31 December 2007
Poem-Makers invited.....
Call for Work
Call for Work - Calling all Artists
The making of mail as art, “mail art” has a history stretching back at least to the 1950s. Mail art has in the past rooted in a rejection of the commerce and exclusivity of the gallery show. The making of mail art, “mail-art” continues to be a common practice in an age dominated by electronic communication. This exhibition will continue to break down the division between the mailbox and the gallery. To that end, Niagara County Community College Art Gallery is seeking submissions for an upcoming exhibition, aiming to display the myriad manifestations of mail art. Artists working in all media are encouraged to participate. The topic and content of each piece is solely the choice of the artist. Artists are asked to produce one piece of mail art and send it to guest curator Becky Moda. Your work will be displayed in a cataloged group exhibition in the Spring. After the exhibition closes, each participating artist will receive via mail the work of another artist. “Senders receive,” as mail artists say.
The mail art movement is uniquely populist and non-commercial, involving non-traditional distribution methods and the potential for global reach. Let's breathe new life into this fascinating movement, which predated and in some ways predicted the artist networking boom enabled by the internet.
It is asked that the artists adhere to the following guidelines:
1. Please send one piece of mail art to: Mail Art, NCCC Gallery, Niagara County Community College, 3111 Saunders Settlement Road, Sanborn, New York 14132-9460 by February 14, 2008.
2. The mail art can take any shape, in two or three dimensions. Pieces can expand when opened, but must be easily re-mailed for less than five dollars.
Email any questions to beckymoda@gmail.com
24 December 2007
CALLS 2008
///////////////// CALLS 2008
Chooses a call (or both) and send us your works.
Answer and exchange to all. Exhibition in our web-galleries.
Open theme. No deadline. To indicate the call.
Miguel Jimenez
El Taller de Zenón
C/ Santa María de Guía nº 1 - 4º C
ES - 41008 Sevilla España
El Taller de Zenón - www.eltallerdezenon.com
23 December 2007
URL: http://modestoartmuseum.org
What is Mail Art?
List of participating artists
Tema: Architecture Mail Art Call
Direccion postal: Inside and Out Mail Art, Modesto Art Museum, 404 Patrick Lane, Modesto, CA 95350 USAFecha limite: 13 February 2008
Convocatoria: Architecture Mail Art Call : Inside and Out: Architecture and Interior Design Mail Art Event and DialogueThis is a mail art exhibit and dialogue. Visitors to the exhibition will be encouraged to make mail art in response to the mail art they see on the walls and send it to the participating artists. The event is sponsored by the Modesto Art Museum, modestoartmuseum.org.Theme: architecture, world, future, fantasy, dynamic, traditional, and symbolic architecture, city planning, architects, landscape architecture, gothic, ancient, googie, art deco, mid-century modern, post-modern, interior design, fabric, furniture, lighting, designers, etc.Format: Envelopes, post cards, stamps, collage, drawings, paintings, models, computer generations, photographs, mixed media, etc. We recommend use of the outside of your medium, incorporating the postage stamp and address into your art.Deadline for all entries: 13 February 2008Exhibit: The exhibition will be in Modesto, California, March 15-29, 2008, at Picasso\'s Deli and Gallery.Mail Art Dialogue:
All participants over 18 years old will receive one or more pieces of mail art from gallery visitors responding to your mail art.
Return: none, unless accompanied by a self addressed envelope with sufficient postage for return mail. International participants must include multiple postal coupons for return.Size: no limitsDocumentation: All artists listed on the web site. See also Mail Art Dialogue above.Note: Please include your mailing address and email address on/in your entry for acknowledgement and mail art dialogue.
Send Entries to:
Inside and Out Mail Art,
Modesto Art Museum,
404 Patrick Lane,
Modesto, CA 95350
Questions: mam@modestoartmuseum.org
22 December 2007

"Parents will have an enjoyable time reading this to their toddlers and trying to figure out why Ditzy, the deaf-as-a-door knob dog, is always digging and dancing," says Ruscoe who has two little boys. "My favorite is Nero the Nail, or maybe Romney's Rain – "Hey! Don't Complain!"
