27 April 2016

DEGROWTH - Austraila


Inviting your mail art ideas on this subject.
Postcard sized,any medium,all age friendly.
To arrive by 1st August 2016
Exhibition to be arranged in a gallery setting in Western Australia.
Please include your email address for final documentation.

Send to Degrowth
Helen Amyes
14 Mount Street,York,Western Australia,6302

5 April 2016


English Version. To participate in the “II International Mail Art call the Art Gallery Getafe”

You are kindly invited to participate in the “II International Mail Art call the Art Gallery Getafe”.
We were motivated by the words “My vision for my country” we decided to use them as the theme for the production of Mail Art. These words are the starting point to imagine, create and reactivate the discussion about places and projects. At the same time, they allow us to combine artistic practicum with our social and political life.
'My vision for my country: a nation where everyone is truly equal, where race isn't an issue, where jobs are created and unemployment is combated. I would love to see all children have access to the best possible education. I would love to see us shift from a nation which only mines to a nation of manufacturers and engineers. I would love to see poverty tackled and the citizens of this land having the tools to become entrepreneurs so that they not only make an income but create employment for others. I would love a government which truly seeks to serve the people and to be open, honest and transparent.' - J.C Maier

How to participate:
We are inviting all artist and general public, no matter their age or residence
About: My vision for my country
Technique: free
Size: 10x15 and 13x18 cm
Quantity: Max. 3 (originals and different)
End of reception: December 31th 2016
Please include name of the artist, e-mail and post code at the back of the piece
Requirements: all the pieces should be sent by postal mail to the postal address that appeared at the bottom of this invitation. All the pieces should be signed by the artist and will be published if there is no offensive content on them.
There is no selection jury, no return.
A certificate will be sent to all participants via e-mail
All the works will be exhibited permanently in our blog. We will upload the works to our blog once received it. And they will be published in:
Organizer: Juan Carlos Caballero Cifuentes. Member of International Union of Mail-Artists.

Send to:

“MY VISION FOR MY COUNTRY”                                       
Calle Hospital de San José, 69-1ºDcha.
28901 GETAFE- (Madrid)

4 April 2016

AIR MAIL - Canada

(a mailart call)

Create your own air mail label. (or other type of postal label). 
Send at least 30 of them.
You will receive an assortment of 15 back from other participants
entries will also be posted at:

AIR MAIL c/o dystatic
PO Box 20083 RPO Beverly
Edmonton, AB CANADA
T5W 5E6

this project will end December 31, 2016.
