18 May 2017


Mailart Martha and Cascadia Artpost are calling for mailart postcards about clowns to arrive before June 30 (2017) in honor of "Clown Week" (first week of August): http://clownparadeproject.blogspot.co.uk

12 May 2017

New York - Big Apple - Mail-Art call


An important event that, promoted by The New York Boyer Foundation, invites all around the world artists to participate on this international art exhibition.
Exhibition from 1 November to 30 November, on the New York Public Library Hudson Park Branch.

DIMENSIONS :: FREE (maximum size 8.5×11 inches or 22 x 28cm) Deadline : 30 September 2017

No sales, no jury, no returns.
All work will be permanently archived at The New York Boyer Foundation.
At the end of the exhibition, The New York Boyer Foundation will send documentation to all artists.
The work of art will have to be presented individually identified, with a label in the back of the same with artist’s name, title, media, size and year. Please provide also e-mail and website if the artist has one.

Send to:
The New York Boyer Foundation
New York Big Apple I Project
137 Thompson Street, Suite 13
New York NY 10012-3129

For info e-mail: newyorkboyerfoundation@yahoo.com

the correction and addition to the mail art call from the New York Boyer Foundation that the edition is "New York Big Apple III" and artists can send a maximum of two works

11 May 2017

Raoul Hausmann - Project in France

Projet Mail ART

Célébration de l’anniversaire
de Raoul Hausmann à Tarnac

Banquet et exposition
Le 8 juillet 2017

·    Thème : Un Royaume pour Dada
Theme : A Kingdom for Dada

·    Envoyer une ou plusieurs cartes postales d’artiste au magasin général qui seront présentées le jour du banquet.
Send one or more artist postcards to the general store. They will be present on the banquet day

·    Date limite de l’envoi le 30 juin 2017
Deadline for your dispatch June 30, 2017

·    Format maximum : A4
Maximum format: A4

·    Les cartes seront présentées également sous forme d’une galerie web, après l’événement, sur le site du Fan Club. Une exposition suivra en 2018 dans le cadre des manifestations du centenaire DADA Berlin.
The cards will also be presented in the form of a web gallery, after the event, on the Fan Club website. An exhibition will follow in 2018 as part of the DADA Berlin Centenary.