The play of words and images is typical of the artist's imagination, which is pleasantly skewed towards the impossible and the poetic. "W" is Wally Water, he writes. "Wally is originally from Wabash." Nero the nail "lives in my house," he explains. Karl, his kitten, "computes with a flute." Parents will have quite a time explaining where Wabash is and how you compute with musical instruments.
"It's the kind of kid's book," says the author's father, Irving, "that will probably drive parents crazy attempting to explain the strange words and weird and funny situations. And hey, I know! He's my son!"
Matthew Rose is an American artist and writer based in Paris, France. He exhibits his collages, text works, paintings and objects throughout the US and Europe. This is his first published children's book. To see more of his work, click Collage By Matthew Rose.

The ABC, published in English, is specially-priced for web sales at only 10 € each (plus 2 euros postage for France and Europe; 4 € postage for the US). Ordering is easy: Checks (in Euros) or PayPal accepted. Bulk orders (10 - 25) are 7,50 €; orders of 50 or more 5 € each. If you like, the author will sign and dedicate the books if you are giving them as a Christmas or New Year's gift to someone little or even someone big.
For more information on this book, or to find how how to produce your own books, or heck, maybe you just want to order one or two or three books now, contact MISTER ROSE'S ABC. [If mail link is not working, e mail : mistahrose at yahoo dot com]. And yes, this book (well, its original gouache works) were mailed. The cover is actually the mailed work – the top of the box – sent to Mayor Tom, 3 years old, a resident of New York.
18 December 2007
Unfinished Adventures
For this project, please send postcards about your unfinished adventures. All works will be documented on http://unfinishedadventures.wordpress.com. A small exhibition is in plan in June 2008.
For my project please send me only postcards that deal with any technique.
Deadline: none
Chun Kaiqun /
Blk 403 Bukit
Batok West Ave 7 #12-18
/ 650403 / Singapore /
15 December 2007
14 December 2007
Doors and Passages
Exhibition in the city and on the internet website of the city.
Subject : Doors and passages
Size : envelops, postcards, maximum A4
Technics : drawings, paintings, collages, photos.
Deadline : 2008, January, the 15 th
Send to : Office du tourisme du Pays de Vernoux
Le Cheminou – 32 rue Simon Vialet – F-07240 Vernoux en Vivarais – France.
Documentation and thanks to all participants !
13 December 2007
What is burlesque?
a literary or dramatic work that seeks to ridicule by means of grotesque exaggeration of comic imitation a mockery usually by caricature theatrical entertainment of a broadly humorous often earthy character consisting of short turns, comic skits and sometimes striptease acts
Burlesque is a direct descendant of the Commedia dell'arte where principal characters would carry a "burle" - a stick with a padded end - with which they would slap the other players for comic effect *the origin of "slapstick" comedy. Burlesque performers often create elaborate sets with lush, colorful costumers, mood appropriate music and dramatic lighting. Burlesque is a style of entertainment that encompasses pastiche, parody and wit. Send me some Burlesque mail art!
Deadline: July 2008
Kat van Trollebol
Tafelbergstraat 18
5025 HM Tilburg
All entries will be shown and archived at : http://www.goddelijkegladiolen.com/
Answer and interchange to everybody. No fees. No returns.
12 December 2007
For my project please send me any medium that deal with any technique.
Deadline: none
20 W.2ND ST. APT. 4
DULUTH, MN 55802
11 December 2007

Mail-art call from Hungary!!!
Theme: In memoriam of Lacko
Lacko Szilagyi was an expressive "art-brut" PUNK-painter who commited suicide in february this year.
He was my husband....
For more information about him and the pictures please visit: http://artinthemailbox2.blogspot.com/
Media: Collages, paintings, photographs ,computer art,drawings, stamps, whatever you like!
Size: no larger than A4
Deadline: 3 Feb 2008
Send to: Zoe Szilagyi
Kokeny u.7
8200 Veszprem
A Flock Takes Flight
Draw a bird in flight and we will transform it into a soft sculpture which will form an installation at Christ Church Staincliffe.
Deadline = 1st July 2008. No returns. Documentation to all participants.
