Mail Art Egg Project 2020 - Hungary

Mail Art Egg Project 2020
Dear Artist Colleague!
This is the 9th time that the Mail Art Egg Project is being announced.

Topic: egg, as a form, shape, pattern
Project time: 20th January – 31st March 2020
Address: Éva Mosonyi, 19 Hegyalja Street, Pécs, H-7625, Hungary

- Every art-piece has to be sent via post.
- No technical limitations: you can use pen or pencil, dye or chalk, B/W or colour, graphics, montage, collage, photo, etc. You can even create it in 3D.
– All art-pieces will be scanned and uploaded to my webpage (
- Similarly to the previous years, the entire collection will be donated to the Budapest Stamp Museum where they will become part of their already donated, more than 1000 pieces, Mail-Art collection. The mails and postcards will be kept for the after-world and can be seen any time during opening hours.
- The collection will be exhibited at the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter in Pécs (H-7626 Pécs, 52 Felsővámház Street, Pécs, H-7626) from 5-13 April 2020.
- Let me hereby invite you for the opening ceremony at Friday, 5th April at Kemence Gallery in the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter.
I would like to ask your help in sharing this announcement to your friends, relatives, colleagues, so they can also participate in this project!

I look forward to your beautiful letter too 😊
If you send me, I’ll send one to you as well 😉
Thank you and kind regards:
Éva Mosonyi

3 January 2020

The Disobedient - Italy


The disobedient
Tribute to six great artists of art history
In the book "Le disobedient" published by Mondadori / le Contrails, writer Elisabetta Rasy tells the story of Artemisia Gentileschi, Elisabeth Vigee le Brun, Berthe Morisot, Suzanne Valadon, Charlotte Salomon, Frida Kalo. Six different women, from different period of history, of family situation, and in character. United however by talent and the will not to bend to the rules imposed by the society of their time, rules penalising and marginalising women. In the portraits that Elisabetta Rasy draws of each of them, what emerges is the strength and passion with which they fought and won hard battles to establish themselves. Despite bans, obligations, misunderstandings and prejudices. The work of these artists has forever changedthe place of the woman in the world of art.

You are kindly invited to send your work to pay tribute to these six extraordinary women and artists who, as Elisabetta Rasy writes, armed with a special quality of the soul, counter images of their fragility and counter the assaults of life.
Technique / Medium: FREE / FREE
Dimensioni/Sizes : A4
Deadline / deadline: January 31, 2020/31 January 2020
Send the works to:

Municipality of Montecarotto / Museum of Mail Art
60036 (Ancona)
Documentation to all / documentation to everyone

Prof. Stephen Schiavoni
Director Museum of Mail Art

Anna Boschi
MailArtMeeting Archives

1 January 2020

Decor 1000+++

Amazing decoration ideas homechemistryonline