27 December 2018

Sea, Fire and Humans - Greece

The sea, at the same time that it nourishes man, animals and fishes, swallows swimmers, seafarers and migrants who venture into freedom.
The sun, fire in the sky, gives life, but a fire in a tree, can become the hell itself.
Human can be the one who creates life, but with the war, fights and choices, takes it back.
More than 6 different options.
Choose your own, make art and send to:
Maria Chorianopoulou
Vriandos 33 – 11364
Athens - Greece
Deadline 20th of June 2019
Technique free, size free, no participation fee, no judge, no return, no racist, no sexist
Title, name, country in front or behind artwork
Exhibition in Athens – Greece, in the winter of 2019
Mellifera action on fb

16 December 2018

The Vagina Monologues - USA

Please send your artwork of love, honor, healing, and celebration for the vagina, all connected organs, and the women to whom they belong.  Exhibition Feb 2019 during our production of Eve Ensler's "The Vagina Monologues," all pieces available for sale.  Event profits will benefit a local organization working to end violence against women.  Pieces not sold will become part of our mail art archive.  Thank you for donating to our cause.

Deadline: 31 Jan 2019
Format: Postcards IN ENVELOPES, max size A6 (4x6in)
Medium: Any
No fee / No jury / No returns
Documentation to all - please provide return mailing address Misogynistic pieces will be destroyed without comment

Send to:
TVM Salem c/o Jillyn Chang
PO Box 20854
Keizer OR 97303

4 December 2018

Leonardo da Vinci - Italy

Progetto internazionale di mail art: “Leonardo da Vinci a 500 anni dalla morte” per TRAXPO’ 2019

TRAXPO’ vuole essere una traduzione/traslitterazione tra ambiti artistici diversi e nasce nel 2014 da una idea di Giancarlo Padovani completandosi con una esposizione collettiva di linguaggi visuali in un percorso artistico di trasposizioni.
Una chiamata artistica ad invito che nelle ultime cinque edizioni ha visto l’alternarsi di autori nazionali ed internazionali ottenendo ampia considerazione dai mass media. Viene allestita a cadenza annuale nel mese di maggio all’interno di uno spazio creativo e dinamico messo a disposizione gratuitamente dalla libreria indipendente “Moby Dick” di Faenza.
Per la sesta edizione di maggio 2019 TRAXPO’ si apre alla mail art per un’intuizione di Monalisa Valmori e la collaborazione di Roberta Savolini con un invito alla trasposizione del genio di Leonardo Da Vinci in una cartolina attingendo da ogni campo della sua vastissima produzione sia artistica che ingegneristica, invenzioni, aforismi, citazioni …

Tema: “Leonardo da Vinci a 500 anni dalla morte” per TRAXPO’ 2019

Dimensioni: Cartolina (10 x 15 cm) 

Tecnica: Libera (acquerello, pittura, disegno, collage, fotografia, etc.)

Regolamento: Aperto a tutti senza limiti di età né livello di abilità, no giuria, no tassa di iscrizione, no restituzione di quanto pervenuto, no fini di lucro, solo cartoline originali, no fotocopie. E' lasciata libera la scelta di spedire in busta o fuori busta, massimo due lavori per ogni singolo artista.

Scadenza: i lavori dovranno pervenire entro il 30 aprile 2019.

Per favore indicare chiaramente nome, cognome, indirizzo postale e indirizzo e-mail sul retro della cartolina.

Inviare la cartolina a:

G. Padovani e M. Valmori
Via San Giovanni Battista 13
48018 Faenza (RA) - Italia

NB La cartolina deve essere inviata rigorosamente a mezzo posta, anche per gli artisti della zona non è prevista la consegna manuale in quanto trattasi di arte postale. 

Seguirà mostra dei lavori pervenuti nel mese di maggio 2019 c/o la libreria Moby Dick di Faenza (Ravenna).




International mail art project “Leonardo da Vinci 500 years after his death”  for TRAXPO' 2019

TRAXPO' wants to be a translation / transliteration between different artistic fields and was born in 2014 from an idea by Giancarlo Padovani, completing with a collective exposition of visual languages in an artistic transpositions path.
An artistic call by invitation that in the last five editions has seen the alternation of national and international authors obtaining broad consideration from the mass media. It is set up every year in the month of May in a creative and dynamic space made available free of charge by the independent bookshop "Moby Dick" in Faenza.
For the sixth edition of May 2019 TRAXPO' opens to mail art for an intuition of Monalisa Valmori and the collaboration of Roberta Savolini with an invitation to transpose the genius of Leonardo da Vinci in a postcard drawing from every field of his vast production both artistic and engineering, inventions, aphorisms , quotes ...

Theme: “Leonardo da Vinci 500 years after his death” for TRAXPO' 2019

Size: Postcard (10 x 15 cm / 4 x 6 inches) 

Technique: Free (watercolour, painting, drawing, collage, photography and so on)

Rules: Open to everyone, no matter age or skill level, no jury, no fees, no return of the works, not-for-profit, only original works, no copies. It is up to the artist to send in envelope or not, maximum 2 pieces for each artist.

Deadline: works must arrive within the 30th of April 2019 .

Please clearly indicate name, address and e-mail address on the back of the card.

Send your card to:

G. Padovani & M. Valmori
Via San Giovanni Battista 13
48018 Faenza (RA)

Exhibition  will follow in May 2019 c/o Moby Dick bookshop of Faenza (Ravenna, Italy).

Thank you!

Landscapes - Italy

International mail art project “Landscapes” (remembering Silvano Drei)

This is a project to remember a great landscape painter and friend Silvano Drei, founder of “Associazione Acquerellisti Faentini” (“Faenza’s Watercolourists Association”) who disappeared in April 2017. The sign you left in our hearts will never fade.

Theme: “Landscapes” (remembering Silvano Drei)

Size: Postcard (10 x 15 cm / 4 x 6 inches) 

Technique: Free (watercolour, painting, drawing, collage, photography and so on)

Rules: Open to everyone, no matter age or skill level, no jury, no fees, no return of the works, not-for-profit, only original works, no copies. It is up to the artist to send in envelope or not, maximum 2 pieces for each artist.

Deadline: works must arrive within the 28th of February 2019.

Please clearly indicate name, address and e-mail address on the back of the card.

Send your card to:

Roberta Savolini
Via Renaccio, 20
48018 Faenza (RA)

All the cards will be published in a special album shared in the Facebook event too (https://www.facebook.com/roberta.savolini/media_set?set=a.10156676536309359.1073741947.542694358&type=3) . Exhibition  will follow.

Thank you!
