29 April 2010
26 April 2010
pretextual call for secret notes ...
pretextualnotes. com is an ongoing project archiving secret notes from junior high and high school.
If you would like to share please scan your notes and send them to pretextualnotes@gmail.com or email requesting address. Unfortunately, if you send me the originals, I cannot guarantee that you will get them back.
When you contribute content ALL original names will be deleted and replaced with a fictitious name in order to maintain anonymity. When you contribute content you are also acknowledging that it will be published on pretextualnotes.com and potentially in future publications.
Thank you for sharing!!
If you would like to share please scan your notes and send them to pretextualnotes@gmail.com or email requesting address. Unfortunately, if you send me the originals, I cannot guarantee that you will get them back.
When you contribute content ALL original names will be deleted and replaced with a fictitious name in order to maintain anonymity. When you contribute content you are also acknowledging that it will be published on pretextualnotes.com and potentially in future publications.
Thank you for sharing!!
25 April 2010
24 April 2010
Mail Art Recipe Call ...
The Museum of Ornamental Post East Gallery and Cafe is putting out the call for your recipes ... be they for pies, desserts, poetry, mail art or disaster ... or you can just send us your best food p0rn...
Exhibit to run from September 1st to October 1st
( with the possibility of a run at CAR in Rawdon Quebec )
The best recipes of the show will be assembled into a Mail Art cookbook for all participants.
Gallery opening / Wine and Spicy Chocolate Social will be Sunday September 13th at 15:00 in the East Gallery Cafe. (Sorry S, I know )
Admission is free (restricted to 18+) but contributions to the wine and chocolate stash are always welcome.
Send your entries to the Museum of Ornamental Post
457 Craven Road
Toronto, ON
M4L 2Z5
The Museum of Ornamental Post is a member of Sma:LL, the Small Museum Association: Little and Lively.
For more information email us at museumofornamentalpost@hotmail.com
Exhibit to run from September 1st to October 1st
( with the possibility of a run at CAR in Rawdon Quebec )
The best recipes of the show will be assembled into a Mail Art cookbook for all participants.
Gallery opening / Wine and Spicy Chocolate Social will be Sunday September 13th at 15:00 in the East Gallery Cafe. (Sorry S, I know )
Admission is free (restricted to 18+) but contributions to the wine and chocolate stash are always welcome.
Send your entries to the Museum of Ornamental Post
457 Craven Road
Toronto, ON
M4L 2Z5
The Museum of Ornamental Post is a member of Sma:LL, the Small Museum Association: Little and Lively.
For more information email us at museumofornamentalpost@hotmail.com
23 April 2010
IUOMA Rubber Stamp - You want one?

Hello Ruud,
You've inspired me once again...I'd like to do another run of the IOUMA rubber stamps which you already have in your collection. The same one pictured in your book, which says "Apply to become a member Become a member by applying" just like it is with the logo and the scalloped border, etc. I'm willing and interested in distributing it thru the mail directly to those interested, at least for a limited time, at my cost. it would be $3.00 (U.S.) for unmounted rubber or $8.00 (U.S.) for mounted, which includes first class U.S. postage anywhere in the world. Do you think there would be an interest/demand for this? Would you list it on your IOUMA and other web sites? Do you think that it's a good idea, or one whose time has passed? Of course I understand that you can only guess at these answers.
-Sticker Dude
Please make sure you send Return Email to: inbox@raggededgepress.com
Though project by neRRaDa - Australia

Hi could you please post my project on the blog.
Copy or print this image and send me a thought if you feel so inclined.
By e-mail:
Copy or print this image and send me a thought if you feel so inclined.
By e-mail:
or by post:
PO Box 15,
Arana Hills,
Qld 4054,
All work will be posted on my blog http://nerradas-mailart.blogspot.com/ and I will send you a return thought.
see you around the network...
mail art call,
PR IUOMA-group
20 April 2010
16 April 2010
Altered postcards Mailart show in Stockholm
Spectacular sights – Postcards of places yet to be seen
After the success of the collage postcard project September 2009, Cut & Paste, we now make a call for altered postcards of famous tourist sights from all over the world.
