29 May 2008
WOODSTOCK - Mail Art Project
martyn brown martyncbrown@hotmail.com
I am curating an exhibition of Mail Art for the Art in Woodstock
festival taking place in October 2008. This is an invitation to you to send a mail art
postcard to me on the theme 'Woodstocks around the world'.
Any style of material is fine - but please use postcard size.
All works received are being published on the www on artinwoodstock.com
Please send this invitation to anyone else who might be interested.
The postcards will be exhibited in The Oxfordshire Museum, Woodstock;
and they will be held in the museum collection for future exhibitions.
My address
Martyn Brown
c/o The Oxfordshire Museum
Park Street
OX20 1JA
Call To Artists
The South Coast Collage Collective invites all artists to participate
in our MAIL ART show entitled:
"Post 2 Coast: 97411"
The seashore or coastal themes are encouraged.
All work will be exhibited at Bandon Artist Supply's WATERMARK GALLERY
for the month of July 2008. A reception for the public will be held on
July 5th, from 3-5 pm, with a private artists' party to follow.
Send your artist-created 4"x6" (10x15 cm.) postcard in an envelope
along with a SASE
(if within the US), or a SAE with IRC (if international), for
documentation to:
SCCC Mail Art, 480 Douglas Av SW, Bandon-by-the-Sea, OR 97411 USA.
DEADLINE: postmarked by Friday, June 13th, 2008.
No artwork will be returned; postcards could be offered for sale as a
fundraiser for
the SCCC, or remain as part of their permanent collection. An effort
will be made
to document the show and artists on-line, as well.
Questions can be directed to: Susan Lehman at studioblue@mycomspan.com
28 May 2008
New Exhibition for mail art Greece
Amis des artistes du mail art, je suis heureux d’annoncer que de trois expositions : « 1 er mail biennale de l’art grec », seront exposés dans la Galerie Municipale Neas Ionias - Volos le 31 Mai au 25 Juin 2008. Nous allons bientôt savoir quelle adresse vous pouvez voir l’exposition. nous serons en contact.
Vrienden kunstenaars van de mail art, ik ben blij te kunnen aankondigen dat er drie tentoonstellingen van: "1 e mail art Griekse biënnale", zullen worden tentoongesteld in het Stedelijk Gallery Neas Ionias - Volos op 31 mei tot 25 juni 2008. We zullen snel weten wat het adres ziet u de tentoonstelling. Wij zullen in contact.
Amici artisti di mail art, sono lieto di annunciare che tre mostre di: “1 ° mail arte greca Biennale”, saranno esposte nella Galleria Comunale Neas IONIAS – Volos il 31 maggio al 25 giugno 2008. Ti presto sapranno quale indirizzo si può vedere la mostra. Saremo in contatto.
Amigos artistas de arte correo, me complace anunciar que tres exposiciones de: "1 ° de correo Bienal de arte griego", serán exhibidos en la Galería Municipal de NEAS Ionias - Volos, el 31 de mayo al 25 de junio de 2008. Vamos a saber pronto qué dirección se puede ver la exposición. nos pondremos en contacto.
Amigos artistas do correio arte, tenho o prazer de anunciar que três das exposições: "1 ª Bienal mail arte grego", serão exibidas na Galeria Municipal NEAS Ionias - Volos em 31 de maio a 25 de Junho de 2008. Iremos logo saber o endereço que você poderá ver a exposição. vamos estar em contato.
Thomai Kontou
mailartist – curator of the project
Thank you for all of the great contributions so far to the Thumb mail art project. There is about a month left to the June 30th deadline.
There will be a three-day exhibit July 25, 26, & 27 at the Odd-Fellows Hall in Kernville, California, USA. Kernville has a rich history as
a historic mining town during the California Goldrush and was also frequently used as the site for old silent western movies-- think Roy
Rogers, Hopalong Cassidy, Gene Autry, and others. This will be the first time an international mail art show is to be held in Kernville.
At the exhibit there will be a world map indicating the country and city of the artists. Many countries are not yet represented…hint! hint!
Theme: This call invites your creative visual responses to the theme of the “Thumb,” that thick first digit of the human hand. Whether it’s thumbs up, all thumbs, or pull your thumb outta your, this art will explore the various connotations of the thumb, with irony, with humor, or in all seriousness.
Open Media: collage, photography, painting, drawing, printing, etc.
