12 July 2015

"Rabisca o Risco" - Call for Mail Art


'Rabisca o Risco' started as a motif for drawing and practicing some more. Since I have a special interest on the random factor and the use of randomness as a seed for projects, I asked friends to play this old game with me. The main idea of this game is to be able to draw something after a small random doodle made by someone else.

So, ... here's the deal:
At the provided link there's a starter.
The link gives you an A4 page with a 15X15cm square with a line inside it.You may print it or transfer it with carbon paper to the desire 'canvas'. Using that random line (the same for everyone), you should create something without "breaking" it.

When mailing me the 15X15cm artwork (cut to that size), ... remember do add a random line on a blank canvas so that I may also create something for you.
Check a few more drawings at my album with the same name and at the following link.

15 cm is around 6 inches


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