All incoming cards will be published on this website and exhibited in Gallery KG52, Stockholm 14/8 – 29/8 2010.* cards should have the usual postcard format
* they should show an altered tourist attraction
* all techniques are welcome
* cards have to be posted before 15 May 2010
For more information check out the website: http://mailart.se/
Edvard Derkert Gallery KG52, Stockholm
mail: edvard@dad.a.se
11 April 2010
Judith A. Hoffberg (1934-2009)
June 27 – August 22, 2010
To be held at:
Susan and John Caldwell Gallery
Armory Center for the Arts
Jay Belloli, exhibition curator
Opening Reception Saturday, June 26, 2010, 7-9 p.m.
Susan and John Caldwell Gallery
Armory Center for the Arts
145 N. Raymond Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91103
Judith A. Hoffberg (1934-2009) was an avid and active promoter of mail art and artists’ books. Judy was editor and publisher of Umbrella, a newsletter devoted to all manner of art publishing and art exhibitions. In addition to Judy’s work as a librarian, archivist, lecturer and curator, she gave unstintingly of her time and energy to promote artists through her encouragement and connections in the art world.
To participate in the exhibition, art submissions must be received by June 4, 2010
by postal mail or email. Please send submissions to:
Jay Belloli
Director of Gallery Programs
Armory Center for the Arts
145 N. Raymond Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91103
All mail art included in the exhibition will be donated to the Judith A. Hoffberg Archive at the Library, University of California, Santa Barbara, with the permission of the artist.
Susan M. Moon
Head, Arts Library
UC, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
To be held at:
Susan and John Caldwell Gallery
Armory Center for the Arts
Jay Belloli, exhibition curator
Opening Reception Saturday, June 26, 2010, 7-9 p.m.
Susan and John Caldwell Gallery
Armory Center for the Arts
145 N. Raymond Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91103
Judith A. Hoffberg (1934-2009) was an avid and active promoter of mail art and artists’ books. Judy was editor and publisher of Umbrella, a newsletter devoted to all manner of art publishing and art exhibitions. In addition to Judy’s work as a librarian, archivist, lecturer and curator, she gave unstintingly of her time and energy to promote artists through her encouragement and connections in the art world.
To participate in the exhibition, art submissions must be received by June 4, 2010
by postal mail or email. Please send submissions to:
Jay Belloli
Director of Gallery Programs
Armory Center for the Arts
145 N. Raymond Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91103
All mail art included in the exhibition will be donated to the Judith A. Hoffberg Archive at the Library, University of California, Santa Barbara, with the permission of the artist.
Susan M. Moon
Head, Arts Library
UC, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Judith Hoffberg,
mail art call,
Old Wine Corks - UK

No Returns, No Fees, No Judgmental Remarks ! Project ends 31.12.10 with documentation at http://planetdada.co.uk so may all my fellow mail artists break open a fine bottle, raise a glass in toast to the international/interspatial community AND SEND ME THE CORKS !
Feel free to save them up in batches, raid the bins of your local restaurants or start a series of Planet Dada Saturday Night Parties - remember folks, drink (un)sensibly!
Please circulate this throughout the eternal network on and offline.
Planet Dada Mailart 11 Menin Road Allestree Derby DE22 2NL England
mail art call,
Sean Woodward,
10 April 2010
Mail-Art project Russia
Open for per lustration
mail and public-art project
Curators: Andrey Suzdalev, Mikhail Pogarsky
(Through Black Cabinet)
Artists open for world always, and they make the art even from their private correspondence. That is why the attempt of decree about per lustration in Russia don’t compel to be more careful in our private correspondence. Art gain a victory over policy in this little single combat. The project slogan: "Open for per lustration" haven’t political aims. We are only informing about our civil position: "However hard you may try, you can't to infringement our rights!" And we remind about this in emphasize playing form, by means of mail-art.
History reference: In Russia the secret department (black cabinet) organized under Empress Elizaveta. This department opened private correspondence. The number of officials in black cabinets wasn't big. In 1829 it was 33 persons; in 1913 it was 45 persons. Of course under communist regime these activities mount to All-Russian scale. But always this department and all its decrees were secret, because these decrees broke All-world Post Convention, which was passed by Universal Post Union (Russia is the member of this union).