Send to,
'A Flock Takes Flight' Mail Art,
Gary Cromack,
34 Millbrook Gardens,
Dewsbury WF13 4SF,
Theme: You have two possibilities:
In the first, your mail art may be on the topic of recycling.
Secondly, your mail art may be on the topic of your choice but created only with materials which have been reused, in order to create a "recycled" work.
Format et technique: free.
Documentation: catalog to all participants and online with weekly updates at:
9 December 2007
SACI DAY PROJECT theme "Saci"., deadline: october 31, 2008 ( SACI DAY) ,
send works to:
SACI DAY Project,
Rua Braulio Guedes, 56 apto 45 -
Gopouva, Guarulhos - SP, CEP 07092-090.
More: http://projetosaci.blogspot.com/
For my project please send me any medium that deal with any technique.
Deadline: 31.10.2008
8 December 2007
7 December 2007
SHOES! A mail art call by Sharon Zimmer
For this mail art call, send in anything shoe related that will be suitable for going through the postal service. Photos, drawings, collage, postcards. Deadline: February 14, 2008. One submission per person please. Mark your name and country/city if you want to be credited properly on my blog. All submissions will be documented there and there are no returns or jury. Please do not send anything by registered mail!
Pour cet appel d'art de courrier, introduisez n'importe quoi la chaussure reliée qui conviendra à passer par le service postal. Photos, schémas, collage, cartes postales. Date-limite : 14 février 2008. Une soumission satisfont par personne. Marquez votre nom et pays/ville si vous voulez être crédité correctement sur mon blog. Toutes les soumissions seront documentées ici et il n'y a aucun retour ou jury. Veuillez n'envoyer rien par courrier recommandé !
Para esta llamada del arte del correo, envíe en cualquier cosa el zapato relacionado que será conveniente para pasar con el servicio postal. Fotos, dibujos, collage, postales. Plazo: 14 de febrero de 2008. Una sumisión satisface por persona. Marque su nombre y país/ciudad si usted desea ser acreditado correctamente en mi blog. Todas las sumisiones serán documentadas aquí y no hay vueltas o jurado. ¡No envíe por favor cualquier cosa por el correo registrado!
Send to:
15747 Caloosa Creek Circle
Fort Myers, FL 33908
Documentation online at: http://www.sharonzimmer.com/
USA mail artists: NEW
About this group: USA Mail Artists is a group for people 18 and over who like to create and exchange mail art. Any mail artist who is willing to post their mailing address in our database for exchange of mail art with other US mail artists is welcome to join. There is no off topic posting, it must be about mail art. Also, please no cross posting of mail art calls from outside the USA. This group is to focus on US mail art. You may post mail art calls in the database, but you are responsible to maintain your listing. You can add a link to your blog or site in the Links section.
Pass the word on to other US mail artists that you know already. Sending mail art on this group is strictly the responsibility of each member and is not endorsed, monitored or controlled by the group moderator. Do not always expect returns, that is the nature of mail art. Be patient, sometimes people are very busy with life and get out their returns infrequently. You can post photos of your mail art in the Photos section. Limit your photos to 20 so each member has space. Please email the moderator with your real name/pen name, mailing address and email to join the group.
Sharon Zimmer, Moderator
http://www.sharonzimmer.com My blog with mail art documentation & mail art calls/projects
6 December 2007
For my publication please send me any medium that deal with any technique.
Deadline: 01.01.2010
bob milner / 6 savile drive / horbury wf4 6jp / england /
e-mail: bob.milner@yahoo.co.uk
5 December 2007
"je lis, tu lis, nous lisons:
-mon personnage favori
-mon livre de chevet..."
Commentaire: Je propose un projet sur le thème:"je lis, tu lis, nous lisons:
-mon personnage favori
-mon livre de chevet...."
Documentation à tous
Expo des envois sur un blog spécial et au cours d'un café lecture à la médiathèque , pour lire en fête (octobre 2008)
le blog créé pour ce projet
Date limite: 28 août 2008
ADRESSE: Miss Yves
Médiathèque , place du champ de mars
50010 Saint-Lô cedex France
From Judith Hoffberg - USA
We invite you to exhibit in "Your Documents Please" a traveling show we are sponsoring that will open April 4, 2008 in Japan at the Museum of Arts and CraftsItami.
