25 May 2009
Send art of Any Size, Any Medium. Can be a literal or figurative interp of the topic--can include postcards, diary entries, journal pages, drawing, sketches. I will send mail art in return. This is my way of preserving the ancient ways. When was the last time you got a glimpse into someone else's psyche? Let's fight the erosion of personal communication. Virtual communication will never supply the intimacy that the handwritten words does. Deadline is August 1, 2009. Documentation provided to all. There will be a show at the Gail Borden Library. Send to: Dear Diary Mail Art Call 407 South Liberty St Elgin IL 60120 - USA. Email if questions, but you can't email an entry to me!!:) Friendlyfeline@sbcglobal.net
23 May 2009
16 May 2009
To see details and some of our works visit the new blog: http://artistampstz.blogspot.com/
At birth, stamps live all together in a sheet and they come away from it when they become adults...
Create one or more than one stamps sheet. Any theme, any medium.
The "Taller de Zenon" will send you some of his own sheets recently done and all the received stamps sheets will be exhibited in our web-gallery (www.eltallerdezenon.com)
Size: A4 or A5. Any medium. Deadline: December 31st. 2009. Any theme (See some suggestions)
Send to:
Miguel Jimenez - El Taller de Zenón
C/ Santa Maria de Guia 1 -
Eroticism always had been one of the motors of human being ¿Is it still a motor at the present time? ¿Was it affected by the actual global crisis? Consider the option to work about eroticism as a theme in all the possible ways, the requiered size is suitable to develop it, and it will be interesting to prove how the actual crisis is affecting eroticism in connection with Postal Art.
15 May 2009
12 May 2009
All art must feature bacon. Free size, free technique, and free media (video, sound work, postcard, poetry, 3-D, etc.). Anything goes - surprise me, shock me, make me sizzle, raise my cholesterol. All art shown on blog. Exhibition(s) to follow. Additionally, a short film about bacon will include much of the received art. Deadline is 04/01/2010.
6 May 2009
4 May 2009
Vrite me your suggestion about Luigi Baccino

Letter of Mimmo Lovanio to Bruno Chiarlone (4 May 2009)
The initial interest for the history of Luigi fellow Baccini, has increased from the early pages of a personal curiosity, highly nostalgic.