When we send our art-post works and run its through deferent black cabinets, we declare: "Open for perturbation! Now you know what we hid so carefully!" It is truth. Now, for example, you can know that some from us are birds, others say "Hello" to rain and wind, that our ideas fly in another space and we very like our good old post office.
In this concept we also have an interest to sources of art-collage, when German DaDa-artists John Heartfield and George Grosz sent collage post card to friends at the battle-front. If these post card world wrote, any censor confiscated its.
Work process
Project has 3 stages
1. Usual mail-art. Artists send post card, without any limited by themes and techniques.
2. Addressee, who receive post card, put it in envelopment, sticks the special sticker and sends to the address of museum. Addressee can supplement envelopment with new art details, if he wants.
3. After that catalogue will be published from the best post card, and post card from this catalogue put in some art places (museums, galleries, libraries ets.) and any people can send this card with these supplements.
Address for post card:
Pogarsky Mikhail
Ul. Lenina,31,kv. 32
Krasnogorsk, 143404
Dead line for post card – 01/05/10
mail and public-art project
Curators: Andrey Suzdalev, Mikhail Pogarsky
(Through Black Cabinet)
Artists open for world always, and they make the art even from their private correspondence. That is why the attempt of decree about per lustration in Russia don’t compel to be more careful in our private correspondence. Art gain a victory over policy in this little single combat. The project slogan: "Open for per lustration" haven’t political aims. We are only informing about our civil position: "However hard you may try, you can't to infringement our rights!" And we remind about this in emphasize playing form, by means of mail-art.
History reference: In Russia the secret department (black cabinet) organized under Empress Elizaveta. This department opened private correspondence. The number of officials in black cabinets wasn't big. In 1829 it was 33 persons; in 1913 it was 45 persons. Of course under communist regime these activities mount to All-Russian scale. But always this department and all its decrees were secret, because these decrees broke All-world Post Convention, which was passed by Universal Post Union (Russia is the member of this union).
When we send our art-post works and run its through deferent black cabinets, we declare: "Open for perturbation! Now you know what we hid so carefully!" It is truth. Now, for example, you can know that some from us are birds, others say "Hello" to rain and wind, that our ideas fly in another space and we very like our good old post office.
In this concept we also have an interest to sources of art-collage, when German DaDa-artists John Heartfield and George Grosz sent collage post card to friends at the battle-front. If these post card world wrote, any censor confiscated its.
Work process
Project has 3 stages
1. Usual mail-art. Artists send post card, without any limited by themes and techniques.
2. Addressee, who receive post card, put it in envelopment, sticks the special sticker and sends to the address of museum. Addressee can supplement envelopment with new art details, if he wants.
3. After that catalogue will be published from the best post card, and post card from this catalogue put in some art places (museums, galleries, libraries ets.) and any people can send this card with these supplements.
Address for post card:
Pogarsky Mikhail
Ul. Lenina,31,kv. 32
Krasnogorsk, 143404
Dead line for post card – 01/05/10
mail art call,
Pogarsky Mikhail,
8 April 2010
Imaginary Word
I want to do a blog feature article on "mailart" for my readers: The theme is "IMAGINARY WORD, IMAGINARY DEFINITION".
I have a professional greeting card blog http://kateharperblog.blogspot.com/ with about 16,000 visitors/subscribers a month and people in my industry are clueless about mail art and I though it would be a great article. If Artists would like to have their mail art displayed, put contact info on the same side of art.(since I can only scan one side) and mail to
Kate Harper
POB 2112
CA 94702
Deadline May 10th
I have a professional greeting card blog http://kateharperblog.blogspot.com/ with about 16,000 visitors/subscribers a month and people in my industry are clueless about mail art and I though it would be a great article. If Artists would like to have their mail art displayed, put contact info on the same side of art.(since I can only scan one side) and mail to
Kate Harper
POB 2112
CA 94702
Deadline May 10th
Imaginary Word,
Kate Harper,
Richmond VA USA
7 April 2010
Your Doctor in Mail Art
Your Doctor in Mail Art
How do you see your doctor?
Is he/she a good help to you and do you feel blessed by having this good health care giver? Or are you afraid, angry and/or distrusting whenever you visit your doctor? Or is he/she invisible to you as until now you didn’t need any medical care at all? How would you translate your thoughts, vision, feelings, opinion about him or her into Mail Art?
