31 December 2014


Do you live on an island - a real island surrounded by water or an island of your imagination?

Send postcards, embellished envelopes or enclosures about your island to:

2784 N. Nugent Rd.
Lummi Island, Washington
98262.  USA

Your art will be a traveling exhibit on Lummi Island.  Art received by February 15th will receive a postcard by return mail.  Lummi Island is in a group of islands called the San Juans, a short ferry ride from the mainland of Washington state.

30 December 2014

Your View?

December 22, 2014 | Posted in Mail and tagged ,
What's Your View? Mail Art Call

Worldwide Call for Mail Art!

My friend, Erika, and I have been selected to do an exhibit at the Top Of The World Observatory at the Baltimore, Maryland World Trade Center. We’re going to be exhibiting mail art, which means we need your help! This is your chance to share your views of the world and with the world through mail art, alongside other global participants!


Artists should submit an original piece of artwork responding to the question, “What’s your view?” This question is intentionally open-ended, so interpret it as you like. Possible interpretations: What is your view of your city? What is your view of Baltimore? What is your view from your window?
Participation is free. Participants do not have to be “trained artists”
Artists may submit a maximum of 2 pieces.
Artwork can be any shape, but should be no larger than 5 x 7 inches (12.7 x 17.8 centimeters).
Artwork can be submitted from any country.
Artwork can include any medium and subject matter, but please be “family-friendly” as this gallery is public and visited by people of all ages.
Artwork will be photographed and digitally archived online.
All participants will receive a booklet sent to their mailbox of all submissions in the show. These will be mailed out after the show has been completed.
Artwork will not be returned to the artists and will become property of Mary England and Erika Kim Milenkovic. England and Milenkovic reserve the right to utilize or not utilize submitted artwork to create art installations/exhibitions.
Please be advised that only one side of your artwork will be exhibited in the show. Please indicate your city and country on the exhibited, front side of your piece.
On the back of your piece, please indicate the title of the piece, your medium, and the name/pseudonym we may use to recognize you. A brief note is optional if you’d like to explain a little about your piece. Your mailing address is also optional if you would like to receive thank you mail.
DEADLINE: Mail must be received by January 24, 2015. Please submit as early as possible to be included in the exhibition!
MAIL: Work should be submitted unwrapped (“naked”) via the postal service to:
Uncustomary Art
PO Box 354
Linthicum Heights, MD 21090
Artists: Mary England and Erika Kim Milenkovic
Exhibition: Top Of The World Observation Gallery at the World Trade Center in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. http://www.viewbaltimore.org/
Exhibition dates: February 6 through March 29, 2015. Free opening reception on Friday, February 6, 2015.
For questions, please contact Mary England at mary@uncustomary.org or Erika Kim Milenkovic at erika@ekmilenkovic.com
Need a Facebook reminder? RSVP here.

28 December 2014

Mail-Art Disrupted



disruption - an act of delaying or interrupting the continuity; a disorderly outburst or tumult; an event that results in a displacement or discontinuity; the act of causing disorder from within (social, political, technological and artistic systems).

Networked Disruption - Rethinking Oppositions in Art, Hacktivism and Business is an exhibition and a series of events produced in Slovenija by Aksioma - Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana (www.aksioma.org), Škuc Gallery and Drugo more, Rijeka and curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli (http://networkingart.eu - http://disruptiv.biz), hosted by Škuc Gallery in Ljubljana. This exhibition - that will take place from March 11 to April 3, 2015, and then will travel to the MMSU in Rijeka from April 23 till May 14 - is centred on the concept of "Networked Disruption", as an opportunity to show new possible routes of social and political action after the emergence of the business of social media and Web 2.0. Distributed, autonomous and decentralised networking practices of disruption become a means for highlighting oppositional hacktivist and artistic strategies within the framework of art and business. The exhibition is based on the analysis described in the book Networked Disruption: Rethinking Oppositions in Art, Hacktivism and the Business of Social Networking by Tatiana Bazzichelli (DARC Press, The Digital Aesthetics Research Centre of Aarhus University, 2013). The exhibition will present materials related to several networking projects that challenge the notion of power and hegemony, such as mail art, Neoism, Luther Blissett, Anonymous, Anna Adamolo, Les Liens Invisibles, the Telekommunisten collective, The San Francisco Suicide Club, The Cacophony Society, the early Burning Man Festival, Janez Janša, Janez Janša, Janez Janša and others.
The mail art section of Networked Disruption, curated by Vittore Baroni, will present a selection of “disruptive” mail art works from the E.O.N. Archive, together with original postal works on this theme (free size and technique) that YOU are invited to mail to:
Škuc Gallery
Stari trg 21
SI-1000 Ljubljana

Deadline: your works should arrive between January 5 and March 10, 2015.
A documentation will be sent to all the participants after the end of the exhibition, please include your postal address clearly legible.

To provide a more collective point of view in the selection of “historical” materials, you are welcomed to contribute also by sending good quality scans of one or more mail art works from your archive that you consider particularly “disrupting”. Please send the scans before February 15, 2015 to: vittorebaroni@alice.it

Thanks in advance for your contribution, please circulate freely this open call.
Disrupt It Yourself!

21 December 2014

A gravura 2015 - Brasil

Artstamp - Germany

Peter Netmail recommends this new interesting project by his students:


Please send your artistamps to our school. Single or sheets. No e-mails, only in a letter.
Exhibition: at City Library “Stadtteilbibliothek Stieghorst”.
New Deadline: 15 FEBRUARY 2015
Documentation: Color Catalog free to each participant.
Send ONLY to:                                                                                                                                                                                                       Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau-Gesamtschule
Am Wortkamp 3
D 33605 Bielefeld GERMANY
