18 February 2010

I-st South-Russia Biennale of Contemporary Art

I-st South-Russia Biennale of Contemporary Art

in Rostov on Don. May-June 2010

Theme Biennale : Communication Session

Mail Art Project: ANY PENNY

6 MAY 2010 – Celebration 170-th of anniversary first postage stamp in history,


Mail Art Project “ANY PENNY” deducated to stamps like a visual communicative Image, Its Any looks of artists to stamp–money and art-stamp.

Any Penny - Any stamps!

Size: from 2x2cm to 20x30cm

Artworks: about stamps, from stamps, artistamps, any artworks keeping stamp-style.

Art-money also welcomed.

All artworks will be exibited
No return. Answer to all with “Any Penny”

deadline for Rostov on Don, Biennale Exibition 06/05/2010

deadline for Moscow( may be St. Petersburg) Exibition 31/12/2010

send to courator
ANY PENNY Project: Konstantin Kalendaroff,

127051 Russia,
Lihov per. 2/3-8

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