15 November 2018

Artist's Menu - Italy

Mail art call

Appetizers, first courses, second courses, pizzas, side dishes, desserts, ice creams, wines, beers, spirits, …..and  drawings, colors, memories, signs, paper (any type), suggestions, emotions, fantasies, objects, illusions, thoughts, words…..

Theme:  Artist’s menu
Page/image size: max A4
Technique: free
No sale, no jury, no returns
Collective exhibition in Milan, Italy
Deadline:  31st October , 2019
Send to:
Via Enrico Caruso 2
20133 Milano, ITALY

Documentation online in : menudartista.blogspot.com

e-mail only mailart show

Mandible - USA

7 November 2018

No to censorship of human body in social media

Exhibition theme: "No to censorship of human body in social media" 

Description: If you’ve ever were in situation, when your work was censored in any social media: facebook, Instagram, twitter, flickr, 500px, tumblr or any other social platform. If you’ve ever had your art removed  because the content wasn’t ‘appropriate’, if an institution where you studied silenced your work for any reasons – then your work is worthy of being exhibited in our exhibition.

Deadline: Postmark by April 30, 2019

 - Any medium
 - Theme: human body censored in social media
 - Size up to A4
 - No entry fee
 - Cannot be hand-delivered.

Mail entry to: 
Igor Zeiger,
1331 st., bld. 3, apt. 33,
Tel Aviv, 6713348 

Founder and Chief Curator,
Beam Collective

All works will be exhibited in Beam Collective gallery space in Summer 2019 and will be included into permanent art collection of Beam Collective.


Thank you,
Igor Zeiger | www.igorzeiger.com

1 November 2018

My Passport - last call

Buenos días.
El próximo día 15 de diciembre acaba el plazo para 3ª Convocatoria electrónica de Arte Postal Procedimentum.
Adjunto enlace.
Un saludo,
Pedro Pablo Gallardo

1. Tema: sobre el disco “Síntesis del Afilador” de Javier Piñango. Editado por Auriculab en 2017. Disponible en: https://archive.org/details/JavierPinangoSiintesisDelAfilador
Nota del autor: “El presente trabajo es una exploración y desarrollo vía sintetizador analógico de un imaginario silbido de afilador compuesto y descompuesto en forma de catarata oscilada de frecuencias. Nada y todo es real aquí…”.
2. Formato: obra plástica en A5 o A4. Archivos sonoros en wav. Vídeo.
3. Soporte: digital en jpeg en alta resolución 400 ppp. Archivos sonoros en wav. Vídeo.
4. Procedimientos y técnicas: todos/as.

5. Número de obras: cada artista podrá presentar un máximo de dos obras que deberán tener entrada antes del 15 de diciembre de 2018. Nombre autor/a, título, lugar de residencia y web. La duración de los archivos sonoros y vídeos, no será superior a 2 minutos.
6. Catálogo: se editará un catálogo multimedia en formato PDF como anexo al número 8 de la Revista-fanzine Procedimentum. El número 8 de la Revista-fanzine Procedimentum, saldrá publicado en enero de 2019. Edición digital de los archivos sonoros y vídeos en el apartado Discografía Procedimentum, disponible en la página web:
7. Lugar de envío: pedropablogallardo1@gmail.com

8. Descarga de las bases: apartado Bases Arte Postal Procedimentum. Disponible en: http://www.revista-fanzineprocedimentum.com/

1. Topic: about the album “Síntesis del Afilador” by Javier Piñango. Edited by Auriculab in 2017. Available at: https://archive.org/details/JavierPinangoSiintesisDelAfilador
Author’s note: “The present work is an exploration and development through analogue synthesizer of an imaginary whistle of compound sharpener and decomposed in the form of an oscillated frequency stream. Nothing and everything is real here ... “
2. Format: plastic work in A5 or A4. Wav sound files. Video.
3. Support: digital jpeg in high resolution 400 dpi. Wav sound files. Video.
4. Procedures and techniques: all of them.
5. Number of works: each artist may send a maximum of two works that must be received before December 15th, 2018. Author’s name, title, place of residence and web. The duration of the sound files and videos will not exceed 2 minutes.
6. Catalogue: a multimedia catalogue will be published in PDF format as an annex to number 8 of the Magazine-fanzine Procedimentum. Number 8 of the Magazine-fanzine Procedimentum will be published in January 2019. Digital edition of the sound files and videos in the section Discography Procedimentum, available on the website:
7. Place of delivery: pedropablogallardo1@gmail.com
8. Download of the bases: section Bases Arte Postal Procedimentum. Available at: http://www.revista-fanzineprocedimentum.com/
