys the mail art the pleasure (have fun) you to be possible Mail Attack to treat as the young posman, lets it help you to issue work then waiting two human receives your work. Today is the Christmas day, msn has received very early in San Francisco's friend's message, said that was he had already received my mail art, but also happen to his Christmas Eve, very much liked, being very excited. Speaks the truth, this is also the first mail art which I mail out, the manufacture is very simple, is my illustration monster Hairy series first, is also the Hairy prototype (from the second start, the Hairy contour starts to have small microvariation), when receives the message time I nearly was also excited must jump, this might read in my history nearly, ha.
Mail-Art project in Shanghai - China.

121.48°E is the first project of MailAttack. 121.48°E resembles the longitude of Shanghai.Is to say this project is taken place at Shanghai,China and we hope that you can fill our mailbox with your mailart! We are looking forward to your participation, and hope you can really enjoy the happiness of creating your mailart.
Any “Unhealthy” works will not be considered into this event. There’s no jury, no expense, and your works will not be returned.
the Mail Address: Room102, Building72,lane#151,West Guilin Street, Xuhui District, ShangHai,China. Zipcode: 200233 中国,上海 徐汇区桂林西街151弄72号102室 邮编:200233
3 January 2011
The Genius of Gerry Anderson
Theme: send mail art relating to/about any of Gerry Anderson's TV creations
Technique/Size: free
Documentation: To all participants, please include address
Info: scott@positivelypostal.co.uk
Deadline to be received: March 31st 2011
Scott Thomson
Positively Postal
P.O. Box 477
Hounslow, Middlesex
U.K. TW3 9HD
Thanking you in advance,
Scott - www.positivelypostal.co.uk
1 January 2011
The biggest city in Turkey with a population of about 13 (or 16) million people and increasing each day, Istanbul has recently been celebrating its year of European Capital of Culture.
Theme: How would this historical city look like in 10, 20 or say, a 100 years’ time?
Size: Minimum standard postcard (10x15 cm), maximum A4 (21x29 cm).
Technique free. No pornograpy, no offensive images.
All works must be sent by snail mail to:
Kemal Özyurt
P.K.407 Sirkeci
34115 Istanbul
Please provide your name, surname, nationality and e-mail address.
Received art will be posted at http://www.futuristanbul.blogspot.com/
If realise an exhibition, document to all.
Member IUOMA
Mail Art Cookbook is finally ready ...
Request via museumofornamentalpost@hotmail.com or dewi.arts@hotmail.com