30 January 2014

Arte Postal - Argentina

I would like share this mail art project: "Worldwide harbours"
Regards from Argentina

María José Arena
Unidad de Enseñanza Universitaria Quequén
Calle 508 Nº 881 (7631) Quequén, Buenos Aires, Argentina
+54 (02262) 451499 / 453232 - Interno 34

26 January 2014


The Sziveri János Institute of the Faculty of Modern Philology and Social Sciences at the University of Pannonia
 organises an international mail art exhibition on the occasion of its “Transylvanian Days” (28 March – 5 April 2014) in Veszprém, Hungary.
We kindly request you to contribute to the success of the exhibition with your artwork(s).

The topic is “1914”. 

The place of exhibition: Művészetek Háza (’House of Arts’) (10 Vár Str., 8200 Veszprém, Hungary). Opening: 31 March 2014, 16.00.

We display every artwork which arrives in the form of a small postcard, and can be connected to the topic. Deadline for the arrival of the artworks: 15 March 2014. 

The artworks are going to get to the collection of Sziveri János Institute; and they are going to be on view on the website of the institute. 
The sender’s name, postal and e-mail addresses should be on the postcard.

Curators of the exhibition: Ottó Fenyvesi, János Géczi, Susanna Lakner, Eszter Láng, László Torma (Cauli)

All artworks to be mailed to postal address: 

         Pannon Egyetem MFTK 
Sziveri János Intézet 
Egyetem u. 10. 
H-8200 Veszprém, Hungary

Best regards, Susanna Lakner 

24 January 2014


Send some & Share! thks!!
Looking forward to receiving yours!!
Theme: Inspiration
Support: artistic envelope
Size, technique: free -Big ones welcome!!!-
no fee, no jury, no return
(no violence, no porn, no racism)

Send to:
Art Postal "Inspiration"
Helena Gath, Vital'Arts - Mairie de Dol
1 Grande Rue des Stuarts
35120 Dol-de-Bretagne

The exhibition shall take place in Spring 2014. So that everyone could create and send his participation, deadline has been extended to March 31st.

L'exposition aura lieu au Printemps 2014 !
Vous pouvez envoyer vos mailarts jusqu'au 31 mars.

A vos crayons, créez, postez !

FEED THE PLANET - netherlands

The municipality of Alphen-Chaam & The Museum of Instant Images
invite you to participate in the
Mail Art project:

European Union in 2014, World Expo 2015.
Cittaslow International World Assembly 2014

Keywords: food, energy, planet, life, cutting food waste, bio based art
..‘If it is true that life finds its organic form in nature, it is also true that each form of life needs energy which is supplied by food. In this light the fulfillment of a balanced and harmonious rapport between the food cycle and the human being is one of the tools of the planet’s growth which is also the result of the interaction of a multiplicity of natural and anthropic factors.
And then there is a fifth key word which helps to define the Great Event; this word is PERSON as it is the person with the tools of his life and his work who contributes to the positive or negative transformation of the natural environment in which he lives.’..


Send me your imagination of the theme Feed the Planet.
Can you make your choices or can you imagine the contrasts
in text and/or image.

Size and technique: free
No returns
Deadline to be received: April 30, 2014
Exhibition in 2014 at historic sites in Alphen-Chaam during
Cittaslow International World Assembly in June 2014
Documentation to all participants
Info: mii@colori.nl

Online gallery on the Internet:
Send your contribution to:
The Museum of Instant Images
Beckershagen 15 - Chaam - 4861 SE
Pays Bas - The Netherlands - NL