Format & Size: postcards from 4”x6” (or 10 x 15 cm), up to A5 size about 5 ¾” x 8 1/4” (or 14.8 x 21 cm) maximum.
Documentation: All received works will be exhibited and the artists listed on http://thumbingthrough.wordpress.com/. Please include your name, mailing address, and email address for acknowledgment and correspondence purposes –we will send a list of participants, and copies of any press coverage of the exhibition.
All works must be sent via normal postal route.
Organized by: artist, Joan Desmond, http://www.joandesmond.com
and writer, Ann http://www.annbeman.com/ and http://thumbingthrough.com
No fee, no returns: The postcards will become part of the collection of Thumbing Through.
Remember: WE LOVE MAIL ART! We love the concept, the images, the sense of community and feedback it inspires. We look forward to your participation in this project. Questions? joan@joandesmond.com
Deadline to be received: June 30, 2008
Mail to: Thumb!, c/o J. Desmond, PO Box 2287, Lake Isabella, CA 93240 U.S.A.
25 May 2008
free THEME project
International Mail art exhibition during the 1° edition of AR(t)CEVIA Interntional Art Festival in a castle of the town or surroundings
Theme: free
Max 4 works for every participant
Add postal and e-mail address
Exhibition on July 2008
No returns
Info massimonicotra@hotmail.com
DEADLINE to be received: June 15, 2008
Massimo Nicotra
60011 ARCEVIA (AN)
23 May 2008
David Zack Show
i'm happy to let you know
that the David Zack show
will open at The New Gallery (TNG) in Calgary
october 10/ 2008,
it will be a retrospective / commemorative
installation of zack's work mostly focusing on
the 70's and 80's,
the show is based on my archival collection
extended with contributions from many
other artists,
i'm still collecting material,
right now I'm finishing the editing of
a video based on a super8 film i made
in 1985 while visiting david in Tepotzlan,
a book/catalog will be published after the TNG show
therefore it will include details of the installation
together with essays and additional information
and visuals,
the exhibition will travel across Canada in
2009/2010 and hopefully it will also get
to the US, Europe, Asia and elsewhere,
ideas concerning this are welcome,
talks, discussions, performance events
will extend the exhibitions,
there will be also room for
contributions sent by snail mail or e-mail
by anyone who wants to add something, a note, memory card,
or whatever nonsense that has something
or absolutely nothing to do
with zack's art and ideas,
all signed Monty Cantsin and addressed to
Monty Cantsin,
for now you can send your contribution to
163 Sterling Road Unit 3B
Toronto, Ontario
M6R 2B2 Canada
later i'll let you know the address
of TNG that is moving to a new location,
please forward and display this message,
istvan kantor monty cantsin? amen!
21 May 2008
6 kilo's of Mail-Interviews
Today my order of books from LuLu arrived. 6 kilo's of Mail-Interviews. As you can see the books are quite thick. Some are 360+ pages thick. If you are interested, you can order one or all of them yourself at: http://stores.lulu.com/iuoma The copies that arrived in Breda now are for the TAM-Archive itself. The selling of the books goes quite well. About 50 are already sold and are now in some Mail-Art collections for sure. I am working on a new book as well. Details will follow when the time is right.
20 May 2008
Student's Day
You are being invited to International Mail Art of Schools Canarinho and Sapiens. Your work is very important and our theme is in honor of the Student’s Day: ‘Heart of Students’. Send it until the day 06/20/2008.
A4 size
Make a copy and invite the others
http://www.oktiva.com.br/oktiva.net/1237/nota/92113 You con take your catalogue about History Culture and Feeling
Send to:
Mostra de Arte Postal
A/C Carolina Ruoso
Rua Barão de Aracati, 1552
Aldeota – Fortaleza CE
CEP: 60115081
E-mail: [ carol@ruoso.com ]
Favourite books, graphic novels, etc.
I like lists and I expecially like lists of peoples favourite books. For this project please send me a list of your favourite books by using mail art. There are no limitations, any size and format and the list can be as long or as short as you wish.