For an online exhibition I’m looking for mail art which shows your doctor. A portrait, a situation, special things or whatever is welcomed, as long as it's clear that he/she is Your Doctor! All media are okay, preferable on postcard size (10x15 cms), maximum A4 (about 20x30 cms).
All entries will be published on http://yourdoctorinmailart.blogspot.com .
A selection of the mail art also will be part of an exhibition in a location where doctors have access to, probably in October 2010. For this exhibition the deadline is August 17th 2010.
See for further information http://yourdoctorinmailart.blogspot.com .
You can send your work to:
My Doctor in Mail Art
Postbus 581
1180 AN Amstelveen
the Netherlands
How do you see your doctor?
Is he/she a good help to you and do you feel blessed by having this good health care giver? Or are you afraid, angry and/or distrusting whenever you visit your doctor? Or is he/she invisible to you as until now you didn’t need any medical care at all? How would you translate your thoughts, vision, feelings, opinion about him or her into Mail Art?
For an online exhibition I’m looking for mail art which shows your doctor. A portrait, a situation, special things or whatever is welcomed, as long as it's clear that he/she is Your Doctor! All media are okay, preferable on postcard size (10x15 cms), maximum A4 (about 20x30 cms).
All entries will be published on http://yourdoctorinmailart.blogspot.com .
A selection of the mail art also will be part of an exhibition in a location where doctors have access to, probably in October 2010. For this exhibition the deadline is August 17th 2010.
See for further information http://yourdoctorinmailart.blogspot.com .
You can send your work to:
My Doctor in Mail Art
Postbus 581
1180 AN Amstelveen
the Netherlands
6 April 2010
Memorable Movie Moments
What is your favorite quote from a movie? Share it with the rest of us and illustrate it :) If you can't decide on an actual quote, you can also share a particular scene or even make an 'alternative' poster for your favorite movie.
You can also add a short explanation about why this particular quote/scene/movie is important to you.
Deadline: May 31st
Size and technique free, no fee, no jury, no returns.
Works will be documented on the blog and exhibited in a venue in Sarajevo in July, during the Sarajevo Film Festival when the entire town lives for the movies.
If you provide your e-mail address, we will e-mail you the photos from the exhibition.
Mail-art is hardly known in Bosnia, so please contributel and help us make a big mail-art show :)
Mail your works to:
Nataša Stanišić
Asima Ferhatovića 1
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
You can also add a short explanation about why this particular quote/scene/movie is important to you.
Deadline: May 31st
Size and technique free, no fee, no jury, no returns.
Works will be documented on the blog and exhibited in a venue in Sarajevo in July, during the Sarajevo Film Festival when the entire town lives for the movies.
If you provide your e-mail address, we will e-mail you the photos from the exhibition.
Mail-art is hardly known in Bosnia, so please contributel and help us make a big mail-art show :)
Mail your works to:
Nataša Stanišić
Asima Ferhatovića 1
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina,
mail art call,
Natasa Stanisic,
1 April 2010
Node Pajomo
The Spring 2010 issue of Node Pajomo is fresh out of the copier and looking for a home!
24 quarter sized pages of xerographic glory!
Backgrounds that baffle and amaze!
Mailart project listings from over the world!
including favorites like FRANCE and CALIFORNIA!)
Tape traders wanting to share their music collections with YOU!
Only ONE DOLLAR in the USA!
Only $2 in the rest of the world and your nation's currency is always welcome at yesterday's exchange rate!
And unused US stamps are as good as money to Node Pajomo!
What are you waiting for?!
If you are already a subscriber, your issue went in the mail yesterday!
POB 2632 Bellingham Washington 98227.2632 USA Earth
24 quarter sized pages of xerographic glory!
Backgrounds that baffle and amaze!
Mailart project listings from over the world!
including favorites like FRANCE and CALIFORNIA!)
Tape traders wanting to share their music collections with YOU!
Only ONE DOLLAR in the USA!
Only $2 in the rest of the world and your nation's currency is always welcome at yesterday's exchange rate!
And unused US stamps are as good as money to Node Pajomo!
What are you waiting for?!
If you are already a subscriber, your issue went in the mail yesterday!
Subscribe to:
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