We are seeking work that functions visually or conceptually as if it were an identification document. and is about the size of a conventional passport (and flat enough to transport easily). This could mean that the work addresses pre-existing forms of ID (such as Passports or drivers' licenses) and their political connotations (such as bureaucracy, profiling, the image a country projects to outsiders, the nature of identity, etc.) or it could mean any small scale art work (abstract, figure, text, etc.) since any personal expression can be thought of as a form of identification.
There will be artists from many countries participating, especially including Japan, Hungary and Slovakia where we already have venues to exhibit as well as the US where we also expect it will travel. Having the broadest range of interpretations of a Passport size ID document in an international context with many artists will maximize the interest for viewers of the exhibition. Instead of labels for the works, we plan to generate standardized ID documents from supporting materials submitted by email which will be displayed below each artist's work.
The ID artwork must be in Brooklyn or Japan by March 20, 2008 in order for it to be in the April 4 opening. We wish to get preliminary confirmation of participation before December 15.
Please visit our website:
which has further information and will be updated regularly. Also, our contact in Slovakia is working on funding for an exhibition catalogue.
Please reply as soon as possible and feel free to ask us or the curators if you have further questions. Also let us know how to contact others who you think we should invite to participate.
András Böröcz and Robbin Silverberg
Curators: Daniel Georges and Rumi Tsuda
225 South 1st Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
718 388-0525
4 December 2007
"de A à Z"
envoyez-nous une lettre de l'alphabet, dessinée, illustrée, collée, découpée, peinte, calligraphiée...
Format : A4 maximum
Technique libre.
Lettre, adresse et timbre sur la même face.
Votre adresse snail, e-mail, site ou blog, au dos ou dans l'enveloppe.
Une documentation sera envoyée à chaque participant.
Images pouvant être vues par des enfants.
Pas de retour.
Date limite : 15 mai 2008.
Exposition sur le blog www.azmailart.over-blog.com et en juin 2008 à Gradignan (33).
Lettres et Images
5 rue de Mandavit
33170 Gradignan - France
3 December 2007

On September 12 2006 I started a project titled, "A
Face A Day". I've drawn a face inspired by someone,
something, alive, dead, make believe.... each and
every day through to September 12th 2007. These drawings
are created on a small piece of linoleum and then
eventually cut out and printed in a small edition, to date I have 74
images printed up with the remainder of the images
just waiting to be cut out.
As I print these images I usually print a few extra
onto postcard weight pieces, some make it into the
mail, others sit around my studio waiting for a chance
to take a trip through the postal system.
I've been fascinated with mailart my whole life and
thought this would be a great opportunity to exchange
work with other mail artists from around the world.
In keeping with my "A Face A Day" project, I'd like to
exchange postcards with your version of a portrait.
Once again the subject of the portrait is up to your
interpretation of that.
End date is May 22 2008, and your postcards will be posted
on my blog at http://dberube-art.blogspot.com/ as I receive them.
Please include your full address, email address and if
you would like, a link to your site.
I will be sending a postcard of my own to all
Mail to:
DBerube-Art/David Berube
462 West 52nd St.
Apt. #3N
NY, NY 10019
* Technique: Open, hand-made.
* Postcard Size: Standard.
* Please hand sign all cards.
* No return.
* I will respond with my art postcards of this theme to each art postcard I receive with a legible address.
* All artwork received will be exhibited at: http://mailart-myndzi-rockstars.blogspot.com/
Send your postcard to:
9353 S. Princeton St
Highlands Ranch, CO, 80130
1 December 2007
Moved my blogs to one place!
- mailartnetwork.blogspot.com
- doorsoftheworld.blogspot.com
- handcarvedstamps.blogspot.com
- sharonzimmer.blogspot.com
So now everything is in one place! I am still uploading the photos for each project page, so in a few hours it will be complete. You can still email me with your mail art calls at:
sharonzimmer at comcast dot net (please put those together) or send me snail mail with your info. Be sure to put "mail art" in the subject line. Please pass on this info to other mail artists you know or cross post on other mail art lists. My mailing address hasn't changed and is located on each page.