Jason Barber
1164 Pelham Rd RR#1
St. Catharines, ON
e-mail: Jason Barber [ mojojojobarberjo@gmail.com ]
This new mailart call is based around my crazy ongoing linocut print edition of what I call BERUBE-BUGS. If you’ve received any of my PORTRAIT reply postcards, you’ve also received some of the bugs created over this past year. They’re linocut images usually created on a small scale, (it started out over 10 years ago as a way of creating something utilizing the scrap pieces of linoleum I found my desk becoming inundated with after working on larger pieces), and bug-like in the loosest of terms. Some of these guys, and gals have 2 legs others have 15+ legs while some have wings, multiple eyes and the occasional human-like anatomically correct addition. So, although they are officially BERUBE-BUGS, perhaps creatures would be a more appropriate moniker.
What I’m planning on doing for this mailart call is to create a new BERUBE-BUG each month. For all bug-related replies received to my mailart call in any given month, I will return a limited edition hand-printed BERUBE-BUG postcard. Each month a new bug. All of my postcards have been and will be printed on recycled packaging, I suggest and would appreciate it if all participants do the same, think about the wonderful cereal boxes, dog biscuit boxes that go to waste.
So… the details are:
Send your BUG / INSECT / CREATURE related postcards to:
462 West 52nd. Street #3N
New York, N.Y. 10019
Please, be creative, put a little bit of yourself into it whether you’re an artist or not, NO mass-produced postcards or images please. Postcards are preferred, but all creature-related images welcome as well.
All mailart received will be shown on my new BERUBE-BUGS blog.

This BERUBE-BUG, inspired by the time of year that brings, green trees, beautiful flowers, as well as the bugs and creatures that seem to appreciate the warmth and potential that Spring weather has to offer with it’s arrival will be my BERUBE-BUG for the remaining week of May and as the reply card for all cards received to this call for the month of June.
Let’s have fun!!!
This is our wheelie bin - a dull run-of-the-mill green receptacle for our household rubbish. I'm hoping you will help me to decorate it with stickers and mail art (no larger than A4 ) and amaze the refuse collectors (and our neighbours) each fortnight when they come to collect it. All mail must be weatherproof and adhesive. I will document the progress here on this blog. Would love to get the whole thing covered by March 2009. Please help!
Send wheelie bin stickers to- A.1.Waste Wheelie Company. 33 Shipbrook Road, Rudheath, Cheshire, CW9 7EX U.K.
18 May 2008
End of Mr. Busch

For my project please send me postcards any medium that deal with any technique.
Send your card to:
Sved Uwe Dressler, Kirchholz 6, 83457 Bayerisch Gmain, Germany
My world-wide-web
Please click on google-indexes for the ART
Sved Uwe Dressler, Kirchholz 6, 83457 Bayerisch Germany main
15 May 2008
Exhibition Opportunity
9 May 2008
International Aspects on Drawing - Mail Art Project
With handmade works of drawing / painting (old or new, 1 or more, coloured or not).
Catalogue each 25 artists.
Deadline: December 2008
Send to the address:
Rita Da Costa
Av. combatentes lt 3 - Abrunheira
2710 Sintra - Portugal
If you know other artists who may be interested please share this with them.
Thank you!
7 May 2008
Theme: free
Max 4 works for every participant
Add postal and e-mail address
Exhibition on July 2008
No returns
Info massimonicotra@hotmail.com
DEADLINE to be received: June 15, 2008
Massimo Nicotra
60011 ARCEVIA (AN)
6 May 2008
Mail Art Deadline Quickly Approaches
Artists from around the world are invited to contribute mail art* on the theme Global Warming: A Hot Time in the
All work received will be exhibited from May 24th to June 22nd. A reception will be held on June 14th for
Please mail your submissions to:
Asylum Gallery c/o Ann Tracy
170 Southgate Rd
Email entries will also be accepted. Please, no bigger than 2 MB in a .PDF, or .jpg format. Please email to: anntracy51@sbcglobal.net.
Asylum Gallery is an artist-run space that is dedicated to showing the best of contemporary art by regional artists and to giving back to the community. Asylum Gallery will donate 30% of sales proceeds to the Women’s Wisdom Project, a nonprofit program of the Sacramento Food Bank and Family Services.
Women's Wisdom Project is an art program for adult women who want to broaden their creative lives. Women's Wisdom is a free, drop-in program that includes art classes taught by professional artists. Women's Wisdom Project provides a free, hot lunch, a supportive staff, counseling, referrals and a unique opportunity for socialization. WWP accepts women from all backgrounds and walks of life.
The women use the healing power of art to recover and create stable, productive lives for themselves and their children. The women range in age from their 20's to their 70's, and the average age of a Wisdom artist is in her 40's. No art background is required to participate in the program. By using the creative process in a warm, supportive envi
2 May 2008
Our previous projects:
1. Independence Day
2. A Day with Picasso
3. A Day in Minden
4. International Mother Language Day
ended with huge success.
Now we like to announce a fresh project : BUDDHA FOREVER
last date of entry : DECEMBER 2008
Documentation to all.
send to :
Rafique Sulayman
Buriganga Arts & Crafts
Mohammadia Housing Society
1 May 2008
In Exchange: Artist Trading Cards, Post Cards or Mail Art
ALL OF THE INFO IS BELOW: CONTACT BARBARA BURNS DIRECTLY AT: burns-27@hotmail.com OR ON MYSPACE AT: http://www.myspace.com/barbaraburns
***** PLEASE NOTE: If you had difficulty with the above email address, It has been corrected.
I would like you to be involved in my next Adventure in Art with my students!!!!
I like to see my students' Art work go beyond the classroom, as I believe 'Art is everywhere.' My students work has been seen from light posts, in hospitals, on the streets, decorated store's bags, renewed furniture and walls. … and so much more.
I've called this next project: "In Exchange." I did this with my students, from last semester, and they LOVED it!!! My students will be creating a series of works; the work will be Artist Trading Cards, Post Cards or Mail Art. From this series, they will send out one piece to another artist. From there, the recipient artist will create a work and send it to the student… thus 'in exchange.' Participating artists came from throughout Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom.
Here's the "Who, What, When, How, Where….?"
WHO: My High School Art students (Grades 10 and 11) and you (if you graciously accept!).
WHAT: A student will send you a card (Artist Trading Card, Post Card or a Mail Art work) and you will send that particular student a card in return (Artist Trading Card, Post Card or a Mail Art work). Work is created in the artist's own style, favorite media or in experimentation. Draw, paint, print, combine media, collage, sew, recycle materials… the choices are unlimited…. Be creative and have fun!
What are Artist Trading Cards? They are like other trading cards; same size (2.5" x 3.5"), image on one side and info on the back. The main differences are each Artist Trading Card is an original mini work of art and they are not to be sold (exchanged/traded only). The information on the back has 5 'statistics:' the artist's name, title of the work, theme (if there is one), edition (if more than one work was created around a theme, concern, subject or treatment) and the year it was created.
What are Post Cards? They are like other post cards: same size (we are making ours: 3.5" x 5"), image on one side and address/note on the back. The main difference is that each Post Card is an original work. The information on the back will have the usual post card additives (name and address of recipient, stamp(s), personal note…), as well as the artist's name, title of the work and the year it was created. If you choose to create a Post Card, please note that it won't be sent in an envelope as it is a post card. Therefore attachments (i.e. things glued on) may be dislodged or go missing in the mailing process.
What are Mail Art Works? This is an original work of art that is placed in an envelope and mailed to the recipient. Often the envelopes are altered (painted, drawn, printed on) as well. We are making the size of our Mail Art works 3.5" x 6" (up to 8.5")… this way they fit in the envelopes!!! On the back of the piece is the artist's name, title of the work and the year it was created. If you choose, you may also write a personal note (like a post card).
WHEN: My students have ended this unit (and we were focusing on the Elements and Principles of Design/Alberta Art 20 Curriculum). Begin your work (i.e. play) now, or wait until a student sends you their work. Do whatever works best for you!!!
HOW: If you choose to participate in this exchange, please let me know via: (Barbara Burns http://www.myspace.com/barbaraburns ) or email me directly at:bburns-27@hotmail.com . Also, if you would like to create more than one "In Exchange" work, please let me know. I will assume that each participant will create one "In Exchange" work unless I'm notified otherwise.
Since this is "In Exchange" art through the postal service, you will also need to provide me with your mailing address (which will only be used for this purpose). From all of the participants, your name will be drawn out by a student. We (my students and I) will send out our work first. The Artist Trading Card or Mail Art will be placed in an envelope and mailed to you, while the Post Card will be sent as is. Once you receive a work from my student, please address your "In Exchange" piece to the student and mail it out.
WHERE: Once you are confirmed as a participant, I will email you the address of the school (it is in Alberta, Canada!!!!!).
I hope that you will consider being part of this "New Art Adventure" that my students and I are embarking. Hope to hear from you!!!